Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Lawfare Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Warfare Weaponization of Government.

Some say Trump will purge DOJ and FBI. I say prosecute top brass in FBI and DOJ.

Views: 25

Some say Trump will purge DOJ and FBI. I say prosecute top brass in FBI and DOJ. We have seen weaponization of several government agencies and yes it goes back to the Obama years.

Now those same folks are upset that there just may be a payback. Former President Donald Trump will purge the administrative state by firing career bureaucrats from the DOJ and the FBI if he wins reelection.

The difference is that the Trump administration will use actual laws and not hide information from the public the way the Biden justice department has done.



Biden Biden Cartel Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Terrorism Warfare White Progressive Supremacy

Biden defends Hamas ally. Suspends arms shipment to Israel.

Views: 11

Biden defends Hamas ally. Suspends arms shipment to Israel. Yes the shipments that were already approved by Congress. Biden put a stop to for now. I guess he’s waiting for another October 7.

The U.S. reportedly put a hold last week on a weapons shipment to Israel ― a stunning diplomatic shift as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu prepares to go against the Biden administration’s warnings and move forward with a military invasion of the Gazan city of Rafah



Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Opinion Terrorism Warfare

How much longer can Biden sit on the fence?

Views: 14

How much longer can Biden sit on the fence? Wanting it both ways when it comes to Israel, Hamas, and the college protestors. When it comes to the pro Hamas protests, Biden says how terrible the protestors Anti – Semitism is, but we don’t see any federal charges on hate crimes or speech.

Biden claims he supports Israel against Hamas, but when he posts numbers on war casualties, he uses Hamas information. He asks Israel to cease fire, but not Hamas. He threatens Israel with sanctions, but continues to feed Hamas.


Commentary Links from other news sources. Uncategorized Warfare

Someone finally making sense. Cease-Fire in Ukraine-Russia War.

Views: 9

Someone finally making sense. Cease-Fire in Ukraine-Russia War. We keep on hearing from Progressives about a cease-fire between Israel and Hamas and their allies, but noting about Russia and Ukraine until now.

France wants Russia to observe a cease-fire in Ukraine during this summer’s Olympic Games in Paris, French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with Ukrainian television on Saturday.

“This is a message of peace,” Macron said, before a voiceover interpreter quoted the French president as saying that France is doing so in line with the spirit of the Olympic movement.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Warfare

CBS claims that Strike Targets Likely Dodged Strikes Because Biden Telegraphed Strikes, That Was ‘Intentional’.

Views: 15

CBS claims that Strike Targets Likely Dodged Strikes Because Biden Telegraphed Strikes, That Was ‘Intentional’. This is not some Conservative group saying this but none other than CBS News.

CBS News National Security Correspondent David Martin stated that because the Biden administration “has done such a job of telegraphing this strike” it’s likely that “all” of the people the U.S. was looking to hit have hidden from the strikes and “we’re not probably going to get the individuals this time,” and Chief Foreign Affairs Correspondent and “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan reported, “a lot of those IRGC Quds Force trainers have left Iraq and Syria knowing this was coming, and that is also intentional by the United States.”

The U.S. has not assessed that Tehran directed this attack. But President Biden did say he holds Iran responsible for providing the weapons and the assistance to the militias that did. So, they are drawing a distinction there, and part of this attempt is to avoid a direct conflict with the State of Iran, instead taking on these proxy forces.”


Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Links from other news sources. Terrorism Uncategorized Warfare

Iranian back group of Progressive Terrorists kill 3 American Soldiers.

Views: 9

Iranian back group of Progressive Terrorists kill 3 American Soldiers.

Three American troops were killed and dozens more were injured in an overnight drone strike in northeast Jordan near the Syrian border. Biden was not to be disturbed and was notified the next morning.

While this Administration is trying to figure out what to do, the Terrorists are leaving their base of operations. Thanks Joe Biden. Iran-backed fighters in east Syria began evacuating their posts, fearing U.S. airstrikes, according to Omar Abu Layla, a Europe-based activist who heads the Deir Ezzor 24 media outlet. He told The Associated Press that the areas are the strongholds of Mayadeen and Boukamal.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Economy Education Elections Free Speech Government Overreach Green Energy Gun Control How funny is this? How sick is this? Immigration January 6 Journalism. Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Life Media Woke Medicine MSM Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Racism Science Stupid things people say or do. Terrorism The Border The Courts The Law theft in office. Transgender Trump Un documented. Uncategorized Warfare Weaponization of Government. White Progressive Supremacy WOKE Work Place

Weaponization of Government. New series.

Views: 15

Weaponization of Government. New series.

By MC.

I’ll be starting a new series on how Government is using its powers (Sometimes unconstitutionally and possibly illegally). Some of the articles will be in my own words (with sources) and some will be the reposting of articles from others.

I’ll be looking at local, state, and federal. Also, I’ll be looking at the educational system. Hopefully you will be shocked that this is going on. So, let’s see where this takes us.

If you have some ideas or have stories of weaponization, please feel free to comment or send me a link.



Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Terrorism Warfare

Hey Joe, Remember when you claimed that you stopped the War in Yemen?

Views: 25

Hey Joe, Remember when you claimed that you stopped the War in Yemen? During the Trump Administration, Saudi Arabia was buying weapons from the US and Yemen Progressive Houthis were labeled Terrorists.

Well Biden stopped the weapons sell and removed the Terrorist label from the Progressive Houthis. Joe even bragged that he stopped the war. Guess what? Houthis are attacking American ships and now Joe wants to label his former allies Terrorists.

Biden Says He’s Ending the Yemen War

Today marks a significant milestone—one year of a truce in the Yemen war. One year that has saved countless Yemeni lives, enabled increased humanitarian assistance to flow throughout the country, allowed Yemenis to travel throughout the Middle East, and set the conditions for a comprehensive peace. Maintaining this truce and strengthening progress toward peace has been a main focus of my administration’s engagement with our partners in the Middle East. That focus will continue intensively as we seek to build on this extraordinary progress and support all efforts towards a comprehensive resolution to this terrible conflict.

The United States remains fully committed to our partners in the region, and to supporting Saudi Arabia and the UAE from Iranian enabled attacks. The fact that cross border attacks from Yemen have ceased in the last year, as well as airstrikes inside Yemen, is yet another positive outcome of the truce. I look forward to continuing to work with all our partners in the region to permanently end the war in Yemen.



Education Free Speech How sick is this? Media Woke MSM Reprints from others. Terrorism Warfare

Palastinian Student expelled from FLA high school after his mother made pro-Palestinian posts on social media

Views: 28

Story by By Alaa Elassar, CNN (Arab/Muslim, per CNN)

The Council on American-Islamic Relations has requested the US Department of Education investigate the expulsion of a Palestinian American high school student over pro-Palestinian content his mother posted on social media.

Jad Abuhamda, 15, was expelled on November 19 from the Pine Crest School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. His mother, Dr. Maha Almasri, was fired from her position as a math tutor at the school after she made posts criticizing Israel’s “collective brutality” against Palestinian civilians and children in Gaza during the ongoing war, CAIR said in a Wednesday news release.

The private school issued a statement saying they considered Almasri’s social media posts to be “hateful and incendiary,” which Almasri has denied.
“We viewed some of this individual’s posts — including, for example, an image of a soldier pointing a machine gun at an infant inside of an incubator and an image with commentary suggesting that some wanted to roast babies in an oven — as having the possibility of inciting hatred and creating a climate of fear,” Pine Crest School said. “Her behavior was also such that the School believed it could increase the risk of violence in our community and compromise the safety of our students, employees, and families.”

Almasri told CNN her posts were taken out of context and her son has been subjected to wrongful treatment.

CAIR Florida managing attorney Omar Saleh said during a Thursday news conference they have not received a response from the school to their letters requesting more information on why Jad was expelled. The school responded to CNN’s request for comment with a link to its news release.

“For these reasons, the Student Handbook and enrollment agreement make clear that if a parent engages in behavior that is ‘disruptive, intimidating, or overly aggressive’ or ‘interferes … with the School’s … safety procedures, responsibilities, or the accomplishment of its educational purpose or program,’ the School may take the action that it deems necessary to address the situation,” the school statement said.

CNN has independently viewed the social media posts, which discussed the mounting death toll of children in Gaza, the number of explosives dropped on Gaza, and the history of Palestinians who were “violently expelled from Palestine in 1948 to form the state of Israel.”

One of the photos the school alluded to is a cartoon graphic depicting an Israeli soldier pointing a gun at a baby in an incubator, a metaphorical reference to the premature babies at Al-Shifa Hospital in Gaza, whose incubators stopped working when Israeli airstrikes cut off the generator powering the incubators. At least three of the babies died, according to previous CNN reporting.

Almasri says her posts were referring to the mounting humanitarian crisis in Gaza, where in response to Hamas’ October 7 attack that killed 1,200 people, Israel has launched a siege and war that has killed more than 18,700 Palestinians, 70% of whom are women and children, according to the Hamas-controlled health ministry in Gaza.

“None of my posts were inciting violence, they were merely shedding light on what was happening, the humanitarian crisis that was happening in Gaza,” Almasri said during a CAIR news conference Thursday. “It didn’t call for hate or violence or any of that. I feel that, again, criticizing a government or a set of people should not lead to any retaliation against that person who’s trying to express that and also take it upon themselves to also punish her child.”

Saleh said the group’s call for an investigation is about the expulsion of Jad, who Saleh says did not say or do anything to warrant the expulsion, as well as what CAIR described as inaccurate accusations regarding Almasri’s social media posts.

Jad, who is in 10th grade, has been unable to attend classes since November 19. The expulsion has interrupted his studies and college preparation, his mother told CNN, adding they now have to find a new school.

“He gets very depressed and withdrawn. He doesn’t know what to do with all this time,” Almasri told CNN. “He misses his friends a lot, he misses the school corridors, he misses everything. He’s trying to be strong, but he feels betrayed. At the end of the day, this is about expelling Jad for nothing he did.”

‘It’s almost like a weight lifted off my chest’ Jad, who was born and raised in Florida and grew up at the school, said he had always hidden his Palestinian identity until he was expelled as a result of his mother’s social media posts.

“Most people at Pine Crest had no idea that I was Palestinian, because I never felt safe to say that I was Palestinian at Pine Crest School,” Jad said. “Now that it’s out, it’s almost like a weight lifted off my chest … Now I feel that I can finally come out as who I am, which is a Palestinian kid who was wrongfully expelled by Pine Crest School.”

“Pine Crest School was my home, is a place where I was very comfortable, since 1st grade, since I was six years old,” Jad said during the news conference as he stood next to his mother.

“The friends I made there became family, even the people who I am not as close with there are still my community. They are the people I’ve seen every day of my life for the past 10 years. To have that taken away from me, for no reason at all, is heartbreaking,” he added. “I didn’t do anything at all.”

A petition started by an anonymous person calling for the school to reinstate Jad garnered more than 31,000 signatures in over two weeks and the family has received “overwhelming” support from community members, Almasri said.

“Think about the other Jads in that school and around,” said Abdullah Jaber, executive director of CAIR-Florida. “Our main concern is suppressing the right of Americans to express what they feel within their heart is to be decent human rights.”

The treatment of pro-Palestinians who speak up, Saleh said, is dangerously “one-sided” and the same discipline is not applied to those who post or make pro-Israeli commentary.

Both CAIR representatives and Almasri denied accusations her social media content condemning Israel’s actions in Gaza incited hatred or violence and instead advocated for the rights of Palestinians.

CAIR has recorded more than 2,171 requests for help and reports of anti-Muslim and anti-Arab bias in the nine weeks since October 7, including students and faculty being targeted for supporting Palestinian rights.

In Maryland, the advocacy group filed a discrimination complaint on behalf of a Black Muslim, Arab American teacher who was placed on administrative leave for her email signature, which included “from the river to the sea,” a controversial phrase supporting Palestinian rights.

By requesting a DOE investigation into Jad’s expulsion and the accusations made against Almasri based on her posts, CAIR said it hopes to protect other Arabs, Muslims, and pro-Palestinian people from receiving unfair punishment for condemning Israel’s actions.

CNN has reached out to the Department of Education for comment on the request.

“We have to get real. Speech because it’s sympathetic to Palestinians or because it’s critical to Israeli military or because it evokes a sense of conscience for humanity, it doesn’t make it antisemitic, it doesn’t make it anti-Jewish, it’s not disruptive and it’s not inciteful,” Saleh said. “You can wish peace to Israel and say free Palestine at the same time.”


Screenshot from footage taken in Gaza NICU showing a stashed gun hidden in an incubator.



Footage from Gaza hospital: Weapons hidden in infant incubators
Hospital workers admit: Weapons hidden in NICU incubators intended to treat premature babies.

It would seem that that “paragon” of Journalism (insert LMAO meme here), CNN, is on the same side as this woman. This isn’t surprising; after all, the reporter is also a Muslim. An Egyptian -Palestinian, to be exact.

I couldn’t find the actual cartoons — for some strange reason, nobody has reposted them. Yet, there are at least four major listings for this story.

And isn’t it strange how this arrogant woman thought she could get away with posting libelous cartoons in a conservative state with a large Jewish population? And isn’t it also strange that the boy was “afraid to admit he was Palestinian?

I also have to question the claim: “A petition started by an anonymous person calling for the school to reinstate Jad garnered more than 31,000 signatures in over two weeks…” I would love to know how many of the IP addresses associated with these “signatures” come from outside Florida and how many of them come from OUTSIDE the USA.

Israel has launched a siege and war that has killed more than 18,700 Palestinians, 70% of whom are women and children, according to the Hamas-controlled health ministry in Gaza.
After it’s been shown that Hamas has been using hospitals as “Human Shields” for C & C centers and weapons storage, why would anyone with more than two brain cells believe anything they post?

Iranian protesters burn an Israeli flag during an anti-Israel rally at Enqelab-e Eslami (Islamic Revolution) Square. (Sobhan Farajvan via Getty Images)





Biden Cartel Censorship Corruption How sick is this? Links from other news sources. Opinion Progressive Racism Warfare

Hamas adds new ally. Williamsburg Festival Organizers.

Views: 32

Hamas adds new ally. Williamsburg Festival Organizers. Yes my friends, the terrorists have a friend in the Williamsburg Festival Organizers. Why do I say that? Look at what I found.

The Virginia Gazette News reported:

A menorah lighting was scheduled for the 2nd Sundays Art and Music Festival on Dec. 10. Each month from March to December, the community event hosts artisans, street performers and food vendors, and Jewish leaders were told that the board was not comfortable allowing the lighting at the festival.

Dec. 7 marks the first night of Hanukkah. According to a statement from the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula, the lighting was going to be held by a local rabbi and had nothing to do with the Israel-Hamas war. The statement says Jewish leaders were told the event would appear to choose sides in the conflict, and organizers would reschedule the celebration if it were held under a “ceasefire” banner.

In a statement, the United Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula said:

The Jewish Community of the Virginia Peninsula is shocked and alarmed at LoveLight Placemaking’s decision to cancel a menorah lighting scheduled for the Second Sundays Art and Music Festival on Dec 10 in Williamsburg – claiming it did not want to appear to choose sides in the Israel-Hamas conflict. To be clear, the menorah lighting, which was to be led by a local community rabbi, had nothing to do with Israel or the conflict.

Yet, appallingly, the event organizer claimed that a Chanukah celebration would send a message that the festival was “supporting the killing/bombing of thousands of men, women, and children,” — and even went a step further, by offering to reinstate the event if it was done under a banner calling for a ceasefire.

We should be very clear: it is antisemitic to hold Jews collectively responsible for Israel’s policies and actions, and to require a political litmus test for Jews’ participation in community events that have nothing to do with Israel. Those standards would never be applied to another community.

Since October 7th, we have repeatedly seen cases of Jewish people and institutions – including synagogues, Jewish homes and businesses – being targeted, sometimes violently, by those opposed to Israel or its actions. At a time of well-documented, rising antisemitism, the singling out and targeting of Jews is dangerous and harmful, serving to further exclude and alienate our community.

The Second Sundays Art & Music Festival has been a meaningful and important community event that brings people together under a powerful message of unity, love and light. Excluding Jewish participation from a festival that should welcome everyone undermines its very message. We call on LoveLight Placemaking to reconsider our request to engage in dialogue, educate themselves on the harmfulness of their decision, and reinstate the apolitical Menorah ceremony at the event.



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