America's Heartland Anti Semitic Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Harris Harris Cartel Insurrection Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism Racism. Terrorism

Republicans condemn Progressive Democrat Netanyahu protesters for burning US flags — and waving Hamas ones instead

Views: 11

Republicans condemn Progressive Democrat Netanyahu protesters for burning US flags — and waving Hamas ones instead.

Hamas flags, slogans about killing Jews, harassment of @CapitolPolice officers, vandalism, burnt American flags, & hanged effigies of PM Netanyahu. These are just some of the appalling scenes at protests around the U.S. Capitol today.

“Pro-terror, anti-Israel agitators are vandalizing federal property, removing American flags, and replacing them with Palestinian flags steps away from the United States Capitol,” said Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), a member of Senate GOP leadership, on X. “This is inexcusable, and I expect them to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

The U.S. Capitol Police said in a statement that “no flags under our protection have been removed or vandalized” though non-Capitol Police officers were seen making mass arrests near Union Station after the speech.



America's Heartland Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Opinion Progressive Racism Unions White Progressive Supremacy Work Place

Yes Virginia, there are Black Jobs. Just ask any Black union worker who will tell the truth.

Views: 15

Yes Virginia, there are Black Jobs. Just ask any Black union worker who will tell the truth. Sure you have your regular jobs that are mostly black and brown. House keeping comes to mind. But Unions? What Union doesn’t use affirmative action?

Granted a large number of the Blacks are on the bottom. Labor. But those were created positions. Now a few do get in the skills or management, but that’s because of quota systems.

Hopefully under the next administration, jobs will be for the qualified, regardless of color. Jobs shouldn’t be color labeled, but also Blacks need to do it on their own and not take a job because a certain number needs to be filled.


Anti Semitic Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism Reprints from others.

Yes Virginia, NY city mayor gets it right.

Views: 9

Yes Virginia, NY city mayor gets it right. Adams doesn’t get most things correctly, but here he’s spot on. This article goes out to all the white progressive supremacists. Especially the loon in California who has embraced hate towards Jews and those who have morals and ethics.

During an interview with RUSA Radio on Friday, New York City Mayor Eric Adams (D) stated that “we have normalized antisemitism” in a way that wouldn’t be tolerated if it was directed towards another group and there’s been “acceptance even in some of our major media” and an attempt to downplay campus antisemitism.

He continued, “What troubles me the most is that we have normalized antisemitism. We would not tolerate any other group being called for the destruction of that group or using very hateful terminologies [for] that group. We would not stand for that. And I’m seeing a normalization of antisemitism in New York, as well as across the globe, particularly through social media, and I think there’s a level of tolerance. [There] has been acceptance even in some of our major media to attempt not to point out that what happened on our college campuses is not antisemitism. I don’t know how you could define it as not. And I think that’s really a precursor for the anti-Americanism. There’s a radicalization of our children, where [they’re] being taught to hate America and hate those of Jewish faith as well, and we need to stop that.”

Article can be found here Breitbart.


Biden Biden Cartel Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Terrorism Warfare White Progressive Supremacy

Biden defends Hamas ally. Suspends arms shipment to Israel.

Views: 11

Biden defends Hamas ally. Suspends arms shipment to Israel. Yes the shipments that were already approved by Congress. Biden put a stop to for now. I guess he’s waiting for another October 7.

The U.S. reportedly put a hold last week on a weapons shipment to Israel ― a stunning diplomatic shift as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to go against the Biden administration’s warnings and move forward with a military invasion of the Gazan city of Rafah



Biden Cartel California. Commentary Government Overreach Hate Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism Racism

Make a bad situation worse. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) issued a proclamation on Saturday declaring April as Arab American Heritage Month.

Views: 16

Make a bad situation worse. Gavin Newsom (D-CA) issued a proclamation on Saturday declaring April as Arab American Heritage Month.

So you have Hamas supporters on California campuses disrupting classes and private events, threating Jews, and Newsom says let’s give them a special reward.

Newsom’s statement comes as anti-Israel protests and encampments have sprouted up on university and college campuses across the United States, calling for a ceasefire in the ongoing war between Israel and Hamas, for the U.S. government to stop arming Israel, and for colleges to divest from Israeli companies.

“During Arab American Heritage Month, we honor the past, present and future of this community in our California story and rededicate ourselves to ensuring the safety and belonging of Arab Americans across our state,” Newsom said.


America's Heartland Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Progressive Racism White Progressive Supremacy WOKE Work Place

This is what runs NPR.

Views: 11

This is what runs NPR. She claims that She and NPR has no left wing Bias. You be the judge.


Credit: @MarcACaputo and @krmaher
@steveguest and @krmaher






Credit: @realchrisrufo and @krmaher


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Progressive Racism Reprints from others. Un documented.

The Myth of Low Immigrant Crime.

Views: 11

The Myth of Low Immigrant Crime. Ann Coulter gives us the rundown on the future members of the Democrat party.

With the Biden administration hauling in millions of “newcomers” (the latest euphemism for illegal aliens) from booming economies like Venezuela, Senegal and Haiti, we seem to be getting a Kate Steinle every day.

Among the recent atrocities committed by Our Greatest Strength is the savage murder of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley by Jose Antonio Ibarra, a Venezuelan illegal alien released into our country by the Biden administration. The “newcomer” beat Riley so badly that he disfigured her skull.

MEDIA ALERT: Time to roll out the fake studies on low immigrant crime!

The one-man factory producing these studies is Alex Nowrasteh of the libertarian Cato Institute. (Take our country, just don’t raise taxes.) He fudges the data, slaps a false title on his report, and journalists copy his work like they’re Claudine Gay writing a thesis.

Thus, in its story on the murder of Riley, The New York Times cited “studies” showing “no causal connection” between immigrants and crime. Indeed, the Times said, studies “have concluded” that immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S. citizens.

The article links to 1) Nowrasteh’s sham study and 2) a 2017 Times story that cites Nowrasteh’s sham study.

That same day, the Times’ Angelo Fichera ran a “fact check” on Donald Trump’s claim that “the United States is being overrun by the Biden migrant crime. It’s a new form of vicious violation to our country.” Fichera’s ruling: “This lacks evidence.”


His proof:

“One recently updated analysis by Alex Nowrasteh, the vice president for economic and social policy studies at the libertarian Cato Institute, found that the homicide conviction rate for illegal immigrants in Texas in 2015 was slightly lower than the rate among U.S. citizens.”

(If they’re so law-abiding, why are they fleeing the crime in countries full of people just like them?)

The Nowrasteh “study,” and others that perform the exact same error-ridden analysis, is the heart and soul of the immigrants-commit-less-crime scam. If it’s wrong, liberals have nothing, and you can go back to believing your lying eyes.

Needless to say, his study is not merely off by a homicidal illegal or two. He — and others like him — aren’t even comparing illegal aliens to citizens. They’re comparing illegal aliens to a group that includes both illegal aliens and citizens.

As I pointed out in “Adios, America!” (and apparently will have to keep pointing out for the rest of my life): Texas’ crime data only counts illegal aliens who have already been caught and fingerprinted by the Department of Homeland Security.

That leaves out a lot of illegals. Is the DHS even fingerprinting migrants at the border anymore? If not, then by Nowrasteh’s calculations, illegals’ crime rate in Texas is zero.

How about we only count the murder convictions of citizens who’ve previously been fingerprinted by the Denver police? Why would we do that?

Obviously, a lot of the inmates originally classified as “other/unknown” will later turn out to be illegals. But all these Nowrasteh counts as “citizens.” He had his headline, so why bother updating the data?

According to the more accurate count of illegals in Texas prisons, they commit 30% more murders than U.S. citizens — not to be confused with a “slightly lower” rate than citizens.

Not only that, but the longer inmates are in prison, the more of them will be found to be illegals, whereas the reverse is not true. Consequently, the number of illegal alien murderers continues to grow, while the “other/unknown” — all of whom Nowrasteh calls “citizens” — continues to shrink.

Apart from Nowrasteh’s “study,” the main argument for the peacefulness of illegal aliens relies on “post hoc, ergo propter hoc” reasoning:

The national crime rate declined since 1980, even as illegals poured in. Therefore, illegals cause crime rates to drop.

Cities with lots of illegals have low crime rates. Therefore, illegals are law-abiding.

This is how primitives think. Heard of Rudy Giuliani? Ed Meese? COMPSTAT, California’s three strikes law, the boom in prison construction or the sentencing commission? The cause-and-effect argument about immigration and crime employs the logic of a witch doctor, which may be where this country is headed.

One September day, New York City was 65 degrees, the skies crystal clear, and 3,000 people were murdered. Therefore, cool, clear days cause mass murder.

The media seem to think the criminality of immigrants is a critically important fact, judging by how often they wheel out these nonsense studies. But they don’t have the necessary information. There are no such “studies.”

Why doesn’t the government tell us? The fact that it won’t — and that the media aren’t asking for concrete numbers — tells us more than a million phony studies.



Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach How funny is this? How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Racism. Reprints from others. Satire Stupid things people say or do. Weaponization of Government. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Friday Funnies.

Views: 8

Friday Funnies.

I consider Tucker a mentor of sorts. I strive to be more like Tucker.

Brought to you by Google.

The brainwashing of our youth – by social media corporations is out of control. Unfortunately, for all of us – it isn’t going to stop.

“We know best. We are going to remake the world. We are going to reshape kids around the world”

The government has a remedy for this type of unlawful business practice. The 1890 Sherman Antitrust Act has bee utilized many times to break up monopolies. The Sherman Act outlaws:

“every contract, combination, or conspiracy in restraint of trade,” and any “monopolization, attempted monopolization, or conspiracy or combination to monopolize.”

Google is out of control. They have not only monopolized the internet, they have monopolized the control of advertising. Both business strategies are being challenged by the DOJ in two separate lawsuits. Meta is also being sued for unfair business practices, as it has gobbled up its competitors in a series of buy-outs.

Or you might be watching MSM exclusively and using Google as your search engine.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption COVID Daily Hits. Economy Education Elections Faked news Free Speech Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Reprints from others.

10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You. Fully.

Views: 14

10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You. Fully.

This is brought to us by the Vigilant Fox.


#10 – Ed Dowd reveals alarming excess death data in children. (Exclusive Interview)

#9 – The January 6 pipe bomber was actually a ‘former government official,’ according to reports.

#8 – RFK Jr. exposes Joe Biden’s racist past in viral post.

#7 – Megyn Kelly thinks E. Jean Carroll may have just handed the election to Donald Trump.

#6 – The data is clear: COVID-19 “vaccination” does not protect against severe hospitalization and death.

#5 – Iconic rapper Snoop Dogg makes a surprising statement about Donald Trump.

#4 – WHO chief admits info warriors are hindering the NWO agenda.

#3 – James O’Keefe drops viral video with top White House cyber official.

#2 – Tucker Carlson warns against the true motives behind the globalist agenda.

#1 – Australian man injured by Pfizer jab wins landmark claim against his employer.



Commentary Education How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Progressive Racism WOKE

8th grader attacked by WOKE Principal.

Views: 35

8th grader attacked by WOKE Principal.

Are you kidding me? At a local high school in the San Diego school district, an eighth grader was suspended because he was accused of being racist. This from the father.

The principal called J.A. into the office, and the next morning my wife and I showed up and he said, ‘He did blackface,’ and he was suspended for two days and was gonna be banned from sports.”

Ameduri said he then showed the Muirlands Middle School principal a photo from that night, which he thought would end the controversy and “vindicate” his son.

“He was like, ‘No, that’s blackface,'” Ameduri said.

“Anyone that has ever been to a sports game knows that this is very normal and these are kids that were playing hide and seek a few days prior at my house… half of the group are minorities, some of them African American, it’s just ridiculous that this would be a racial incident,” he said.

The family is now suing.


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