Corruption January 6 Links from other news sources. Politics Reprints from others.

Ex-Capitol Police Chief Called Jan. 6 Events a Cover-Up.

Views: 34

Ex-Capitol Police Chief Called Jan. 6 Events a Cover-Up.

Former Capitol Hill Police Chief Steven Sund called the events of Jan. 6 a cover-up in an interview with then-Fox News host Tucker Carlson, an interview that never aired but resurrected by The National Pulse.

Sund made the comments on Carlson’s show, “Tucker Carlson Today.” But according to the Pulse, the interview was buried by Fox.

In the interview leaked by the Pulse, Sund tells Carlson he believes that Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley and then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., had intelligence of what was coming on Jan. 6 but failed to communicate it and subsequently covered it up in the aftermath.

“Everything appears to be a cover-up,” Sund told Carlson. “I’m not a conspiracy theorist … but when you look at the information and intelligence they had, the military had, it’s all watered down. I’m not getting intelligence, I’m denied any support from National Guard in advance. I’m denied National Guard while we’re under attack, for 71 minutes …”

Sund resigned his post shortly after the riots. He was chief of the Capitol Police beginning in 2019 and served as a police officer for more than 30 years.

At one point, Carlson begins to posit a question to Sund, saying, “It sounds like they were hiding the intelligence.”

Sund responded: “Could there possibly be actually … they kind of wanted something to happen? It’s not a far stretch to begin to think that. It’s sad when you start putting everything together and thinking about the way this played out … what was their end goal?”

In a bipartisan Senate report released in June 2021, the panel concluded that federal agencies did not raise a sufficient alarm concerning the threat of violence and that the Capitol Police’s intelligence division did not adequately communicate what it knew with the department’s leaders and rank-and-file officers.

Sund told Carlson that should have started at the top.

“If I was allowed to do my job as the chief we wouldn’t be here; this didn’t have to happen,” he said.


Biden Cartel Corruption Crime Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Whatever Happened to the Biden Documents Case?

Views: 37

Whatever Happened to the Biden Documents Case?

A GP exclusive.

President Trump on Saturday wanted to know what happened to the Biden classified documents case.

There have been no leaks and virtually no updated media reports on the special counsel investigating Biden’s stolen classified documents case.

“Whatever happened to the Biden Documents Case? 20 times more documents than I have, and I’m allowed to have under the Presidential Records Act, he’s not. What about the Classified Docs he had in Chinatown, and on his garage floor in Delaware. Is he being charged under the Espionage Act? What about Penn Center, which receives China money, or the 1850 boxes that he is not wanting to release? Was Obama, Clinton, Bush, or others so charged? No, only “TRUMP,” because I am illegally being targeted!” Trump said on Truth Social on Saturday.

Biden stole SCIF-designated classified documents and improperly stored them at the Penn Biden Center.

Biden also stored classified documents in his garage next to his Corvette where his son Hunter had access to the sensitive materials.

Nine boxes of documents were taken from Joe Biden’s lawyer’s Boston office and we have no idea what is in those boxes because the National Archives is covering up for Biden.

Joe Biden is also withholding information from the Senate Intel Committee.

The University of Delaware is covering for Biden and refusing to release 1850 boxes of his Senate records!

The University of Delaware refuses to release Biden’s records and said that the papers will not be released until two years after Biden retires from public office.

“The collection of former Vice President Biden’s senatorial papers is still being processed, with many items yet to be cataloged,” an email from a school spokeswoman said. “The entire collection will remain closed to the public until two years after Mr. Biden retires from public life.”

Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation initially filed a FOIA lawsuit in 2020 for all of Biden’s senate records – 1,850 boxes of records.

US Attorney General Merrick Garland appointed US Attorney Robert Hur as the special counsel overseeing the investigation into Biden’s classified documents scandal in January and still no charges.

In contrast, Merrick Garland appointed Jack Smith as a special counsel to investigate documents stored at Mar-a-Lago in November and he indicted Trump approximately 6 months later after hundreds of damaging leaks to the media.


Back Door Power Grab Corruption Links from other news sources. Politics Reprints from others.

Probe Biden Admin over Plan to Hide Classified Docs Scandal

Views: 11

Probe Biden Admin over Plan to Hide Classified Docs Scandal.

Is it time for another special prosecutor? Thursday the WP ran a article where the DOJ and the WH were not going to go public with the information about the missing top secret papers found at the Penn Center or Biden’s home. All documents Biden had no right to have. Documents that were Top Secret.

According to the Washington Post on Thursday, the White House and Justice Department not only agreed to obscure the scandal from public view, but they also refused to divulge that the second trove of classified documents was already unearthed at Biden’s home in Wilmington when CBS News first contacted the White House about the initial leak of classified documents illegally stored at the Biden Penn Center.

“CBS News was the first news organization to learn of the matter, contacting the White House on Jan. 6 to ask about the Penn Biden Center documents,” the report continued. “White House officials confirmed the scoop, but since the investigation was ongoing, they decided not to offer any additional details — including the critical information that a second batch of documents had been discovered at Biden’s home.”

And a third. Who knows if more will be found?



Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Crime Reprints from others.

Reprint. Now you can see why Biden won’t allow the media or Congress into the Biden gulags.

Views: 16

Original NBC article is here.

Reprint. Now you can see why Biden won’t allow the media or Congress into the Biden gulag. For Joe this must seem like the good old days when they caged children. But now two folks come forward.

Two more whistle blowers have come forward to allege that children were mistreated by contractors and senior federal employee managers at a Department Health and Human Services migrant shelter in Fort Bliss, Texas, earlier this year, and also say HHS told them to downplay hundreds of Covid infections among children held at the facility.

“Covid was widespread among children and eventually spread to many employees. Hundreds of children contracted Covid in the overcrowded conditions. Adequate masks were not consistently provided to children, nor was their use consistently enforced,” the whistle blowers, Arthur Pearlstein and Lauren Reinhold, said in a federal whistle blower complaint filed Wednesday

But at the end of their service, they said, federal detailees were regularly given written instructions from HHS public affairs that told them, “when asked, to make everything sound positive about the Fort Bliss experience and to play down anything negative.”



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