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Just watched the Joe Biden endorsement speech, closely. That ain’t Joe.

There are so many telltale signs of digital and audio manipulation. If you believe that’s really Joe, then I have a really good deal for you: Oceanfront property outside Winslow Arizona.


Views: 53

Other people have expressed doubts, but I saw proof.

First of all, he’s never given a speech from the actual Oval Office; it’s always been that set. So, first evidence: backdrops don’t move. Period, full stop. Second, why wait three days to make a public, televised announcement?

This link is from the left-leaning outlet The Hill:

You may need to take the video to full screen but watch the lower center window pane segment screen right: it’s MOVING noticeably! None of the other panes in the window show any motion. Why? Because it’s a still picture! This is evidence of AI/CGI being used.

More proof, watch where his hair is atop his head and the set behind it. Instead of a clear break like you would expect (like the clear demarcation from his suit to the background ), there’s an interference pattern. Another sign of bad CGI. And what’s with the heavy black line between his neck and his collar? More evidence of a cut-and-paste job.

So is this another person with Joe’s face pasted on it? You tell me. They did it with Peter Cushing and Carrie Fisher (not to mention Mark Hamill) and to de-age Jeff Bridges for the Tron sequel. But they dodn’t have Hollywood $$$ to do it right. This was obviously a rush job.

Is this REALLY Joe Biden??

(I will give them kudos for color-correcting his artificial tan from glaring orange to a more realistic hue, even though it just proves more image manipulation is being used.)

Finally — and most obviously — this “Joe Biden” never stutters, never loses his train of thought, never says ‘um,’ or ‘you know’ and is coherent for OVER ELEVEN MINUTES! The same guy who had a hard time producing three coherent sentences in a row just days before.

I recently saw — and reported — a short on YouTube that supposedly had Jordan Peterson as the narrator. (Peterson is a Canadian Psychologist that got in trouble with the Federal Government for refusing to tow the government’s propaganda line.) HOWEVER, it had nothing to do with ANYTHING Peterson has ever spoken about on hundreds of YouTube videos. Normal AI Text to speech bots can be detected when it uses incorrect contextual pronunciations for words like “live.” I didn’t catch any of these simple errors, but the whole narration seemed off.

This is a deep fake, NOT the real Joe Biden.

And, one must presume that the actual Joe Biden is a.) still alive at all;  b.) not bed ridden already OR secured in a chair where – if he does manage to get up – sounds an alarm to alert the staff; and c.) is even aware of what day it is. Which is impossible to determine.





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