
Fake News. MSM falsely reports that Biden was first with all female communications staff. Actually Trump was.

Views: 21

Fake News. MSM falsely reports that Biden was first with all female communications staff. Actually Trump was. Several news sources falsely reported that Joe Biden had the first all female communications staff. But both The Federalist and Brietbart fact checked this and found it to be false. Of course the MSM just took Biden’s word for it.

President Trump had the first all female communications staff.

So where does Biden come up with this stuff? Again shame on the MSM for not checking this. This from Breitbart.

Throughout much of Trump’s tenure in office, the president’s communications infrastructure has been helmed by women. Most notably, three of the four individuals to serve as White House press secretary under Trump, including Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Kayleigh McEnany–the current holder of the office.

Likewise, both Stephanie Grisham and Hope Hicks served as White House communications directors. The position currently remains vacant after its last occupant, Grisham, left in April 2020 to become chief of staff to the First Lady.



Just in case. Time to form a rapid response team.

Views: 138

Just in case. Time to form a rapid response team. OK let’s say that Biden somehow is declared the President. The RNC, Trump, and any other organization must be ready to respond. Biden signs an executive order on Friday afternoon, the team is in federal court on Monday morning. Also make it multiple courts. East, West, Midwest, and down South. Force them to respond on multiple fronts.

Biden is a illegitimate President. A war was waged for four years on a legitimate President. Return the favor.

No charges ever proved, and an impeachment rejected by the Senate.



Mnuchin stops Biden from spending money like a drunken sailor. Mnuchin plans to move $455B in coronavirus relief out of Biden’s reach

Views: 81

Mnuchin stops Biden from spending money like a drunken sailor. Mnuchin plans to move $455B in coronavirus relief out of Biden’s reach. Knowing that Biden might act as if it was the Obama administration 2.0, 455 billion was moved to the General Fund. That way Congressional approval would be needed to access it.

So if Joe wants it to go to say free college, or undocumented  immigrants, or the green deal, odds are he would not get it. What a smart move. Democrats are crying the blues.

Democrats quickly condemned the move, with Bharat Ramamurti, a former adviser to Sen. Elizabeth Warren, who now serves as a member of the congressional commission charged with overseeing the funds, calling it “illegal.”

“This is Treasury’s latest ham-handed effort to undermine the Biden administration,” he tweeted Tuesday. “The good news is that it’s illegal and can be reversed next year. For its part, the Fed should not go along with this attempted sabotage and should retain the CARES Act funds it already has.”

A Treasury spokesperson, however, rejected that analysis and said Mnuchin’s decision was legal under the CARES Act, which provided the original funding.

Republicans on the Senate Banking Committee applauded Mnuchin, saying that he was following both the law and Congress’ intent.



Our still President acts to protect hard working Americans. Democrats want to create a hit list.

Views: 31

Our still President acts to protect hard working Americans. Democrats want to create a hit list. The Democrats want to create a hit list. Not a list to get rid of the dead weight that Obama and Clinton protected, but a list to get rid of hard working Americans.

House Democrats are asking the Trump administration to turn over a list of employees who will be slotted into a new category of federal employment that critics fear will be used to retain Trump political appointees. 

The request, made to 61 government agencies, comes as agencies have begun implementing an October executive order from President Trump that creates a new employment category, Schedule F, for policy-focused positions within the federal government.

So don’t be surprised if and if Joe Biden is elected, he doesn’t sanction this attack. This here is something the left finds very disturbing.

Early signs show the Trump administration may seek to place a significant number of its employees into the new Schedule F category.

A memo obtained by Real Clear Politics found the Office of Management and Budget planned to place 88 percent of its employees, 425 people, into this category.



Fact Check. Not Fake News. Come one come all. Get your Trump Vaccine.

Views: 36

Come one come all. Get your Trump Vaccine. I’m sure you heard the President yesterday. The Trump Vaccine may be ready as early as next week. Remember when Joe Biden said his Junk Scientists said not till next year? Well Joe and the Fauch were both wrong.

Yesterday the President announced that the Trump Vaccine would help with the mass hysteria that Biden and his anti science forces were pushing.




Thanks Joe Biden. Disney announces more layoffs.

Views: 23


Thanks Joe Biden. Disney announces more layoffs. We were told that it would be 28,000. But now it jumped to 32,000. But what does Joe Biden say?

I’m going to fix the economy. Odds are the only thing that he can do is ask the companies to reopen, or make everyone a essential worker. But until then, workers will suffer because of this panic Joe and his allies in the MSM created.

Hopefully this doesn’t effect Florida.

What say you?



It’s still not to late. Travel or have family over for Thanksgiving.

Views: 20

It’s still not to late. Travel or have family over for Thanksgiving. Don’t let the worry warts ruin your holiday.If you want to have your elderly parents over, do it. Invite your daughters or sons over.

Sure there will be folks locked up hiding under the table. And some will be hunkered down drinking their orange drink and eating their Popeye’s chicken ( tradition ). My family will not be in lock down. How about you? Travelling or staying home?



Fact Check. President Trump delivers again. Ohio to get Vaccine December 15th.

Views: 21


Fact Check. President Trump delivers again. Ohio to get Vaccine December 15th. Remember when the President said the vaccine would be ready before the end of the year? And the fauch said not till middle 2021. Guess what? As usual the fauch was wrong. Again.

Speaking during his Tuesday afternoon briefing, the governor said the state is expected to receive its first batch of the vaccine by Dec. 15. The governor had previously said that the first batch of a COVID-19 vaccine will be about 30,000 doses. Health care workers in the state will also be some of the first to receive the vaccine, the governor said. We have this from the governor.

“We were told yesterday (the first batch) would be Pfizer,” the governor said. “The Moderna is scheduled – this is assuming everything gets approved when they think it’s going to – Moderna would be a week later.”

“People need to understand that it will take two shots: the first one, and then the next one three or four weeks later,” DeWine said.

What say you?






OMG. The Fauch got one right.

Views: 13

OMG. The Fauch got one right. The so called doctor has it wrong more times then I care to mention. But last week he finally got it right.  He went after those who are slamming the vaccines cause they happened under President Trumps watch. Operation Warp speed will be one program Joe Biden will be able to take credit for.

The clown governors of New York and California are out there criticizing cause President Trumps team lead these discoveries. I guess what bothers them the most is that every person who takes the vaccine and is cured will look up to heaven and say thank you God and President Trump.




My Opinion. Why you don’t give Biden any briefing on the virus.

Views: 58

My Opinion. Why you don’t give Biden any briefing on the virus. I don’t care if he is declared the winner. He’s not the President. He would just muddy the waters. Let me explain.

The President has a team in place. What happens when Joe listens to his so called experts and it differs. I know he’s doing that now and parroting what the President is saying and has said in the past. But here’s the issue.

Joe having access to the government experts would allow him to make unverifiable comments that he would claim he got from the government scientists. And of course the MSM would go along with Joe. So he must be kept in the dark.

Listen. We don’t need the President saying and doing one thing, and Biden and his so called scientists saying and wanting to do another. So if he’s declared the winner, you brief him January 19th.

What say you?


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