COVID Drugs Science

ALERT! Poison centers in U.S., Ohio sound alarm on chemical in some COVID-19 at-home tests

Views: 27

FDA approves first at-home COVID-19 test kit

By Terry DeMio for the Cincinnati Enquirer

Be aware: That COVID-19 test kit in your home could contain a toxic substance that may be harmful to your children and you.

The substance is sodium azide, and Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center’s Drug and Poison Information Center has seen a surge in calls about exposures to the chemical since more people started self-testing for COVID-19 at home.

Fifty million U.S. households have received some version of the test kits, although it’s not clear how many contain sodium azide. The government has sent 200 million of the kits, with about 85% of initial orders filled, officials said at a White House briefing last week.

“We started getting our first exposures to these test kits around early November,” said Sheila Goertemoeller, pharmacist and clinical toxicologist for the center. “It was, really, all ages.” The calls to the local center mirror what’s been happening nationally.

What is sodium azide?

Sodium azide, often used as a preservative, is a liquid reagent in several of the COVID-19 test kits, she said. Ingesting it can cause low blood pressure, which can result in dizziness, headaches or palpitations. Exposure to it can also cause skin, eye or nostril irritation.

The Cincinnati Children’s Hospital-based Drug and Poison Information Center has logged 38 cases of sodium azide exposure, with cases peaking in January, around the time that the omicron variant triggered a high number of COVID-19 cases, Goertemoeller said. Adults exposed generally have experienced mild skin irritation, which can get worse if the area isn’t washed thoroughly, she said.

Nationwide Children’s Hospital Central Ohio Poison Center in Columbus also reported seeing an “uptick” in cases, as well, a spokeswoman said. The center did not immediately have a number of cases.

The Cincinnati Children’s Drug and Poison Information Center covers half of Ohio’s  population, covering a swath of calls in Southwest Ohio and those in Northeast Ohio, including Akron. Nationwide Children’s Central Ohio Poison Center handles the other half of the state’s population.

“Mostly, I’ve been very worried about our young children,” Goertemoeller said.

A person using a COVID-19 at-home test. A chemical in some at-home tests has been link to increased poisonings.

The “good news” is that the cases reported to the Cincinnati Children’s center mostly have been minor and resolved at home, Goertemoeller said. She added that the amount of sodium azide in COVID-19 rapid tests is small.

Large amounts of exposure to sodium azide can cause severe health threats, leading to convulsions, loss of consciousness, lung injury, respiratory failure leading to death, the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention notes. The chemical is best known as one found in airbags.

Several poison centers throughout the United States have reported sodium azide exposures from the COVID-19 test kits. Goertemoeller estimated there have been 200-plus reported cases from the 55 poison centers nationwide.

Poison Control’s National Capital Poison Center notes that the poisoning risk is low when these tests are used and disposed of properly.

Goertemoeller provided these safety tips:

  • Store the kits in a high cabinet, preferably locked, and out of sight of children.
  • For adults, read the directions carefully before using the test kits.
  • When done testing, immediately wrap the contents of the kit and dispose of them out of your home.
  • Check children’s backpacks for kits, in case your child’s school sent one home, and remove the kit immediately.
  • If you suspect someone has been exposed, call the poison center at 800-222-1222.

Original here:

Additional data from Epoch Times article:

[T]he National Poison Control Center issued a warning about the chemical:

“It is important to know that the extraction vial in many rapid antigen kits includes the chemical sodium azide as a preservative agent,” the center said. “The BinaxNow, BD Veritor, Flowflex, and Celltrion DiaTrust COVID-19 rapid antigen kits all contain this chemical.”

Sodium azide is a colorless, odorless powder that testers dip cotton swabs into. The chemical is found in herbicides, pest control agents, and airbags for cars.

Accidental exposure is occurring among both children and adults, said Dr. Kelly Johnson-Arbor, with the National Capital Poison Center in Washington, told WNEP over the weekend.

“People might mistake them for eye drops. Children might drop it onto their skin. Adults will sometimes mistakenly put them into their eyes,” she said.

“You don’t want to leave it on the skin because it could potentially cause an allergic reaction or a skin rash.

“If someone drinks the solution, it’s really important to contact poison control right away. The solutions have different ingredients. Some have non-toxic ingredients and others have more dangerous ingredients.”

 My opinion: if you need to keep the test kit locked away from children to prevent poisoning, then it’s NOT safe to shove up your nose.


Corruption Crime Politics

What a Surprise: Secret Service Unable to Locate Multiple Years of Hunter Biden Travel Records

Views: 36

Hunter Biden attends his father Joe Biden’s inauguration as the 46th President of the United States on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol in Washington, U.S., January 20, 2021. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/Pool
By Zachary Stieber for Epoch Times February 26, 2022 Updated: February 27, 2022

The U.S. Secret Service (USSS) says it can’t locate years of records on communications regarding agents guarding Hunter Biden, the son of President Joe Biden.

Hunter Biden was a Secret Service protectee from Jan. 29, 2009, to July 8, 2014, and traveled extensively during that time, including to Russia, China, and India, a congressional investigation found.

As part of the probe, which is ongoing, Sens. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) have sought records from the Secret Service in the lawmakers’ roles as the ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee and ranking member of the Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, respectively.

The Secret Service provided 261 heavily redacted pages (pdf) concerning Hunter Biden’s travel, but didn’t provide any records from 2010, 2011, or 2013.

“The USSS’s lack of communications during these years raises questions given that USSS travel records show that Hunter Biden made trips to China and other destinations around the world, including, Russia, Italy, Spain, and Mexico,” Grassley and Johnson wrote in a letter to USSS Director James Murray in January.

Murray responded in a letter dated Feb. 14 that was obtained by The Epoch Times.

He said a search for the records “did not yield communications for the years 2010, 2011, or 2013.”

The USSS and an attorney for Hunter Biden didn’t respond to requests for comment.

Murray said the Secret Service and its parent agency, the Department of Homeland Security, “remain committed to working with Congress to meet its oversight responsibilities and be responsive to requests for information.”

Chris Farrell, director of investigations and research for Judicial Watch, told The Epoch Times that it’s “highly improbable” that the USSS lost the records in question.

“I would not be surprised if there was political pressure on the service to withhold the records because it would be politically damaging to President Biden,” Farrell said.

Judicial Watch, one of the most prolific record-seeking nonprofits, has also sought Hunter Biden’s travel records from the Secret Service and obtained some of them through a Freedom of Information Act request. Those records showed the countries and territories that he visited while under the agency’s protection.

The records the senators and Judicial Watch are now seeking would likely shed more light on the younger Biden’s actions during that period of time, according to Farrell.

Both Judicial Watch and Sens. Grassley and Johnson say that Hunter Biden leveraged his father’s position as vice president to benefit himself personally, even conducting business while on trips with his father.

“Past performance doesn’t always guarantee exact reproduction or the same details, but I think it’s reasonable, given the pattern and practice, that we would see more of the same—lots of instances where Hunter was traveling with his father and essentially leveraging his father’s position as vice president for his own personal business benefit,” Farrell said.

Judicial Watch could file a lawsuit over the records.

Hunter Biden, who’s currently being investigated by a U.S. prosecutor, and Joe Biden have denied any wrongdoing.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki told reporters in late 2021 that she wouldn’t answer questions about Hunter Biden because he’s “not an employee of the federal government.”


Elections Politics Polls

Analysis: Hispanic Shift To GOP Is Building

Views: 26

The midterm elections are looking even worse for Democrats.

A voting analysis of counties in Texas is confirming that the Hispanic shift to the GOP is not slowing down.

The political consulting company Ryan Data & Research published a report showing Republicans are outpacing Democrats in voter enthusiasm.

Fox News reported:

Early voting analysis in two primarily Hispanic counties along the Texas border suggests Republicans are outpacing Democrats in voter enthusiasm and perhaps turnout, and Hispanic politicians in the state tell Fox News that its indicative of a larger trend.

A report from the political consulting company Ryan Data & Research shows that Republicans are 76% of the way to matching 2018 turnout in Cameron County, Texas along the southern border with Mexico with eight days remaining until Election Day. In Hidalgo County, which also sits on the border with Mexico, turnout is 65% of the way to matching 2018.

On the Democrat side, the party is only 59% of the way to matching 2018 turnout in Cameron County and 47% of the way in Hidalgo County.

Hispanic political candidates and operatives in Texas told Fox News that the early data points to a larger trend of Hispanic voters, especially in the Rio Grande Valley, supporting Republican candidates in areas that have been predominantly controlled by Democrats for decades.

This is another sign in a long list of signs that Democrats are losing support.

Pollsters have also warned the Democrats that they are going to lose the working class of races due to their radical policies.

The American people are turning against the Democrat Party.

Original here: Gateway Pundit




EPIC: Twenty-Five Year CNN Operations Manager Joins Project Veritas As Full-Time Executive Producer

Views: 30

By Jordan Conradson  for GATEWAY PUNDIT
February 24, 2022 at 6:15pm

Davis joined Project Veritas founder James O’Keefe on stage earlier at CPAC to make this groundbreaking announcement.
Today Project Veritas announced that retired CNN Field Operations Manager Patrick Davis will join Project Veritas as its full-time executive producer.

In 2019, The Gateway Pundit reported that Davis was recorded by an undercover Project Veritas journalist airing his frustrations with his network and former CNN President Jeff Zucker. This video was published in an “Expose CNN” series by Project Veritas.

After the FBI raided the homes of Project Veritas journalists and O’Keefe, Davis was inspired to help expose the truth.”What I’m doing right now is either brilliant, or it’s crazy, or maybe it’s a little bit of both,said Davis.

Project Veritas reported,

Davis joined O’Keefe on stage for the announcement and discussed his new role at Project Veritas including his motivations for joining the non-profit.

Davis sat down for an interview with O’Keefe before his appearance on stage at CPAC where he spoke candidly about his previous career.

Patrick Davis shared more on why he left CNN and why he’s loving Project Veritas.

The reality is I was there for twenty-five years, therefore, half my life.  I gave blood, sweat, and tears to that company.  I love the company. I love the people there.  I still do.  There’s some amazing journalists that still work there, in the office and out in the field, especially.  It got to a point where what we were doing, it seemed like, out in the field and gather news- how it was being translated on air, wasn’t what CNN was meant to be.

In the first five days of working at this company, I’ve had more conversations about ethical journalism than I did probably in the last ten years of my career…I mean, this is a young team, but they- but they love journalism.  They love getting to the bottom of things.

This is the thing that I’ve learned in the months of being here. Everyone’s very dedicated, one hundred per cent buy-in. But the beauty of it is, we can save a little girl one night, or do a Pentagon Papers one night, and twenty-four hours later we’re doing, you know, dry Ramen noodles going after Rachel Maddow.  What I’m doing right now is either brilliant, or it’s crazy, or maybe it’s a little bit of both, right?

15 minutes long, but worth the time. ⇓


Uncategorized Corruption Opinion Politics Progressive Racism

Stop the gerrymandering lies.

Views: 12

Stop the gerrymandering lies. RCP recently did an article where former governor Christie pointed out what gerrymandering looks like from the left. A few years back I pointed out how gerrymandering was done to create phony minority districts. A few blacks here, a few browns there, and you have a gerrymandering minority district.

We have this from RCP.

New York’s new district lines, signed off by the Democratic legislature and governor, are so comically contorted they’ve generated jokes and criticism from the right to the far left. The shape of Rep. Jerry Nadler’s newly crafted district – New York’s 10th – is downright serpentine, so much so that it was quickly dubbed the “jerrymander,” which brings this issue back to its historic roots

The Atlantic put it this way: “[The redrawn district] slices down the west side of Manhattan, takes a ferry ride across the East River, cuts a horseshoe-shaped path through a half dozen neighborhoods on its way to Prospect Park, then wraps around a cemetery containing the earthly remains of Boss Tweed and Horace Greeley before swallowing a huge section of central and south Brooklyn.”

Nadler’s new district is the most egregious example, but there are plenty of others across the Empire State. And some Democrats argue that some district lines in New York are drawn to protect moderate Democratic incumbents with others gaming the systems against Republicans. That is debatable, but regardless, a “jerrymandered” district like Nadler’s isn’t a good look for a party that has railed against GOP gerrymandering as a crime against the Constitution in places like Ohio.

The Princeton group labeled the New York map as particularly egregious; noted that new lines in Illinois and Maryland have benefited Democrats. The Cook Political Report’s Dave Wasserman has given a recent edge to Democrats in the great gerrymandering sweepstakes of 2020.

“For the first time, Dems have taken the lead on @CookPolitical’s 2022 redistricting scorecard,” Wasserman tweeted in early Feb. “After favorable developments in NY, AL, PA et. al., they’re on track to net 2-3 seats from new maps vs. old ones.”

Both sides are raising millions of dollars for their redistricting legal battles. A CNBC report last week, citing internal GOP fundraising invitations, said Republican “megadonors” want to raise at least $3 million to fight the New York maps alone. The report didn’t mention that the NDRC has raised $10 million since 2017, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.



Dominican Republic Starts Construction of Haiti Border Wall

Views: 18

Dominican Republic soldiers keep watch near a construction of a border wall that will cover almost half of the border with Haiti to stop irregular migration and criminal activities in Abanico, in Dajabon providence, Dominican Republic, February 20, 2022. REUTERS/Fran Afonso

The Dominican Republic started the construction of a border wall that will stretch around 122 miles along its border with Haiti in an effort to reduce illegal border crossings and the smuggling of goods, weapons, and drugs.

Dominican President Luis Abinader said the wall, which will cover almost half of the 244-mile border with Haiti, will help fight organized crime in both nations. Haiti is the only land neighboring the Dominican Republic and both countries are located on the Caribbean island of Hispaniola.

“The benefit for both nations will be of great importance,” Abinader said at a construction site in the province of Dajabón, about 140 miles northwest of Santo Domingo.

The wall will be 12.8 feet high and will have movement sensors, cameras, radars, and drones. It will be made from 7.8-inch thick concrete. The project also includes the construction of 70 watchtowers and 41 access gates for patrolling.

NTD Photo
Dominican Republic President Luis Abinader gestures near a construction of a border wall that will cover almost half of the border with Haiti to stop irregular migration and criminal activities in Abanico, in Dajabon providence, Dominican Republic, on Feb. 20, 2022. (Fran Afonso/Reuters)
NTD Photo
Dominican Republic soldiers keep watch near a construction of a border wall that will cover almost half of the border with Haiti to stop irregular migration and criminal activities in Abanico, in Dajabon providence, Dominican Republic, on Feb. 20, 2022. (Fran Afonso/Reuters)

Haiti is a country known for its violent crime, including kidnappings, armed robberies, and carjackings. The Dominican Republic, meanwhile, is a popular tourist destination and has prospered in recent decades. Many Haitians cross the border clandestinely in search of work in the fields or in the construction industry.

Robbers and carjackers in Haiti, one of the poorest nations in Latin America, have attacked private vehicles stuck in heavy traffic and often target lone drivers, particularly women.

The U.S. State Department has a “do not travel” advisory in effect for the country. Last year, a missionary group who traveled to Haiti from Ohio to support impoverished school children and clinics was kidnapped. After 61 days of captivity, all of the abducted individuals were freed.

“Do not travel to Haiti due to kidnapping, crime, civil unrest, and COVID-19,” the agency said in a statement. “Kidnapping is widespread and victims regularly include U.S. citizens.”

“Kidnappers may use sophisticated planning or take advantage of unplanned opportunities, and even convoys have been attacked,” it added. “Kidnapping cases often involve ransom negotiations and U.S. citizen victims have been physically harmed during kidnappings. Victim’s families have paid thousands of dollars to rescue their family members.”

Abinader said the crime crisis is an issue that “must be overcome by the Haitians themselves.”

Besides gang violence, Haiti last year also struggled with earthquakes and the assassination of President Jovenel Moise, who was killed in an attack on his private residence in July 2021.

Original here:


Corruption Opinion Politics

An American Hero takes a stand. Kyle Rittenhouse. Leftists, be afraid be very afraid.

Views: 16


We see that another person will be taking on the media. The odds are against him and he most likely will not prevail in many of the lawsuits. But the good news is that he will force many from the left to defend themselves in court. Remember the Kentucky Hero Nicholas Sandmann? CNN, The Washington Post and NBC News all made settlements with Sandmann so far.

Kyle Rittenhouse went on Tucker Carlson’s Fox News program to announce that he’s launching a “Media Accountability Project” to make sure no one experiences the grief he endured after shooting three people at a Black Lives Matter protest in 2020.

On Tuesday Kyle Rittenhouse posted a Promotional Video for His New Foundation, The Media Accountability Project (TMAP). Below is his first commercial and a interview with Tucker. Here’s the link to his homepage.

It is EPIC!



Biden Pandemic COVID Politics

JAMA Ignores Peer-Reviewed Evidence & Publishes Yet Another Misleading, Underpowered Ivermectin Study

Views: 35

                       FLCCC Doctors: “We treat patients, not p-values.”

JAMA has done it again.

“It” is the February 18, 2022 publication of a study on ivermectin with a conclusion that inexplicably departs from the study’s own data. Even worse, the Malaysian I-TECH Randomized Clinical Trial and JAMA itself dismiss the totality of peer-reviewed, published evidence (and a number of summary meta-analyses) showing repeatedly shorter times to clinical recovery, fewer hospitalizations, and far less death when COVID patients are treated with ivermectin.

“This study was clearly designed to fail. The authors selected out patients with mild or moderate disease who were at low risk of having a major event. Consequently it was grossly underpowered for any meaningful patient-centered outcome,” said Dr. Paul Marik, FLCCC Chairman Chief Scientific Officer.

The authors of the study reported that “ivermectin treatment during early illness did not prevent progression to severe disease. The study findings do not support the use of ivermectin for patients with COVID-19.”

This graph of the I-TECH study results clearly shows that even in this underpowered study, mortality benefits trend in FAVOR of ivermectin. Even though there were SEVEN fewer deaths with the use of ivermectin in this study— the authors STILL erroneously concluded that IVM was ineffective for COVID. The question to be answered here by JAMA is why they ever chose to publish this highly misleading study.

But Dr. Pierre Kory, FLCCC president and Chief Medical Officer, says that is flat out wrong and highly misleading.

“In the study’s control group, two and a half times more patients had to be placed on mechanical ventilation —and there were three times more deaths in the control group.  This shows that ivermectin causes a 75% risk reduction in death and further strengthens metadata of Ivermectin’s large mortality benefits in severe COVID.”

Dr. Keith Berkowitz, FLCCC co-founder, noted that the study’s strongest p-value (the measure of statistical significance) was for the 28-day hospital mortality. “Overall, this study was too limited and small to even be randomized. Still, the results trended in favor of ivermectin,” said Berkowitz.

An important note about the study:

It’s important to recognize here that the study participants had been experiencing symptoms for FIVE days by the time they were enrolled in the study. This is an important point to consider, given the primary outcome of the study was “the proportion of patients who progressed to severe disease.” As those of you who have been following the FLCCC know, early treatment (within the first ONE OR TWO DAYS of symptom onset) is critical to slow virus replication and impeded progression to severe disease.

So the authors of the study reported that ivermectin was not helpful in preventing progression to severe disease—among study patients who had been started too late in their disease at the start. Nevertheless, the authors concluded that IVM was not helpful in the treatment of COVID.

But wait a second.

What happened to the patients when they did progress to severe disease? What did the study find out about its secondary outcomes, which included rates of mechanical ventilation, intensive care unit admission, 28-day in-hospital mortality, and adverse events? Let’s take a look:

In which arm of the study would you prefer to be? The study showed that fewer people in the ivermectin arm of the trial required mechanical ventilation or ICU admission. Fewer died, of course, while more experienced diarrhea. It is likely that most would say that they would MUCH prefer to be in the ivermectin arm of the study.
“It is clear that a massive study would have been far better to determine greater statistical significance,” continued Dr. Marik. “But to be honest, this study is in line with the major medical journals which will only publish negative studies on ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine. They simply will not publish any of the dozens of positive studies that have emerged. This constitutes enormous, deliberate publication bias, which is immensely injurious to scientific truth—and to patients throughout the world.”

Original here:


Human Traficking Child Abuse Crime Sexual Abuse

Police Arrest 494 People in California in Week-Long Joint Human Trafficking Sting Operation

Views: 22

A police vehicle is seen parked near a statue of Father Junipero Serra in front of the San Gabriel Mission in San Gabriel, California on June 21, 2020. (Photo by Frederic J. BROWN / AFP) (Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images)

Nearly 500 people have been arrested in California in a human trafficking sting operation that took place ahead of the Super Bowl, authorities announced on Feb. 15.

Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva shared the results of the week-long campaign, dubbed “Operation Reclaim and Rebuild,” in a press conference, stating that the statewide operation had “met with positive results.”

Villanueva said the operation was conducted by the Los Angeles Regional Human Trafficking Task Force and more than 80 participating federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies and task forces from across the state.

These included officers from Long Beach, San Bernardino County, and San Francisco, among others.

This is the seventh year Operation Reclaim and Rebuild has been conducted, officials said.

The sting operation took place between Feb. 6 and Feb. 12 and focused on “rescuing victims of sexual slavery and human trafficking, providing victims with much-needed services, identifying and arresting their captors, seeking successful prosecutions, and disrupting the demand for vulnerable victims by targeting their customers,” police said.

“Police agencies and other trafficking task forces throughout our state joined in the enforcement operation to send the clear message that California law enforcement shares a unified mandate: Human trafficking must not be tolerated in our state!” officials said.

Villanueva said that a total of 65 adults and seven minor victims were recovered in the sting operation and are now being cared for by professionals from various Department of Children and Family Services agencies as well as by victim service providers in each county.

Official data show that a total of 82 people were rescued over the week-long operation.

Police arrested 182 males for the charge of solicitation, and 30 suspected traffickers and exploiters were arrested, Villanueva said.

Official data show that police arrested a total of 494 people, of which 192 were in Los Angeles alone. Charges ranged from human trafficking, pimping, pandering, and supervising prostitution, among others.

The sting operation came as advocates and hospitality agencies were on high alert ahead of the Super Bowl, which officials have said attracts human traffickers due to the high influx of visitors.

According to the organization It’s a Penalty, 47 traffickers were arrested, and 22 victims were identified during the Miami 2020 Super Bowl. At that event, the National Human Trafficking Hotline received an increase of 163 percent in calls compared with the previous Super Bowl.

In the 2019 Super Bowl in Atlanta, the FBI arrested 169 people involved in trafficking schemes and received an increase of 23.6 percent more calls compared to the 2018 Super Bowl.

According to the International Labour Organization, 24.9 million people are trapped in human trafficking and exploitation around the world, with women and girls accounting for 99 percent of victims in the commercial sex industry, and 58 percent in other sectors.

President Joe Biden has pledged to prosecute human traffickers and bring an end to trafficking in the United States and around the world.

In December, the White House released an updated National Action Plan to Combat Human Trafficking, with a new focus on advancing gender and racial equity as well as workers’ rights.

The plan “links anti-trafficking initiatives to our wider efforts to counter illicit financing; advance gender and racial equity; expand the rights and dignity of working people; and promote safe, orderly, and humane migration,” the White House said.

This post first appeared on The Epoch Times


Uncategorized Crime Reprints from others.

Gunfire erupts in Portland as Antifa protests Amir Locke shooting, woman killed and five wounded.

Views: 15

The whole article is here.

Gunfire on Saturday night at a Portland, Ore., park where people had reportedly assembled to protest the officer-involved shooting of Amir Locke has allegedly claimed the life of one woman and wounded five others.

The incident occurred at about 8 p.m. at Normandale Park in the northeast part of the crime-ridden city around the time the march was set to begin. “The shooting took place near a park in Portland that has been the staging ground for a number of protests against police killings in recent years,” the New York Times recalled.

According to the Portland Police Bureau, “When officers arrived they located a female victim who was deceased. Additional shooting victims, two men and three women, were transported to area hospitals and their status is unknown at this time…Additional information will be released at the direction of investigators.”


Two suspects are reportedly in custody, and the investigation is ongoing. As part of a longer thread, tireless independent journalist Andy Ngo posted this video clip to Twitter:


Portland FM station KXL separately claimed that “Reports are that a neighbor in the area confronted the group about blocking traffic when the gunshots were exchanged.”

Fox 12 Oregon reporter Connor McCarthy posted this footage from the Portland crime scene:


Earlier this week, Portland CBS affiliate KOIN indicated that “Gun violence continues to plague Portland after it escalated to record highs in 2021,” which included six shootings between Thursday night and Friday morning. “Authorities recently told KOIN 6 News the first month of 2022 outpaced January 2021, already setting a dark precedent for the year.”

Last year, a record-setting 90 murders occurred in the Democrat-controlled city that sought to partly defund the police before reality caused officials to reverse course.


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