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Will the Chinese flag fly over a Chinese EV battery plant in Michigan? You make the call.

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Will the Chinese flag fly over a Chinese EV battery plant in Michigan? You make the call. This article first was posted on Breitbart.

The Michigan community of Green Charter Township on Friday lost a court battle to block Chinese-linked electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturer Gotion Inc. from building a factory near the town.

Michigan is generally friendly to Chinese investments and the Gotion project in Green Charter Township was specifically endorsed by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D), who called it “the biggest ever economic development project in Northern Michigan.”

Gretchen Whitmer

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI) delivers remarks at the SelectUSA Investment Summit on May 04, 2023, in National Harbor, Maryland. (Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images)

Gotion pledged to spend $2.36 billion on the factory, which is supposed to create 2,350 jobs. The company settled on Green Charter Township, a rural community northwest of Detroit that acts as a self-governing district of Big Rapids, as the location for its battery plant. The township signed a development agreement with Gotion in August 2023.

Sentiment among the township’s residents soon turned against the factory project, in part because Gotion Inc. is a U.S. company that is wholly owned and controlled by a Chinese firm called Hefei Gotion High-Tech Power Energy Co. Ltd.

Gotion Inc. was obliged to describe this relationship in detail in its filings under the Foreign Agent Registration Act (FARA). In those filings, and in subsequent statements by Vice President of North American Manufacturing Chuck Thelen, the company has denied being controlled by agents of the Chinese government and insisted the Chinese Communist Party will not have offices in its proposed Michigan factory.

Gotion Inc.’s planned $2.4 billion EV battery plant is to be built near Big Rapids. (Gotion, Inc.)

However, skeptical politicians and reporters in Michigan uncovered Gotion corporate documents that said the company is required to “set up a Communist Party of China organization” and ensure the implementation of Communist Party guidelines within all corporate operations. Investigative journalists discovered Hefei Gotion High-Tech employs hundreds of Chinese Communist Party members, and its CEO is a high-ranking Party official.

Thelen insisted these company documents were misunderstood or misrepresented by critics and their practical meaning was simply that the American subsidiary of Gotion was not allowed to do business in China. Somewhat awkwardly for the American branch and its CEO, Chinese state media enthusiastically celebrated the Gotion plant as a major step toward the Communist regime’s worldwide domination of the EV industry.

A controversy erupted over whether Gotion had misrepresented its relationship with the Chinese government or not, especially since the new factory would be located within a hundred miles of Camp Grayling, the largest U.S. National Guard training facility. Concerns were also raised about the plant’s compliance with wetlands regulations, and the heavy water use anticipated for large-scale battery manufacturing.

The Gotion project received the blessing of the U.S. Treasury Department Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), but that only added fuel to the controversy, as critics claimed CFIUS was derelict in its oversight duties, allowing the Gotion project to pass without full transparency by declaring the company was operating outside of its jurisdiction.


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Child Abuse Links from other news sources.

Worked in 2020 will it work in 2024? China sending the world another medical threat?

Views: 30

Worked in 2020 will it work in 2024? China sending another medical threat? Tony the Fauch ready to come out of retirement? Yes my friends it looks as it China is at it again. Don’t believe me? just ask the WHO. We have this from NBC.

World Health Organization (WHO) announced that it has requested information from China regarding the increase in cases of respiratory diseases and clusters of pneumonia among children.

But China said not to worry there’s nothing here so go on and leave us alone. Of course the WHO went along with China and said no travel restrictions against our friend China.

Chinese authorities attributed the increase in respiratory disease cases to the end of restrictions imposed to contain COVID-19 and the circulation of known pathogens. You buying that?


Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary Corruption COVID Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Politics Uncategorized

So where are the free COVID tests coming from?

Views: 16

So where are the free COVID tests coming from? Many think that they’re made in the USA and coming from American companies. Well not really. China and other countries with American locations.

Not all American Corporations..

What they didn’t mention is that many of these companies are foreign organizations that simply have small offices or manufacturing centers in the United States, and that much of the supplies are being imported from the foreign principals.

Access Bio is based in South Korea.

Advin is based in India.

iHealth is a California-based subsidiary of Andon Health of China.

Kwell Laboratories is based in South Korea

Sekisui is based in Japan.

In total, more than $312 million, through a contract branded to “reduce our reliance on overseas manufacturing” is being distributed to foreign companies. And $167 million has been awarded to the China-based iHealth, which has received *billions* of dollars from the U.S. government for their Covid tests.

Article originally was at The Dossier


Politics Reprints from others.

Australia to boost military forces by 30% amidst increasing threats.

Views: 32

Whole article can be found here.

Now we know that there are loons on the left who look to Socialist China as our friends, and ignore the fact that they’re Russia’s number one ally. But Australia is acting now.

The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Thursday that Australia is likely to boost its military force by 30% till 2040, stating this to be the biggest military build-up in the past 40 years since the Vietnam War.

The Australian government proposed to add approximately 80,000 uniformed personnel to its military force, considering the increase in risk posed by China and Russia. The estimated cost of the entire military build-up strategy is AU$38 billion or US$27 billion.

Morrison also added that some of the newly recruited troops would support a future nuclear-power submarine fleet as committed by Australia as a part of the new Australia-United Kingdom- US defence alliance (AUKUS).




Uncategorized How sick is this? Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Kissing China’s Ass. White House cuts Taiwan feed at democracy summit.

Views: 18

An unusual moment in the recent democracy summit highlights a problematic irony in Joe Biden’s Taiwan policy. A video feed of a Taiwan Minister was cut during US President Joe Biden’s Summit for Democracy on December 10. The video was cut after the Taiwanese Digital Minister’s presentation showed a map with Taiwan & China marked in different colors.

The US State Department called it an honest mistake and said the video was removed due to a confusion over share-screening. However, some reports say the presentation by Taiwanese Minister Audrey Tang alarmed US officials. Some news agencies said the video was cut during a discussion & was replaced with audio only after orders from the White House.



According to Reuters, Tang’s map sparked a flurry of emails between US officials, and the National Security Council reached out to the State Department to complain that the slide had not been included in “dry-run” versions of the presentation before the summit.



Why won’t the left and the MSM admit that their best friends are the new Axis powers? Russia, China, Iran.

Views: 12

Why won’t the left and the MSM admit that their best friends are the new Axis powers? Russia, China, Iran. When FBI Director Gray and DNI director Ratcliffe reported that Russia, China, and Iran were trying to influence our elections, what did the Democrats and the MSM say? See we told you that the Russians were trying to influence the elections and they’re for President Trump.

Now it was reported that Russia was putting out misinformation about both candidates and China and Iran were putting out misinformation only about President Trump. But if you only followed MSM you just heard about Russia. Why?

Leftists and MSM feel that China and Iran are their friends. They ignore the fact that Russia has mutual arms pacts with China and Iran. We have this from our colleague Catherine Herridge.

Catherine Herridge: Well DNI Ratcliffe leads the 17 intelligence agencies and he has access to the most highly classified information that is held by the US government. And he told CBS News that there was foreign interference by China, Iran, and Russia in November of this year and he is anticipating a public report on those findings in January.

So with all the evidence that shows that Iran, China, and Russia are tied together at the hip, why does Joe Biden think that they’re our friends?




China’s connection to the illegitimate President elect is being investigated for tax fraud.

Views: 30


This is more about Joe than Hunter.

China’s connection to the illegitimate President elect is being investigated for tax fraud. China’s go to connection to the Biden administration may not be available if the US Attorneys office has anything to say about it.

Hunter’s been notified that they’re looking into his tax affairs with the China payments from 2018. CNN is reporting that Joe’s cut of the money hasn’t been mentioned. Yet. Let’s see if this develops any further. We close with this from Gateway Pundit.

Now that the election is over, the investigation is entering a new phase. Federal prosecutors in Delaware, working with the IRS Criminal Investigation agency and the FBI, are taking overt steps such as issuing subpoenas and seeking interviews, the person with knowledge said.

Activity in the investigation had been largely dormant in recent months due to Justice Department guidelines prohibiting overt actions that could affect an election, the person said.



Joe and Hunter Biden”s New Best Friend. Sends warplanes, troops for drill in Pakistan. China

Views: 20

Joe and Hunter Biden”s New Best Friend. Sends warplanes, troops for drill in Pakistan. China. I wonder what friends of Joe were there to watch? Members of his future staff if he’s elected?

China’s western Xinjiang territory hosted the last Shaheen-IX drill in September 2019, the Hindustan Times recalled on Tuesday. It was the largest bilateral military drill orchestrated between Beijing and Islamabad at the time “with nearly 50 warplanes from the two countries taking part in it.”

The PLA Air Force (PLAAF) has reportedly deployed fighter jets close to the border with India as part of the drill, taking place near Pakistan’s border with India’s western Gujarat state.

Of course this is close to the Pakistan-Indian border. So yes I’m sure Joe’s allies were sending a message to India.

China and India are currently engaged in a border standoff along their unmarked boundary in the western Himalayas following a skirmish between the two countries’ border regiments in the north Indian state of Ladakh this past summer. The June 15 clash killed 20 Indian soldiers and an estimated 40 Chinese troops and was the deadliest military conflict between the two Asian neighbors in 45 years. In July and August, the PLA conducted live-fire drills in the “middle section of the Himalayas” despite officially claiming to have “disengaged” from the border standoff.



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