Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Crime Reprints from others.

Reprint. Now you can see why Biden won’t allow the media or Congress into the Biden gulags.

Views: 16

Original NBC article is here.

Reprint. Now you can see why Biden won’t allow the media or Congress into the Biden gulag. For Joe this must seem like the good old days when they caged children. But now two folks come forward.

Two more whistle blowers have come forward to allege that children were mistreated by contractors and senior federal employee managers at a Department Health and Human Services migrant shelter in Fort Bliss, Texas, earlier this year, and also say HHS told them to downplay hundreds of Covid infections among children held at the facility.

“Covid was widespread among children and eventually spread to many employees. Hundreds of children contracted Covid in the overcrowded conditions. Adequate masks were not consistently provided to children, nor was their use consistently enforced,” the whistle blowers, Arthur Pearlstein and Lauren Reinhold, said in a federal whistle blower complaint filed Wednesday

But at the end of their service, they said, federal detailees were regularly given written instructions from HHS public affairs that told them, “when asked, to make everything sound positive about the Fort Bliss experience and to play down anything negative.”



COVID Biden Pandemic How funny is this?

Here’s what happens when you listen to the fauch. “Even if You’re Fully Vaccinated – You Could Have the Delta Variant in Your System”

Views: 17

Joe Biden urged Americans on Thursday to get the vaccine. He then disclosed that even with the vaccine you can still carry the delta variant.
So why get the vax, then? Let me guess, the fauch told this to Joe. SMH.

Here’s what happens when you listen to the fauch. “Even if You’re Fully Vaccinated – You Could Have the Delta Variant in Your System” 


Corruption COVID How funny is this? Opinion Politics

Nancy gets into Hubby’s Red stash again. Send them to jail.

Views: 17

Nancy gets into Hubby’s Red stash again. Send them to jail. Well it looks as if Nancy got into her husbands Dago RED again. Remember how those on the far extreme said that the lush had no control over the Capitol Police. Some went as far as to exonerate her from her criminal acts on January 6th.

Well she’s having the Capital police arrest staff and visitors who follow the science. Show up without masks. Members of Congress will be turned in to Sargent of Arms. So how does someone without authority able to do that? Yet thousands are crossing our southern border untested, unmasked and definitely NOT social distancing 🤔 Forkin hypocrites 🙄


Corruption Crime Opinion Politics

Let’s talk about the real riots, not the cry baby protest.

Views: 57

Let’s talk about the real riots, not the cry baby protest.The fake hearing wants to talk about a protest gone bad, but not about  the thousands of police officers who were injured during the George Floyd riots last year. We have this from the National Police Association Betsy Bratner Smith.

“People need to see that police officers go through horrible things, and Jan. 6 was a horrible thing for some of those officers,” she said. “But, quite frankly, I find this whole Jan. 6 Commission, frankly, a dog and pony show. It doesn’t tell the whole story.”

“Myself, like millions of Americans, sat there watching the testimony thinking, ‘Wait, where are the police officers who appeared – appeared – to let some of the protesters in?” she asked. “Where is the police officer who shot Ashli Babbitt? In fact, why aren’t we talking about Ashli Babbitt? I mean there’s so much more here.”

Over 700 police officers were injured in the BLM riots — and that was just in the month of June 2020!



Crime How funny is this? Opinion Politics

I know hate when I see it. Obvious that the Ethics Panel does not.

Views: 22

I know hate when I see it. Obvious that the Ethics Panel does not. A black member of Congress led a insurrection on the Senate bldg. Get’s a $50.00 fine and she walks. SO WHAT DOES THE HOUSE DO?

The House Ethics Committee announced Monday they would not take any action to investigate Rep. Joyce Beatty (D-OH) after her arrest for protesting at the Capitol earlier in the month.

The committee in their report said that Beatty, who is the Chairwoman of the Congressional Black Caucus, will not have any further action taken against her. The report acknowledged Beatty was arrested “for Crowding, Obstructing, or Incommoding, during a protest inside a Senate Office Building in Washington, D.C.” The congresswoman paid a $50 fine prior to her release, and the “legal proceedings related to her arrest are expected to be resolved with no further action.”


Education Opinion Politics

What a Bitch Slapping. Ninth Circuit rules against Calif. Gov. Newsom order barring private school in-person teaching.

Views: 14

What a Bitch Slapping. Ninth Circuit rules against Calif. Gov. Newsom order barring private school in-person teaching. As you know, according to the loons on the left and the MSM, were all gonna die if our children are allowed to have in person teaching. Well the 9th said get out from under the kitchen table and get back into the classroom. At least for private schools. We have this from Business News Index.

The California-based U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit on Friday ruled against Gov. Gavin Newsom’s coronavirus mandates that barred private school children from receiving in-person teaching.

“California’s forced closure of their private schools implicates a right that has long been considered fundamental under the applicable caselaw — the right of parents to control their children’s education and to choose their children’s educational forum,” Judge Daniel Collins said Friday.


Sports Opinion Politics

I’m sorry but they will always be the Cleveland Indians

Views: 32

I’m sorry but they will always be the Cleveland Indians. First let me say that even though the city of Cleveland is 65 miles from my home, I’ve always been a NY Yankees fan. But today I shed a tear for dear old Chief Wahoo.

The Cleveland Indians officially announced their new name on Friday.

The decision to change the name came last year amid racial tension in the U.S. as professional sports teams came under fire for having Native American monikers.

The choice of Guardians will undoubtedly be criticized by many of the club’s die-hard fans.

The organization spent most of the past year whittling down a list of potential names that was at nearly 1,200 just over a month ago. But the process quickly accelerated.

The baseball team will be known as the Guardians.



How funny is this? Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

How funny is this? The left looking silly. Joe Biden has a town hall meeting and the hall was only 1/3 filled.

Views: 65

How funny is this? The left looking silly. So Joe had a town hall meeting, but it looks as if nobody cared.

The auditorium at President Biden’s town hall is barely half full, according to pool reporters covering the event.

Voice of America journalist Steve Herman posted video and photos that showed dozens and dozens of empty seats at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The town hall, which was broadcast on CNN, showed attendees packed into the front rows – shoulder to shoulder. Most of the crowd was unmasked as was the CNN staffers.

Herman said he asked the White House for an explanation about the audience size.

“When I queried @WhiteHouse officials about why the auditorium is only 1/3 full, the answer I got is: ‘Ask CNN.’” he said.



Biden Pandemic COVID Opinion Politics Stupid things people say or do.

Here’s how you bitch slap a bold faced liar. Call him out.

Views: 42

Here’s how you bitch slap a bold faced liar. Call him out. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) grilled Dr. Anthony Fauci during a hearing on the Chinese coronavirus Tuesday over his prior claim that the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has never funded gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology.

As you know, the fauch has flip flopped so often, that I’m going to ask the US Olympic committee put forth a resolution that the fauch flip flopping be made a sport.

What’s really sad is that he hides behind junk science. If you have some fauch lies, go and post them.




Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

I know folks like this. Many ‘End Up Pretending to Agree’ with Certain Opinions on Race So They Don’t Get Embarrassed on Twitter.

Views: 16

I know folks like this. Many ‘End Up Pretending to Agree’ with Certain Opinions on Race So They Don’t Get Embarrassed on Twitter.

Rarely do I fear my tongue. I do admit that my wording is changed so the thought police who lurk here, cut, paste, and lie to social media about my articles. 

During an interview aired on Friday’s broadcast of PBS’ “Firing Line,” Columbia University Professor and author John McWhorter argued that many people “end up pretending to agree with ideas” on race because they’re afraid of being attacked on social media.

We have this from Professor McWorther.

 “So, the common idea that you get nowadays, black kids tend not to do as well on standardized tests. Well, instead of saying, how do we get black kids to do better on them? Which is something that has happened in the past, the new idea is that you say, let’s just get rid of the test. Because the test must be racist. You don’t have to specify how. But if the black kids don’t do as well on it, the test is a racist practice. That’s a real leap. That is a hyper-radical way of looking at things that I think most people, if presented with the mechanics of the argument, would think of as rather cruel, frankly, to black kids. That’s not the way to run a society, most of us would think. Some people might be able to make a case for it, but most of us wouldn’t agree with that. But, instead, we’re being taught that if you’re not an anti-racist, you’re bad, and we’re going to embarrass you on Twitter. And, as a result, many people end up pretending to agree with ideas like this.”




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