Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Free Speech Government Overreach Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

What do Brazil, Iran, China, North Korea, and the Harris-Biden administration have in common? Government weaponization against Free Speech.

Views: 16

What do Brazil, Iran, China, North Korea, and the Harris-Biden administration have in common? Government weaponization against Free Speech.

All the above-mentioned Countries have banned X. So why add Harris-Biden to that list? Well so far the US hasn’t, but there are reports that the US has worked with Brazil covertly to ban X.

President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris, along with Democrats haven’t formally denounced Brazil’s censorship of X because they “not only support the censorship but have also been directly funding it,” investigative journalist Michael Shellenberger claimed Sunday.

“The Biden administration and Democrats have played an influential role in instigating censorship in Brazil,” Shellenberger wrote in a piece for Public, which he shared on his X account. “The FBI went to Brazil and gave its Supreme Court justices advice on how to censor its population. The US government has been funding many of the NGOs in Brazil that have demanded censorship since the election of a populist president there in 2018.”

Liberal reporter Michael Shellenberger wrote this for Public.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Education Free Speech Harris Harris Cartel History Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

What it means when a school district bans patriotism because of how it looks.

Views: 23

What it means when a school district bans patriotism because of how it looks.

Recently we have been seeing where schools are banning or disciplining students because they’re proud to be an American. The latest case being in Oklahoma involving the American flag.

Be it a flag or apparel, the excuses are the same. It may offend someone or it may cause violent reactions. What that tells me is that the school has students who are a threat to Democracy and they’re the ones who the schools should be going after.


America's Heartland Commentary Economy Education Elections Free Speech Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Winning. Reuters: Newsmax Is Top US News Brand

Views: 8

Winning. Reuters: Newsmax Is Top US News Brand

A new Reuters study found that Newsmax is one of the influential news brands in the U.S.

Earlier this week, the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism released its annual Digital News Report, surveying 100,000 people across 47 countries.

The Reuters U.S. survey found Americans are turning to just 12 news brands offline for news.

And Newsmax was one of them.

Reuters found that 8% of Americans — about 25 million Americans — turn to Newsmax for their news at least weekly.

Newsmax ranked close to well-known news brands like The Wall Street Journal, Washington Post, and The New York Times.

“Newsmax’s rise is even more stunning considering the newness of our brand, Big Tech efforts to thwart us, and several virtual TV distributors still keeping us from their subscribers,” Chris Ruddy, CEO of Newsmax, said.

Newsmax started as a digital media company in 1998 and a decade ago launched a cable news channel.

Today, the cable channel is available on all major cable systems and through its proprietary app on Newsmax+.

Newsmax also launched Newsmax2, a streaming news channel.

The Reuters study also found that Newsmax is taking close to 30% of Fox News’ total audience.

The Reuters study did not include Newsmax’s significant reach online through its popular app, its website, and its massive social media following on platforms like Facebook, X, and Truth Social.

Newsmax estimates it reaches 40 million American regularly through all its platforms.

Other surveys have also found Newsmax’s brand is rising and resonating among U.S. consumers.

Last year, the Economist/YouGov annual survey of Trust in Media found Newsmax was among the most trusted cable news brands, ranking with outlets like CNN, MSNBC, Fox, and Bloomberg.

Last week, Newsmax announced that it plans to make a public offering later this year with a listing on the New York Stock Exchange or Nasdaq.

The company cited significant investor interest and its strong growth in ratings and revenues as helping to make the decision to go public.

Newsmax said its revenues have grown over 330% since 2019 and its cable TV and online ratings have been strong.

Nielsen reported that in 2023 Newsmax was the only cable news channel to see significant ratings growth across all dayparts, making it the fourth-highest-rated cable news channel in the nation.

Article originally was found on Newmax


Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Free Speech Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Politics

Victory in Federal Lawsuit Against New Hampshire Library That Fired State Representative for Her Political Views – Library Admits That It Violated the First Amendment.

Views: 26

Victory in Federal Lawsuit Against New Hampshire Library That Fired State Representative for Her Political Views – Library Admits That It Violated the First Amendment.

So this librarian on her own time outside of work (unlike a part time coffeemaker) was fired (coffeemaker demoted) for endorsing candidates for office. She was rehired, but a lesson needed to be taught. This is where the ACLJ stepped in.

The court’s consent decree, in our case, does exactly that. First, the library is now obligated to publicly admit what it did; the order includes a statement that Arlene was terminated “because she engaged in off duty, public, expressive, political activity, outside the scope of her employment with the Library.”

Second, the library agreed to make the following public statement admitting wrongdoing:

The Dudley-Tucker Library regrets its conduct toward Quaratiello and the violation of Plaintiff Quaratiello’s constitutional rights, and will remind, in writing, all personnel to refrain from engaging in disciplinary activity that punishes the First Amendment activities of employees. The Dudley-Tucker Library and Town of Raymond will take any other actions reasonably necessary to ensure this type of constitutional violation does not occur again.

Third, the court entered an order that will ensure our client’s rights are protected in the future. This order does the following five things: (1) it declares that the termination of Rep. Quaratiello “for her political activity constituted a violation of her First Amendment rights”; (2) it orders the defendants to expunge any negative documents relating to this incident from their employee files; (3) it enjoins the defendants “from disciplining Plaintiff Quaratiello or other similarly situated employees for off-duty political speech and activity that does not occur using Library resources or time”; (4) it requires the library to “reiterate to all employees that Library policy cannot and does not prohibit employees from engaging in off-duty, constitutionally-protected political activity”; and (5) it requires an addition to the employee handbook acknowledging these fundamental rights.

The whole article can be found here.



Abortion rights? Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Free Speech Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

Washington State AG calls off death squad investigations.

Views: 33

Washington State AG calls off death squad investigations. Like California, New York, and New Jersey, you have AG’s who feel that having a different opinion on Abortion isn’t allowed.

Washington states attorney general, has called a halt to his own extremist campaign against two faith-based, pro-life nonprofits after being told his “investigation” was illegal.

Officials with ADF explain that AG Bob Ferguson had been demanding privileged records and international documents from Obria Group and Obria Medical Clinics.

Now they’re in court over the issue. For some reason this AG felt that the pro life groups were stopping women from killing babies. Let’s see what happens.


Corruption Free Speech Lies Poetic Justice Uncategorized

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge Part 3 Some GOOD COPS

Views: 6

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge Part 3 Some GOOD COPS

Not all Bullies with a Badge are evil or have underlying mental problems. There is no doubt that some most definitely do have severe problems, and civilians get injured or die because of them.

Then, some think they are doing things correctly but are either ignorant of the laws they are supposed to enforce or harbor unconscious biases.

There is also the “the end justifies the means” group.


Note the good cop was penalized for speaking up, and the bad cop was rewarded — until a news station filed a FOIA request for the body cam footage.

Finally, there are the cops who are so thin-skinned that they harass and/or arrest people because their feelings get hurt.


The end justifies the means. Here, the “end” is getting credited with an arrest. I would likely fail the walking a straight line (heel and toe) test because my toes rarely point straight ahead unless I’m running. This test also forces you to place your feet in an unnatural, unbalanced position. Even professional wire walkers have trouble maintaining their balance when forced to walk like that without a balance pole or something similar, and any swaying as you walk will cause the cops to claim that “proves” you’re intoxicated.



Here, we start with the typical bad attitude, this time by a court bailiff. As usual, when a bad cop gets frustrated, they escalate, but this time, officers who KNOW the law stand up for the civilians.


I don’t think I’d be brave enough to do what this guy does. Too much chance of suffering an “accident.” But again, Good cops straighten out the bad cops and the civilian Karens/Kevins.


And cops doing good deeds:


Support good cops and report the bad ones.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Columbian Justice. Commentary Corruption Crime Elections Free Speech Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources.

What we are finding out about the persecution of Trump and those associated with him.

Views: 13

What we are finding out about the persecution of Trump and those associated with him. More and more back room schemes by the government are coming out. Judge Cannon pushed back on why the DOJ had not gathered any evidence regarding the 2022 conversation. Allegations where a Trump lawyer was threatened.

Lawyers, employees, and even close friends of Trump are being harassed and threatened if they don’t play ball with the government. FBI with shoot to kill on Trump and the Secret Service. And yes it was mentioned that they were to engage if they encountered Trump and the Secret Service.




Affirmative Action Commentary Crime Education Emotional abuse Free Speech Government Overreach Lies

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge (When You’ve Done Nothing Wrong.) Part One

Views: 35

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge (When You’ve Done Nothing Wrong.) Part One

First off, not every Law enforcement officer is a racist, a misogynist, a homophobe, or just a power-mad entitled dick – male OR female, and I’ll give examples later in this series. The ones who aren’t hate these other jerks as much as we do.

There’s this thing called “qualified immunity,” which the ones who are dicks, think permits them to break the law and screw civilians over — up to and including killing them — often without consequence.

If you want to see for yourself what I’m talking about, go to YouTube or TikTok and search for “bad cops.” You’ll see hundreds of items there, illustrating police/civilian encounters gone bad: from cops just being stupid to going on out-and-out vendettas. Content creators include Audit the Audit, Justice for All, DeleteLawz, KY Reacts, LackLuster/L L Media, We The People University(a former cop/sheriff deputy), The Civil Rights Lawyer, and @Detectivemattthornton (still an active duty officer) on both Tiktik and YouTube.


First of all, according to the courts Cops are ALLOWED to lie to you. They are also allowed to intimidate you through their lies and ask “fishing” questions to try to get you to incriminate yourself (Show me the man and I’ll show you the crime.) Keep your hands visible at all times!

Always be polite!

As soon as you see flashing lights, check your speedometer. If you have a dash cam, make sure it’s turned on. If you also have a smartphone, START RECORDING on it. Lock all your doors. Don’t roll your window down so far that the cop can reach through and try to open the door if he/she gets frustrated.

A.)”Do you know how fast you were going?” Do NOT say ‘No.’ If you do, he can pick a number and say that’s how fast you were going — true or not.

Note: I once shut down a cop who came up and asked me that leading question by saying, “Yes, I know EXACTLY how fast I was going — the speed limit.” Of course, you can’t use that if you are speeding.

B.)”ID/DL, registration, and Proof of Insurance.” Answer,”Am I accused of a crime, Officer?” If he’s just fishing, he/she will hem and haw and say something alongs the lines of “that’s what I’m trying to find out” or “that’s what I’m  investigating.” They have nothing on you, they’re fishing. You can refuse to ID yourself under the 4th and 5th  Amendments if he can’t quote a specific crime. Mere suspicion is not a crime.”Disorderly conduct,” “obstruction” and similar “crimes” are mere deflections and lies. They cannot ask for your SSN in any case, despite what they may tell you. It is only a crime to give a FALSE name to a cop. It’s NOT a crime to refuse to provide ID.

For instance, “obstruction” in every jurisdiction I have checked so far means an active, deliberate physical act on your part.

If he/she keeps repeating this mantra, immediately ask for his/ her name and badge number and keep repeating that each time he refuses to tell you WHY he/she needs your ID, If they start getting frustrated and belligerent, change your response’ to “I want to see your Supervior/ Call your supervisor.”


C.) “Turn your phone off.” MAJOR RED FLAG!!!! They know they don’t have a good case and don’t want evidence showing their mistakes. In fact, some bad cops have been caught DELETING footage from someone else’s phone.

D.) “Do you mind if I search for your car/search you/pat you down?” before he has given a justifiable ( and actual) crime.  If you answer anything other than “I do not consent/give consent/ give permision to/for any search of myself or my property.” or “I refuse to surrender my constitutional rights under the 4th and fifth amendments.” Be careful because if your reply is IN ANY WAY ambiguous, said cop will interpret it as you consenting to what would otherwise be an unlawful search. ex “Yes ( I DO mind)” = Go ahead ; “No (you don’t have my permission)” = Go ahead.

E.) “Have any drugs or weapons in the car?” Another RED FLAG that they are fishing, trying to get you to (supposedly) incriminate yourself and/or give themselves an excuse to escalate the situation.

F.) “Step out of the car” with or without threats of arrest or physical violence if you don’t obey and without giving a valid law that he has a justifiable reason to suspect you of breaking. Immediately demand a supervisor. This is also why you should keep your doors locked, to prevent the cop from opening the door and yanking you out of your vehicle. They may break out your window despite you not threatening them in any way.

If you aren’t alone and they have a phone, call the county or state police and tell them that the LEOs at your site will not identify themselves. You are unsure if they are real officers since they cannot give a valid reason for the stop, and you are fearful for your safety. (If the cops or 911  don’t seem impressed, I suggest you contact a local TV or radio station.) Stay on the line. Give a running commentary of what’s happening. KEEP AS CALM AS POSSIBLE. If you snap back at them, corrupt (or stupid) cops will claim you’re resisting and/or being aggressive and escalate things even further.




See part TWO, upcoming…


Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption COVID Free Speech Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. MSM

Stories you may have missed.

Views: 12


Stories you may have missed.

Below are stories that were covered, but didn’t receive much MSM coverage. Of course that shouldn’t surprise anyone.

#10 – Cancer surgeon drops ivermectin bombshell, revealing its potency in fighting cancer.

#9 – Michael Cohen gets destroyed by Trump’s defense team in cross-examination.

#8 – Climate scientist suggests “culling” the human population with a deadly pandemic to lower carbon emissions.

#7 – Journalist Glenn Greenwald makes eye-opening prediction about Ukraine.

#6 – Dr. Peter McCullough issues urgent COVID vaccine warning to Donald Trump.

#5 – King Charles unveils hellish painting of himself.

#4 – Slovakia Prime Minister Robert Fico shot following criticisms of WHO Pandemic Treaty and Ukraine war.

#3 – UNC Chapel Hill abolishes DEI department and transfers all funds to campus cops.

#2 – Stephen A. Smith defends Aaron Rodgers’ COVID-19 vaccine stance.

#1 – Fourteen senators and MPs urge Australian Prime Minister to reject World Health Organization’s pandemic reforms.


America's Heartland Commentary Economy Education Elections Free Speech Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

What Trumps rally in NJ means to the political landscape. On to Maryland, Virginia, and yes Delaware.

Views: 16

What Trumps rally in NJ means to the political landscape. On to Maryland, Virginia, and yes Delaware. So what happens next? I have to believe that this Beach rally has the left scared big time.

Trump needs to hit Virginia Beach, Ocean City Maryland, and even Rehoboth Beach, Delaware. Rallies in those areas would bring in folks from border states like NY, and PA. in the east, plus your southern states. It forces Biden to spend money in areas where he normally would not.

The 45th president added that New Jersey and Virginia are also in play as he looks to defeat Democrat President Joe Biden in a highly anticipated rematch of the 2020 general election.


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