Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Faked news Harris Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Just watched the Joe Biden endorsement speech, closely. That ain’t Joe.

Views: 16

Other people have expressed doubts, but I saw proof.

First of all, he’s never given a speech from the actual Oval Office; it’s always been that set. So, first evidence: backdrops don’t move. Period, full stop. Second, why wait three days to make a public, televised announcement?

This link is from the left-leaning outlet The Hill:

You may need to take the video to full screen but watch the lower center window pane segment screen right: it’s MOVING noticeably! None of the other panes in the window show any motion. Why? Because it’s a still picture! This is evidence of AI/CGI being used.

More proof, watch where his hair is atop his head and the set behind it. Instead of a clear break like you would expect (like the clear demarcation from his suit to the background ), there’s an interference pattern. Another sign of bad CGI. And what’s with the heavy black line between his neck and his collar? More evidence of a cut-and-paste job.

So is this another person with Joe’s face pasted on it? You tell me. They did it with Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher (not to mention Mark Hamill) and to de-age Jeff Bridges for the Tron sequel. But they dodn’t have Hollywood $$$ to do it right. This was obviously a rush job.

Is this REALLY Joe Biden??

(I will give them kudos for color-correcting his artificial tan from glaring orange to a more realistic hue, even though it just proves more image manipulation is being used.)

Finally — and most obviously — this “Joe Biden” never stutters, never loses his train of thought, never says ‘um,’ or ‘you know’ and is coherent for OVER ELEVEN MINUTES! The same guy who had a hard time producing three coherent sentences in a row just days before.

I recently saw — and reported — a short on YouTube that supposedly had Jordan Peterson as the narrator. (Peterson is a Canadian Psychologist that got in trouble with the Federal Government for refusing to tow the government’s propaganda line.) HOWEVER, it had nothing to do with ANYTHING Peterson has ever spoken about on hundreds of YouTube videos. Normal AI Text to speech bots can be detected when it uses incorrect contextual pronunciations for words like “live.” I didn’t catch any of these simple errors, but the whole narration seemed off.

This is a deep fake, NOT the real Joe Biden.

And, one must presume that the actual Joe Biden is a.) still alive at all;  b.) not bed ridden already OR secured in a chair where – if he does manage to get up – sounds an alarm to alert the staff; and c.) is even aware of what day it is. Which is impossible to determine.





Biden Cartel Elections Harris Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

Will descendants of former slaves owned by the Harris family indorse her and other things.

Views: 33

Will descendants of former slaves owned by the Harris family indorse her and other things. So can anyone else remember when Harris’s father came out and spoke about the family owning slaves?

Will any of the descendants of those slaves be forgiving and support Harris? And what about her mental fitness?

Kamala Harris‘s rambling ‘word salad’ speeches may be a symptom of a little-known but common psychological condition called logorrhoea — also known as verbal diarrhoea.

These include schizophrenia, lesions on the brain, damage to areas of the brain that deal with language, and ADHD.

A Washington bar started offering $5 'Pina Kamala' coconut shots all night after Joe Biden stood down from the presidential race on Sunday

A Washington bar started offering $5 ‘Pina Kamala’ coconut shots all night after Joe Biden stood down from the presidential race on Sunday

Hawaii senator Brian Schatz posted a picture of himself climbing a coconut tree, a reference to Ms Harris's infamous anecdote about something she claimed her mother used to say

Hawaii senator Brian Schatz posted a picture of himself climbing a coconut tree, a reference to Ms Harris’s infamous anecdote about something she claimed her mother used to say


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke Opinion Politics White Progressive Supremacy

No Virginia, Skin color or race has nothing to do with why folks don’t want Harris as President.

Views: 21

No Virginia, Skin color or race has nothing to do with why folks don’t want Harris as President. Remember Jen Psaki? The red head bitch who circled herself out of a job. Well, she’s back and is throwing out White Progressive Supremacist trash talk.

She’s claiming that Harris should be the President if Joe doesn’t cut the mustard. But claims that America is racist cause of her race and skin color.

So, didn’t those same Americans vote in not once but twice a person who was not white? A person who was black? He even had a funny name. Now we see why she was given her walking papers.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Debates Just my own thoughts Opinion

Yes Virginia, you knew long before the debate that Joe was missing something.

Views: 15

Yes Virginia, you knew long before the debate that Joe was missing something. Yesterday Joe again proved that Conservatives have been right the past four years.

Oh the White House Press corps and the rest of the media acted as if the debate was the first time they saw act like that. Joe’s had these issues for years. Now he’s playing brain dead. But he’s actually not.

Joe at times shows signs of normalcy, but most of the time is actually brain dead. He doesn’t think, he just acts. And it’s usually crazy.

Joe says it’s the elitists and pundits that are saying these things about him. Is his brain that fried that he doesn’t see the American public turning on him. Even part of his base?


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Yes Virginia, It’s all over now. Joe, please leave while you still can with some dignity left.

Views: 14

Yes Virginia, It’s all over  now. Joe, please leave while you still can with some dignity left. And what’s with the orange, tan Joe? There can only be one.

If you watched Biden last night, you had to think that it was a shell of a man who thought it was still 1972. I knew it was over when George directly and indirectly asked Biden about his mental state.

One of just a few lies from last night. “This is a guy who told us to put bleach in our arms to deal with COVID. Over a million people died.”


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Lawfare Leftist Virtue(!) Life Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Thursdays debate now makes sense of why the Hur report video wasn’t released.

Views: 18

Thursdays debate now makes sense of why the Hur report video wasn’t released.

Seeing Joe in action caused me to go back on the Hur report. It’s not what’s redacted, it’s how Biden spoke in the two interviews.

I saw today that 62 times the court reorter wrote down illegable on Joe’s comments. How many times did Joe go into that mumble jumbo talk of his?


America's Heartland Black Supremacy Commentary Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Opinion Progressive Racism Unions White Progressive Supremacy Work Place

Yes Virginia, there are Black Jobs. Just ask any Black union worker who will tell the truth.

Views: 15

Yes Virginia, there are Black Jobs. Just ask any Black union worker who will tell the truth. Sure you have your regular jobs that are mostly black and brown. House keeping comes to mind. But Unions? What Union doesn’t use affirmative action?

Granted a large number of the Blacks are on the bottom. Labor. But those were created positions. Now a few do get in the skills or management, but that’s because of quota systems.

Hopefully under the next administration, jobs will be for the qualified, regardless of color. Jobs shouldn’t be color labeled, but also Blacks need to do it on their own and not take a job because a certain number needs to be filled.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Government Overreach Lawfare Links from other news sources. Opinion

Short and sweet. No Virginia there is no difference between Bannon, Navarro, or Garland ignoring Subpoenas.

Views: 9

Short and sweet. No Virginia there is no difference between Bannon, Navarro, or Garland ignoring Subpoenas.

So, three men are found in contempt of Congress. All three ignored a Subpoena. But only Bannon and Navarro were arrested. All three claimed executive privilege. Again, Bannon and Navarro were denied.

we might see a more precise demarcation line drawn around the nebulous concept of executive privilege and absolute immunity. Specific requirements could be held up for executive privilege assertions – proof of assertion by a present or former president, validation of the defendant’s advisory role at the relevant time, and the privilege claim made on a question-by-question basis before Congress. Satisfying these requirements could become critical for criminal and civil enforcement efforts in future legislative-executive branch face-offs.


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Crime Just my own thoughts Opinion Un documented.

City and County lockups (jails) need to adjust for the undocumented criminals.

Views: 22

City and County lockups (jails) need to adjust for the undocumented criminals. I remember a few years back that the restaurants in the Norfolk, Virginia Beach restaurants had a lot of Russian students working there. I wondered if it was because they were in a area with several military bases.

Today with the Joe Biden flood gates opened, it makes one wonder what damage can be done. Drug runners, convicted felons from other countries, spies, etc.

Local jails are not set up to handle these type of criminals. So maybe when an undocumented person is arrested, maybe have them placed in a federally secured prison and their trial done virtual. Something worth looking into.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary How sick is this? Journalism. Links from other news sources. MSM Opinion

Yes Virginia, the MSM in Europe point out Joe’s mental decline.

Views: 18

Yes Virginia, the MSM in Europe point out Joe’s mental decline.

For years Conservative Media has been seeing and reporting on Joe’s mental decline. And at times the MSM would comment on it lightly. But now after this latest fiasco in Europe, their MSM have seen the decline.

The Sun and other European media are reporting on his actions.

Revealing the growing concerns in diplomatic circles, Sun political editor Harry Cole told our Never Mind the Ballots show: “He ducked out for dinner last night… But my sources, diplomatic sources here, say it is the worst they’ve ever seen Joe Biden, and he’s in a bad way.

“He’s losing focus in meetings. Sometimes he’s very sharp sometimes, he’s very much not. So, some worrying developments there.


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