
Ryan chickens out. Will not debate Progressive.

Views: 46

My Congressman ( not my choice ) is running now for US Senator to represent the great state of Ohio. He has a young lady running against him on the Democrat slate. Timmy boy started out 20 years ago as a Bill Clinton Moderate. Started out against abortion, then changed to against abortion but supports the Democrat platform. to Pro abortion. Kill that baby now.

When he was running for President he stated his love for a wine that millions of Italian Americans made and drank. DAGO RED. White Progressives ( White Plantationists who were mostly old divorced women and transsexuals. ) Came out against Timmy. Well after getting one half of one percent he dropped out. Gets better. He’s now the white darling of the left. And why is that you ask? He claims to be a Progressive.

But the only problem with that is that his opponent is a Progressive and shes Black. And he will not debate her.

Morgan Harper, a Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate, challenged U.S. Rep. Tim Ryan to debate her six times and urged the Ohio Democratic Party to host them — but both Ryan and the party are saying “no” Edited. So now the far left who attacked Timmy boy are now supporting him over a girl who was adopted, grew up poor, is black, and Progressive as Progressive can be. How racist is that?




Education How sick is this?

Parent gives her concern, board president says F YOU. Los Alamitos School Board president apologizes after disparaging remark caught on ‘hot mic’

Views: 48

Original KTLA  article is here.

A parent speaks from the heart and a Board President attacks her thinking her mike was turned off. She must have thought she was in Northern California.

There are calls for the Los Alamitos Unified School District Board of Education president to resign after she was captured on a “hot mic” uttering a disparaging comment against a parent at Tuesday’s board meeting.

Marlys Davidson has since issued an apology, noting that “when members of the public address the Board of Education, they must be heard with respect.”

“I reaffirm my commitment to serve our community with dignity and integrity, and I hope they will accept my sincere apology,” Davidson said. Lauren Roupoli, the parent who was insulted, said Davidson “needs to step down.” “After her true colors showed last night, there’s no taking that back,” Roupoli said.

She accused one board member of criticizing parents for voicing their legitimate concerns and drew applause when she said, “We are vocal because we are our children’s biggest advocates.”

Her comment apparently did not sit well with Marlys Davidson, the board’s president, who was picked up on a hot mic saying, “F— you,” during the applause.



Corruption Crime How sick is this? Opinion Politics

Texas arrests 7,700 Democrats before they could register to vote

Views: 58

As you know, the Feds do not arrest the undocumented. Why give them a hard time since they’re here looking for work and getting ready to vote for the 2022 elections. But the state of Texas said not so fast.

“Operation Lone Star,” ordered by Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, has resulted in 7,744 migrants arrested on criminal charges.

The announcement came from the Texas Military Department (TMD) and the Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS). The figures are as of Oct. 14 and include 1,300 arrests for criminal trespassing and 6,339 arrests for felony charges.

And here’s what the National Guard did.

In addition, there were 73,031 migrant apprehensions and referrals and 822 vehicle pursuits.


Biden Pandemic Corruption Economy How sick is this? Opinion Politics

Biden Blinks and Backs Down. White House signals flexibility over Dec. 8 vaccine deadline.

Views: 45

Old Joey boy gave a deadline to all federal contractors. Fire those who aren’t vaccinated. If not you will no longer do business with the federal government. Well things changed today.

The Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccination deadline will not require immediate action on the part of employers against non-vaccinated employees when it comes into force on Dec. 8, the White House coronavirus response coordinator said on Wednesday. Maybe this MAY BE WHY.

Southwest Airlines Chief Executive Gary Kelly said last week: “We want our employees to know that nobody is going to lose their job on December 9 if we’re not perfectly in compliance… “We’re not going to fire anybody who doesn’t get vaccinated.” Or this.

Raytheon Technologies’ (RTX.N) Chief Executive Greg Hayes warned in a CNBC interview Tuesday the U.S. aerospace and defense firm will lose ‘several thousand’ employees who refuse to take COVID-19 vaccines, as it prepares to meet the Dec. 8 deadline. And finally this.

A group representing FedEx Corp, United Parcel Service Inc and other cargo carriers told the White House last week it would be virtually impossible to have 100% of their respective work forces vaccinated by Dec. 8.


Corruption Crime Opinion Politics

Man makes threats against Democrat Congressman and his family and is arrested 20 days later. Same thing happens to Republican Congressman and man is arrested 10 months later.

Views: 31

So we see how quick the DOJ acted when a Democrat Congressman and his family were threatened. And rightfully so. 20 days. Now a Republican Congressman receives the same type of threats and the person is arrested 10 months later. The man has worked for many of the major news media venues. Interesting. So can anyone explain why? This from Politico.

ABC, NBC, CNN, are just three of the news organizations this man worked for. I wonder if that had anything to do with the DOJ dragging their feet on this. Waiting 10 months gave this person plenty of time to carry out his threats.

A California man was arrested last week for allegedly making a death threat to Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) earlier this year, just days after the Jan. 6 storming of the U.S. Capitol.

Authorities arrested Eugene Huelsman, 58, of Thousand Oaks, last week in the Los Angeles area on an indictment returned in May by a federal grand jury in Pensacola, Fla., court records show.


How funny is this? Economy How sick is this? Just my own thoughts

When is a Wealth tax not a tax? When the Biden folks say so.

Views: 18

When is a Wealth tax not a tax? During an interview with CNN on Sunday, Yellen touted the idea of taxing the unrealized capital gains of the wealthiest 1 percent, though she claimed the measure would not count as a “wealth tax.” But that’s not what Pelosi says.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), in contrast to Yellen’s claim, called the kind of tax Democrats are considering a “wealth tax.” “We probably will have a wealth tax,” Pelosi told CNN on Sunday.

Here’s how this works. Capital Gains will be taxed on what the value is at the time. Not when it’s sold. When sold, it’s taxed and that’s it. But under this new plan, You’re taxed every year if you don’t sell the stocks, collectibles, etc.

Now supposedly this would pay for the new social programs. What happens when that wealth goes down? Now your not raising the money you claimed. Now the only way to get that revenue is to go after everyone.

Here’s an example.

The proposal slated to be released would slap annual taxes on the increased value of the assets of the wealthiest Americans, even if they’re not sold, or “realized.” Currently, assets like stocks are taxed only when a person sells them.


Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others. The Courts

Texas Can Seek Files From Twitter, Facebook in Suit Over New Law.

Views: 19

The Bloomberg article can be found here.

A federal judge will allow Texas to seek internal documents from social-media companies regarding how they moderate content, as the state defends a new law restricting when platforms can suspend users.

The ruling Friday by U.S. District Judge Robert Pitman in Austin means Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton is free to seek limited discovery from members of two prominent trade groups that sued to block the controversial statute, including Twitter Inc., Alphabet Inc.’s Google, and Facebook Inc.

The ruling allows Paxton to seek documents and depose employees at members of NetChoice and Computer & Communications Industry Association — but only if they’ll be impacted by the law barring platforms from suspending users over their political views. The statute, which applies to social-media companies with more than 50 million monthly users, takes effect Dec. 2.

The trade groups argue the statute will force social-medial platforms to host extremist content in violation of their user policies, and that Paxton’s discovery request was designed to “further antagonize” the targets of the law.

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and other Republicans criticized social-media companies for banning former President Donald Trump from their platforms after a mob of his supporters raided the Capitol on Jan. 6. A similar law in Florida targeting social-media companies after the bans was put on hold by a judge in a suit brought by the same trade groups.


Uncategorized Biden Pandemic Corruption Crime Opinion Politics

Science according to the fauch. Go after the children and puppies.

Views: 51

We knew how the fauch played a major part in the deaths of almost 700,000 Americans including over 500 children. Now we’re hearing about the money being spent under the alleged direction of Tony the fauch on the killing of puppies.

A group of lawmakers, including prominent members of both parties, has signed onto a letter calling on Dr Anthony Fauci and his agency to answer questions on funding for experiments involving canine testing.


The letter, first obtained by Daily Caller, was spearheaded by Rep Nancy Mace of South Carolina and joined by some of her fellow Republicans as well as Democrats including Ted Lieu of California and Eleanor Holmes Norton, representative for the District of Columbia.

It calls for Dr Fauci and the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases to detail the federal government’s involvement in experiments that use dogs to test new drugs before they reach the market, despite, as the lawmakers note, “the Food and Drug Administration [clearly stating] that it does not require dog testing for new drugs”.



Don’t get me wrong, I support much of the animal testing that  has saved the lives of hundreds of millions. But that testing has been on mice and rats. This testing if true on puppies crosses the line.

In closing. The letter from the members of Congress refer to one in which young dogs were given experimental vaccines before being killed and dissected.


Just my own thoughts Biden Pandemic COVID Science

I don’t know, I’m just asking. Why no flu mandate?

Views: 69

Every year since the Obama-Biden flu hit us, we’ve had thousands die. That’s right. thousands. But no panic and no mandate. Why not? Over 60 million have gotten the flu. On average 200,000 people are yearly hospitalized. And here’s the kicker. Reporting flu cases are not mandatory. Also funding to the CDC was cut under Obama-Biden.

Now the flu deaths we will never know, cause the CDC was ordered by the Obama administration to stop the count of deaths and infections. So we only have estimates.

And this from NBC News.

U.S. health officials have lost track of how many illnesses and deaths have been caused by the first global flu epidemic in 40 years. And they did it on purpose.

Government doctors stopped counting swine flu cases in July, when they estimated more than 1 million were infected in this country.

SMH. Where’s the flu mandate?

Not sure if she has a chance to win in Nevada, but Republicans need to focus on what she’s pointing out. Plus add The poor economy and the foreign policy failures.



Biden Pandemic Economy Elections Opinion Politics

Democrats rush for the border so they can get here in time to vote for the 2022 elections.

Views: 36

A massive and organized migrant caravan is on its way from southern Mexico toward the U.S., and has already surged past a blockade by Mexican forces attempting to stop it from getting to the U.S.-Mexico border.

The caravan is not merely a group of migrants congregating together, organizers made migrants who wished to participate in the caravan to register with a QR code on their phones or a web link to participate.

OK they could have just mailed in their ballots just like their brothers and sisters in California and other blue states. But I guess they felt that casting their ballot in person was more important. Here’s their fearless leader leading the charge. Have you ever seen such determination?



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