How funny is this? Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

How funny is this? The left looking silly. Joe Biden has a town hall meeting and the hall was only 1/3 filled.

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How funny is this? The left looking silly. So Joe had a town hall meeting, but it looks as if nobody cared.

The auditorium at President Biden’s town hall is barely half full, according to pool reporters covering the event.

Voice of America journalist Steve Herman posted video and photos that showed dozens and dozens of empty seats at Mount St. Joseph University in Cincinnati, Ohio.

The town hall, which was broadcast on CNN, showed attendees packed into the front rows – shoulder to shoulder. Most of the crowd was unmasked as was the CNN staffers.

Herman said he asked the White House for an explanation about the audience size.

“When I queried @WhiteHouse officials about why the auditorium is only 1/3 full, the answer I got is: ‘Ask CNN.’” he said.





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