Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Faked news Harris Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Just watched the Joe Biden endorsement speech, closely. That ain’t Joe.

Views: 18

Other people have expressed doubts, but I saw proof.

First of all, he’s never given a speech from the actual Oval Office; it’s always been that set. So, first evidence: backdrops don’t move. Period, full stop. Second, why wait three days to make a public, televised announcement?

This link is from the left-leaning outlet The Hill:

You may need to take the video to full screen but watch the lower center window pane segment screen right: it’s MOVING noticeably! None of the other panes in the window show any motion. Why? Because it’s a still picture! This is evidence of AI/CGI being used.

More proof, watch where his hair is atop his head and the set behind it. Instead of a clear break like you would expect (like the clear demarcation from his suit to the background ), there’s an interference pattern. Another sign of bad CGI. And what’s with the heavy black line between his neck and his collar? More evidence of a cut-and-paste job.

So is this another person with Joe’s face pasted on it? You tell me. They did it with Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher (not to mention Mark Hamill) and to de-age Jeff Bridges for the Tron sequel. But they dodn’t have Hollywood $$$ to do it right. This was obviously a rush job.

Is this REALLY Joe Biden??

(I will give them kudos for color-correcting his artificial tan from glaring orange to a more realistic hue, even though it just proves more image manipulation is being used.)

Finally — and most obviously — this “Joe Biden” never stutters, never loses his train of thought, never says ‘um,’ or ‘you know’ and is coherent for OVER ELEVEN MINUTES! The same guy who had a hard time producing three coherent sentences in a row just days before.

I recently saw — and reported — a short on YouTube that supposedly had Jordan Peterson as the narrator. (Peterson is a Canadian Psychologist that got in trouble with the Federal Government for refusing to tow the government’s propaganda line.) HOWEVER, it had nothing to do with ANYTHING Peterson has ever spoken about on hundreds of YouTube videos. Normal AI Text to speech bots can be detected when it uses incorrect contextual pronunciations for words like “live.” I didn’t catch any of these simple errors, but the whole narration seemed off.

This is a deep fake, NOT the real Joe Biden.

And, one must presume that the actual Joe Biden is a.) still alive at all;  b.) not bed ridden already OR secured in a chair where – if he does manage to get up – sounds an alarm to alert the staff; and c.) is even aware of what day it is. Which is impossible to determine.





Commentary Faked news Hate Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Lies Links from other news sources. MSM Racism.

Did NBC do the right thing when they took Morning Joe off the air Yesterday?

Views: 34

Did NBC do the right thing when they took Morning Joe off the air Yesterday? Actually, they should cancel the program all together. Remember when Trump first came into office, Joe and his sidekick couldn’t stay away from Mar-a-Largo. After they were shown the door, things changed.

If you wanted to view White Progressive Supremacists, Black Supremacy, Racism, Bigotry, and Hate Speech, that was the place to be. We have this from Forbes.

In a highly unusual move, MSNBC decided not to air its flagship political morning show, Morning Joe, on Monday morning—with the Republican National Convention opening in Milwaukee. The network remained in breaking news coverage following the weekend shooting at Donald Trump’s rally in Pennsylvania.

A person familiar with the network’s decision told CNN “that the decision was made to avoid a scenario in which one of the show’s stable of two dozen-plus guests might make an inappropriate comment on live television that could be used to assail the program and network as a whole,” the network reported. “Given the breaking news nature of the story, the person said, it made more sense to continue airing rolling breaking news coverage in the fraught political moment.”



Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Elections Faked news Links from other news sources.

If true, it makes for an interesting outcome.

Views: 28

If true, it makes for an interesting outcome.

I’m sure you’ve heard the news about a supposed cousin who claims that was given information about the Trump case. I first saw it on Raw Story, Newsmax, ABC and NBC news. Below from NBC.

The New York judge overseeing Donald Trump’s hush money trial has asked attorneys in the case about a social media post purporting to preview the former president’s guilty verdict.

“Today, the Court became aware of a comment that was posted on the Unified Court System’s public Facebook page and which I now bring to your attention,” Judge Juan Merchan wrote in a letter dated Friday.


Biden Commentary Elections Faked news Lies Links from other news sources.

Biden Speech a National failure. CNN claims worst on record.

Views: 28

Biden Speech a National failure. CNN claims worst on record. Thanks Joe Biden. Joe did save his ass from getting kicked off the ballot, but even drugged up the American people saw first hand that he’s not ready for prime time.

Biden’s campaign and some media outlets have pointed to a post-speech instant CNN poll showing 65 percent of viewers offered a positive review of Biden’s speech. Viewers also shifted 17 points toward believing the country is headed in the right direction — from 45 percent before the speech to 62 percent afterward.

It went on to explain that these positive polling numbers are somewhat of a red herring:

The 65 percent who had a positive view of the speech was actually lower than any such speech CNN has polled in the past quarter-century — the previous low being Donald Trump’s 2018 address (70 percent).

And the 35 percent who offered a “very” positive review was effectively tied with Biden’s speech last year (34 percent) for the lowest on record. The next lowest were Biden’s 2022 speech and George W. Bush’s 2007 speech, which each earned “very” positive marks from 41 percent of viewers.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption COVID Daily Hits. Economy Education Elections Faked news Free Speech Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Progressive Racism Reprints from others.

10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You. Fully.

Views: 14

10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You. Fully.

This is brought to us by the Vigilant Fox.


#10 – Ed Dowd reveals alarming excess death data in children. (Exclusive Interview)

#9 – The January 6 pipe bomber was actually a ‘former government official,’ according to reports.

#8 – RFK Jr. exposes Joe Biden’s racist past in viral post.

#7 – Megyn Kelly thinks E. Jean Carroll may have just handed the election to Donald Trump.

#6 – The data is clear: COVID-19 “vaccination” does not protect against severe hospitalization and death.

#5 – Iconic rapper Snoop Dogg makes a surprising statement about Donald Trump.

#4 – WHO chief admits info warriors are hindering the NWO agenda.

#3 – James O’Keefe drops viral video with top White House cyber official.

#2 – Tucker Carlson warns against the true motives behind the globalist agenda.

#1 – Australian man injured by Pfizer jab wins landmark claim against his employer.



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Call a spade a spade. Hamas, Pro Hamas Rioters, and White and Black Progressive Supremacists have the same goals.

Views: 43

Call a spade a spade. Hamas, Pro Hamas Rioters, and White and Black Progressive Supremacists have the same goals. For my Liberal readers, let me explain before you try to do a doxing on me the way Progressives do. This is my pointing out of white progressive and black progressive supremacists.

The two groups have the same goals. They don’t allow debate. Only one view is allowed, and they dox whenever they get the chance. They will also go after moderates and liberals who disagree with them.

They claim that they’re not antisemitic, but they don’t condemn the rioters or openly support Israel in the October attack. They also will say something like I don’t support the government, but I support the people. Never do you see them in rallies in support of the people. They only show up in these rallies for a river to the sea cleansing of Jews.

So, when you see me connect progressives with Hamas, KKK, Confederates, Jim Crow laws, and other signs of hate, you will know of whom I speak.


Back Door Power Grab COVID Elections Faked news How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Medicine Reprints from others. Tony the Fauch

Oh, great! WEF to warn of a ‘Disease X’ with ’20x more fatalities’ than Covid-19

Views: 26

The World Economic Forum’s (WEF) annual confab in Davos, Switzerland is set to kick off next week, and the program is rife with all of the usual suspects. Our aspiring global rulers are set to have a grand time once more calling for our collective enslavement, which of course is necessary for the “greater good.”

The 2024 program is one for the ages. Attendees will watch Pfizer’s Albert Bourla and Open AI’s Sam Altman talk about Artificial Intelligence (AI). They’ll see depopulation advocate Bill “Bugman” Gates advancing the climate hoax. John Kerry will appear on four different stages to discuss the “energy transition.” We will also see Klaus Schwab sit down for a 1 on 1 with the second highest ranking Chinese government official.

But one panel in particular sticks out: Preparing for Disease X. The topic is both incredibly vague and incredibly disturbing.

The description for the discussion reads: “With fresh warnings from the World Health Organization that an unknown ‘Disease X’ could result in 20 times more fatalities than the coronavirus pandemic, what novel efforts are needed to prepare healthcare systems for the multiple challenges ahead?”

The panel will feature a high-profile lineup that includes WHO director “Dr” Tedros and the chairman of AstraZeneca.

The concept of a Disease X was adopted by the World Health Organization in 2018. Tedros, Dr Anthony Fauci, Jeremy Farrar of the eugenicist Wellcome Trust, and many high profile individuals on the forefront of Covid hysteria policy have been involved in advancing the Disease X hypothesis over the years.

Now, it’s easy for normal people to dismiss this lunacy. But given the powerful, maniacal minds populating the Davos gathering, it’s worth maintaining a level of situational awareness surrounding these events, as they can often offer some insight into the unguarded mindset of these technocratic tyrants.

“No possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year”

On this topic, it’s worth recalling that another infamous predictive panel was announced at the 2019 WEF Davos conference. That panel concluded with the launch announcement of Event 201.

Event 201 was an amazingly predictive  “war game” simulation in which a fictional coronavirus passed from an animal reservoir to humans.

Just weeks before the onset of COVID Mania, some of the most maniacal, power-hungry forces on the planet got together to war-game a “fictional” coronavirus with “no possibility of a vaccine being available in the first year,” warning of a “similar pandemic in the future.”

Full story here

Sounds a bit familiar, huh?

Event 201 became known for its impeccable timing. Just weeks after the simulation occurred, full-blown pandemic hysteria broke out.

The 15 participants in the Event 201 simulation included an interesting bunch:

  1. George Gao, the director of the Chinese CDC
  2. Hasti Taghi, a vice president for NBC
  3. Avril Haines, the former deputy director of the Central Intelligence Agency
  4. Chris Elias, a director of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
  5. Timothy Grant Evans, a former World Health Organization and Rockefeller Foundation official
  6. Lavan Thiru, the director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore
  7. Adrian Thomas, VP at Johnson & Johnson
  8. Brad Connett, the president of Henry Schein, Inc., a major distributor of health care products
  9. Jane Halton, an executive with Australia’s second largest bank
  10. Stephen Redd, a top CDC official
  11. Sofia Borges, a top official at the UN Foundation
  12. Eduardo Martinez, a senior executive at UPS
  13. Matthew Harrington, the COO of Edelman, a marketing and PR firm
  14. Martin Knuchel, a senior director at Lufthansa
  15. Latoya D. Abbott, a senior employee for Marriott International

Of those 15 players, 13 worked in the upper echelons of private organizations or government agencies that would almost immediately witness an exponential monetary benefit or the tremendous absorption of political power.

Will the global ruling class attempt to foment another worldwide hysteria at Davos 2024?




Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Censorship Commentary Corruption Crime Economy Education Elections Faked news Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Media Woke Medicine Science The Law Tony the Fauch Warfare WOKE Work Place

Not a Nothingburger: My Statement to Congress on Censorship.

Views: 17

Not a Nothingburger: My Statement to Congress on Censorship
The key question in censorship is always the same. Who’s doing it?

For time reasons, I had to cut my actual address a bit short Thursday. This statement, which began with a nod to Dr. Jay Bhattacharya, is what was entered into the congressional record:

November 30, 2023

Chairman Jordan, ranking member Plaskett, members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to speak.

Exactly one year ago today I had my first look at the documents that came to be known as the Twitter Files. One of the first things Michael, Bari Weiss and I found was this image, showing that Stanford’s Dr. Jay Bhattacharya had been placed on a “trends blacklist”:

This was not because he was suspected of terrorism or incitement or of being a Russian spy or a bad citizen in any way. Dr. Bhattacharya’s crime was doing a peer-reviewed study that became the 55th-most read scientific paper of all time, which showed the WHO initially overstated Covid-19 infection fatality rates by a factor of 17. This was legitimate scientific opinion and should have been an important part of the public debate, but Bhattacharya and several of his colleagues instead became some of the most suppressed people in America in 2020 and 2021.

That’s because by then, even true speech that undermined confidence in government policies had begun to be considered a form of disinformation, precisely the situation the First Amendment was designed to avoid.

When Michael and I testified before the good people of this Committee in March we mentioned this classically Orwellian concept of “malinformation” — material that is somehow both true and wrong — as one of many reasons everyone should be concerned about these digital censorship programs.

But there’s a more subtle reason people across the spectrum should care about this issue.

Former Executive Director of the ACLU Ira Glasser once explained to a group of students why he didn’t support hate speech codes on campuses. The problem, he said, was “who gets to decide what’s hateful… who gets to decide what to ban,” because “most of the time, it ain’t you.”

The story that came out in the Twitter Files, and for which more evidence surfaced in both the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit and this Committee’s Facebook Files releases, speaks directly to Glasser’s concerns.

There’s been a dramatic shift in attitudes about speech, and many politicians now clearly believe the bulk of Americans can’t be trusted to digest information. This mindset imagines that if we see one clip from RT we’ll stop being patriots, that once exposed to hate speech we’ll become bigots ourselves, that if we read even one Donald Trump tweet we’ll become insurrectionists.

Having come to this conclusion, the kind of people who do “anti-disinformation” work have taken upon themselves the paternalistic responsibility to sort out for us what is and is not safe. While they see great danger in allowing anyone else to read controversial material, it’s taken for granted that they’ll be immune to the dangers of speech.

This leads to the one inescapable question about new “anti-disinformation” programs that is never discussed, but must be: who does this work? Stanford’s Election Integrity Project helpfully made a graphic showing the “external stakeholders” in their content review operation. It showed four columns: government, civil society, platforms, media:

One group is conspicuously absent from that list: people. Ordinary people! Whether America continues the informal sub rosa censorship system seen in the Twitter Files or formally adopts something like Europe’s draconian new Digital Services Act, it’s already clear who won’t be involved. There’ll be no dockworkers doing content flagging, no poor people from inner city neighborhoods, no single moms pulling multiple waitressing jobs, no immigrant store owners or Uber drivers, etc. These programs will always feature a tiny, rarefied sliver of affluent professional-class America censoring a huge and ever-expanding pool of everyone else.

Take away the high-fallutin’ talk about “countering hate” and “reducing harm” and “anti-disinformation” is just a bluntly elitist gatekeeping exercise. If you prefer to think in progressive terms, it’s class war. The math is simple. If one small demographic over here has broad control over the speech landscape, and a great big one over there does not, it follows that one group will end up with more political power than the other. Which one is the winner? To paraphrase Glasser, it probably ain’t you.

It isn’t just one side or the other that will lose if these programs are allowed to continue. It’s pretty much everyone, which is why these programs must be defunded before it’s too late.


Commentary Faked news Links from other news sources. Media Woke MSM White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Jessica Chastain Pleads for Help to Find a Credible News Source After NYT and WaPo ‘Rushed to Conclusion’ over Gaza Hospital Blast.

Views: 18

Jessica Chastain Pleads for Help to Find a Credible News Source After NYT and WaPo ‘Rushed to Conclusion’ over Gaza Hospital Blast. So this sweet young thing doesn’t know where to go when it comes to a news source that gives her fair and balanced news.

All she has to do is follow me and she’ll get that. But if not, there are Conservative news outlets out there that won’t openly lie to her.. Here’s what she had to say.

Interstellar star Jessica Chastain is pleading with the public for help to find credible news sources after the New York Times and Washington Post “rushed to conclusion” in response to the Gaza hospital blast on Tuesday.

“Is there ANY place that I can get accurate news? We are living in a dark time when giants like @nytimes and @washingtonpost rush to conclusions in trying to keep pace with social media,” Chastain wrote in a social media post on Wednesday.



Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Faked news Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

The left continues to spread misinformation. ‘Squad’ member slammed for pushing misinformation: Instinct was to ‘try to blame the Israelis’ Rep. Ilhan Omar retweeted a photo of dead children in Syria, not Gaza.

Views: 14

The left continues to spread misinformation. ‘Squad’ member slammed for pushing misinformation: Instinct was to ‘try to blame the Israelis’ Rep. Ilhan Omar retweeted a photo of dead children in Syria, not Gaza.

FOX News is reporting that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar retweeted a photo claiming that these were dead children that the IDF killed in the war against Hamas. But it actually was a picture from ten years ago taken in Syria. And it was a a 2013 sarin gas attack in Ghouta, Syria, and not from the Israel-Hamas war.

Even AOC knew it was false and posted this.

Fellow ‘Squad’ member Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., warned about the “incredibly high” amount of misinformation on social media about the ongoing war and urged her followers to “pause” and “check” for verification.

“If you see a claim, photo, or video that triggers a strong emotional reaction, take a moment to pause and check for veracity/confirmation from multiple sources,” she wrote on X.

Omar has since un-retweeted the photo after criticism. 


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