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What happens when you mask up, and get six jabs? You get COVID again, again, and again. Tony the Fauch.

Views: 26

What happens when you mask up, and get six jabs? You get COVID again, again, and again. Tony the Fauch.

So after six jabs, and numerous times of masking up, what does the Fauch say you should do? Get jabbed again and continue to mask up.

Scientific evidence has shown that vaccinated people are contracting COVID far more often than those not vaccinated against the disease and make up the majority of COVID-19 deaths. Double and tripled-vaxxed individuals have the highest rate.

The good news? More and more parents aren’t vaccinating their children for COVID. If in our lifetime, there is another COVID type pandemic, let’s hope folks like Tony the Fauch aren’t used as a go to medical  expert.


How funny is this? Poetic Justice Reprints from others. Riots Terrorism

BLM Turns on Dem Party After Kamala Harris Is Installed as Nominee

Views: 26

Friday funnies

Nothing about the vice president’s sudden elevation felt organic.

How ironic is it that the muscle of the Democratic party has turned on them?

Black Lives Matter, the insidious Marxist organization Democrats used to foment violence during the race-mongering madness of 2020, has issued a public objection to party leaders’ swift coronation of Vice President Kamala Harris as their 2024 presidential nominee.

“Following the primary where millions of black voters weighed in, after one poor debate performance, the DNC Party elites and billionaire donors bullied Joe Biden out of the race,” BLM said in a statement to Reuters.

Sunday on X, President Joe Biden (supposedly) announced that he would withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.

The announcement came under unusual and perhaps suspicious circumstances. Since his dreadful debate performance on June 27, Biden had faced mounting pressure to quit the race from fellow Democrats. He had refused.

Announcing the decision on X, where one might reasonably doubt that the octogenarian president has ever posted on his own behalf, only heightened suspicions of a Democratic Party coup.

For the past two days, Democrats — including Biden himself in a dubious endorsement made via speaker phone — have rallied around Harris. Still, nothing about the vice president’s sudden elevation has felt organic.

Notwithstanding these strange developments, Democrats have clearly tried to depict their party as united behind Harris.

BLM’s public objection, therefore, constitutes the first major internal demand that Democrats pump the brakes on the Harris 2024 train.

“We call for the Rules Committee to create a process that allows for public participation in the nomination process, not just a nomination by party delegates,” the BLM statement read.

Indeed, it appears that Democrats — the so-called “party of democracy” — have failed to pull the proverbial wool over BLM’s eyes.

“The current political landscape is unprecedented, with President Biden stepping aside in a manner never seen before. This moment calls for decisive action to protect the integrity of our democracy and the voices of black voters,” the statement said.

To its credit, BLM called out party leaders’ apparent coup against Biden.

“Now, Democratic Party elites and billionaire donors are attempting to manipulate black voters by anointing Kamala Harris and an unknown vice president as the new Democratic ticket without a primary vote by the public,” the statement continued.

Also to its credit, BLM appeared unmoved by the argument that race and gender should take precedence over other factors.

“We have no idea where Kamala Harris stands on the issues, now that she has assumed Joe Biden’s place, and we have no idea of the record of her potential vice president because we don’t even know who it is yet,” the statement read.

Apart from its nauseating emphasis on skin color, the BLM statement contained nothing to which reasonable Americans should object.

On balance, of course, BLM has not exactly earned the benefit of the doubt from conservative or right-leaning voters.

Perhaps, therefore, it is best to take direction from the late former President Herbert Hoover.

On Sept. 16, 1941 — nearly three months after Adolf Hitler stabbed fellow tyrant Joseph Stalin in the back by ordering German forces to attack the Soviet Union — Hoover urged his fellow Americans to stay out of the European conflict.

“The fratricidal war between Hitler and Stalin is daily weakening both dictators,” Hoover argued.

That pre-Pearl Harbor assessment from a former president contained wisdom applicable to present circumstances. And conservatives should heed that wisdom.

After all, if BLM launches a civil war against fellow tyrants in the Democratic Party leadership, then who could complain? In that case, conservatives must stand aside and allow the conflict to weaken everyone involved.

While it would be fun to see happen, more BLM/Antifa violence and destruction will simply cost all of us more money. –TPR


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Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge Part 3 Some GOOD COPS

Views: 6

Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge Part 3 Some GOOD COPS

Not all Bullies with a Badge are evil or have underlying mental problems. There is no doubt that some most definitely do have severe problems, and civilians get injured or die because of them.

Then, some think they are doing things correctly but are either ignorant of the laws they are supposed to enforce or harbor unconscious biases.

There is also the “the end justifies the means” group.


Note the good cop was penalized for speaking up, and the bad cop was rewarded — until a news station filed a FOIA request for the body cam footage.

Finally, there are the cops who are so thin-skinned that they harass and/or arrest people because their feelings get hurt.


The end justifies the means. Here, the “end” is getting credited with an arrest. I would likely fail the walking a straight line (heel and toe) test because my toes rarely point straight ahead unless I’m running. This test also forces you to place your feet in an unnatural, unbalanced position. Even professional wire walkers have trouble maintaining their balance when forced to walk like that without a balance pole or something similar, and any swaying as you walk will cause the cops to claim that “proves” you’re intoxicated.



Here, we start with the typical bad attitude, this time by a court bailiff. As usual, when a bad cop gets frustrated, they escalate, but this time, officers who KNOW the law stand up for the civilians.


I don’t think I’d be brave enough to do what this guy does. Too much chance of suffering an “accident.” But again, Good cops straighten out the bad cops and the civilian Karens/Kevins.


And cops doing good deeds:


Support good cops and report the bad ones.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Links from other news sources. Opinion Poetic Justice Politics

Yes Virginia be afraid, be very afraid. CNN Data Analyst Stunned by Surge in Black Voter Support for Trump.

Views: 22

Yes Virginia be afraid, be very afraid. CNN Data Analyst Stunned by Surge in Black Voter Support for Trump. In the white progressive shitholes, panic has set in. Forget MSNBC, THEY REFUSE TO SHOW THEIR VIEWERS WHAT THE REST OF THE COUNTRY IS SEEING.

CNN’s Harry Enten recently broke down the surge of support for Trump among black voters and seemed stunned by the findings. “My goodness gracious,” he said as he reacted to the polling average, which showed Trump’s support among Black voters more than doubled to 22% compared to 2020. Biden, meanwhile, saw a 12% drop, though he still holds a 47-point lead.





Affirmative Action Back Door Power Grab Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources. Poetic Justice The Courts The Law

Another NY DA mess. You make the call. New York City Cop Acquitted Three Years After Punching Suspect Who Refused to Leave Apple Store.

Views: 15

Another NY DA mess. You make the call. New York City Cop Acquitted Three Years After Punching Suspect Who Refused to Leave Apple Store.

It seems as if the NY DA has a history of going after the good guy and losing. This current prosecutor sticks out like a sore thumb Adds credence to those who say affirmative action at work.

Officer Salvatore Provenzano, a 17-year veteran of the New York Police Department (NYPD), was charged with third-degree assault in 2023 — two years after a body camera captured the October 2021 interaction between him and Kamal Cheikhaoui, a man who had repeatedly refused to leave the Upper West Side store, CBS News reported.

Cheikhaoui, whom the New York Post described as a “repeat offender,” was reportedly acting “unruly” in the Apple Store before security asked him to leave, prompting Provenzano and other cops to step in to remove him.

Body camera footage that another responding officer captured begins with Cheikhaoui loudly demanding to purchase merchandise and trying to push past security as Provenzano takes him by the arm and leads him toward the exit. When the suspect gets loose from his grasp and suddenly turns, the officer strikes him in the face:

DA Bragg’s office convened a grand jury, which indicted the officer two years later.

Police union representatives happily announced on Thursday that the charges had finally been dropped.

The Police Benevolent Association of the City of New York (PBA), which represents more than 50,000 active and retired NYPD officers, said it was “grateful to get justice, but Manhattan prosecutors should never have brought the case in the first place.”

“This DA has to stop targeting New York City police officers and go after criminals. It needs to end now,” PBA President Patrick Hendry said during a press briefing. Bragg’s thoughts?

“We work in close partnership with the NYPD every day, and I have immense respect for the officers in uniform,” Bragg said in a statement. “I thank our prosecutors for their hard work and Judge Wiley for his careful and thoughtful consideration of this matter.”


America's Heartland Black Supremacy Commentary Crime Links from other news sources. Poetic Justice

Why is it that when a black person is killed by a cop, it’s the cop, but when the black person kills the cop it’s the gun.

Views: 22

Why is it that when a black person is killed by a cop, it’s the cop, but when the black person kills the cop it’s the gun.

How does the left come up with that analogy? I guess the cop who defends himself is the bad guy, but the black criminal who usually owns the gun illegally is not to be blamed. Blame the system, blame white supremacy.

Recently the police had a man pulled over who was wearing a ski mask. He refused to obey the cops orders. He started firing on the police. then and only then did they fire back.



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