America's Heartland Anti Semitic Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Harris Harris Cartel Insurrection Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Progressive Racism Racism. Terrorism

Republicans condemn Progressive Democrat Netanyahu protesters for burning US flags — and waving Hamas ones instead

Views: 11

Republicans condemn Progressive Democrat Netanyahu protesters for burning US flags — and waving Hamas ones instead.

Hamas flags, slogans about killing Jews, harassment of @CapitolPolice officers, vandalism, burnt American flags, & hanged effigies of PM Netanyahu. These are just some of the appalling scenes at protests around the U.S. Capitol today.

“Pro-terror, anti-Israel agitators are vandalizing federal property, removing American flags, and replacing them with Palestinian flags steps away from the United States Capitol,” said Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), a member of Senate GOP leadership, on X. “This is inexcusable, and I expect them to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

The U.S. Capitol Police said in a statement that “no flags under our protection have been removed or vandalized” though non-Capitol Police officers were seen making mass arrests near Union Station after the speech.



Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Harris Links from other news sources.

Fact checking Harris and that huge crowd. 3,000.

Views: 34

Fact checking Harris and that huge crowd. 3,000.

So, Harris had a huge crowd in a Wisconsin high school gym. Huge. Bigly. 3,000 people. Counting the MSM. She also had a few things to say that need fact checked.

She claims to have shut down Trump University done as AG. She was AG starting in 2011. Trump University shut down in 2010. I guess the folks at Trump University saw her coming.

The billion-dollar oil profit she said Trump was giving to big oil. WP wrote that Trump was talking about relaxation of taxes and regulations.

Harris also suggested that Trump “intends to cut Social Security and Medicare”. However, Trump’s policy platform states he would not introduce cuts to Social Security or Medicare. Point 14 of the agenda says his administration would “fight for and protect Social Security and Medicare with no cuts, including no changes to the retirement age.”

Biden Harris administration has cut Medicare Advantage the past two years and starting next year those on Social Security will see their Medicare Advantage go up almost $400.00.


Commentary Corruption Immigration Just my own thoughts Lies Un documented.

No Virginia, we’re not against immigration. We’re against undocumented immigration.

Views: 20

No Virginia, we’re not against immigration. We’re against undocumented immigration.

So now the left propaganda machine is saying the Republicans are anti-immigration and are hypocrites when it comes to immigration. They use JD Vance’s wife as an example.

Republicans have always been pro-immigration. But have drawn the line in the sand with legal vs undocumented.


Biden Biden Cartel Corruption Elections Government Overreach Lawfare The Law Trump Weaponization of Government.

MEGA WINNING! Judge Cannon Dismisses Classified Documents Case: Unconstitutional Appointment of Jack Smith

Views: 31

Judge Aileen Cannon has dismissed the high-profile classified documents case, citing the unlawful appointment of Special Counsel Jack Smith.

This decision comes as a significant blow to the Biden regime and the Department of Justice, raising questions about the integrity of the entire investigation.

Attorney General Garland violated the Constitution by appointing Jack Smith to conduct this politically motivated persecution against President Trump.

The decision effectively halts the prosecution led by Special Counsel Jack Smith, appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

In her ruling, Judge Cannon wrote:

Former President Trump’s Motion to Dismiss Indictment Based on the Unlawful Appointment and Funding of Special Counsel Jack Smith is GRANTED in accordance with this Order [ECF No. 326]. The Superseding Indictment is DISMISSED because Special Counsel Smith’s appointment violates the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution. U.S.

Const., Art. I, $ 2, cl. 2. Special Counsel Smith’s use of a permanent indefinite appropriation also violates the Appropriations Clause, U.S. Const., Art. I, § 9, cl. 7, but the Court need not address the proper remedy for that funding violation given the dismissal on Appointments Clause grounds.

The effect of this Order is confined to this proceeding.

The court found that Smith’s appointment did not adhere to the Appointments Clause, which requires that principal officers of the United States be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate.

The Special Counsel’s use of a permanent indefinite appropriation was also deemed a violation of the Appropriations Clause, although the court did not address the remedy for this funding violation given the dismissal on Appointments Clause grounds.

The case, which stemmed from a grand jury indictment on June 8, 2023, charged Trump with 31 counts of willful retention of national defense information and additional conspiracy and concealment charges against Trump and his co-defendants, Waltine Nauta and Carlos De Oliveira. The indictment was later expanded to 42 charges in a superseding indictment.

President Trump previously filed a motion to dismiss Jack Smith’s classified documents charges based on the “unlawful appointment and funding of Special Counsel.”

Day one of the expanded evidentiary hearing was held last month.

According to NBC News, President Trump’s lawyers “argued that an officer like the special counsel must be appointed “by law” and that the special counsel should be categorized as a “principal officer” and subject to Senate confirmation. The statutory text cited by the special counsel’s office “does not authorize” the U.S. attorney general’s appointment of the special counsel, his lawyer, Emil Bove, argued.”

Cannon did question whether Attorney General Merrick had any oversight role in seeking the indictment against Trump.

Jack Smith’s prosecutor James Pearce refused to answer and claimed it would be against policy to answer the question.

“Why would there be any heartburn to answer whether the attorney general signed off on the indictment?” Cannon asked.

Recall, Conservative Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas questioned Jack Smith’s authority as special counsel in his concurring opinion on the high court’s presidential immunity ruling.

Last month, the Supreme Court ruled 6-3 that Trump has absolute immunity for his core constitutional powers. Former presidents are entitled to at least a presumption of immunity for their official acts.

The Supreme Court ruled that there is no immunity for unofficial acts.

Clarence Thomas questioned Jack Smith’s authority because he was a private citizen when he was tapped as a special prosecutor.

“I write separately to highlight another way in which this prosecution may violate our constitutional structure. In this case, the Attorney General purported to appoint a private citizen as Special Counsel to prosecute a former President on behalf of the United States. But, I am not sure that any office for the Special Counsel has been “established by Law,” as the Constitution requires. Art. II, §2, cl. 2. By requiring that Congress create federal offices “by Law,” the Constitution imposes an important check against the President — he cannot create offices at his pleasure. If there is no law establishing the office that the Special Counsel occupies, then he cannot proceed with this prosecution. A private citizen cannot criminally prosecute anyone, let alone a former President,” Clarence Thomas said.

Clarence Thomas argued that no other former US President has been prosecuted for official acts despite numerous past Presidents taking actions that would argue constitutes crimes.

“No former President has faced criminal prosecution for his acts while in office in the more than 200 years since the founding of our country. And, that is so despite numerous past Presidents taking actions that many would argue constitute crimes. If this unprecedented prosecution is to proceed, it must be conducted by someone duly authorized to do so by the American people. The lower courts should thus answer these essential questions concerning the Special Counsel’s appointment before proceeding,” Clarence Thomas wrote.

Thomas also argued that Jack Smith is not senate confirmed (Trump’s lawyers are also using this argument before Judge Cannon).

“The Constitution sets forth how an office may be created and how it may be filled. The Appointments Clause provides: “[The President] shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law: but the Congress may by Law vest the Appointment of such inferior Officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the Courts of Law, or in the Heads of Department.” Art. II, §2, cl. 2. The constitutional process for filling an office is plain from this text. The default manner for appointing “Officers of the United States” is nomination by the President and confirmation by the Senate. Ibid. “But the Clause provides a limited exception for the appointment of inferior officers: Congress may ‘by Law’ authorize” one of three specified actors “to appoint inferior officers without the advice and con-sent of the Senate.” NLRB v. SW General, Inc., 580 U. S. 288, 312 (2017) (THOMAS, J., concurring). As relevant here, a “Hea[d] of Department”—such as the Attorney General—is one such actor that Congress may authorize “by Law” to appoint inferior officers without senatorial confirmation. Art. II, §2, cl. 2.

Thomas once again reiterated that a special prosecutor must be senate confirmed.

“Before the President or a Department Head can appoint any officer, however, the Constitution requires that the underlying office be “established by Law.”1 The Constitution itself creates some offices, most obviously that of the President and Vice President. See §1. Although the Constitution contemplates that there will be “other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for,” it clearly requires that those offices “shall be established by Law.” §2, cl. 2. And, “established by law” refers to an office that Congress creates “by statute.” Lucia v. SEC, 585 U. S. 237, 254 (2018) (THOMAS, J., concurring); see also United States v. Maurice, 26 F. Cas. 1211, 1213 (No. 15,747) (CC Va. 1823) (Marshall, C. J.).”

In her detailed opinion, Judge Cannon emphasized the importance of the separation of powers and the role of Congress in the appointment process. She highlighted that none of the statutes cited by the Special Counsel—28 U.S.C. §§ 509, 510, 515, and 533—provided the Attorney General with the authority to appoint a Special Counsel with the full powers of a United States Attorney.

“The Appointments Clause is a critical constitutional restriction stemming from the separation of powers, and it gives to Congress a considered role in determining the propriety of vesting appointment power for inferior officers,” Cannon wrote.

“The Special Counsel’s position effectively usurps that important legislative authority, transferring it to a Head of Department, and in the process threatening the structural liberty inherent in the separation of powers,” she added.

Original article here:


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption COVID Links from other news sources. Medicine Science

Winning. A former Blue Cross Blue Shield employee who refused the company’s vaccine mandate was awarded nearly $700,000 in back pay and damages

Views: 19

Winning. A former Blue Cross Blue Shield employee who refused the company’s vaccine mandate was awarded nearly $700,000 in back pay and damages.

The federal jury found the firing of the Blue Cross employee, Tanja Benton, who cited religious beliefs against the vaccine mandate, to be an unjustifiable decision.

Blue Cross Blue Shield failed to “prove by a preponderance of the evidence either that it had offered a reasonable accommodation to Plaintiff or that it could not reasonably accommodate the Plaintiff’s religious beliefs without undue hardship,” the court stated.

Tanja Benton was a bio statistical research scientist at BCBS for 17+ yrs before they fired her for refusing the vaccine.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources.

House Democrats to Fight Bill Requiring Proof That Their Base Are Able To Vote.

Views: 18

House Democrats to Fight Bill Requiring Proof That Their Base Are Able To Vote. As you know a large part of the Democrats base and supporters are the undocumented. The House leadership wants them to be able to freely vote. But the Republicans have a different idea.

House Democrats are planning to fight the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, set to be voted on the week of July 15, which would require state election officials to request proof of American citizenship before handing voter registration forms to applicants.

House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA) is demanding Democrats vote against the SAVE Act, putting pressure on those who represent swing districts that voted for former President Donald Trump and face tough reelection bids


Biden Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Censorship Commentary Corruption COVID Economy Education Elections Government Overreach Links from other news sources. MSM Reprints from others.

Articles the MSM ignores.

Views: 15

Articles the MSM ignores.

#10 – Study uncovers a 37% LOSS in life expectancy among people who took two or more COVID shots.

#9 – Biden says he’s “proud” to be a “Black woman.”

#8 – Congressman shares jaw-dropping story about Trump’s legendary power move against the Taliban.

#7 – Joe Rogan’s thought-provoking comparison of Maui and Ukraine goes viral.

#6 – World Economic Forum staffers accuse Klaus Schwab of sexual harassment.

#5 – Vivek Ramaswamy narrows down Joe Biden’s replacement to one of two individuals.

#4 – Trump floats “televised military tribunals” for jailing top Dem and GOP politicians.

#3 – Nearly 200 pages of Epstein Grand Jury documents are quietly released for the first time.

#2 – Putin supports Trump’s plan to stop the war in Ukraine.

#1 – Tennessee woman wins landmark lawsuit against BlueCross BlueShield, securing nearly $700K for denial of COVID vaccine exemption.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Vaccines

How crazy is this? Biden Admin Awards $176 Million to Moderna for ‘Pandemic Influenza Vaccine’.

Views: 17

How crazy is this? Biden Admin Awards $176 Million to Moderna for ‘Pandemic Influenza Vaccine’. The Biden administration will pay $176 million to Moderna to create an “mRNA-based pandemic influenza vaccine,” with health officials citing “lessons learned during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

So now we’re paying Moderna to create a vaccine, then we will buy the vaccine that we paid for? Moderna already started to create their own vaccine, so now there’s no incentive for them to spend their own money.

The first human confirmed to have died from the virus was a 59-year-old Mexican man who contracted it in April, but none here in the United states.



America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach

Yes Virginia, we will continue to show the Democrats and Independents the real Joe Biden.

Views: 28

Yes Virginia, we will continue to show the Democrats and Independents the real Joe Biden.

Ever since the debate, the MSM has come out and pretended that they didn’t know that what they saw was the same Joe Biden the Conservatives saw.

Now some are even asking for the DNC to pick a new nominee going forward. That’s not good enough. This website and others like it will contine to point out the real Joe Biden.

A Biden donor.

“I had a father who died at 92 but at 81, I took away his car. It’s a very simple test for me. If you were driving from downtown Beverly Hills to Malibu, would you want Biden to do it at night? ”



Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources.

Yes Virginia, Jill made the cover of Vogue.

Views: 19

Yes Virginia, Jill made the cover of Vogue.

So I’m sure you heard by now that Jill Biden made the cover of Vogue. Well the folks on X also made the true cover for Jill.

Take a look below:










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