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Short and sweet. Court rules that Trump case against ABC, George Stephanopoulos can move forward.

Views: 337

Short and sweet. Court rules that Trump case against ABC, George Stephanopoulos can move forward. I have to believe that this comes as a total shock to those who are involved. Ten times George repeated the lie.

The lawsuit stems from comments Stephanopoulos made in March when he falsely asserted that Trump was found “liable for rape” in a civil case against the Republican White House hopeful.

“A jury may, upon viewing the segment, find there was sufficient context. But a reasonable jury could conclude Plaintiff was defamed and, as a result, dismissal is inappropriate,” Judge Cecilia Altonaga of United States District Court in Miami ruled Wednesday.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Government Overreach Lawfare Lies Links from other news sources. The Courts

Mentally challenged Biden goes after SCOTUS.

Views: 14

Mentally challenged Biden goes after SCOTUS.

Yesterday the Supreme Court rulled on Presidential Immunity. Yes Virginia, the President has it when it comes to his official duty. For some reason Biden, MSM, and far left extreemists just don’t get it.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled Monday that Trump cannot be prosecuted for any actions that were within his constitutional powers as president, but can be for private acts, in a landmark ruling recognizing for the first time any form of presidential immunity from prosecution.


America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. The Courts Trump

Short and Sweet. Winning. Don’t you just love when the SOTUS gets it right?

Views: 21

Short and Sweet. Winning. Don’t you just love when the SOTUS gets it right?

The US Supreme Court on Friday delivered a devastating blow to Biden’s corrupt Justice Department and overturned the obstruction charge used to jail hundreds of January 6 defendants.

Biden’s corrupt DOJ charged more than 300 J6ers with 18 USC §1512(c)(2). Additionally, two of the four charges against Trump in Jack Smith’s DC case are conspiracy to obstruct so the Supreme Court’s ruling on Friday torpedoed the special counsel’s case against Trump as well.

And what does the DOJ have to say?

US Attorney from DC Matthew Graves fired a warning shot to the US Supreme Court – and J6ers serving time for 18 USC §1512(c)(2), the ‘obstruction’ statute pending before SCOTUS.

Graves threatened to seek more prison time for the J6ers if the Supreme Court reverses the obstruction statute. What arrogance.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Lies Links from other news sources. The Courts

No Virginia, President Trump didn’t call for violence against the FBI.

Views: 16

No Virginia, President Trump didn’t call for violence against the FBI. For some reason the Smith faux team keeps on going back to Judge Cannon to sensor Donald Trump.

For some reason the Smith team thinks there before some affirmative action judge and tries to intimidate Judge Cannon. She would have none of it. She told the Smith lawyer that if he continued to act like he was before an affirmative action judge, she would ban him.

Smith’s team claims claim that the FBI agents fear for their life because of Trumps so called call for violence.

The judge closed with this. “Where on the attachments do you see a call for violence?” Crickets.

(5) Julie Kelly 🇺🇸 on X: “From FLA courthouse: Gag order hearing just ended. Will have details shortly. Overall, the bad behavior by Jack Smith’s team continues. David Harbach, one of the lead prosecutors, almost got himself tossed out of court this afternoon. After several minutes of Harbach’s” / X



Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Columbian Justice. Corruption Government Overreach Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. The Courts

What happens when you move a case to a district that favors a Progressive AG? You sometimes lose.

Views: 12

What happens when you move a case to a district that favors a Progressive AG? You sometimes lose.

The Nevada AG had a trial moved to a county where a Grand Jury would be willing to indict. It didn’t work.

A Nevada judge dismissed an alternate electors case against six Republicans who had submitted alternate elector certifications disputing the results of the 2020 Presidential election, pointing out that the case was in the wrong jurisdiction.

Alternate electors in states such as MichiganArizona, Georgia, and Wisconsin have either been charged or indicted by grand juries regarding their roles in disputing the results of the 2020 presidential election.

The case is now  past the three year limit and the AG’S only recourse is the US Supreme Court. Winning.


California. Commentary Corruption Crime Links from other news sources. The Courts

Under the pretense of marriage an ALLEGED M-13 member tries to enter and three justices say no problem.

Views: 19

Under the pretense of marriage an ALLEGED M-13 member tries to enter and three justices say no problem. Thank God for the other six.

The Supreme Court ruled in a 6-3 opinion against an illegal alien who sought to secure a visa to stay in the United States after having been denied for allegedly being a member of the MS-13 gang.

From this Nation’s beginnings, the admission of noncitizens into the country was characterized as “of favor [and] not of right.” And when Congress began to restrict immigration in the late 19th century, the laws it enacted provided no exceptions for citizens’ spouses. And while Congress has, on occasion, extended special immigration treatment to marriage …  it has never made spousal immigration a matter of right. [Emphasis added]


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Crime Drugs Elections Government Overreach The Courts The Law Weaponization of Government.

The Surveillance State is Already Here: Are Cops Using Cell Simulators to Track Your Every Move?

Views: 11


StingRay? Hailstorm? HUH?

Simply put, these are spy devices used by various federal, state, and local agencies that turn your cell phone into a homing beacon, letting them listen to your incoming and outgoing phone calls and read your emails and texts. And it os so precise that it can track you down to the very room you are in if you’re carrying your cell phone. But the various agencies don’t like to talk about them. Hmm. Why? What could possibly go wrong?

The StingRay is an IMSI catcher with both passive (digital analyzer) and active (cell-site simulator) capabilities. When operating in active mode, the device mimics a wireless carrier cell tower to force all nearby mobile phones and other cellular data devices to connect to it. The newer “Hailstorm” device works similarly but can also eavesdrop on 4-G phones and devices.

A StingRay can be used to identify and track a phone or other compatible cellular data device even while the device is not engaged in a call or accessing data services!

What’s even scarier is that and cellphone use in the area of a StingRay device, is sucked up as well as the “target”. According to DOJ POLICY (not a law) any data obtained on innocent bystanders must be deleted in 60 days. SERIOUSLY? Once they get hands on your data they have it forever. If their claims were true, then how can the intelligence agencies be able to comb through millions of people’s data YEARS after it was intercepted? Oops!


Despite claims that your vote is anonymous — at least for in-person ballots — the fact is each ballot has a unique id number  (several in fact). And when you vote in person, your ballot’s serial number is recorded in the election official log book next to your name. Guess what, they can then go back and see who you voted for, all without you knowing. Whether it is actually being used this way is moot. The plain fact is that it CAN be used this way. Bring back the mechanical machines that only total votes. — TPR

Disrupting service AKA DENIAL OF SERVICE (isn’t that a crime?)

The FBI has claimed that when used to identify, locate, or track a cellular device, the StingRay does not collect communications content or forward it to the service provider. Instead, the device causes a disruption in service. Under this scenario, any attempt by the cellular device user to place a call or access data services will fail while the StingRay is conducting its surveillance. On August 21, 2018, Senator Ron Wyden noted that Harris Corporation confirmed that Stingrays disrupt the targeted phone’s communications. Additionally, he noted that “while the company claims its cell-site simulators include a feature that detects and permits the delivery of emergency calls to 9-1-1, its officials admitted to my office that this feature has not been independently tested as part of the Federal Communications Commission’s certification process, nor were they able to confirm this feature is capable of detecting and passing-through 9-1-1 emergency communications made by people who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech disabled using Real-Time Text technology.”

In fact, it has already been used during mass demonstrations, so the protestors could not talk to each other. I leave the legality and constitutionality of such uses as an exercise for the student.


The FBI has claimed that when used to identify, locate, or track a cellular device, the StingRay does not collect communications content or forward it to the service provider.

Yeah, right!

There are no laws currently on the books at any level of government (*except UTAH) regulating the use of this equipment. Several court cases have determined that use of these machines constitutes Warrantless searches and as such their use violates the 4th amendment, but no case has made it to the SCOTUS yet..


Federal Agencies Known to Use Cell Site Simulators:

Still think you’re safe from unconstitutional searches and seizures?


Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Censorship Corruption Journalism. Lawfare New York The Courts The Law Uncategorized Weaponization of Government.

MORE LAWFARE! (They’ll be coming for others soon) Epoch Times CFO Arrested and Charged with $67 Million Money Laundering Scheme

Views: 19

MORE LAWFARE! (They’ll be coming for others soon) Epoch Times CFO Arrested and Charged with $67 Million Money Laundering Scheme

The charges against Guan “do not relate to the Media Company’s newsgathering activities,” the Bidem DOJ noted in a press release.

Prosecutors alleged the money laundering scheme benefited “a multinational media company headquartered in Manhattan, New York.” The Epoch Times is headquartered on West 28th Street in Manhattan.

The chief financial officer of conservative global news outlet The Epoch Times has been arrested and charged with leading a yearslong scheme to launder at least $67 million in illicit funds, federal prosecutors said Monday.

The scheme — which involved cryptocurrency, tens of thousands of prepaid debit cards, fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits and stolen personal information — fueled a massive increase in The Epoch Times’ reported annual revenue, prosecutors alleged.

Weidong “Bill” Guan, 61, is charged in U.S. District Court in lower Manhattan with one count of conspiracy to commit money laundering and two counts of bank fraud.

Guan was arrested Sunday morning, and pleaded not guilty on Monday afternoon before a federal magistrate judge in Manhattan, according to a court notice. He was released on a $3 million personal recognizance bond, and his travel is restricted to parts of New York and New Jersey, among other restrictions. [Guess they’re trying to look more ‘even-handed’ –TPR]

Guan “conspired with others to benefit himself, the media company, and its affiliates by laundering tens of millions of dollars in fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits and other crime proceeds,” U.S. Attorney Damian Williams said in a statement.

“When banks raised questions about the funds, Guan allegedly lied repeatedly and falsely claimed that the funds came from legitimate donations to the media company,” Williams said.

The Epoch Times is not mentioned by name in the indictment. But Guan is listed as Epoch Times’ chief financial officer on the nonprofit media company’s most recent tax return, filed in late 2023.

Prosecutors alleged the money laundering scheme benefited “a multinational media company headquartered in Manhattan, New York.” The Epoch Times is headquartered on West 28th Street in Manhattan.

Prosecutors allege the scheme by Guan and his co-conspirators caused the company’s revenue to jump from “approximately $15 million to approximately $62 million” between 2019 and 2020.

According to The Epoch Times’ publicly available IRS nonprofit tax returns, in 2019 the company reported program revenue of $15.5 million. The following year, The Epoch Times reported tax-exempt revenue of $62.7 million.

Guan, a resident of Secaucus, New Jersey, managed the Epoch Times’ “Make Money Online team,” which carried out the scheme to buy “crime proceeds” and transfer them to bank accounts linked to the media outlet, according to his indictment.

From 2020 to 2024, the team allegedly used a crypto platform to buy tens of millions of dollars in crime proceeds at discounted rates, of 70 to 80 cents on the dollar, in exchange for cryptocurrency. The crime proceeds, which came from sources including “fraudulently obtained unemployment insurance benefits,” were loaded onto tens of thousands of prepaid debit cards, prosecutors alleged.

After purchasing the crime proceeds, participants allegedly used stolen personally identifiable information to open various types of accounts and transfer the proceeds into bank accounts linked with the media outlet and related entities.

Gotcha now!

They were often laundered again through other accounts, including Guan’s own personal bank and crypto accounts, according to prosecutors.

To hide the illegal nature of the proceeds, Guan and his co-conspirators allegedly lied to banks and other entities about their sources.

An attorney for Guan could not immediately be reached, but a case docket showed late Monday that Guan had been appointed a public defender.

A spokesperson for the Manhattan U.S. Attorney’s Office declined to provide any additional comment on the indictment against Guan, which was filed in late May and unsealed Monday.

The bank fraud counts each carry a maximum sentence of 30 years in prison, while the conspiracy holds a 20-year maximum prison sentence. The charges against Guan “do not relate to the Media Company’s newsgathering activities,” the Department of Justice noted in a press release.

NBC News and other outlets have reported on The Epoch Times’ affiliation with the Chinese religious group Falun Gong, which in recent years has supported former President Donald Trump as an ally in its opposition to the country’s ruling Chinese Communist Party.


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Links from other news sources. The Courts

Here we go again. Smith again tries to put a gag order on Trump.

Views: 24

Here we go again. Smith again tries to put a gag order on Trump.

For a second time crybaby Smith ran to Judge Cannon to try and get a gag order on Trump.

Judge Aileen Cannon on Sunday responded to Jack Smith’s second request for a gag order against President Trump. Cannon ordered Trump to respond to Jack Smith’s second motion seeking a gag order by June 14. Jack Smith has to reply to Trump by June 21.

In a related issue

Fox News reported:

A federal judge derided an apparent effort to get the judge overseeing former President Trump’s criminal classified documents case removed, arguing the Florida judge appeared to be the victim of an “orchestrated campaign.”

Judge Aileen Cannon was the target of more than 1,000 complaints in a single week last month, with critics accusing her of intentionally stalling the criminal case against Trump until after the election, according to a report from CNBC.

But 11th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals Chief Judge William Pryor shot down the effort, saying in a May 22 order that he “has considered and dismissed four of those orchestrated complaints as merits-related and as based on allegations lacking sufficient evidence to raise an inference that misconduct has occurred.”




Biden Cartel Corruption Government Overreach Lawfare Reprints from others. The Courts The Law Trump

CNN Legal Analyst Stunned by Stormy Daniels’ ‘Disastrous’ Courtroom Admission: ‘A Big Deal’

Views: 20

CNN Legal Analyst Stunned by Stormy Daniels’ ‘Disastrous’ Courtroom Admission: ‘A Big Deal’

(with additions by TPR)

When even the most hysterically anti-Trump news outlet has been forced to admit the star witness in the current trial against the former president lacks credibility, you know that case is in trouble.

The case in question was the “hush money” trial Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg has brought against Donald Trump regarding the alleged illegality of a payment supposedly made to porn star Stormy Daniels to prevent her from speaking about an alleged affair.

Taking the stand on Tuesday, and irritating the entire courtroom with an unending string of needless details, Daniels’ testimony forced even a CNN legal expert to cast doubts on her overall credibility.

Senior CNN legal analyst Elie Honig appeared on a panel on Anderson Cooper’s show, discussing Daniels’ testimony and cross-examination by the defense.

(I noted that the clip portrays another panel member, Norman Eisman—without realizing it—as just another Trump-hating witch hunter. He wrote a book “TRYING TRUMP -A guide to His First Election Interference Criminal Trial” and served as a Democratic ‘special counsel’ on Trump’s first impeachment trial(!) If that doesn’t shout BIASED!! I don’t know what could possibly make it any MORE obvious. — TPR)

While his peers were more impressed with Daniels’ testimony, especially under cross-examination, Honig admitted he had “the exact opposite impression.”

According to Honig, while Daniels was “plausible on her explanation of what happened in that hotel room” in 2006, she nevertheless fell flat on her face with the cross-examination.

In Honig’s words, in the cross-examination, “her responses were disastrous.”

Citing one of the questions put to Daniels, Honig said “‘Do you hate Donald Trump?’ Yes, of course she does. That’s a big deal. When the witness hates the person whose liberty is at stake, that’s a big d**n deal.”

As Honig pointed out, her statements left a great weak spot for the defense to exploit: “The defense is going to say, she’s willing to defy a court order … She’s not going to respect the order of a judge, why is she going to respect this oath she took?

“So,” Honig concluded, “I thought it went quite poorly.”


She previously signed a statement saying her story about the one-night stand was false.

Now, of course, Honig was only articulating what most who have been paying attention (without being blinded by Trump Derangement Syndrome) already knew quite well.

Daniels’ whole motivation in going after Trump has been the same as everyone else who has been prosecuting him — to prevent him from winning the presidency again in November.

She freely admitted on the stand that she hated him. Daniels admitted she has thus far failed to pay the money she owed to Trump (~$500,000 — TPR)  because it “wasn’t fair.” She has previously stated that she would go to jail before she’d pay “that shit” what she owed per court order.

The Post Millennial likewise reported that Judge Juan Merchan, despite tossing out the defense’s mistrial request, nevertheless had to admit Daniels went into far too much detail and was “difficult to control.”

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA – JANUARY 26: Copies of adult film actress/director Stormy Daniels’ book “Full Disclosure” are displayed during a signing at the 2019 AVN Adult Entertainment Expo at the Hard Rock Hotel & Casino on January 26, 2019 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Ethan Miller/Getty Images)

For these and many other reasons (including previously signing a statement (see below) saying her story about the affair was false), Daniels was not a credible witness, and could only hinder rather than help the prosecution.

“Over the past few weeks, I have been asked countless times to comment on reports of an alleged sexual relationship I had with Donald Trump many, many, many years ago.

“The fact of the matter is that each party to this alleged affair denied its existence in 2006, 2011, 2016, 2017 and now again in 2018. I am not denying the affair because I was paid ‘hush money’ as has been reported in overseas owned tabloids. I am denying this affair because it never happened.”

–Statement of Stormy Daniels Jan 30, 2018 — prior to Trump’s State of the Union address — and her “interview” afterwards with Jimmy Kimmel.

And the fact that even a CNN legal expert could readily admit that her cross-examination was disastrous for the prosecution was incredibly telling.

Why should a witness who says they hate the defendant and who has refused a court order to pay that defendant be listened to?

Even the most legally ignorant member of the jury had to be asking questions about her credibility after she admitted that.

Daniels cannot be trusted to tell the truth. But, between her active social media presence and eager appearances on shows like The View, that should have been clear before the trial ever started.

It was only because of the blind prejudice of folks like Alvin Bragg that this trial got as far as it did in the first place.

So why was she even allowed to testify? Three reasons: TDS, she took her clothes off regularly for pay, and $$$$$$ in publicity and far-left, deep-pocket donors. — TPR


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