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Biden Pandemic Elections Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Fight to clean voter lists gains ground after 2020 election.

The Public Interest Legal Foundation went to Pennsylvania with a list of tens of thousands of people who were likely dead, but still on the state’s voter rolls in the weeks before the 2020 election.

The state was totally uninterested, according to Christian Adams, the organization’s founder. But once the election was over, Mr. Adams says, the state changed its tune.

It went into mediation with PILF, agreed to look into the list and even agreed to a settlement paying some of the group’s lawyers’ fees. The kicker, though, was that Pennsylvania prosecutors even brought charges against a man who, according to PILF’s data, had registered his dead wife to vote, then requested her ballot in the 2020 election. “All of the sudden they’re happy to settle and to clean up their rolls,” Mr. Adams told The Washington Times.

He said it’s not a fluke. The aftermath of the 2020 elections has opened new opportunities for election-integrity advocates, who say they’re seeing signs of better cooperation from at least some jurisdictions.

Last year’s contest exposed what those involved in voter administration have known for years — national elections are not an exact science, but rather an approximation of the will of voters in the weeks surrounding early November. How close an approximation is still heatedly debated.

But it’s become clear to many that dirty voter rolls, lost or miscounted votes and mishandled ballots are more common than one might have imagined.The difference in 2020 is that one of the candidates, then-President Trump, argued those usual flaws, combined with more preposterous speculation about machines switching votes and dumping ballots, “stole” the White House.

While the outlandish claims still have traction among some Trump supporters, the more complicated work of cleaning up the very real problems with dead people, noncitizens and other bogus voters remains.

Mr. Adams said his experience with Pennsylvania shows that in some states, the new attention from 2020 has helped.

“A virtual army has arisen of the grassroots, who are not worried about magic voting machines, and recognize the real work of election administration. These people are pressuring states to follow the law and remove dead voters,” Mr. Adams said. But not every state is more receptive in the wake of 2020.

PILF last month sued Michigan over nearly 26,000 deceased voters whom the group says Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson won’t remove. And earlier this month PILF sued Colorado just to get a look at the state’s records on removing ineligible voters. Those on the other side of the voter wars also are fighting back.

The League of Women Voters sued Wisconsin last week to try to force the state to “reactivate” nearly 32,000 voters who were purged from the rolls “without warning.”

The pool of registered voters has become a battleground as states move to make it easier to vote by mail. Voting-rights activists say striking names means legitimate but infrequent voters will have a tougher time casting ballots.

Election integrity experts say the more bad names on a list, the more chances there are for fraud. A ballot mailed out to a deceased voter is one that can be filled out and mailed back by someone else. It’s illegal, but unless someone is out there actively looking for it, it’s tough to spot.

Mr. Adams said he’s noticed an even more worrying trend — dead voters actually registering, then voting. That was the case for Judy C. Presto, who died in 2013. Mr. Adams has a photo of her grave. Yet she still managed to file a registration request in August 2020, and cast a ballot in October. Prosecutors say her husband voted in her name by mail.

PILF says it found 114 people in Pennsylvania who appear to have registered to vote after their deaths were recorded.

Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch, another group that polices voter rolls, said the key moment for election integrity came a few years back, when the Supreme Court reaffirmed the requirement in federal law that states do have to take steps to clean up their lists. That gives activists a hefty stick, but plenty of states are still resistant. “Our perception is that states that are not cleaning up the rolls won’t clean up the rolls until they’re called on it,” he said. There are some dangers to conservatives in the new focus on election integrity.

Analysts plausibly argue that Mr. Trump’s questioning of Georgia’s handling of elections helped convince thousands of GOP voters to stay home in that state’s Senate runoff elections earlier this year, costing Republicans two seats — and control of the Senate.

Still to be seen is whether Mr. Trump’s relitigation of the 2020 election will keep GOP voters at home in 2022. But the former president has also helped a broader set of conservatives realize what’s at stake in the administration of elections.

“Conservative activists have realized they have to have a seat at the table,” Mr. Fitton said. “Typically the administration of elections has been ceded to the left, and partisans. And so conservatives are trying to get involved.”

Copyright © 2021 The Washington Times, LLC. Click here for reprint permission.

Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

The fauch attacks Jessie Watters and it backfired. Fox News Responds After Fauci Calls for Host to Be Fired. ‘Twisted Completely Out of Context’

Article taken from The Western Journal.

Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday that Fox host Jesse Watters should lose his job over comments he made criticizing Fauci, but Fox News isn’t backing down.In an interview on CNN, Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the country’s de facto COVID czar, said Watters should be “fired on the spot” for remarks Monday at a gathering of conservatives in Phoenix, Arizona.Fox wasn’t buying it.

“Based on watching the full clip and reading the entire transcript, it’s more than clear that Jesse Watters was using a metaphor for asking hard-hitting questions to Dr. Fauci about gain-of-function research and his words have been twisted completely out of context,” a Fox representative said, according to CNN.

The controversy arose from a speech Watters gave at Turning Point USA’s “AmericaFest” conference, where Watters criticized Fauci for his handling of the pandemic.

He said Fauci should be questioned for his decisions and then went on to describe how an ordinary citizen could create a viral moment by confronting Fauci in public and getting it on video. In his description, Watters used the metaphor of “ambushing” Fauci in the style of an aggressive journalist.

“Now you go in for the kill shot. The kill shot with an ambush — deadly, because he doesn’t see it coming … Boom, he is dead! He is dead!” Watters said.

Many responded to Watter’s language claiming it was inflammatory and encouraged harassment of Fauci.


CNN host John Berman asked Fauci how he felt about the comments on Tuesday.

“Jesse Waters, who is a Fox News entertainer, was giving a speech to a conservative group where he talked about you, and suggested to the crowd that they ambush you with what he said was some kind of rhetorical kill shot. That was his exact word,” Berman said, as Mediaite reported.

“I’m wondering, you know, how much that concerns you when you hear language like that about you and your well-being?”

Fauci didn’t hold back.

“That’s awful that he said that. And he’s going to go very likely unaccountable. I mean, whatever network he’s on is not going to do anything for him. I mean, that’s crazy. The guy should be fired on the spot!” Fauci said.

Fauci Demands Fox News Host Be ‘Fired on the Spot’ for Using a Metaphor


This is not the first time that Fauci has spoken out against Fox News. In light of criticism he has received for his role in the pandemic, he has commented that Fox should discipline their hosts.

He wanted Watters fired, and he wanted Lara Logan disciplined several weeks ago after she compared Fauci to the Nazi doctor Josef Mengele, who performed barbarous medical experiments at the Auschwitz concentration camp.

“What I find striking, Chris, is how she gets no discipline whatsoever from the Fox network,” Fauci told MSNBC host Chris Hayes, according to CNN. “How they can let her say that with no comment and no disciplinary action. I’m astounded by that.”

Fauci has become more and more the subject of harsh criticism from conservatives over his performance during the pandemic. This criticism also follows on the heels of a general growing mistrust of Fauci and the CDC that was beginning before Trump even left office.


StatNews reported in September 2020 that a poll at the time found “the public’s trust in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S.’s top doctors, like Anthony Fauci, is rapidly dropping, particularly among Republicans.”

This year, as amid continued government overreaching and doubts about the Biden administration’s competence in handling of the coronavirus, public trust in Fauci is questionable, despite his celebrity status in the mainstream media.

An I&I/TIPP poll released Monday found trust in Fauci is apparently lacking among a majority of Americans.

The poll of 1,301 Americans conducted Dec. 1-4 found fewer than half of Americans surveyed had had “a lot” or “quite a bit” of trust in Fauci, according to Issues&Insights. Forty-one percent had “little trust” or “no trust at all. Thirteen percent had no opinion.

The results broke down along party lines, with 45 percent of Democrats saying they had “a lot” of trust in Fauci, and 27 percent saying they had “quite a bit.”

Among Republicans, 28 percent said they had little faith in Fauci, according to the poll, and 40 percent saying they had none at all.

This from the Western Journal. We are committed to truth and accuracy in all of our journalism. Read our editorial standards.

Biden Pandemic COVID Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Is Biden finally coming around to reality? I’m just as surprised as Trump.

Full FOX article is here.

I was surprised to see that Biden was willing to admit that President Trump was responsible for the saving the lives of millions and even Harris said that the jihad on the unvaccinated must stop.

EXCLUSIVE: Former President Trump said Tuesday that he is “very appreciative” and “surprised” that President Biden thanked him and his administration for their success in making COVID-19 vaccines available to the public, telling Fox News that “tone” and “trust” are critical in getting Americans vaccinated.

“Thanks to the prior administration and our scientific community, America is one of the first countries to get the vaccine,” Biden said Tuesday. “Thanks to my administration, the hard work of Americans, we let, our roll-out, made America among the world leaders in getting shots in arms.”

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Tuesday evening, Trump reacted to Biden acknowledging his administration’s efforts.

“I’m very appreciative of that — I was surprised to hear it,” Trump told Fox News. “I think it was a terrific thing, and I think it makes a lot of people happy.”

Trump then repeated that he was “a little bit surprised.”

“I think he did something very good,” Trump said. “You know, it has to be a process of healing in this country, and that will help a lot.”

The Trump administration created Operation Warp Speed, a public-private partnership to create vaccines against the novel coronavirus, as the pandemic raged in 2020. Under his administration, the Food and Drug Administration approved emergency use authorizations (EUAs) for the Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines.

Trump in December 2020 signed an executive order that would ensure all Americans had access to coronavirus vaccines before the U.S. government could begin aiding nations around the world.

“This is a great thing that we all did,” Trump said, referring to the roll-out of the COVID-19 vaccines. “I may have been the vehicle, but we all did this together.”

“When we came up with these incredible vaccines — three of them — and therapeutics, we did a tremendous job, and we should never disparage them,” Trump said. “We should be really happy about it because we’ve all saved millions and millions of lives all over the world.”

For those still hesitant to receive a COVID vaccine, Trump said: “You have to embrace it. You don’t have to do it, and there can’t be mandates and all those things, but you have to embrace it.”

Trump said getting Americans vaccinated is “really a matter of tone” instead of mandates.


“It’s a matter of getting people out to, ideally, get the vaccine,” Trump said. “If you have the mandate, the mandate will destroy people’s lives — it destroys people’s lives.

Corruption Reprints from others. Stupid things people say or do. The Courts

Just got booted. Alabama Judge Who Called Colleagues ‘Uncle Tom,’ ‘Heifer,’ and ‘Fat B****’ Booted from Office

Law and Crime article is here.

An elected judge was removed from the bench in Alabama by the state’s judicial oversight authority late last week over a series of unprofessional comments and other unbecoming actions.

Recently former judge Nakita Blocton of Jefferson County, Ala. was relieved of her duties and ordered to pay the costs of the proceedings that eventually ousted her from the court, according to a Dec. 10 special court order that resulted from a May complaint that was filed by the Yellowhammer State’s Judicial Inquiry Commission.

Noting a pattern and practice of “making inappropriate comments,” the nine judges on the panel highlighted instances in which Blocton referred to one judge as an “Uncle Tom,” called another judge a “fat bitch” and called an employee who worked for her a “heifer.”

Some of the former judge’s comments, the panel said, actually constituted “a pattern of abuse” directed towards her staff, attorneys who appeared before her and litigants in her courtroom. The “heifer” remark was cited again in this context, and the report says she also “belittled another employee” — without going into details.

And, when faced with the prospect of discipline over her behavior, Blocton apparently attempted to cover it up — albeit unsuccessfully.

“Judge Blocton also ordered employees to allow her to see their private cellphones so that information that might be relevant to the Commission’s investigation could be deleted and she instructed them to provide to her their private login information to their work computers,” the findings section of the order says.


Biden Pandemic COVID How funny is this? Opinion Politics

How funny is this? Sens. Warren and Booker Test Positive for COVID . So much for the booster working effectively.

Two of the most disgusting members of the Senate found out that getting the booster sure didn’t do it for them. Yes as we are finding out, more and more vaccinated folks are getting COVID. But not to worry my friends, Moderna is here to save the day.

Moderna says that preliminary data from lab testing found the version of its booster currently in use in the United States and elsewhere provided increased antibody levels to neutralize the virus. But it also found that a double dose of the booster shot provided a much greater increase in those levels. But there’s more.

Moderna is working on a new super duper booster that will be coming out next year.

Biden Pandemic How funny is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Can’t Make This Up… Fake News Newsweek Mocks Trump for Having 200 Tickets Left Unsold in Arena That Holds 21,000 — But Say NOTHING About Joe Biden’s 20 Circle Crowds

You can find the full Gateway Pundit here.


19,000 see President Trump in Houston on December 18, 2021 — 20 see Joe Biden in Georgia in 2020


How sick is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Kissing China’s Ass. White House cuts Taiwan feed at democracy summit.

An unusual moment in the recent democracy summit highlights a problematic irony in Joe Biden’s Taiwan policy. A video feed of a Taiwan Minister was cut during US President Joe Biden’s Summit for Democracy on December 10. The video was cut after the Taiwanese Digital Minister’s presentation showed a map with Taiwan & China marked in different colors.

The US State Department called it an honest mistake and said the video was removed due to a confusion over share-screening. However, some reports say the presentation by Taiwanese Minister Audrey Tang alarmed US officials. Some news agencies said the video was cut during a discussion & was replaced with audio only after orders from the White House.



According to Reuters, Tang’s map sparked a flurry of emails between US officials, and the National Security Council reached out to the State Department to complain that the slide had not been included in “dry-run” versions of the presentation before the summit.

Biden Pandemic Child Abuse COVID Economy How sick is this? Opinion Politics

Is this guy for real? Joey goes off his meds again.

Joe’s having one hell of a week. So what comes next? Joe keeps on saying crazy things the media and thewhite house says what Joe said is not what Joe meant. Joe’s met by Let’s go Brandon howls, Joe petting and hugging kids, and Joe Manchin says let’s put on the brakes to this madness.

Joe’s passed 400,000 and counting.

THIS IS SO SICK — And the fake news media says NOTHING!

He’s just so perfect.

Life Opinion Reprints from others. Sports-Entertainment

Michele Tafoya’s NBC role changing after Kaepernick remarks on ‘The View’: report

FOX article can be found here.

Michele Tafoya will no longer be the sideline reporter for NBC’s “Sunday Night Football” after this season, according to a report.

NBC’s coverage of the upcoming Super Bowl in February is expected to be her final appearance on the sideline for the network, the New York Post reported. Her role afterward remained unclear.

The apparent decision comes several weeks after Tafoya was criticized for making comments about former NFL quarterback Colin Kaepernick during an appearance on ABC’s “The View.”

Tafoya returned to NBC for a few games after “The View,” but has been missing from NBC’s NFL coverage since Thanksgiving Night’s game between the Buffalo Bills and New Orleans Saints.


Her absence was described by NBC as “bye weeks” as speculation swirled that something might be amiss in the relationship between Tafoya and the network, the Post reported.

‘The View’ clash over Colin Kaepernick and his NFL slavery comparison: ‘Nobody forces these guys to play’

Sports analyst Bill Simmons drew attention to Tafoya’s prolonged absence earlier this week on his podcast.

“She was in the conservative seat,” Simmons said about Tafoya’s “View” appearance, “Then a couple weeks later, all of a sudden, just on a bye [from NBC]. Taking a break.”

Tafoya, 56, a native of California, has been with NBC for about a decade after previous stints with CBS and ABC/ESPN. She is the winner of five Emmy Awards for her sports reporting.

Side note Opinion.

Kaepernick if white, would have been out of the NFL years earlier. No one would sign him because of diminishing talent, not political views. Eric Reid who had similar views as Kaepernick played up to last year. So goes the Colin theory of white owners against the black man.