The True Meaning of Diversity. Not White. Ann hits it out of the ballpark on this one.
Probably inadvertently and for all the wrong reasons, Donald Trump made an important point last week when he said of the Democrats’ most recent presidential nominee, Kamala Harris:
“She was always of Indian heritage, and she was only promoting Indian heritage. I didn’t know she was Black until a number of years ago, when she happened to turn Black, and now she wants to be known as Black.”
Cue media exploding in ritualistic rage at Trump for his “racist attack.” (I had no idea it was such an insult to be called an Indian!)
In fact, it actually is important that Harris is not a foundational black American (FBA), but rather, the child of immigrants. I know we don’t talk about it nearly enough, but remember slavery?
A couple of centuries ago, slaves purchased in Africa from black African slave traders were transported to America. They were freed by Republicans (at the cost of 600,000 American lives), then discriminated against for another hundred years — mostly by Democrats — until Republicans finally forced the Democrats to cease their infernal Jim Crow policies.
Because Americans felt such shame for how (a minority of) whites treated black people, we went to work on a massive enterprise to remedy these past injustices. The idea was: OK, we’ve got 13% of the population that got the short end of the stick for a couple of centuries, so we’re spending it all on them.
America altered constitutional provisions about freedom of association, private property and contract law — for the descendants of American slaves. Huge social welfare programs were established — for the descendants of American slaves. Affirmative action and racial quotas were imposed — for the descendants of American slaves. We agreed to virtually criminalize the use of certain words — for the descendants of American slaves.
Are you seeing the pattern? There’s no justification for special treatment for any ethnic group apart from victims of America’s history of slavery and Jim Crow.
But starting in the 1970s, parasites from around the world came in and announced, Here’s a new agenda for America — and it doesn’t include you, descendants of American slaves (DOAS).
Overnight, “DIVERSITY” became the new buzzword, and “integration” was flushed down the memory hole. Integration had been about redressing historic wrongs done to black Americans. By contrast, diversity means everyone gets special rights and privileges –- everyone except white Americans.
Under our history and Constitution, racial preferences could only be justified by the legacy of slavery. But now race-based benefits are being dispensed in great heaping portions to Hmong, Somalis, Latin Americans and so on — including people who arrived last year.
What happened to, It all goes back to the Middle Passage! “Uncle Tom’s Cabin,” the “triangular trade,” “Swing Low, Sweet Chariot” and We Shall Overcome!?

That’s been replaced with the demand that every organization in the nation, down to the lowliest bowling league, include Hispanics, Asians, disabled women, gays and so on.
And, as I keep pointing out to the DOAS: Immigrants are getting all the good “diversity” jobs. Look at the diversity administrators on college campuses. All immigrants, mostly Indians.
To take another example, MSNBC is very proud of its diverse lineup, meaning eight of its hosts are immigrants or the children of immigrants, but only four are descendants of American slaves — and they’re relegated to the weekend dead zone.
Jose Díaz-Balart — Cuban immigrant;
Ana Cabrera — second-generation Mexican immigrant;
Ayman Mohieddine — born in Egypt to Egyptian father and Palestinian mother;
Katie Phang, born to Korean immigrants;
Joy Reid — second-generation immigrant of Congolese and Guyanese descent;
Ali Velshi — Ismaili Muslim of Indian descent, immigrated from Canada;
Yasmin Vossoughian — second-generation Iranian immigrant;
Alex Wagner — mother is immigrant from Myanmar.
May we ask what historic injustice this country visited on the Congo? Korea? Iran? Myanmar? Immigrants weren’t dragged to our country against their will. They came here. But now they’re expropriating the black experience in America.

I don’t mention this out of some quixotic dream that Republicans will someday flip a meaningful percentage of the black vote. That’s not going to happen — not now, not ever. (Sorry, clueless donors!) Unfortunately, I have a sinking feeling that that’s exactly why Trump mentioned Harris’ Indian-Jamaican heritage.
The point Republicans ought to be making is to remind white Americans that the diversity agenda gives everybody an advantage except whites — especially white, heterosexual men with deep ties to our country.
Republicans across the country just cringed at that last sentence. They’re embarrassed to get the votes of white people. Pro tip: Whites are the only swing voters in the country. Slight movements in the white vote determine the outcome of every presidential election.
Totally by accident, Trump hinted at an argument that Republicans ought to be making all day long. To wit, the “diversity” regime — allowing the daughter of Indian and Jamaican immigrants to demand recompense owed only to the descendants of American slaves — is nothing but open, vicious discrimination against only one ethnic group.
You still want to vote for a party that hates you because you’re white?