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Washington State AG calls off death squad investigations.

Views: 32

Washington State AG calls off death squad investigations. Like California, New York, and New Jersey, you have AG’s who feel that having a different opinion on Abortion isn’t allowed.

Washington states attorney general, has called a halt to his own extremist campaign against two faith-based, pro-life nonprofits after being told his “investigation” was illegal.

Officials with ADF explain that AG Bob Ferguson had been demanding privileged records and international documents from Obria Group and Obria Medical Clinics.

Now they’re in court over the issue. For some reason this AG felt that the pro life groups were stopping women from killing babies. Let’s see what happens.


Abortion rights? Back Door Power Grab Biden Cartel Crime Emotional abuse Government Overreach How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Yes Virginia Democrats did say that a baby must die up to birth.

Views: 40

Yes Virginia Democrats did say that a baby must die up to birth. The red head bitch did promote the “Women’s Health Protection Act,” which would have legalized abortion in America up until the moment of birth.

As you know, Jen is the second worse press secretary next to the affirmative action babe that’s there now.

Last night at the debate, it was mentioned about how the Progressives support abortion up to birth. Several states, run by Democrats have no restrictions on abortion whatsoever, including ColoradoOregon, and Washington, DC.

Other Democrat-run states, like CaliforniaNew York, and Illinois, allow abortions up to “viability” but allow abortions later in pregnancy with limited exceptions, including if a woman’s “mental health” is in danger.

Former Virginia Gov. Northam gave a now-infamous interview in 2019 during which he responded to a question about women requesting an abortion at the moment of childbirth.

If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.

Northam later said he had “no regrets” about his comment.

HHS  Secretary Xavier Becerra voted during his tenure in the House of Representatives in 2013 and 2015 against legislation that would ban abortion at five months into pregnancy. In 2015, he  voted against the Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act, which aimed to protect children born alive during an abortion.



Opinion Politics Reprints from others. The Courts

U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit says stop killing the babies.

Views: 20

NY Times article can be found here.

HOUSTON — A federal appeals court panel reinstated Texas’ restrictive abortion law late Friday, temporarily restoring a ban on virtually all procedures that had been blocked by a lower court two days earlier in a case brought by the Biden administration.

The decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit, in a terse two-page ruling granting an appeal by the state of Texas, had been expected by many abortion providers. While at least six clinics in Texas had begun conducting abortions beyond the limits of the new law this week, most of the state’s roughly two dozen providers had opted not to take that step as the case moved through the courts.

The law, which bans most abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, went into effect at the start of September. Since then, it has altered the landscape for abortions in the nation’s second-most-populous state because of its unique structure, which bars state officials from enforcing its provisions, leaving that instead to private citizens.


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