MSNBC guest Elie Mystal: 'I want pitchforks and torches outside trump donors house in the Hamptons
I guess this moron didn’t realize that he admitted he only believed in Hell so he (!) could consign Trump there. Does this mean he’s an atheist as well as a far-left loon? No truly religious person would say something like that.
Elie Mystal pontificating on Trump’s final destination.
This is totally normal.
A toxic, far-left MSNBC guest suffering from a severe case of TDS said he would be willing to “believe in hell” so that Trump “has some place to go in the next life.”
Elie Mystal appeared on MSNBC’s “The Cross Connection” Saturday morning with host Tiffany Cross and obsessed over Trump.
The lefty media is still obsessing over Trump.
They just can’t quit President Trump.
Elie Mystal and Tiffany Cross discussed the January 6 hearings even though nobody outside of the beltway cares about the J6 Committee.
“Will we ever see Trump held accountable for all the things that have come out in the January 6 hearings?” Tiffany Cross queried.
“Look, I’m willing to believe in Hell just so that Trump has some place to go in the next life to be held accountable,” Elie Mystal said as Tiffany Cross smiled.
He continued, “In this life it’s still up in the air.”
While the Biden administration continues ignoring the border crisis in southwestern states, the nation’s capital is starting to understand how illegal immigration can affect a city’s resources and infrastructure.
Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser recently requested the activation of the D.C. National Guard to handle the growing number of migrants traveling to the capital each day. The request also asked permission for re-purposing the D.C. Armory as a processing center until the influx considerably declines.
Since April, over 150 buses from Texas and Arizona have transported 4,000 migrants to the nation’s capital, turning it into a sanctuary city, the Washington Examiner reported.
Bowser and the D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management first wrote a letter to the Office of the Secretary of Defense on July 19, and the mayor sent another to President Joe Biden on July 22 requesting help. Neither has sent a reply.
“The pace of arriving buses and the volume of arrivals have reached tipping points,” the first letter read. “Our collective response and service efforts have now become overwhelmed. … Tragically, many families arrive in Washington, DC with nowhere to go, or they remain in limbo seeking onward destinations across the United States.”
Bowser rightfully requested help for the city’s “prolonged humanitarian crisis,” which first began in mid-April.
However, the “humanitarian crisis” at the southern border has continued for several years, which is why Texas and Arizona decided to give D.C. politicians a taste of their own medicine.
In the past three months, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey pledged to transport illegal migrants to the nation’s capital in order to force Biden’s hand in securing the border.
“Washington, D.C. finally understands what Texans have been dealing with every single day, as our communities are overrun and overwhelmed by thousands of illegal immigrants thanks to President Biden’s open border policies,” Abbott spokeswoman Renae Eze wrote to the Examiner.
“If the mayor wants a solution to this crisis, she should call on President Biden to take immediate action to secure the border — something he has failed to do.”
Bowser was not amused with the Republicans’ “cruel political gamesmanship.”
“Instead of rolling up their sleeves and working with the Biden/Harris administration on a real solution, Governors Abbott and Ducey have decided to use desperate people to score political points,” Bowser wrote in the second letter to the White House.
The mayor asked for 150 National Guard personnel to help immigrants by facilitating “eventual movement to their final destinations,” claiming that D.C. is not where they intended to travel or stay.
Bowser called immigration a federal issue.
“This mission would begin as soon as possible and continue indefinitely until the city relieves them,” she wrote.
“To be clear, I recognize the magnitude of this request. But the Governors of Texas and Arizona are making a political statement to the federal government, and instead, their actions are having direct impacts on city and regional resources in ways that are unsustainable.”
Bowser also called immigration a federal issue, admitting that the federal government must provide “immediate federal assistance” to both the capital and the border.
But why did it take her so long to ask for help if D.C.’s “humanitarian crisis” continued for the past three months? Maybe she was handling the situation on her own with her city’s resources, or maybe it was ego. Whatever it was, she needed to take immediate action in either solving it or requesting the National Guard.
The fact Bowser waited this long showed she refused to admit defeat to Abbott and Ducey for being right about the immigration crisis — and that the Biden administration needs to act in protecting the American border.
The partisan differences proved to be more concerning for her than providing support for the capital in a time of crisis.
Data on the Murder Accountability Project’s website. Photos by Cait Oppermann for Bloomberg Businessweek.
Thomas Hargrove is building software to identify trends in unsolved murders using data nobody’s bothered with before.
On Aug. 18, 2010, a police lieutenant in Gary, Ind., received an e-mail, the subject line of which would be right at home in the first few scenes of a David Fincher movie:
“Could there be a serial killer active in the Gary area?”
It isn’t clear what the lieutenant did with that e-mail; it would be understandable if he waved it off as a prank. But the author could not have been more serious. He’d attached source material—spreadsheets created from FBI files showing that over several years the city of Gary had recorded 14 unsolved murders of women between the ages of 20 and 50. The cause of each death was the same: strangulation. Compared with statistics from around the country, he wrote, the number of similar killings in Gary was far greater than the norm. So many people dying the same way in the same city—wouldn’t that suggest that at least a few of them, maybe more, might be connected? And that the killer might still be at large?
The police lieutenant never replied. Twelve days later, the police chief, Gary Carter, received a similar e-mail from the same person. This message added a few details. Several of the women were strangled in their homes. In at least two cases, a fire was set after the murder. In more recent cases, several women were found strangled in or around abandoned buildings. Wasn’t all of this, the writer asked, at least worth a look?
The Gary police never responded to that e-mail, either, or to two follow-up letters sent via registered mail. No one from the department has commented publicly about what was sent to them—nor would anyone comment for this story. “It was the most frustrating experience of my professional life,” says the author of those messages, a 61-year-old retired news reporter from Virginia named Thomas Hargrove.
Hargrove spent his career as a data guy. He analyzed his first set of polling data as a journalism major at the University of Missouri, where he became a student director of the university’s polling organization. He joined an E.W. Scripps newspaper right out of college and expanded his repertoire from political polling data to practically any subject that required statistical analysis. “In the newsroom,” he remembers, “they would say, ‘Give that to Hargrove. That’s a numbers problem.’ ”
In 2004, Hargrove’s editors asked him to look into statistics surrounding prostitution. The only way to study that was to get a copy of the nation’s most comprehensive repository of criminal statistics: the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report, or UCR. When Hargrove called up a copy of the report from the database library at the University of Missouri, attached to it was something he didn’t expect: the Supplementary Homicide Report. “I opened it up, and it was a record I’d never seen before,” he says. “Line by line, every murder that was reported to the FBI.”
This report, covering the year 2002, contained about 16,000 murders, broken down by the victims’ age, race, and sex, as well as the method of killing, the police department that made the report, the circumstances known about the case, and information about the offender, if the offender was known. “I don’t know where these thoughts come from,” Hargrove says, “but the second I saw that thing, I asked myself, ‘Do you suppose it’s possible to teach a computer how to spot serial killers?’ ”
“linkage blindness”
Like a lot of people, Hargrove was aware of criticisms of police being afflicted by tunnel vision when investigating difficult cases. He’d heard the term “linkage blindness,” used to describe the tendency of law-enforcement jurisdictions to fail to connect the dots between similar cases occurring right across the county or state line from one another. Somewhere in this report, Hargrove thought, could be the antidote to linkage blindness. The right person, looking at the information in the right way, might be able to identify any number of at-large serial killers.
Every year he downloaded and crunched the most recent data set. What really shocked him was the number of murder cases that had never been cleared. (In law enforcement, a case is cleared when a suspect is arrested, whatever the eventual outcome.) Hargrove counted 211,487, more than a third of the homicides recorded from 1980 to 2010. Why, he wondered, wasn’t the public up in arms about such a large number of unsolved murders?
To make matters worse, Hargrove saw that despite a generation’s worth of innovation in the science of crime fighting, including DNA analysis, the rate of cleared cases wasn’t increasing but decreasing—plummeting, even. The average homicide clearance rate in the 1960s was close to 90 percent; by 2010 it was solidly in the mid-’60s. It has fallen further since.
These troubling trends were what moved Hargrove to write to the Gary police. He failed to get any traction there. Sure enough, four years later, in October 2014, in Hammond, Ind.—the town next door to Gary—police found the body of 19-year-old Afrikka Hardy in a room at a Motel 6. Using her phone records, they tracked down a suspect, 43-year-old Darren Deon Vann. Once arrested, Vann took police to the abandoned buildings where he’d stowed six more bodies, all of them in and around Gary. Anith Jones had last been seen alive on Oct. 8; Tracy Martin went missing in June; Kristine Williams and Sonya Billingsley disappeared in February; and Teaira Batey and Tanya Gatlin had vanished in January.
Before invoking his right to remain silent, Vann offhandedly mentioned that he’d been killing people for years—since the 1990s. Hargrove went to Gary, reporting for Scripps, to investigate whether any of the cases he’d identified back in 2010 might possibly be attributed to Vann. He remembers getting just one helpful response, from an assistant coroner in Lake County who promised to follow up, but that too went nowhere. Now, as the Vann prosecution slogs its way through the courts, everyone involved in the case is under a gag order, prevented from speculating publicly about whether any of the victims Hargrove noted in 2010 might also have been killed by Vann. “There are at least seven women who died after I tried to convince the Gary police that they had a serial killer,” Hargrove says. “He was a pretty bad one.”
Hargrove has his eye on other possible killers, too. “I think there are a great many uncaught serial killers out there,” he declares. “I think most cities have at least a few.”
The police have never been great at leveraging the power of their own statistics. Police culture is notably paper-based, scattered, and siloed, and departments aren’t always receptive to technological innovation. The National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database gives police access to information such as fugitive warrants, stolen property, and missing persons, but it’s not searchable for unsolved killings. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s National Violent Death Reporting System compiles death-certificate-based information for homicide victims in 32 states, but, again, can’t be searched for uncleared cases. Some states have their own homicide databases, but they can’t see the data from other states, so linkage blindness persists.
Pfizer’s Q2 earnings numbers parallel that of a top 5 global energy company. Of course, the slight difference here is that energy companies actually provide essential services for human flourishing, while Pfizer provides, well, government-backed snake oil.
Reuters @Reuters
Pfizer profit surges, reaffirms sales forecast for COVID-19 products
This quarter, the drug company posted a total revenue of $27.7 billion, up 46.5% from $18.9 billion the same period of last year.
Net income is up 78% to $9.9 billion this quarter, from $5.5 billion in Q2 of 2021.
While many Americans are struggling to put food on the table, Pfizer’s taxpayer-supplied profits almost doubled year over year.
Notably, none of Pfizer’s profits come from free market activity.
More than half of all Pfizer sales, and all of its profits, come from its expired mRNA gene therapy injections and Paxlovid. The outfit has fully transformed into a COVID-19 company. Without COVID Mania, the rest of Pfizer’s product line would see the pharma giant without any income this year.
The Dossier
Moderna and Pfizer’s infant and toddler COVID shots were designed for a strain that no longer exists.
Designed in January of 2020, Moderna and Pfizer’s COVID shots are long past their variant expiration date, but that hasn’t stopped the mRNA cartel from encourage their use in our most vulnerable populations. Comparable to a continuously deployed flu shot from several years ago, these shots do not seem to work whatsoever, and new data continues to showcase that striking reality…
a month ago · 51 likes · 2 comments · Jordan Schachtel
Business is booming for the taxpayer-funded, liability-free drug company. Just last month, the Biden Administration signed a deal with Pfizer that hiked the price of more than 50% extra per dose for Pfizer’s next batch of mRNA shots.
The Dossier
Drug Cartel: Biden Admin agrees to pay Pfizer 56% more for their COVID shots
a month ago · 163 likes · 63 comments · Jordan Schachtel
It’s a truly stunning outcome for a company that once claimed to have produced the cure for the coronavirus, but has in reality supplied an ineffective gene therapy with a massive side effect profile.
Lightfoot Wants Chicago Drivers Under Constant Surveillance, But Look at What a Camera Caught Her SUV Doing
Chicago drivers are increasingly subjected to speed limit and red-light cameras that automatically send out millions in fines every year, and if they don’t pay, they can lose their driver’s license.
Meanwhile, Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s motorcade reportedly has racked up hundreds of dollars in fines that she has refused to pay — without any consequence at all.
According to a review of public records by CWB Chicago, Lightfoot’s police-driven SUVs have been recorded exceeding the speed limit and going through red lights by the city’s traffic camera system several times in the last year — and none of the fines has been paid.
Several other cars registered to her motorcade also have had fines assessed but never paid, the report said.
CWB Chicago even found that one of the vehicles is now eligible for booting and being impounded because the fines are so far in arrears.
Worst of all, two of the speeding incidents occurred while Lightfoot’s SUVs were driving through school zones while exceeding the speed limit.
The report said none of the $658 in fines accumulated by the mayor’s motorcade since May 2021 has been paid.
But this is not just a recent habit. Her motorcade cars have a long history of breaking traffic laws, getting tickets and fines, and never paying them. It has been so bad that the city has gotten in a habit of just forgiving them because they never get paid anyway, the Chicago Tribune reported in 2020.
The mayor’s office released a statement after this latest news claiming that Lightfoot’s motorcade sometimes breaks the law for the mayor’s “safety.”
“The Mayor’s Detail is responsible for the safety and security of Mayor Lightfoot. Members of the Mayor’s Detail are trained in a variety of safety and security techniques to keep the Mayor safe and that includes both vehicles staying in formation while en route,” the statement said, according to CWB Chicago.
The office said fines are often paid late because the tickets go through an “administrative process to review if City vehicles were in use for safety or security reasons.”
Fines are paid after that process, and the detail’s drivers are responsible to pay them, Lightfoot’s office said.
Of course, even as she refuses to pay her traffic fines, the mayor has fought to make sure her constituents aren’t allowed any breaks from paying theirs.
Recently, for instance, a Chicago alderman tried to push through a rule giving drivers a 10 mph buffer in driving over the limit before tickets are sent in the mail. But Lightfoot fought against that idea because she wants more revenue from tickets.
“The last thing we need is to give people who are breaking the law the license to go faster,” the mayor said last month, according to the Chicago Tribune. “No one likes speed cameras. I get it. But this is life or death that we’re talking about here, and we’ve got to step up as a city and address this.”
Lightfoot also mined the Democrat’s favorite excuse for more rules by claiming it’s “for the children.”
“It makes no sense for us to increase the speed around the parks and schools when we know what the horrific consequences are for pedestrians and other drivers,” Lightfoot said, according to WBBM-TV.
But it’s for the children, don’t you know?
The conservative Illinois Policy Institute reported that since the threshold was lowered to 6 mph last year, Chicago has issued an additional 3.8 million tickets that have brought the city $80 million in revenue. But it’s for the children, don’t you know?
All this is nothing new. Chicago in particular and Illinois in general have had a long, dirty history with red-light cameras. As Chicago Sun-Times columnist Phil Kadner wrote in 2020, “Red-light cameras have been one of the slickest scams ever perpetrated on citizens by their own government.”
The state’s traffic cameras have been rife with corruption, with public scandals, bribery charges and criminal indictments of the red-light camera industry in Illinois that make a mockery of the typical Democratic claim that these cameras are unbiased arbiters of traffic laws.
In 2016, a Chicago official was sent to jail for corruption in the city’s red-light camera program. More recently, Martin Sandoval, who was an Illinois state senator, pleaded guilty to taking $250,000 in bribes for a red-light camera company, the Illinois Policy Institute noted.
Meanwhile, Illinois drivers continue to lose billions of their hard-earned money to these electronic surveillance state devices.
Between 2008 and 2018 alone, drivers were forced to pay $1.1 billion in fines — which amounts to $100 every 33 seconds, the institute said.
In the end, though, it appears that only the little people have to pay these fines, with Lightfoot and others seemingly exempt from the laws they force upon others.
Do you think Democrats feel their political office exempts them from following the law?
Shocking Video: Democrat Official Smashes SUV Into Cyclist, Speeds Away Without Stopping
Imagine finding out that the hit-and-run motorist that injured you is your Democrat city council representative.
Jersey City Councilwoman Amy DeGise allegedly left the scene of a car crash that sent a cyclist flying earlier this month.
DeGise appeared to have the right of way when she collided with delivery cyclist Andrew Black on July 19, according to the New York Post.
However, video footage of the crash shows a Nissan Rogue driving on after the collision, seemingly not stopping after what could’ve been a fatal accident.
Street camera footage also shows an intensely violent collision between Black and the vehicle.
At least one Jersey City councilman has called for DeGise to resign from the Jersey City Council over her involvement in the incident. Denise has been charged with failure to report an accident and leaving the scene, according to New York WCBS.
Black, a devout Mormon, is pointing to his lack of physical injuries as a sign of divine
In an interview with, the delivery cyclist has said the collision has left him with post-traumatic stress disorder.
Black was surprised to learn that the motorist that drove away from the accident was a Jersey City elected official.
“Someone of prestige [who is] demanding to uphold and clean our streets or whatever they’re calling it… can’t even do it themselves,” said the 29-year-old man. “It really upset me.”
DeGise identifies herself as the chairwoman of the Hudson County Democrats on her Twitter page.
The councilwoman, who is the daughter of longtime Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise, declined to get into specifics of the accident in a statement provided to the Hudson County View.
“I acknowledge this unfortunate event yesterday and I’m thankful that no one was seriously hurt.”
“While the traffic summons that was issued is dealt with in court I will not be able to make any additional comment at this time.”
When asked about the incident, Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop criticized DeGise’s actions without calling on her to resign.
“You should never leave the scene of a crash. I think the responsible thing is to wait for law enforcement and follow the law,” said Fulop, according to the New Jersey Globe.
Corrupt politicians are intent on perpetuating a state of emergency by employing scare tactics.
In a bid to sustain support for funneling weapons into Ukraine at taxpayer expense and ramp up hysteria surrounding Russia, New York City is issuing warnings to the public on how to respond amid a nuclear attack.
“Never let a good crisis go to waste,” is modus operandi of the predator class.
Earlier this month, New York City’s Department of Emergency Management released a public service announcement guiding residents on how to respond in the event of a nuclear disaster, the first of its kind since the 1960s.
“So there’s been a nuclear attack,” a spokesperson looks into the camera and says. “Don’t ask me how or why. Just know that the big one has hit.”
The video, released on the city’s YouTube channel, advises New Yorkers to get inside fast and don’t stay in the car amid a nuclear attack, stay inside, shut all the doors and windows, head to a basement if possible, and to remove and bag all outer clothes if exposed outdoors.
According to the city’s website, the likelihood of a nuclear attack is very low.
A spokesperson with the Emergency Management Department maintains there is “no direct threat” but it is important New Yorkers know how to respond.
But the city continues to stir panic.
The NYC emergency management agency advised residents to prepare a ‘Go Bag’ that “has everything you need to to leave home in a hurry.”
“Every household member should have on, including kids,” the agency notes. “What will you pack? Nonperishable snacks. Bottle water. Copies of important documents.”
“Make a disaster plan with your household members to prepare for what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in an emergency. Make a plan that best suits your needs and the needs of your household,” the agency’s website states.
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is defending the PSAs.
“I don’t think it was alarmist,” he told reporters. “I’m a big believer in better safe than sorry. I take my hat off to [the Office of Emergency Management].”
As New York City officials prioritize public awareness of what to do in the unlikely situation of a nuclear attack, crime continues to surge in the Big Apple.
The city has endured 25.8 percent increase in violent crime — ranging from homicide, rape, robbery, and assault — from June 2021 to last month, the highest uptick in violent crime in the U.S.
A recent poll reveals that 92 percent of New York City residents believe crime is a “serious problem” in the city, with 62 percent saying it is a “very serious issue.”
With all the crime in NYC, the city is warning about an atomic bomb attack???? Seriously, they must be really worried they’re gonna lose bigly in November!
Wisconsin Senate Minority Leader Janet Bewley was involved in a three-car crash on Friday that resulted in the deaths of a young mother from Pennsylvania and her 5-year-old daughter, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.
The Democratic legislator was doing a phone interview with a reporting intern from the Journal Sentinel at the time of the crash in the northern Wisconsin city of Ashland, the outlet reported.
Just after the interview began, Bewley told reporter, Ben Baker she had cataract eye surgery the day before.
Partway into the interview, the call went silent.
“When Baker asked Bewley if she was still on the line, she sounded concerned,” the report said. “When Baker asked if she was OK, she said, ‘Yeah, I’m OK. This is not a good accident.’”
The Ashland Police Department said the 70-year-old legislator pulled out of a Lake Superior beach entrance into the path of a car driven by 27-year-old Alyssa Ortman, the Ashland Daily Press reported.
Ortman’s car hit Bewley’s and was spun across Highway 2, where it was struck by a vehicle driven by Jodi Munson, 45, the report said.
Ortman’s young daughter, Khaleesi Fink, was pronounced dead at the scene, police said. Ortman was transported to a nearby hospital, where she later died.
Ashland Police Chief Bill Hagstrom said Bewley was not taken to the hospital.
The Daily Press report Tuesday said police were not recommendingcharges against the legislator.
Bewley released a statement concerning the crash on Monday, the Daily Press reported.
“Senator Bewley was involved in a three-vehicle accident in Ashland, Wisconsin on Friday, July 22nd,” it said. “Tragically, two people lost their lives.
“This is a heartbreaking event for the community. Our thoughts and prayers are focused on the individuals involved, their families and their loved ones.
“A police investigation is ongoing. Out of respect for that investigation and the privacy of all the families involved, our office will be withholding further comment at this time.”
The Journal Sentinel reported Tuesday that Ortman’s mother, Ginger Urbanik, had lost her only son to a crash involving a drunken driver less than two years ago. Now she must grapple with the deaths of her daughter and granddaughter.
“My grandbaby, who was just starting out, just getting ready to start kindergarten — her life’s gone,” Urbanik told the outlet. “And my daughter, who had so much to look forward to, and so much that she wanted to do good in the world, and all of her plans … and now both of our children, within a matter of years, are gone.”
“Our only two children … we’re going to suffer for the rest of our lives,” she said.
First off, this woman should NEVER have been driving the day after cataract surgery.
Secondly, isn’t it illegal to be on your phone while driving?
Finally, she pulled out in front of oncoming traffic, isn’t that a moving violation?
Hematology Oncology Medicine Health Policy Epidemiology Associate Professor
Dr. Kristin Collier is an assistant professor of internal medicine at the University of Michigan, where she has served on faculty for 17 years. She also is the director of the medical school’s Program on Health, Spirituality and Religion and has been published in publications including the Journal of the American Medical Association and the Annals of Internal Medicine.
Many describe her as a consummate physician and superb teacher—deeply liked and respected by her peers. That’s why, out of some 3,000 faculty at Michigan, Dr. Collier was chosen by students and her peers to be this year’s White Coat Ceremony speaker. The White Coat ceremony is one bookend of medical school (graduation is the other), where students put on their white coats for the first time, take a modified Hippocratic oath and begin the long path to becoming a doctor.
The trouble is that Professor Collier has views on abortion that are out of step with many Michigan medical students—likely the majority of them. She has stated that she defines herself as pro-life, though she does not state the extent of her position (i.e. whether she allows exemptions for rape or incest). In that same interview, in which she talks about her personal transformation from a pro-choice atheist to a Christian, she laments the intolerance for religious people among medical colleagues. “When we consider diversity in the medical profession, religious diversity is not—should not—be exempt from this goal.”
After Michigan announced her speech, the university made it clear that Dr. Collier would not be addressing abortion in her talk. “The White Coat Ceremony is not a platform for discussion of controversial issues, and Dr. Collier never planned to address a divisive topic as part of her remarks,” the dean of the medical school, Marshall Runge, wrote to students and staff earlier this month.
That didn’t stop hundreds of students and staff from signing a petition demanding Dr. Collier be replaced with another speaker. “While we support the rights of freedom of speech and religion, an anti-choice speaker as a representative of the University of Michigan undermines the University’s position on abortion and supports the non-universal, theology-rooted platform to restrict abortion access, an essential part of medical care,” they wrote. “We demand that UM stands in solidarity with us and selects a speaker whose values align with institutional policies, students, and the broader medical community.”
The school stood firm. But on Sunday, just as Dr. Collier rose to give her remarks, dozens of students and family members began walking out of their white coat ceremony.
By now we are all accustomed to such displays from American students. The particular shame here is that those who walked out missed a transcendent lecture about the meaning of practicing medicine in a culture that increasingly treats human beings like machines.
“The risk of this education and the one that I fell into is that you can come out of medical school with a bio-reductionist, mechanistic view of people and ultimately of yourself. You can easily end up seeing your patients as just a bag of blood and bones or human life as just molecules in motion,” Dr. Collier said.
“You are not technicians taking care of complex machines, but human beings taking care of other human beings,” she said. “Medicine is not merely a technical endeavor but above all a human one.”
I urge you to watch the whole thing here, beginning at 1:45:50:
Dr. Collier has handled the whole thing with grace. She tweeted yesterday: “I’ve heard that some of the students who walked out have been harassed and targeted—please stop. Everyone has a right to stand up for what they believe in.”
I do not share Dr. Collier’s faith or her views on abortion. But ultimately, the decision of students to walk out of the lecture because they disagree with the speaker on another topic has no limit.
In medicine, abortion is an important life or death issue. So too is universal health care, immigration and school closure. All these topics have the highest stakes. And all are controversial. If students walk out on speakers discussing unrelated issues, where does it end? Would they learn about the nephron from a nephrologist who favors strict immigration limits? Could they learn how to perform CPR from an instructor who lobbied to keep schools open during Covid-19?
Most concerning, what does it mean for American patients, if their future doctors cannot sit through a speech by a beloved professor who has a different view on abortion? Could you trust a physician knowing that may judge you for holding views that they deem beyond the pale?
As a professor at UCSF medical school, I worry deeply that we are not preparing our future doctors for practicing medicine on real people in the real world. Medicine has to meet patients where they are; often that means caring people and working with people with whom we disagree. We can’t walk out on that.
Unvaccinated do better than vaccinated.- National Pulse.
You know there’s this lurker who follows me and never fails to comment on this obscure website that has about 25 maybe 30 followers about articles I write. This person never fails to attack my medical sources. Cleveland Clinic, Johns Hopkins, Tufts Research University, New England Journal of Medicine, and even The Mayo Clinic. This loons credentials? A part time secretary. The person who makes the coffee and files reports.
Now we see that a group of dozens of doctors and scientists signed off on a small research study of a startling result to many. Folks vaccinated against COVID-19 remained contagious with the virus for a longer period of time than their unvaccinated counterparts. This was printed in the New England Journal of Medicine.
Researchers compiled a variety of graphs tracking how long people remained contagious with the virus, using both PCR tests and viral cultures as indicators.
When the data was separated into the categories “unvaccinated,” “vaccinated,” and “boosted,” individuals who did not receive a COVID-19 vaccine were contagious for a shorter period of time.
Regarding positive PCR tests, within the first 10 days of contracting the virus 68.75 percent of unvaccinated subjects were no longer contagious. In contrast, just 29.72 percent of vaccinated and 38.46 percent of boosted people were no longer contagious.
Fifteen days into the study, 93.75 percent and 92.31 percent of unvaccinated and boosted people, respectively, were no longer contagious; however, just 78.38 percent of vaccinated people weren’t contagious.
Study Data.
So please do the research and trust Science. Not some part time secretary.