Biden Cartel Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Democrat Government Overreach Harris Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Uncategorized White Progressive Supremacy

Shaming Democrats, MSM, and Progressives.

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Shaming Democrats, MSM, and Progressives.


Abortion rights? Commentary Harris Harris Cartel Uncategorized

No Virginia, Abortion isn’t the number one issue.

Views: 15

No Virginia, Abortion isn’t the number one issue. We’re only weeks away from election day. And the radical extremists are still telling us that the number one issue with voters is killing babies.

Most polls and even the MSM admits that the economy with inflation is what’s on most voters minds. And are you better off under Harris vs. Trump.

Sure the loons out there want you to think that all the voters are for the killing of children. But that’s not the case. 


Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Harris Cartel Opinion Politics Work Place

Difference between Biden-Harris Tariffs and Trumps proposed Tariffs.

Views: 24

Difference between Biden-Harris Tariffs and Trumps proposed Tariffs. Biden-Harris without thinking just slams countries with Tariffs not realizing the consequences when not thought out.

Trump gives a short notice (take China for example) that if you don’t remove your Tariffs, we will retaliate. See the difference? Let me explain it to Progressives. China is already putting heavy Tariffs on our products. Biden Harris puts Tariffs on China’s cars. So what happens? Tariffs on US cars will be even higher.

Trump comes in and sees what Tariffs are on our goods, then tells China we will do the same. Now when China backs down, that actually makes their products lower, and our products sell in China creating more American jobs.



America's Heartland Commentary Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Trump

More than a dozen Medal of Honor recipients endorse former president. But there’s more.

Views: 26

More than a dozen Medal of Honor recipients endorse former president. But there’s more. Hundreds of national security officials, ex-Cabinet members, Gold Star families endorse Trump. Trump endorsed by 400 foreign policy, national security officials from previous GOP admins.

“We believe that American citizenship is a revered privilege. We believe that a patriotic nation is a strong nation. Believe that the sacrifices by the men and women in our armed forces preserves and protects American freedom,” they wrote.

“From a world at peace under President Trump, we are closer to a third world war than ever before under the Biden-Harris Administration,” the letter states.

“With multiple escalating wars around the world, an open border that allows terrorists to flood into the American homeland, and malign actors like China operating unabated, U.S. national security has been profoundly damaged by the failed policies of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden.”



America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Harris Cartel Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Terrorism

You make the call. Afghan Accused of Election Day Terror Plot Worked for CIA.

Views: 37

You make the call. Afghan Accused of Election Day Terror Plot Worked for CIA. Was he going after Trump or Harris? The below article is a reprint from NewsMax.

An Afghan man accused of plotting a terror attack on Election Day previously worked as a security guard in Afghanistan for the CIA, NBC News reported Wednesday.

Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi, 27, was arrested on Monday in Oklahoma on charges of planning to kill American citizens on behalf of the terror group ISIS.

Court documents indicated that Tawhedi planned to attack on Nov. 5, Election Day, and he confirmed to authorities in an interview conducted after his arrest that he intended to target large gatherings of people and expected to die a martyr.

One senior administration official told NBC News that counterterrorism officials surmised that Tawhedi became radicalized while he was living in the United States. He entered the country in September 2021, according to court documents.

“Every Afghan resettled in the U.S. undergoes a rigorous screening and vetting process no matter which agency they worked with,” the official said. “That process includes checking against a full range of U.S. records and holdings.”

NBC News reported that Tawhedi passed two rounds of vetting with no derogatory information found and, according to a source, was first screened before he entered the U.S. on humanitarian parole.

Tawhedi was vetted again when he applied for a Special Immigrant Visa, for which he was eligible because he worked for the U.S. government. Although he was approved for the visa, an official told NBC News he had not yet completed it.

The Justice Department’s charging document said Tawhedi entered the U.S. on a Special Immigrant Visa “and is currently on parole status pending adjudication of his immigrant proceedings.”

But two U.S. officials with knowledge of the matter told NBC News that the charging document is incorrect and Tawhedi entered the U.S. on humanitarian parole, which usually entails much less rigorous vetting than a Special Immigrant Visa.

According to authorities, Tawhedi planned the attack with a juvenile co-conspirator, who was described as an Afghan national with legal permanent resident status.

The criminal complaint alleged that Tawhedi and his co-conspirator advertised the sale of the family’s personal property on Facebook before the planned attack. After a confidential FBI informant responded to inquire if a computer was still for sale, Tawhedi and the juvenile met with the source, who claimed he needed the computer for a new gun business he was starting.

Tawhedi and the juvenile were arrested Monday after meeting with the confidential informant and purchasing two AK-47 rifles, 10 magazines, and 500 rounds of ammunition.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., took to X on Wednesday to decry the Biden-Harris administration’s vetting process of the tens of thousands of Afghans who relocated to the U.S. following the withdrawal of American forces from the country in August 2021.

“Following the botched Afghanistan withdrawal, more than 77K Afghans were given humanitarian parole, with little to no vetting and no intent to know their whereabouts,” Johnson wrote. “Nasir Ahmad Tawhedi – the terrorist plotting an election day attack – was one of them.

“Whether it’s their open-border policies or failed foreign policy, this administration continues to risk American lives by allowing terrorists, murderers, rapists, and other violent criminals into our homeland.”

Tawhedi was charged with conspiring and attempting to provide material support to ISIS, which if he is convicted carries a maximum sentence of 20 years, and receiving a firearm to be used to commit a felony or a federal crime of terrorism, which carries a maximum sentence of 15 years.



Anti Semitic Censorship Commentary Education Hate Opinion Terrorism

Brown University rejects calls from Hamas and Hezbollah suporters to divest from companies doing business with Israel.

Views: 18

Brown University rejects calls from Hamas and Hezbollah suporters to divest from companies doing business with Israel.

Hate groups that support the terrorist that are attacking Israel.This from one of the hate group leaders.

Arman Deendar of the student group Brown Divest Coalition told NPR it was “a moral and ethical failure of unimaginable magnitude, compounded by the untransparent, undemocratic, and frankly disgraceful manner in which the Corporation voted in secret.” He also said it was “an egregious erasure of the insurmountable violence enacted by the Israeli regime in Gaza and now Lebanon.” Below is the response.

In a letter announcing the decision, Brown President Christina Paxson and Chancellor Brian Moynihan said that “Brown’s mission doesn’t encompass resolving or adjudicating global conflict,” adding, “Brown University will not divest from the 10 companies described in a student-led divestment proposal.



Climate "change" Commentary Opinion

Operation Popeye (No, not named after someone’s favorite restaurant.). Weather Machine.

Views: 2

Operation Popeye (No, not named after someone’s favorite restaurant.). Weather Machine. Lately we’re hearing crazy stuff about a weather machine used against Red states. Crazy right?

But after WWII the US was doing research on it. During the Vietnam war the US was attempting to manipulate the weather.

The United States used weather warfare in the Vietnam WarOperation Popeye saw the use of cloud seeding over the Ho Chi Minh trail. It was hoped that the increased rainfall would reduce the rate of infiltration down the trail.

The operation included creating clouds over South East Asia using silver iodide. American jets made about 2000 sorties to create the clouds. The cloud making units were attached to the side of WC-130A Hercules aircraft.

General Electric and the US military had already previously worked together to attempt to control weather systems, after World War Two.

Whether the program was successful or not remains debated. Some agree that the manmade clouds created between one and seven inches of rainfall every year of the operation.



Back Door Power Grab Commentary Democrat Elections Harris Cartel Links from other news sources.

Walz wants to get rid of Electoral College. Four largest states should elect President.

Views: 22

Walz wants to get rid of Electoral College. Four largest states should elect President. Seems like every election someone on the left wants to get rid of the Electoral college. Tim Walz is the latest.

In a fundraising dinner Walz brought up the elimination of the Electoral College. Code for allow the four largest states elect the President. Look at the Virginia map below.

Never would a President be elected outside of Virginia.

If the boundaries were the same, would we ever have a President outside of Virginia? The comments were immediately seized on by the Trump campaign and prominent Republicans, who accused Walz of attempting to throw the results of a victory by former President Donald Trump into question if Trump were to win in November.



California. Commentary Links from other news sources.

California here I come. Trump to visit SouthernCalifornia.

Views: 19

California here I come. Trump to visit SouthernCalifornia.

President Donald Trump is coming to California this weekend, and plans to speak near Coachella. The question is why, given that no Republican presidential candidate has won the state in more than three decades, nor will he.

The answer is that there are several close congressional races in California that could determine control of the House of Representatives. Plus, there is lots of fundraising cash in California, even among the remaining Republicans.

The Cook Political Report rates ten California seats as competitive. If financed, the Republicans have a good chance of taking all ten. Why?

The most closely-contested areas will be Orange County; the Inland areas of Southern California; and the Central Valley. Each of these areas has large numbers of Latino voters, whom the Democrats once considered a reliable voting bloc, but who have been trending towards Republicans in recent years.




Bits and pieces on the illiterate one. Kamala.

Views: 17

Bits and pieces on the illiterate one. Kamala.

Bill Whitaker: “Was democracy best served by President Biden stepping down and basically handing you a nomination? You didn’t have to go through a primary process. You didn’t have to fight off other contenders. That’s not really the way our system was intended to work.”

Kamala Harris: “President Biden made a decision that I think history is going to show is rare among leaders, which was to put country before self. And I am proud to have earned the support of the vast majority of delegates.”

But Whitaker wasn’t buying it. He added, “But I think this truncated process is why people think or say they don’t really know who you are.”

Bill Whitaker: “You recently visited the southern border and– embraced President Biden’s recent crackdown on asylum seekers. And that crackdown produced an almost immediate and dramatic decrease in the number of border crossings. If that’s the right answer now, why didn’t your administration take those steps in 2021?”

Kamala Harris: “The first bill we proposed to Congress was to fix our broken immigration system, knowing that if you want to actually fix it, we need Congress to act. It was not taken up. Fast forward to a moment when a bipartisan group of members of the United States Senate, including one of the most conservative members of the United States Senate, got together, came up with the border security bill. Well, guess what happened? Donald Trump got word that this bill was afoot and could be passed and he wants to run on a problem instead of fixing a problem, so he told his buddies in Congress, ‘Kill the bill. Don’t let it move forward.'”

Bill Whitaker: “But there was an historic flood of undocumented immigrants coming across the border the first three years of your administration. As a matter of fact, arrivals quadrupled from the last year of President Trump. Was it a mistake to loosen the immigration policies as much as you did?”

Kamala Harris: “It’s a longstanding problem. And solutions are at hand. And from day one, literally, we have been offering solutions.”



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