Yesterday we had another tragic mass shooting. Four dead and nine wounded. This time it was a fourteen-year-old boy who did the killing. So, I’m sure we will see another call for gun bans and new strict laws.
Blue states 55 mass shootings. Purple states 13 mass shootings. Red states 30. So how are those strict gun laws working out?
Speaking of California, when you look at mass shootings that kill or injure? Between 2015 and 2023, California saw about one mass shooting per week. Around 400 hundred incidents. This according to The Public Policy Institute of California.
Just yesterday Rittenhouse attacked Trump saying he wasn’t pro gun like he should be. And what’s he have to say today?
Over the past 12 hours, I’ve had a series of productive conversations with members of the Trump’s team and I am confident he will be the strong ally gun owners need to defend our Second Amendment rights. My comments made last night were ill-informed and unproductive.
Over the past 12 hours, I've had a series of productive conversations with members of the Trump's team and I am confident he will be the strong ally gun owners need to defend our Second Amendment rights.
My comments made last night were ill-informed and unproductive. I'm 100%…
While the main idiot here is the cop, we see at the 1:02 mark an OHP (Ohio Highway Patrol – aka State police) officer exiting his vehicle WITH AN “ASSAULT RIFLE” TRAINED ON THE TRUCK — over a mud flap! I would also pull away if I saw an ASSAULT RIFLE aimed at me for no apparent reason! Note this officer copsplained his reason for doing that the truck driver had made “direct eye contact” with the officer signaling him to pull over — something that is physically impossible given the Patrolman was in his car while the Driver was in the cab of his truck. PRIMA FACIE, there is physically NO WAY this could occur given the difference in heights of the car and the cab of the truck, So this right off was a bad call.
Getting to the meat of this video: From about 4:16 OHP radio:”Circleville PD has a dog” 4:19(OHP):“That’s a dog. Come to me!” “You don’t want bit!” 4:25 Circleville COP:“Get on the ground, or you’re gonna get bit!” Here, we can see two conflicting orders: Come to me (OHP) and Get on the ground, or you’re going to get bit! (Circleville cop)
My personal opinion is that this cop was NOT in charge and should have kept his mouth shut and kept that dog in the cruiser. But what do I know, right?
From this point on OHP repeatedly tells the cop not to release the dog, which the cop ignores. The cop runs towards the trucker who is clearly seen to have his hands in the air. At about the 4:43 mark the cop RELEASED the dog, who runs away from the trucker towards the OHP officers.
At 4:45 the Cop ORDERS THE DOG TO ATTACK! Against a man ON HIS KNEES ALREADY!! The dog attacks for at least 10-12 seconds before he is finally made to stop.
This cop was eventually fired, but not for siccing his dog on the helpless trucker, but for lying during the investigation!!
What is truly unbelievable is that THE COURTS said he was wrongfully terminated, turned his firing into a ‘resignation,’ fixed his record so he could go work for another police department, and allowed him to “adopt” the dog he used as a deadly weapon for $1!
Comments on the video:
@chitownracing Even the dog knew he wasn’t a threat, he ran right past him.
@alixena9340 Exactly. The dog is trained to detect the person that is the threat and deal with them. The dog does not have to be told any history. That dog determined that the dude was not a threat and so went looking elsewhere for the actual threat.
@RumbelinGrumbelin “Come to me!” “Get on the ground” Good lord, I swear they create situations like this on purpose so they can escalate force
@trashsplashtucker Update: Rose got a $225,000 settlement from the city with a lawsuit. The shitty cop got $40,000 for the “termination without cause” lawsuit, his firing removed from his record in favor of a forced “resignation”, a “neutral” letter detailing the time he worked for the county (essentially a letter of recommendation for another county to hire him after his “resignation”), and a deal to purchase the dog he used as a weapon from the city for $1. Gotta love our “justice” system.
@mangoismangois1672 They just proved this man’s fear of police very right
@budc.8172 Sounds like this mans fear of stopping was COMPLETLY justified.
@boanoah6362 “I told him if he doesn’t get on the ground he’s going to get the dog.”
Says the officer who ordered his dog to attack the suspect WHILE HE WAS ON THE GROUND SURRENDERING! The fact this cop didn’t get prison time for an actual literal war crime is deeply upsetting.
@Ott3rKing The fact that the highway patrol were telling them to not release the dog and that one trooper was walking away covering her face tells you everything you need to know about how bad this situation is.
Here, it isn’t merely an ego-tripping corrupt cop, but a corrupt judge, a trooper lying about the initial contact, and the other State troopers doing the bare minimum for the Trucker.
And all over a missing mud flap!
From the open road to a person’s house:
This one shows the victim was killed in her own house by a cop that went lurking around her house without identifying himself and fired off his gun less than 2 seconds after the victim looked out her window to see what/who was making the noise in her back yard:
The red flags were there, but the PD ignored them and ignored their own psychologist’s warning that the man was a narcissist and lacked the temperament needed for the job.
The Biden campaign even posted fake news about the NRA and Trump himself.
The Biden campaign posted a clip of the pause during Trump’s NRA speech and wrote, “Trump starts playing QAnon music during his bizarre slur-filled NRA speech.”
Former President Trump was at the NRA yearly meeting and yes my friends the NRA is made up of legal gun owners. Not like the folks of color who are shooting up blue cities with guns that are usually stolen or bought illegally.
My new American Hero. Santa Rosa County Sheriff Bob Johnson. Shoot to kill home invaders. My kind of sherriff. He last year told the citizents to save the county money and avoid a trial, shoot to kill if you have a home invasion. Especially if they knock down your door. They’re not their to have a cup of coffee.
“You don’t have to retreat. You don’t have to give them warning. You don’t have to go barricade yourself in a room. You can shoot and kill them. And in the state of Florida, that’s perfectly legal,” he said. “And in these other states where they don’t have that, people are afraid to own guns, and they’re afraid to protect themselves. That’s why you have the crime rate in New York, in California.”
In his March 11 ruling, a federal judge said that the one-gun-a-month (OGM) law does not adhere to requirements for gun restrictions outlined by the U.S. Supreme Court in a pivotal 2022 decision.
“Defendants have not met their burden of producing a ‘well-established and representative historical analogue’ to the OGM law,” U.S. District Judge William Q. Hayes wrote in the decision.
“The court therefore concludes that plaintiffs are entitled to summary judgment as to the constitutionality of the OGM law under the Second Amendment.”
The U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment states: “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”
The Supreme Court’s 2022 ruling in New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen says that if a law regulates conduct covered by the Second Amendment, officials defending the law must show it is “consistent with the Nation’s historical tradition of firearm regulation.”
Defendants must provide “historical precedent from before, during, and even after the founding [that] evinces a comparable tradition of regulation,” the high court stated.
Justices instructed lower courts not to “uphold every modern law that remotely resembles a historical analogue” but that “analogical reasoning requires only that the government identify a well-established and representative historical analogue, not a historical twin.”
They also issued guidance for judges to consider “how and why the regulations burden a law-abiding citizen’s right to armed self-defense” and to examine “whether modern and historical regulations impose a comparable burden on the right of armed self-defense and whether that burden is comparably justified are central considerations when engaging in an analogical inquiry.”
The law, signed by California Gov. Gavin Newsom in 2019, barred people who bought a handgun or semiautomatic centerfire rifle from a dealer from applying to buy another handgun or semiautomatic centerfire rifle for at least 30 days.
“Gun violence is an epidemic in this country, one that’s been enflamed by the inaction of politicians in Washington,” Mr. Newsom, a Democrat, said at the time.
“While Washington has refused to act on even the most basic gun safety reforms, California is once again leading the nation in passing meaningful gun safety reforms.”
Gun owners and groups sued in 2020, saying the law violated their constitutional rights.
After the 2022 Supreme Court ruling, defendants were ordered to provide historical examples of similar laws.
California officials offered four categories of historical restrictions, including regulations on selling guns to Native Americans and regulations on gunpowder.
Those regulations are not relevant to the law in question, Judge Hayes said.
Differing Objectives
The restrictions on Native Americans, for instance, “do not impose a comparable burden” to the California law, he wrote.
“The identified historical laws targeted only a narrow subset of the population perceived as dangerous, while the OGM law, with limited exceptions, affects all people acquiring handguns and semiautomatic centerfire rifles in California.
“Further, laws restricting the sale of arms to Native Americans impose neither a quantity nor time limitation similar to that of the OGM law.”
The gunpowder regulations were comparable because they “placed limits on the ownership and storage of gunpowder,” but “did not completely prevent people from purchasing gunpowder,” the state argued.
The regulations and the 2019 California law are “comparably justified” because both were imposed to “promote public safety,” the state said.
Judge Hayes, though, noted that officials have said previously that the California law was aimed at reducing firearms trafficking and disarming criminals, while the gunpowder regulations were put in place to prevent fires and explosions.
“Put simply, gunpowder regulations addressed fire-related risks, while the OGM law addresses risks associated with illegal gun trafficking and gun violence. Gunpowder restrictions and the OGM law are therefore not comparably justified,” he said.
Judge Hayes, a George W. Bush appointee, entered a stay of the order for 30 days to enable California officials to appeal.
“We are currently evaluating the decision, but it is important to acknowledge that the law limiting firearm purchases to one every thirty days remains in effect at this time,” a spokesperson for California Attorney General Rob Bonta, a Democrat, told The Epoch Times via email.
“Another week, another California gun control law declared unconstitutional by a federal court,” Cody J. Wisniewski, vice president and general counsel of the Firearms Policy Coalition, said in a statement. Some of the group’s members are among the plaintiffs.
“California’s one-gun-a-month law directly violates California residents’ right to acquire arms and has no basis in history,” Mr. Wisniewski said. “Given it seems certain California will refuse to learn its lesson, we look forward to continuing to strike down its gun control regime and to defending this victory.”
“This is a win for gun rights and California gun owners,” Alan M. Gottlieb, founder and executive vice president of the Second Amendment Foundation, another plaintiff, said in a statement. “There is no historical justification for limiting law-abiding citizens to a single handgun or rifle purchase during a one-month period, and Judge Hayes’ ruling clearly points that out.”
I’ll be starting a new series on how Government is using its powers (Sometimes unconstitutionally and possibly illegally). Some of the articles will be in my own words (with sources) and some will be the reposting of articles from others.
I’ll be looking at local, state, and federal. Also, I’ll be looking at the educational system. Hopefully you will be shocked that this is going on. So, let’s see where this takes us.
If you have some ideas or have stories of weaponization, please feel free to comment or send me a link.
Call a spade a spade. Hamas, Pro Hamas Rioters, and White and Black Progressive Supremacists have the same goals. For my Liberal readers, let me explain before you try to do a doxing on me the way Progressives do. This is my pointing out of white progressive and black progressive supremacists.
The two groups have the same goals. They don’t allow debate. Only one view is allowed, and they dox whenever they get the chance. They will also go after moderates and liberals who disagree with them.
They claim that they’re not antisemitic, but they don’t condemn the rioters or openly support Israel in the October attack. They also will say something like I don’t support the government, but I support the people. Never do you see them in rallies in support of the people. They only show up in these rallies for a river to the sea cleansing of Jews.
So, when you see me connect progressives with Hamas, KKK, Confederates, Jim Crow laws, and other signs of hate, you will know of whom I speak.
Another win for the 2nd Amendment. Courts again block California gun law. We see that the courts once more have stepped in and blocked California’s gun law against conceal and carry. California passed a law saying that it only stopped the carrying of guns (even if you had a permit to carry) in highly sensitive areas.
They picked 26 different areas. One exception would be for privately owned businesses that put up signs saying people are allowed to bring guns on their premises.” AP reported last month.
One judge ruled the law unconstitutional. Another court lifted the ban. But the 9th stepped in and again put the ban on the law again. So for now you can carry with a permit.
Hopefully not arrested for a good shoot. LA man protects family and home. Early Saturday morning police got a call of a burglary in progress. Police reported that three or four suspects who were armed were involved in a shoot out. One died at the scene and the others fled. Police say one of the others may have been wounded because of a blood trail.
According to the LAPD, present in the home were the homeowner, a grandmother and a toddler. Video shows the male homeowner being detained by police during the initial investigation, though it is not known if he faces charges.
On December 2, 2023, around 5:00 a.m., officers responded to a burglary radio call on the 11400 block of Swinton Avenue. The officers preliminary investigation determined that approximately 3 to 4 males in their 20s entered the home with the intent to burglarize the location.