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What happens when you mask up, and get six jabs? You get COVID again, again, and again. Tony the Fauch.

What happens when you mask up, and get six jabs? You get COVID again, again, and again. Tony the Fauch.

So after six jabs, and numerous times of masking up, what does the Fauch say you should do? Get jabbed again and continue to mask up.

Scientific evidence has shown thatĀ vaccinatedĀ people are contracting COVID far more often than those not vaccinated against the disease and make up theĀ majorityĀ of COVID-19 deaths. Double and tripled-vaxxed individuals have the highest rate.

The good news? More and more parents aren’t vaccinating their children for COVID. If in our lifetime, there is another COVID type pandemic, let’s hope folks like Tony the Fauch aren’t used as a go to medicalĀ  expert.