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Fact Checking Biden’s State of the Union Hate Speech.

Views: 37

Fact Checking Biden’s State of the Union Hate Speech. So who didn’t Biden attack last night? The address wasn’t about the state of the union, but about the lies Biden has been telling for the pst three years. Even the MSM was nailing his lies to the Wall.

From the Washington Post.

“And now instead of importing foreign products and exporting American jobs, we’re exporting American products and creating American jobs — right here in America where they belong!”

Biden is being a bit slippery here because he’s only telling only part of the story. Exports are up, which means more U.S. products are being shipped overseas. But that does not necessarily mean jobs are no longer being shipped overseas. Imports are also up during his presidency, though they fell a bit last year.

According to the Census Bureau, exports in goods and services have climbed from $2.16 trillion in 2020 to $3.05 trillion in 2023.

But imports have also gone up, from $2.81 trillion in 2020 to $3.8 trillion last year. That total was down 3.7 percent from 2022, bringing the trade deficit down with it.

The trade figures obscure the fact that many manufacturers import goods that they use to manufacture products that are later shipped overseas. Some of those imports represent lost American jobs.

“There are 1,000 billionaires in America. You know what the average federal tax rate for these billionaires is? … 8.2 percent! That’s far less than the vast majority of Americans pay. No billionaire should pay a lower tax rate than a teacher, a sanitation worker, or a nurse!”

This is another favorite line — the president has referenced this “fact” in more than 30 appearances over the past year — but Biden is comparing apples and oranges. We’ve given the president two Pinocchios for this claim.

The “lower tax rate” refers to a 2021 White House study concluding that the 400 wealthiest taxpayers paid an effective tax rate of 8 percent. But that estimate included unrealized gains in the income calculation. That’s not how the tax laws work. People are taxed on capital gains when they sell their stocks or other assets. So this is only a figure for a hypothetical tax system.

According to IRS data on the top 0.001% — 1,475 taxpayers with at least $77 million in adjusted gross income in 2020 — the average tax rate was 23.7 percent. The top 1 percent of taxpayers (income of at least $548,000) paid nearly 26 percent.

As for less-wealthy Americans, few, such as schoolteachers or firefighters, pay even the lowest rate of 10 percent because of deductions, exemptions and the like.

According to the Tax Policy Center, about 60 percent of all tax returns are filed by those with income under $50,000 — and about half of those pay no income tax at all; 22 percent paid an effective tax rate of less than 5 percent and another 22 percent paid less than 10 percent.

Among taxpayers with income between $50,000 and $100,000, about 60 percent paid an effective tax rate below 10 percent.

And how about The USA Today?

“Since I’ve come to office, our GDP is up.”

Biden is correct that GDP has grown since he came to office in January 2021, but this is hardly a unique achievement. Every president since Harry Truman has experienced GDP growth from the beginning to the end of their presidency, according to data from the U.S. Federal Reserve.  

“Inflation has dropped from 9% to 3% – the lowest in the world!”

Biden is simply wrong here.

The inflation rate refers to the annual percent change in consumer prices compared to the previous year’s prices. That number was 3.1% in the U.S. for the year ending in January 2024, a reduction from 3.4% the previous January, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But that’s not the lowest in the world.

The latest data from the International Monetary Fund shows the U.S. has a higher inflation rate than dozens of countries. Those with lower rates include G7 countries such as Canada and France (2.4% and 2.5% respectively) and other advanced economies such as New Zealand, Italy, Switzerland, Finland and China. The global average inflation rate is currently 5.8%, according to the IMF.

And far left

Biden boasted that “wages keep going up, inflation keeps coming down.” But over the entirety of Biden’s presidency, wages are down when adjusted for inflation.

Average weekly earnings for rank-and-file workers went up 14.8% during Biden’s first three years in office, according to monthly figures compiled by the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But inflation ate up all that gain and more. “Real” weekly earnings, which are adjusted for inflation and measured in dollars valued at their average level in 1982-84, actually declined 3.1% since Biden took office.

Biden continues to misleadingly claim, as he did during his address, that’s he’s “already cut the federal deficit by over $1 trillion dollars.”

Budget deficits have declined from the record spending gap of $3.1 trillion in fiscal year 2020, the last full fiscal cycle before Biden took office. In FY 2021, the deficit was about $2.8 trillion; in FY 2022, it was almost $1.4 trillion; and in FY 2023, which ended Sept. 30, it was roughly $1.7 trillion.

But as we’ve explained several times, the primary reason that deficits went down by about $350 billion in Biden’s first year, and by another $1.3 trillion in his second, is because of emergency COVID-19 funding that expired in those years.

On multiple occasions, Biden has left the misleading impression that new jobs in U.S. semiconductor factories would pay above $100,000 annually for those without a college degree.

But only those with a bachelor’s degree ($120,000) or a graduate degree (over $160,000) had wages that topped six figures. Workers with a high school education or less could expect to earn a little more than $40,000. Those with at least some college experience could make $60,000, while earning an associate’s degree could increase that to $70,000.


Crime How sick is this? Opinion

Blacks killing Blacks in Baltimore blamed on “White Supremacists”

Views: 31

Race baiters can’t let a tragedy go to waste to suit their narrative.

The original tweet: said: Currently a significant police and medical deployment has been initiated in response to a mass shooting that occurred during a large gathering that was taking place in Brooklyn Homes, Baltimore Maryland. Law enforcement authorities have reported a total of 30 individuals has been shot with gunshot wounds, out of which four fatalities have been also confirmed.


Contrasted with this retweet: White supremacists, using illegal firearms, shot at least 30 Black victims killing at least 2 in Maryland last night. The suspects had very dark complexions and are considered armed and dangerous.

Hmm. “White Supremacists  using illegal firearms” with “very dark complexions.” Does anyone else see the totally obvious contradiction in those two quoted phrases?

This was a black-on-black crime.

Whites didn’t commit it. Otherwise, this idiot would have claimed they had put on blackface to disguise their race/ethnicity. No, this is just another case of someone fomenting conflict to divide the country.

(Some) light-skinned blacks look down on darker-skinned ones. And some dark-skinned ones want to be fairer. Why did Nicki Minaj bleach her skin?

This same-race racism was true 50+ years ago and is still true today. Calling someone back then a “nappy-headed n*gger” or “Uncle Tom/Oreo” between blacks was a definite insult and sometimes led to a fight.

Lazy blacks also seem to look down on successful blacks (except in sports/entertainment, maybe) because they give lie to the constant whine that they — being black — can’t succeed solely because they are “oppressed.”

And, of course, these self-identified victims whine about being called out on their self-centeredness. See: “Why White Racist Humor Is No Joke for Black People” where they whine that whites like black comedy that deprecates blacks. The OpEd — written under the pseudonym of “Gus Renegade” in the ATLANTA BLACK STAR in 2015 — blatantly panders to black racism while blaming everything on whites and attacking Chris Rock and Trevor Noah for not following the narrative.

“There’s Black folks and then there’s …n*ggers.”

As Chris Rock himself said in an HBO-recorded show, “…there’s black folks, and then there’s n*ggers.” He even said that regular blacks look down on these troublemakers for the same reasons everyone else does: because they are troublemakers.

That’s not to say that there are no racist whites; there are, and they’re almost exclusively far-left Democrats. Or, as my colleague MC calls them: “White plantationists.”

Typical leftist tactics being supported by their own victims, SMH.

What say you?



Faked news Corruption Elections Leftist Virtue(!) Politics The Courts

Pretext of “Nuclear Documents” to Attack Trump Is Quickly Blown Up

Views: 42

From Multiple sources:

According to the Washington Post (albeit a discredited newspaper but a reliable shill for the Washington political elite), the FBI was looking for nuclear documents in the Presidential collection Donald Trump stored at his Palm Beach estate. This speaks to the frantic desperation of the anti-Trump crowd, especially the corrupt officials that infest the leadership of the FBI and the Department of Justice. They used this ludicrous pretext to obtain a search warrant with the help of a credulous, cretinous Judge, Bruce Reinhart.

The nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago tale was more desperate than usual.
It lasted less than 12 hours.

U.S. federal agents were looking for documents relating to nuclear weapons when they searched former President Donald Trump’s home in Florida this week, the Washington Post reported on Thursday.

Having failed to produce any evidence that Trump was working with good old Vladimir Putin to destroy America’s democracy with Russiagate 1.0, the anti-Trump crowd apparently has decided to trot out another Russia-tainted meme, the ultimate red herring, to portray Donald Trump as a 21st Century Dr. Strangelove. We now know the truth.

Donald Trump was trying to build a nuclear weapon in his wine cellar at Mar A Lago.

Seriously, the theory was that Trump was building a bomb for Putin, because — you know — Russia is a technologically backward country and needs outside help. Really???

And if you believe that, I have some oceanfront property located just outside Winslow, Arizona for sale. Cash only and small bills.

Maybe we now know why the FBI was pawing through Melania Trump’s lingerie. Did they intercept a text from Trump telling his wife that she looked like a nuclear tipped cruise missile in her red Teddy. Of course, the FBI had to assume that was code word for something far more nefarious. I had to wonder why the FBI spent so much time handling and sniffing Melania’s panties and negligees.

(Maybe they are members of a “J. Edgar Hoover Cross Dressing Club,” and were looking to upgrade their outfits before their next Monkey Pox rave.)

The Deep State-Fake News cabal needs to work harder on their conspiracies.

Scott Adams, the cartoonist and author behind the Dilbert comic strip, posted a list of the most prominent deep state-fake news lies and conspiracies attacking President Donald Trump.

Here is a list of 11 previous fake news conspiracies that fell flat.

If only there were 51 principled former intelligence officials who could verify the authenticity of the latest claim.

Here is the common thread in all of the fake news hoaxes.

What this whole episode shows us is that Kamala Harris is no longer the dumbest member of the Biden team. Nope. That honor goes to Merrick Garland. He apparently believed that this scheme would discredit Trump and elevate Garland as the Clausewitz of the Biden Presidency. Warner Brothers may file a copyright infringement lawsuit against the mad Attorney General for adopting a Wile E Coyote plot. Garland strapped himself to the tip of the missile before activating the fuze that ignited the rocket. He failed to recognize that he would be riding a political nuclear bomb to his own political demise. Maybe he is just a secret admirer of Slim Pickens and wanted to recreate Pickens’ iconic moment in Dr. Strangelove.

Alright, back to serious. Trump may be right that someone may have planted a document related to nuclear weapons or nuclear technology in the boxes he had locked up. That does not incriminate Trump and is no crime. The prosecutors would have to show that Trump instructed someone on his staff to put such a document in one of the boxes. Trump may be a lot of things, but stupid and reckless are not how he became a billionaire and beat the dickens out of Hillary in 2016. Is there another Alexander Vindman lurking in the shadows keen on helping create a pretext to discredit Trump?

Trump may be a lot of things, but stupid and reckless are not how he became a billionaire and beat the dickens out of Hillary in 2016.

If Trump really was trying to hide such information why would he have instructed his attorneys to negotiate with the National Archives on getting an agreement to return the records to the Feds? In fact, if he had mens rea*, do you really think Trump would keep something so figuratively radioactive on his estate?

[*mens rea Latin, literally ‘guilty mind’; in the law “criminal intent”.]

Merrick Garland, despite his Harvard education, is not a smart man. He signed off on a warrant rather than ask Trump and his lawyers if he had such documents in his possession. Are they going for the old – he lied to me tactic that they used on General Michael Flynn? Lying to Federal Agents is a crime unless you are former FBI Chief Andrew McCabe.

Instead of doing the reasonable, lawyerly thing, Garland chose the nuclear option. It will come back to haunt him.

Trump lawyer Christina Bobb said in interviews Thursday night (8-11) that President Trump and his family in New York watched the FBI raid on Mar-a-Lago Monday via closed circuit TV security cameras. Bobb said the FBI had ordered staff at Mar-a-Lago to turn the cameras off but that Trump lawyers had the cameras turned back on. [Now we know why the FBI wanted them turned off. — TPR]

CBS News reported Thursday night the Trump legal team is considering releasing video and photos of the search (excerpt):

Former President Donald Trump’s legal team is weighing whether to release the search warrant and inventory of material seized at Mar-a-Lago before a federal judge rules on the matter, according to a Florida-based attorney for Trump, Lindsey Halligan.

Earlier Thursday, Attorney General Merrick Garland announced that the Justice Department had filed a motion to unseal the warrant and related documents, “absent objection from the former president.” Trump has until 3 p.m. Friday to respond.

His legal team is also discussing whether to release video and photos of the search, Halligan said. Two sources familiar with Trump’s legal strategy said that before FBI agents executed the warrant, they asked that Mar-a-Lago’s private security cameras be turned off. Trump’s team refused to comply.

The U.S. Secret Service, which maintains a permanent presence at the former president’s home, was not a party to the dispute over the cameras because the private club owns and controls the cameras, not the government.

It isn’t clear what any video that may have been captured by Mar-a-Lago’s cameras would show. According to Halligan, there were security cameras in Trump’s office, but not in all of the areas that were searched. She also said that there are photos of FBI personnel on the grounds.

Why does the fake news insist on lying to the American public?

Why does anyone listen to them anymore?





OMG. The Fauch got one right.

Views: 13

OMG. The Fauch got one right. The so called doctor has it wrong more times then I care to mention. But last week he finally got it right.  He went after those who are slamming the vaccines cause they happened under President Trumps watch. Operation Warp speed will be one program Joe Biden will be able to take credit for.

The clown governors of New York and California are out there criticizing cause President Trumps team lead these discoveries. I guess what bothers them the most is that every person who takes the vaccine and is cured will look up to heaven and say thank you God and President Trump.




Ivanka Trump comes to my neck of the woods. Ohio.

Views: 22

Fact Check, I want to thank Kristinn Taylor and Gateway Pundit for the awesome pictures and article.


No Fake News, Ivanka Trump comes to my neck of the woods. Ohio.

Ivanka Trump campaigned for her father President Trump’s reelection in Canfield, Ohio on a chilly Saturday afternoon this past weekend, joined by Sen. Rob Portman (R-OH) and Congressional candidate Christina Hagan.

Trump appeared at an outdoor rally attended by around 400 supporters on the grounds of the Mahoning County Career & Technical Center. During her speech Trump recognized and invited on stage several law enforcement officers involved in the recent taking down of human trafficking rings and helped rescue dozens of missing children in Ohio.

This is the woman who will take down Dago Red Tim Ryan.




Fact Check the Biden Lies.

Views: 27

Fact Check the Biden Lies. At Thursday’s Debate Joe was on a roll. He told one tall tale after another. But that’s the new Progressive Joe. But it’s really no different than the old Liberal Joe.

So let’s take a look at what we found. Let’s start off with the Mask.

Joe stated that you need to wear the mask at all times.

Fact. Look at the article picture. Joe’s security detail person has a mask on, Joe does not.

Joe stated that not one person lost their health care under Biden Obama.

Fact. 2013 politifact voted that statement as lie of the year. Obama apologized for that lie.

Joe Biden said he never called Blacks Super Predators.

Fact. In 1993 when Joe was working to get the law he’s famous for passed, He called them predators.

Joe Biden says that he only was going to ban fracking on Federal land.

Fact. Joe Biden on three different occasions said differently.

President claimed Biden’s received 3.5 million from wife of Moscow mayor. Biden denied it.

Fact. Hunter Biden’s firm received the 3.5 million

Biden claimed Trump had a secret account in China.

Fact. Trump Corporation had one, but it’s been closed or inactive since 2015.

Biden says there was nothing unethical about his sons dealings in the Ukraine and him being VP.

Fact. Two Obama state department officials said it was a conflict of interest.

Biden: Trump “has caused the deficit with China to go up, not down.”

Fact. The U.S. trade deficit with China in goods and services, the broadest measurement of the balance of trade, was smaller under Trump in 2019, the most recent full year, than it was in any of the final three years of the Obama administration.

Trump said that years ago Biden tried to hurt Social Security.

Fact. In the 70’s 80’s and 90’s Biden proposed freezing Social Security.

Biden said if the Social Security tax were eliminated, Social Security would run out by 2023.

Fact. Trump’s plan was to cut it only for four months. Only congress could make it permanent.

Finally Biden claimed that the Biden Obama regime released 38,000 prisoners.

Fact. The number was 12,000. The 38,000 is the lowering of prison population not those who were released. People died, sentences were served,etc.



My opinion. The fauch must not have anything to do with the vaccine. Use Science instead of his opinion.

Views: 54

The fauch must not have anything to do with the vaccine. Use Science instead of his opinion. I where recently ome on the left are saying that Dr. Fauci will play a roll in the vaccine roll out. That must not happen. He has been all over the place on the vaccine.

He’s used several  different dates. End of 2021, April 2021, end of 2020, November 2020, all fake news. FDA makes the final decision not the fauch.

I’m glad Pfizer is using science and not guess work Fauci. That’s great  They oped out of receiving Federal money for their

Pfizer opted not to accept government funding and participate in the federal program to develop a coronavirus vaccine, known as Operation Warp Speed. (The government did make an almost $2 billion deal with Pfizer to preorder up to 600 million doses of the company’s vaccine, but it isn’t contributing money to the vaccine’s development like it is for other companies.)



Biden Supporters show their true colors. Attack a lady wearing a T-Shirt with a picture of the American flag and George Washington.

Views: 51

Biden Supporters show their true colors. Attack a lady wearing a T-Shirt with a picture of the American flag and George Washington. How disgusting. Only from the Biden Alt Left do we see things like this. Fact Check.

A video shot at a protest in San Francisco shows a woman wearing a t-shirt with a U.S. flag and George Washington silkscreen being harassed, assaulted, and robbed. After stealing her property, the mob continued to taunt her as she tried to walk away.

The incident occurred as multiple protests took place across the city. This particular incident happened around the quarter from a Free Speech Protest at the Twitter headquarters on Market Street.



Does Fake News feel guilty about their Lies? Doctors approves Trump joy ride.

Views: 27

Does Fake News feel guilty about their Lies? Doctors approves Trump joy ride. Fact check it. I’m sure you’ve read by now how MSM and some Democrats and fake doctors are having a hiss fit about the President going out on a joy ride to thank his supporters outside of the hospital.

Well CBS news has reported that he had the doctors approval. Oh and the agents? They were masked and separated from the President by a glass partition. The report.

“The President’s doctors approved his drive-by supporters outside the hospital this afternoon. “The movement was cleared by the medical team as safe to do,” @JuddPDeere45 tells CBS News. “Appropriate precautions were taken” to protect the Pres and all supporting his motorcade.”

The CBS reporter also tweeted the same, as well as the doctor also approved the President being able to go back to the White House.


We have this from a Trump Hater. Actually a former baby killer head.

Former Planned Parenthood head Dr. Leana Wen said if Trump were patient she would lock him up in the pysche ward for an evaluation, “If @realDonaldTrump were my patient, in unstable condition + contagious illness, & he suddenly left the hospital to go for a car ride that endangers himself & others: I’d call security to restrain him then perform a psychiatric evaluation to examine his decision-making capacity.”


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