Biden Cartel Commentary Economy Education Links from other news sources. Un documented. Weaponization of Government.

Yes Virginia. The undocumented are a problem, especially when taking jobs or getting social programs.

Views: 24

Yes Virginia. The undocumented are a problem, especially when taking jobs or getting social programs. Never did we have issues with legal immigrants. But according to Pew, it’s the undocumented.

  • 49% were naturalized U.S. citizens.
  • 24% were lawful permanent residents.
  • 4% were legal temporary residents.
  • 23% were unauthorized immigrants.

From 1990 to 2007, the unauthorized immigrant population more than tripled in size, from 3.5 million to a record high of 12.2 million. From there, the number slowly declined to about 10.2 million in 2019.

In 2022, the number of unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. showed sustained growth for the first time since 2007, to 11.o million.

As of 2022, about 4 million unauthorized immigrants in the U.S. are Mexican. This is the largest number of any origin country, representing more than one-third of all unauthorized immigrants. However, the Mexican unauthorized immigrant population is down from a peak of almost 7 million in 2007, when Mexicans accounted for 57% of all unauthorized immigrants.

The drop in the number of unauthorized immigrants from Mexico has been partly offset by growth from other parts of the world, especially Asia and other parts of Latin America.

The 2022 estimates of the unauthorized immigrant population are our latest comprehensive estimates. Other partial data sources suggest continued growth in 2023 and 2024.

Who are unauthorized immigrants?

Virtually all unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. entered the country without legal permission or arrived on a nonpermanent visa and stayed after it expired.

A growing number of unauthorized immigrants have permission to live and work in the U.S. and are temporarily protected from deportation. In 2022, about 3 million unauthorized immigrants had these temporary legal protections. These immigrants fall into several groups:

  • Temporary Protected Status (TPS): About 650,000 immigrants have TPS as of July 2022. TPS is offered to individuals who cannot safely return to their home country because of civil unrest, violence, natural disaster or other extraordinary and temporary conditions.
  • Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program (DACA): Almost 600,000 immigrants are beneficiaries of DACA. This program allows individuals brought to the U.S. as children before 2007 to remain in the U.S.
  • Asylum applicants: About 1.6 million immigrants have pending applications for asylum in the U.S. as of mid-2022 because of dangers faced in their home country. These immigrants can stay in the U.S. legally while they wait for a decision on their case.
  • Other protections: Several hundred thousand individuals have applied for special visas to become lawful immigrants. These types of visas are offered to victims of trafficking and certain other criminal activities.

In a


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Links from other news sources.

House Democrats to Fight Bill Requiring Proof That Their Base Are Able To Vote.

Views: 18

House Democrats to Fight Bill Requiring Proof That Their Base Are Able To Vote. As you know a large part of the Democrats base and supporters are the undocumented. The House leadership wants them to be able to freely vote. But the Republicans have a different idea.

House Democrats are planning to fight the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, set to be voted on the week of July 15, which would require state election officials to request proof of American citizenship before handing voter registration forms to applicants.

House Minority Whip Katherine Clark (D-MA) is demanding Democrats vote against the SAVE Act, putting pressure on those who represent swing districts that voted for former President Donald Trump and face tough reelection bids


Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Links from other news sources. Un documented.

Undocumented Progressive shoots two NYPD officers.

Views: 14

Undocumented Progressive shoots two NYPD officers.Two officers were shot chasing an undocumented who was alleged to commit a robbery.

This person is wanted for multiple robberies. One of Joe’s success stories.

The Venezuelan migrant accused of shooting two NYPD cops during the early hours of Monday morning crossed into the US illegally last year, but the case against him has already been dismissed.

Bernardo Castro Mata, 19 — who shot one officer in the chest and another in the leg after they attempted to stop his moped in Queens — had a hearing in Chicago on May 6 where an immigration judge closed his case, according to ICE sources.



Biden Biden Cartel California. Links from other news sources. Un documented.

California here we come. Undocumented giving progressives their wish.

Views: 37

California here we come. Undocumented giving progressives their wish. Let’s see how the loons handle this sudden turn from Texas to California by the undocumented.

Let’s see if shitholes like San Francisco and Sacramento (especially ghetto section east) welcome them with open arms. or will they cry that their isn’t enough freebies for all. I’m sure San Diego will send them northward.

Texas has seen a decrease, while a good majority of these illegal aliens are crossing in the San Diego sector. The statistics show about 1,500 illegal crossings 2 days in a row in just that sector!




America's Heartland Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Immigration Links from other news sources. Opinion Un documented.

How stupid are these White Progressive Supremacists? He’s an undocumented.

Views: 17

How stupid are these White Progressive Supremacists? He’s an undocumented. I’m sure you heard about this case. A young lady was killed by her boyfriend. The left was in a uproar. About her being killed? No, about calling it something beside a domestic dispute.

Yes the man killed his girlfriend, but what the left is ignoring is the facts. The man is not here legally. A undocumented progressive. But the left says oh no. Not a case where a undocumented killed someone, but a simple case of a domestic dispute.

Officials say Ortiz-Vite, who was in the U.S. illegally, faces five felony charges, including murder and carjacking. Ortiz-Vite allegedly shot Garcia multiple times after an argument Friday before leaving her body on the side of the freeway and driving off with Garcia’s 2023 Mazda before abandoning it, court records show.

Nuff Said.



Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Crime Links from other news sources. The Courts The Law Un documented.

Supreme Court for now tells Texas to do the job the feds refuse to do. Arrest the undocumented.

Views: 4

Supreme Court for now tells Texas to do the job the feds refuse to do. Arrest the undocumented. Looks as if the Democrats will have to figure out another way to get the undocumented to vote.

Supreme Court lifts stay on Texas law that gives police broad powers to arrest migrants at border.
A 6-3 Supreme Court decision on Tuesday lifted a stay on a Texas law that gives police broad powers to arrest migrants suspected of crossing the border illegally while a legal battle over immigration authority plays out.

The law allows police in counties bordering Mexico to make arrests if they see someone crossing illegally.  It could also be enforced elsewhere in Texas if someone is arrested on suspicion of another violation and a fingerprint taken during jail booking links them to a suspected re-entry violation. It likely would not come into play during a routine traffic stop, he said.


Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Elections Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

Push to Remove ‘Undocumented’ Identifiers on Connecticut Driver’s Licenses Raises Voter Fraud Concerns.

Views: 17

Push to Remove ‘Undocumented’ Identifiers on Connecticut Driver’s Licenses Raises Voter Fraud Concerns. So, we now have Connecticut who wants to make it easier for the undocumented to vote.

Gov. Ned Lamont wants to eliminate the distinguishing marks on driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants, a change that would make it difficult to identify ineligible voters according to local election officials.



IF I had one bill, one page, Tax the undocumented at 50%. Page 3.

Views: 19

IF I had one bill, one page, Tax the undocumented at 50%. Page 3. Here we go. I’m your congressman who has the power to pass one bill one page. Taxing the undocumented.

You have folks sending billions back to their homeland. Money earned here, but not spent here. So all those who are without greencards, you tax an additional 50%. That way they are spending some of their earnings to go towards the social services we provide to them.

They come here making more money in one year than they would in 10. Also being that you have companies willing to hire them, you can also penalize them for each undocumented person on the payroll.




Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption COVID Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Un documented.

Not making this up. Compared to 2019, all employment growth has gone to the foreign-born.

Views: 6

Not making this up. Compared to 2019, all employment growth has gone to the foreign-born. According to the Center for Immigration Studies, an independent, non-partisan, non-profit research organization founded in 1985. It is the nation’s only think tank devoted exclusively to research and policy analysis of the economic, social, demographic, fiscal, and other impacts of immigration on the United States.

Where do they get their numbers? US Beauru of Labor statistics. Below is what they found.

  • While the numbers have continually rebounded from the lows of 2020, there were still 183,000 fewer U.S.-born Americans working in the fourth quarter of 2023 than in the fourth quarter of 2019, before Covid. The number of immigrants (legal and illegal) working is up 2.9 million over 2019. (Figure 4 and Table 2)
  • The unemployment rate in the fourth quarter of 2023 was 3.5 percent and 3.7 percent for the U.S.-born and immigrants respectively. However, the unemployed do not include those out of the labor force — neither working nor looking for work. (Table 2 and Table 8)
  • The overall labor force participation rate of all U.S.-born adults (18 to 64) in the fourth quarter of 2023 of 77 percent roughly matches the pre-covid rate in 2019. But it was still below the prior peaks of 78.1 percent in 2006 and 79.2 percent in 2000. (Figure 1 and Table 3)
  • Immigration has added significantly to the number of workers without a bachelor’s degree. Of the 2.9 million increase in immigrant workers, 1.7 million (60 percent) are adults 18 and older without a bachelor’s degree. (Table 2 and Table 6)
  • At 75.6 percent in the fourth quarter of 2023, the labor force participation rate of U.S.-born men without a bachelor’s (18 to 64) has still not returned to the 76.3 percent it was in the fourth quarter of 2019, which was lower than the 80.5 percent in 2006 and the 82.6 percent in 2000. (Figure 7, Tables 8-11)
  • Compared to the 1960s, when more than 90 percent of these working-age, less-educated U.S.-born men were in the labor force, the rate today is dramatically lower.
  • At 66.4 percent, the labor force participation rate of U.S.-born women (18 to 64) without a bachelor’s in the fourth quarter of 2023 has returned to the 2019 level, but is still well below the 70.7 percent in 2000. (Tables 8, 9, and 11)
  • The share of immigrant men (18 to 64) in the fourth quarter of 2023 without a bachelor’s degree in the labor force is 85.5 percent, higher than the rate for U.S.-born men, but still below the 86.4 percent in 2019. (Figure 7, Table 8, and Table 9)
  • There were a total of 43.5 million U.S.-born men and women (16 to 64) of all education levels not in the labor force in the fourth quarter of 2023 — 8.6 million more than in 2000. More than two-thirds of the U.S.-born not in the labor force are adults 18 to 64 without a bachelor’s degree. (Table 1 and Table 5)
  • The total number of U.S.-born and immigrants of working age (16 to 64), both sexes and all education levels not working — unemployed or not in the labor force — was 59 million in the fourth quarter of 2023. This is an enormous pool of potential workers to draw upon. This figure includes 320,000 unemployed people 65 and older. (Tables 1 and 2)
  • In addition to the working-age, the labor force participation of those ages 65 to 74 increased steadily until 2019. But it fell significantly during the pandemic and at 26.5 percent for the U.S.-born and 30.9 percent for immigrants in the fourth quarter of 2023 it has not returned to the pre-Covid 2019 level for either group. (Table 7)
  • Download Figures and Tables Here.




Are the undocumented being sheltered because of a storm or is this their new home?

Views: 4

Are the undocumented being sheltered because of a storm or is this their new home? City officials sent almost 2,000 undocumented and not vetted immigrants to a local high school because of a storm.

They claim it’s temporary but is it? The locals are upset and even the local councilman are upset. What one resident had to say.

“This is f—ed up,” said a local resident who identified himself only as Rob. “It’s a litmus test. They are using a storm, a legitimate situation, where they are testing this out. I guarantee you they’ll be here for the entire summer.

“There’s 1,900 people getting thrown into my neighborhood, half a block from where I live and we don’t know who they are,” he said.

“They’re not vetted. A lot of them have criminal records and backgrounds and we don’t even know.”


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