Child Abuse COVID Crime Drugs How sick is this? Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. Tony the Fauch

OUTRAGEOUS! Pfizer, FDA & CDC Knew It Harmed Babies: Dr. Walensky Urged Vaccination for Pregnant Women Anyway

“They knew. They knew. Absolutely criminal.”

By The Vigalant Fox

Originally Published on DailyClout

“Of all the 69 reports we now have, this is the most disturbing,” expressed DailyClout CEO Dr. Naomi Wolf in a live stream on Sunday. “Because the bottom line is, according to a new tranche of Pfizer documents released just this month, this past month, April of 2023. And these are documents that go back to April of 2021 — exactly two years ago. Both Pfizer and the FDA knew that the mRNA COVID vaccine caused dire fetal and infant harms, including death.”

Dr. Wolf’s commentary comes at the heels of Pfizer Report 69 titled, Pfizer and FDA Knew in Early 2021 That Pfizer mRNA COVID “Vaccine” Caused Dire Fetal and Infant Risks, Including Death. They Began an Aggressive Campaign to Vaccinate Pregnant Women Anyway.

Pfizer Documents Analysis Project Director Amy Kelly wrote:

The batch of Pfizer clinical trial documents released in April 2023 by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under court order contains a shocking, eight-page document titled, “Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review” …

This document is among the most horrifying yet to emerge into public view. It reveals that both Pfizer and the FDA knew by early 2021 that Pfizer’s mRNA COVID vaccine, BNT162b2, resulted in horrible damage to fetuses and babies.

Amy Kelly detailed the “horrible damage to fetuses and babies,” as sourced from Pfizer’s Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review:

• Adverse events in over 54% of cases of “maternal exposure” to the vaccine (248 out of 458). The language “maternal exposure” implies that Pfizer acknowledged intercourse, inhalation, and skin contact as methods of exposure to its mRNA injection, as also evidenced by Protocol Amendment 14.

• “53 reports [or 21% – 53/248] of spontaneous abortion (51)/ abortion (1)/ abortion missed (1) following BNT162b2 (Pfizer mRNA) vaccination.”

• Six premature labor and delivery cases resulting in two newborn deaths.

• 19% (41/215) of babies in Pfizer’s records exposed to the company’s COVID mRNA vaccine via their mothers’ breast milk were recorded as suffering from 48 different categories of adverse events.

The damage and suffering feel even more real when you narrow it down to individual stories.

The following reports are from Pregnancy and Lactation Cumulative Review in Pfizer’s own writing:

• “A 15-month-old infant with medical history of vomiting experienced skin exfoliation and infant irritability while being breastfed (latency <7 days). The outcome of the event’ skin exfoliation’ was not recovered and outcome of event’ infant irritability’ was unknown.”

• “A 9-month-old infant with a medical history of meningococcal vaccine and no history of allergies, asthma, eczema or anaphylaxis experienced rash and urticaria a day after exposure via lactation.”

• “A day after the mother received vaccination, a baby developed a rash after breastfeeding. At the time of the report, the event was ‘not recovered.”

• “An 8-month-old infant experienced angioedema [an area of swelling of the lower layer of skin and tissue just under the skin or mucous membranes] one day after his mother received vaccination.”

• “There were 2 cases reporting ‘illness’ after exposure via breast milk’. In the first case, a 6-month-old infant developed an unspecified sickness 2 days post-mother’s vaccination. The outcome of the event sickness was recovered, and no causality assessment was provided. The second case, a 3-month-old infant developed an unspecified illness and required hospitalization for 6 days post-exposure via breast milk (>7 days latency).”

Pfizer employee, Robert T. Maroko, approved the Review with these horrific findings on April 20, 2021.

“This is a real person working at Pfizer, Mr. Robert T. Maroko, who looked at this damage to babies, these dead babies, these dead fetuses, these miserably-injured babies — approved it and sent it on to the FDA. The FDA approved it and gave it to Rochelle Walensky and the CDC,” shared Dr. Wolf.

And three days later, on April 23, 2021, CDC Director Rochelle Walensky held a press conference, which kicked off an aggressive campaign to get pregnant women vaccinated.

Here’s what she said:

No safety concerns were observed for people vaccinated in the third trimester or safety concerns for their babies. As such, CDC recommends that pregnant people receive the COVID-19 vaccine.”

“Words fail me,” grieved Dr. Naomi Wolf.

“The FDA signed off on this document showing dead babies, sick babies, dead from the injection, sick from nursing, the spontaneous abortions, or dead subsequent to the injection, the spontaneous abortions, the respiratory distress, babies hospitalized … These monsters looked at whether the babies would get sick and die or whether the fetuses would spontaneously abort, and they did. And they saw that they did, and they kept going.”

“This was just [four] months into the rollout,” Dr. Wolf mentioned. “And I want to remind you that breastfeeding has gone from 34% of moms and babies at the start of the pandemic to only 15% now, meaning that babies are having a terrible time with their mother’s breast milk. Pfizer knew they would!” she exclaimed. “Pfizer knew they would! The FDA knew they would, and they told pregnant women and lactating women to get vaccinated anyway.”

“At the end of this horrific, demonic analysis of all these sick and dying babies, all these aborted fetuses, all these babies getting sick from poisoned breast milk. Seriously sick. Damaged. They held a press conference. And Dr. Walensky, who has this report in hand, who has this report in hand,” Dr. Wolf said twice with emphasis, “told the women of America and anyone else who is listening in the world that these vaccines were safe and effective for pregnant women and for their babies. And that to protect their babies, they had to get vaccinated. They knew. They knew. Absolutely criminal.”

All the harrowing details of Pfizer Report 69 are available on

And there are 68 other damning reports — just like this one — using primary source Pfizer documents released under court order by the U.S. FDA.

These important summaries, which detail astonishing ranges of deaths, disabilities, and other systematic harms to subjects — damage that both Pfizer and the FDA sought to keep hidden from the public for 75 years — contain vastly important headlines: twenty forms of menstrual damage to women — how Pfizer covered up a flood of adverse events — PEG in breast milk — within a month of rollout, Pfizer knew the mRNA vaccines did not work.

Now, the information Pfizer and the FDA wanted to keep hidden for 75 years is available in paperback form. Funds and proceeds raised go to the research project, which helps makes more Pfizer Documents Analysis Reports possible. So, please, show your support and get your hands on this critical information in one place — by ordering your copy today.

Child Abuse Education Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. WOKE

Middle school student allegedly sent home for refusing to change shirt that said ‘There are only two genders’

Middle school student allegedly sent home for refusing to change shirt that said ‘There are only two genders’ Liam Morrison addressed school board about his concerns on April 13.

A 12-year-old student was allegedly sent home from school after he refused to change his T-shirt that said, “There are only two genders.”

Liam Morrison, a seventh-grader at Nichols Middle School in Middleborough, Massachusetts, said he was taken out of gym class on March 21 and met with school staff who told him people were complaining about the statement on his shirt and that it made them feel “unsafe.” His comments were picked up by popular Twitter account LibsofTikTok.

“Yes, words on a shirt made people feel unsafe. They told me that I wasn’t in trouble, but it sure felt like I was. I was told that I would need to remove my shirt before I could return to class. When I nicely told them that I didn’t want to do that, they called my father,” he explained during a Middleborough School Committee meeting on April 13.

“Thankfully, my dad, supportive of my decisions, came to pick me up. What did my shirt say? Five simple words: There are only two genders. Nothing harmful. Nothing threatening. Just a statement I believe to be a fact,” he said.


Morrison added that he was told his shirt was “targeting a protected class” and was a “disruption to learning.” “Who is this protected class? Are their feelings more important than my rights?” he asked. “I don’t complain when I see Pride flags and diversity posters hung throughout the school. Do you know why? Because others have a right to their beliefs, just as I do,” he said.

“I was told that the shirt was a disruption to learning. No one got up and stormed out of class. No one burst into tears. I’m sure I would have noticed if they had. I experience disruptions to my learning every day. Kids acting out in class are a disruption, yet nothing is done. Why do the rules apply to one yet not another?”

Liam Morrison, 12, reads a statement during a Middleborough School Committee meeting on April 13. (YouTube / Middleborough Educational Television)

The student said “not one person” directly told him they were bothered by the words on his shirt and that other students had told him they supported his actions.


Morrison told the committee he felt like the school was telling him it wasn’t OK for him to have an opposing point of view and that he didn’t go to school that day to “hurt feelings or cause trouble.”

“I have learned a lot from this experience. I learned that a lot of other students share my view. I learned that adults don’t always do the right thing or make the right decisions. I know that I have a right to wear a shirt with those five words. Even at 12 years old, I have my own political opinions and I have a right to express those opinions. Even at school. This right is called the First Amendment to the Constitution,” he stated.

Middleborough School Committee members hear concerns from 12-year-old Liam Morrison after he was allegedly sent home for refusing to change his shirt. (YouTube / Middleborough Educational Television)

“My hope in being here tonight is to bring the School Committee’s attention to this issue. I hope that you will speak up for the rest of us, so we can express ourselves without being pulled out of class. Next time, it may not only be me. There might be more soon that decide to speak out.”

Child Abuse Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Just putting this out there. HHS Whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas Tells Congress Biden Administration Is “Middleman” in Multi-Billion Dollar Migrant Child Trafficking Operation

HHS whistleblower Tara Lee Rodas testified today in front of the house Judiciary Committee. Rodas told Congress that today in the United States children will work at slaughter houses, factories, and restaurants to pay their debt to the smugglers, traffickers and cartels.

And… The US Government has become the “middleman” in a large scale multi-billion dollar child trafficking operation, run by bad actors seeking to profit off the lives of children.

Tara explains in detail the disgusting abuse of migrant children by the Joe Biden regime.

There have been over 5 million illegal aliens, including migrant children, who have flooded across the US Southern Border under Joe Biden’s watch.

The complete article is here.

Child Abuse Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

UK to Require Schools Inform Parents of Signs of Transgenderism and Bar Trans Students From Contact Sports.

UK to Require Schools Inform Parents of Signs of Transgenderism and Bar Trans Students From Contact Sports. 

The British government is reportedly planning on issuing guidance to schools that would prohibit supposedly transgender students from joining contact sports teams of the opposite sex as well as requiring teachers to inform parents if their child begins displaying signs of transgenderism.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s recent declaration that 100 per cent of women do not have penises may have some real-world applications in the coming months, with the government reportedly preparing new guidance on gender for schools across the country.

According to a report from The Times of London, the proposed guidance would require schools to inform parents if their child began expressing signs of transgenderism, such as saying they would like to change their gender, begin wearing uniforms of the opposite sex, or demanding to be called a name associated with the other gender.

The change could have widespread ramifications, given that a recent survey from the Policy Exchange think tank found that four in ten secondary schools in England are currently allowing children to change their gender without consulting parents.

The document, which is currently being drafted by the Department for Education, would also tell schools that children who claim to identify as the other gender should not be permitted into changing rooms or showers of the opposite sex. However, other facilities could be provided as is already the case for disabled students.

Sports at schools would also covered under the guidanance, with the government reportedly set to ban biologically male students from joining girls’ teams — and vice versa — for contact and competitive sports such as rugby. Yet, there will apparently be less stringent rules surrounding sports that do not involve physical contact.

The report comes after British Prime Minsiter Rishi Sunak declared this week that ‘100 per cent’ of women do not have a penis.

Sunak, who has is in the past struggled to provide a definition of what exactly constitutes a woman, has seemingly firmed up his position on the hot-button political issue of gender.

Speaking to the Conservative Home website this week, the prime minister was pressed on whether he believed that 100 per cent of women do not have male genitalia, to which the prime minister responded “yeah, of course”. 

The stance comes in contrast with that laid out by the head of the opposition in the parliament, Labour Party leader Sir Keir Starmer, who has claimed that only 99.9 per cent of women do not have penises.

Explaining his stance, Prime Minister Sunak said that he had a “slightly different point of view” from Sir Keir, adding: “We should always have compassion and understanding and tolerance for those who are thinking about changing their gender.

“But when it comes to these issues of protecting women’s rights and women’s spaces, I think the issue of biological sex is fundamentally important.”

Child Abuse Crime Links from other news sources. The Law

Why this must be investigated as a hate crime. The Nashville killings.

Why this must be investigated as a hate crime. The Nashville killings. Recently a California loon was carrying on about Senator Hawley. Claimed he wanted to try a dead person for a hate crime. As usual the Progressives ignore facts. Here’s  what he said.

“I urge you to immediately open an investigation into this shooting as a federal hate crime,” Hawley added. “The full resources of the federal government must be brought to bear to determine how this crime occurred, and who may have influenced the deranged shooter to carry out these horrific crimes. Hate that leads to violence must be condemned. And hate crimes must be prosecuted.”

Open an investigation, not try a dead person. So why are progressives against this? If the DOJ would do this, then it would put all Transgenders on notice that your hatred is being watched and you can be charged with a federal crime.



Child Abuse Emotional abuse How sick is this? Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

I couldn’t have said it any better. This has to be stopped.

I couldn’t have said it any better. This has to be stopped. Finally a parent has decided to send shock waves across the country. A father of one of the children who was killed has decided to take this war against children public.

I have no issues with males or females over 18 who wish to mutilate themselves. But this war on children is a moneymaker. This is a form of mental illness. And with several states wishing to pass laws where the children can be taken away from their parents must be stopped.

The California legislature passed Senate Bill 107, allowing courts to take away parents’ rights if their child comes to the state for what is dishonestly called “gender-affirming health care.”

The bill now goes to the governor’s desk, where it must be signed or vetoed by September 30.

SB 107 allows adults to bring children and teens from other states to California for experimental and damaging transgender medical interventions, without the knowledge or consent of their parents.



Child Abuse Crime How sick is this? Links from other news sources.

NBC News reporting that a transgender has shot and killed six people. Including three nine year olds.

NBC News reporting that a transgender has shot and killed six people. Including three nine year olds. Audrey Hale, 28, who police said was a transgender woman, had conducted surveillance and prepared for the attack with detailed maps, officials said. Police said the shooter had a manifesto, the contents of which were not released.

So this is what we get when what may have once been a normalman turned into a transgender killer. Will be interesting to see what else comes out.

The shooter was armed with two semi-automatic AR-15-style rifles, as well as a handgun. At least two of the three guns had been purchased lawfully, Drake said.

Child Abuse Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. WOKE

How sick is this? Pentagon Doctors Claim 7-Year-Olds Can Consent to Puberty Blockers

How sick is this? Pentagon Doctors Claim 7-Year-Olds Can Consent to Puberty Blockers. So now the age of reasoning is 7? Thanks to the folks at Breitbart for this article.

Pentagon doctors claimed that seven-year-olds are capable of making decisions to be injected with puberty-blocking drugs and cross-sex hormones.

Healthcare providers connected with the Department of Defense (DoD) argued in favor of the so-called “gender-affirming” model of care for children with gender dysphoria, Fox News first reported.

The providers advocated for “gender-affirming health care, such as puberty suppression and affirming hormones,” in the March edition of the American Journal of Public Health, also going on to claim that “youths … have an inherent ability and right to consent to gender-affirming therapy.”

The authors — David A. Klein, Thomas Baxter, Noelle S. Larson, and clinical psychologist, Natasha A. Schvey, PhD — called for the military to train providers with the so-called “gender-affirming” model of care. They did, however, acknowledge that 53 percent of physicians associated with the military through the DoD health system have stated that they would refuse to provide hormones.

Larson, who is a pediatric endocrinologist, works for the Department of Pediatrics at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, while Klein Schvey and Baxter work at California’s Travis Air Force Base.

The entire article can be found here.

Child Abuse Corruption Crime How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Reprints from others.

Geraldo Rivera Told Conservatives to ‘Put Up or Shut Up’ on Hunter Biden – Boy, Did They Ever Put Up

This is the hill big-mouthed Geraldo picks to die on?

With Republicans on the House Oversight Committee bearing down -on first son Hunter Biden’s financial records, the knee-jerk liberal at Fox News decided that Tuesday would be a good time to issue a Twitter challenge to Hunter’s legion of critics to “put up or shut up” when it came to law-breaking activity.

Unfortunately for both Hunter and Geraldo, he had plenty of takers.

Well, even if a disgraceful history of drug abuse, adultery, and child abandonment were all there was to the Hunter Biden story, River’s glib “aside from fact he’s been a junkie dirtbag” would rank right up there with “Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?” as a masterwork of sliding (aka “omitting” – TPR ) the obvious.

But as anyone who’s followed Hunter’s saga with even a half-open eye knows, there’s a lot more to Hunter’s perfidy than personal transgression.

Mollie Hemingway, top-selling author, editor-in-chief of conservative website The Federalist, and Fox News contributor, has both eyes more than half open. And she let Rivera know it in a response bristling with mockery.

That puts it succinctly.

It’s undisputed public knowledge that Hunter Biden lied on a background check form while purchasing a gun in 2018. He’s written a whole book about using illegal drugs. He has a documented history of what are euphemistically called “tax issues.”

Hunter himself has effectively admitted that his lucrative job as a board member of the Ukrainian energy firm Burisma was a result of his last name.

The kid-glove treatment of Hunter Biden by the Department of Justice and the FBI Hemingway referred to is a parody of privilege and power.

The FBI, remember, had the Hunter Biden laptop for almost a year before the public became aware of it and its incendiary, incriminating contents thanks to the New York Post’s reporting in 2020 — reporting that was squelched by the lords of social media at the instigation of the FBI.

Plenty of Hemingway’s followers on Twitter chimed in with their own answers to the Rivera challenge:

As one Twitter user put it, “last I knew being called a junkie would require the possession of some kind of illegal drug. Geraldo never disappoints.”

“Dropping your famous-person-dad’s name as part of your con to impress people =/= pay-to-play,” another wrote.

And this one nailed it:

“That Hunter hasn’t been arrested for the myriad crimes for which there is ample evidence on the laptop isn’t an indication of his innocence. It’s proof of the type of corruption we typically see in 3rd world countries.”

Meanwhile, Rep. James Comer, chairman of the House Oversight Committee, announced on Tuesday that his committee has managed to get through stonewalling by the Treasury Department to get access to records that indicated “suspicious activity” when it came to the Biden family’s finances.

“After two months of dragging their feet, the Treasury Department is finally providing us with access to the suspicious activity reports for the Biden family and their associates’ business transactions,” the Kentucky Republican said in a statement on the Oversight Committee’s website.

“It should never have taken us threatening to hold a hearing and conduct a transcribed interview with an official under the penalty of perjury for Treasury to finally accommodate part of our request.”

The Treasury records Comer is getting are called “suspicious activity reports,” and are generated required from banks and other financial institutions when transactions involve large amounts of money that are suspected of being involved in money laundering, according to a Reuters report explaining the process.

The more the country learns about Hunter Biden’s dealings with foreign companies and governments — including China and its communist dictatorship — the more the country should be worried that the president himself has been compromised by his own past.

As Comer’s statement on the committee’s website made clear, there is more at stake than Hunter Biden or even the whole Biden family.

“According to bank documents we’ve already obtained, we know one company owned by a Biden associate received a $3 million dollar wire from a Chinese energy company two months after Joe Biden left the vice presidency. Soon after, hundreds of thousands of dollars in payouts went to members of the Biden family.

“We are going to continue to use bank documents and suspicious activity reports to follow the money trail to determine the extent of the Biden family’s business schemes, if Joe Biden is compromised by these deals, and if there is a national security threat. If Treasury tries to stonewall our investigation again, we will continue to use tools at our disposal to compel compliance.”

To a normal person, that’s a big deal. To a patriotic American, that should be a very big deal.

But to a card-carrying member of the establishment media like Geraldo, Hunter Biden is simply a “junkie dirtbag,” not admirable, but evidently no more guilty — and no more worthy of attention — than any of the countless millions of others who’ve struggled with addiction.

But there’s much more to Hunter Biden than that — dangerously much more.

Mollie Hemingway knows it. Honest Americans who follow the news know it.

Geraldo, either overconfidently corrupt himself or crippled by the willful blindness of the rest of the establishment media when it comes to Biden’s corruption allegations, issued a challenge about the wrong person at the wrong time.

And, boy, did he get an answer.

And, in case you never saw them:


This redacted photo shows an underage girl sharing Hunter’s bed. It is rumored to be his dead brother’s daughter, Natalie.

One of the “underage obsessions appears to be a niece,

“800 pages of text messages sent or received by Hunter Biden from 2018 and 2019 repeatedly reveals that his former love interest Hallie, the widow of the late Beau Biden, claimed he behaved in a “sexually inappropriate” way around a minor family member.
Hunter Biden told his sister Ashley Biden that Hallie described him as being “sexually inappropriate” with a minor female family member.
The texts reveal that most members of Hunter Biden’s family seemed to know about these allegations. Among these family members are Hunter’s parents Joe Biden and Jill Biden, his sister Ashley Biden, and Jim Biden, the brother of Joe Biden. In some cases, family members decided to take Hunter’s “side” of the apparent family argument over the allegations, choosing to believe him over Hallie Biden.
Previous reporting pertaining to the situation, including comments by prominent pundit Candace Owens and Rep. Lauren Boebert, have claimed that the teenage relative in question is Natalie Biden.”

Child Abuse Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Winning.The Minnesota Wild admitted on Wednesday that it decided as a team not to wear their gay pride jerseys for its warmup period during Tuesday’s gay pride night game.

Winning. The Minnesota Wild admitted on Wednesday that it decided as a team not to wear their gay pride jerseys for its warmup period during Tuesday’s gay pride night game.

It also appears that the auction to benefit the LGBTQIA+ community was deleted from the team’s website.

The team has worn pride-themed jerseys in the past. However, the last time was in March of last year, Fox added.

This instance of refusing to wear a gay pride jersey is only the latest in a mounting number of teams worldwide that are turning away from wearing gay pride-themed paraphernalia.

In Jan., Philadelphia Flyers defenseman Ivan Provorov skipped warmups because he refused to wear the gay pride jersey the team sponsored for its gay pride night game. Provorov said that bowing to the gay agenda violated his religious freedom and First Amendment rights.

That same month members of the New York Rangers team celebrated Pride Night on Friday but did not wear pride-themed jerseys or use rainbow tape during the event.

In 2022 several members of a rugby team in Sydney, Australia, refused to participate during the team’s gay pride pandering.

About seven members of the Sea Eagles refused to wear the gay pride jersey during the team’s game in July last year. Players added that the team planned its gay pride night without consulting them.;