Corruption Leftist Virtue(!) Politics The Courts

Dems Driving Badly – Part Two: Lori Lightfoot

Lightfoot Wants Chicago Drivers Under Constant Surveillance, But Look at What a Camera Caught Her SUV Doing

Chicago drivers are increasingly subjected to speed limit and red-light cameras that automatically send out millions in fines every year, and if they don’t pay, they can lose their driver’s license.

Meanwhile, Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s motorcade reportedly has racked up hundreds of dollars in fines that she has refused to pay — without any consequence at all.

According to a review of public records by CWB Chicago, Lightfoot’s police-driven SUVs have been recorded exceeding the speed limit and going through red lights by the city’s traffic camera system several times in the last year — and none of the fines has been paid.

Several other cars registered to her motorcade also have had fines assessed but never paid, the report said.


CWB Chicago even found that one of the vehicles is now eligible for booting and being impounded because the fines are so far in arrears.

Worst of all, two of the speeding incidents occurred while Lightfoot’s SUVs were driving through school zones while exceeding the speed limit.

The report said none of the $658 in fines accumulated by the mayor’s motorcade since May 2021 has been paid.

But this is not just a recent habit. Her motorcade cars have a long history of breaking traffic laws, getting tickets and fines, and never paying them. It has been so bad that the city has gotten in a habit of just forgiving them because they never get paid anyway, the Chicago Tribune reported in 2020.

The mayor’s office released a statement after this latest news claiming that Lightfoot’s motorcade sometimes breaks the law for the mayor’s “safety.”

“The Mayor’s Detail is responsible for the safety and security of Mayor Lightfoot. Members of the Mayor’s Detail are trained in a variety of safety and security techniques to keep the Mayor safe and that includes both vehicles staying in formation while en route,” the statement said, according to CWB Chicago.

The office said fines are often paid late because the tickets go through an “administrative process to review if City vehicles were in use for safety or security reasons.”

Fines are paid after that process, and the detail’s drivers are responsible to pay them, Lightfoot’s office said.

Of course, even as she refuses to pay her traffic fines, the mayor has fought to make sure her constituents aren’t allowed any breaks from paying theirs.

Recently, for instance, a Chicago alderman tried to push through a rule giving drivers a 10 mph buffer in driving over the limit before tickets are sent in the mail. But Lightfoot fought against that idea because she wants more revenue from tickets.

“The last thing we need is to give people who are breaking the law the license to go faster,” the mayor said last month, according to the Chicago Tribune. “No one likes speed cameras. I get it. But this is life or death that we’re talking about here, and we’ve got to step up as a city and address this.”

Lightfoot also mined the Democrat’s favorite excuse for more rules by claiming it’s “for the children.”

“It makes no sense for us to increase the speed around the parks and schools when we know what the horrific consequences are for pedestrians and other drivers,” Lightfoot said, according to WBBM-TV.

But it’s for the children, don’t you know?

The conservative Illinois Policy Institute reported that since the threshold was lowered to 6 mph last year, Chicago has issued an additional 3.8 million tickets that have brought the city $80 million in revenue. But it’s for the children, don’t you know?

All this is nothing new. Chicago in particular and Illinois in general have had a long, dirty history with red-light cameras. As Chicago Sun-Times columnist Phil Kadner wrote in 2020, “Red-light cameras have been one of the slickest scams ever perpetrated on citizens by their own government.”

The state’s traffic cameras have been rife with corruption, with public scandals, bribery charges and criminal indictments of the red-light camera industry in Illinois that make a mockery of the typical Democratic claim that these cameras are unbiased arbiters of traffic laws.

In 2016, a Chicago official was sent to jail for corruption in the city’s red-light camera program. More recently, Martin Sandoval, who was an Illinois state senator, pleaded guilty to taking $250,000 in bribes for a red-light camera company, the Illinois Policy Institute noted.

Meanwhile, Illinois drivers continue to lose billions of their hard-earned money to these electronic surveillance state devices.

Between 2008 and 2018 alone, drivers were forced to pay $1.1 billion in fines — which amounts to $100 every 33 seconds, the institute said.

In the end, though, it appears that only the little people have to pay these fines, with Lightfoot and others seemingly exempt from the laws they force upon others.

Do you think Democrats feel their political office exempts them from following the law?
Yes: 99% (2831 Votes)
No: 1% (18 Votes)

Leftist Virtue(!) Politics The Courts

Dem’s Driving Badly – Part one

Shocking Video: Democrat Official Smashes SUV Into Cyclist, Speeds Away Without Stopping

Imagine finding out that the hit-and-run motorist that injured you is your Democrat city council representative.

Jersey City Councilwoman Amy DeGise allegedly left the scene of a car crash that sent a cyclist flying earlier this month.

DeGise appeared to have the right of way when she collided with delivery cyclist Andrew Black on July 19, according to the New York Post.

However, video footage of the crash shows a Nissan Rogue driving on after the collision, seemingly not stopping after what could’ve been a fatal accident.

Street camera footage also shows an intensely violent collision between Black and the vehicle.

At least one Jersey City councilman has called for DeGise to resign from the Jersey City Council over her involvement in the incident. Denise has been charged with failure to report an accident and leaving the scene, according to New York WCBS.

Black, a devout Mormon, is pointing to his lack of physical injuries as a sign of divine

In an interview with, the delivery cyclist has said the collision has left him with post-traumatic stress disorder.

Black was surprised to learn that the motorist that drove away from the accident was a Jersey City elected official.

“Someone of prestige [who is] demanding to uphold and clean our streets or whatever they’re calling it… can’t even do it themselves,” said the 29-year-old man. “It really upset me.”

DeGise identifies herself as the chairwoman of the Hudson County Democrats on her Twitter page.

The councilwoman, who is the daughter of longtime Hudson County Executive Tom DeGise, declined to get into specifics of the accident in a statement provided to the Hudson County View.

“I acknowledge this unfortunate event yesterday and I’m thankful that no one was seriously hurt.”

“While the traffic summons that was issued is dealt with in court I will not be able to make any additional comment at this time.”

When asked about the incident, Jersey City Mayor Steve Fulop criticized DeGise’s actions without calling on her to resign.

“You should never leave the scene of a crash. I think the responsible thing is to wait for law enforcement and follow the law,” said Fulop, according to the New Jersey Globe.

Back Door Power Grab Corruption Crime Elections Politics

Propaganda Alert: NYC Is Urging People To Get Their ‘Go Bag’ Ready After Issuing First Nuclear Attack PSA in almost 70 Years!

Corrupt politicians are intent on perpetuating a state of emergency by employing scare tactics.

In a bid to sustain support for funneling weapons into Ukraine at taxpayer expense and ramp up hysteria surrounding Russia, New York City is issuing warnings to the public on how to respond amid a nuclear attack.

“Never let a good crisis go to waste,” is modus operandi of the predator class.

Earlier this month, New York City’s Department of Emergency Management released a public service announcement guiding residents on how to respond in the event of a nuclear disaster, the first of its kind since the 1960s.

“So there’s been a nuclear attack,” a spokesperson looks into the camera and says. “Don’t ask me how or why. Just know that the big one has hit.”


The video, released on the city’s YouTube channel, advises New Yorkers to get inside fast and don’t stay in the car amid a nuclear attack, stay inside, shut all the doors and windows, head to a basement if possible, and to remove and bag all outer clothes if exposed outdoors.

According to the city’s website, the likelihood of a nuclear attack is very low.

A spokesperson with the Emergency Management Department maintains there is “no direct threat” but it is important New Yorkers know how to respond.

But the city continues to stir panic.

The NYC emergency management agency advised residents to prepare a ‘Go Bag’ that “has everything you need to to leave home in a hurry.”

“Every household member should have on, including kids,” the agency notes. “What will you pack? Nonperishable snacks. Bottle water. Copies of important documents.”

“Make a disaster plan with your household members to prepare for what to do, how to find each other, and how to communicate in an emergency. Make a plan that best suits your needs and the needs of your household,” the agency’s website states.

New York City Mayor Eric Adams is defending the PSAs.

“I don’t think it was alarmist,” he told reporters. “I’m a big believer in better safe than sorry. I take my hat off to [the Office of Emergency Management].”

As New York City officials prioritize public awareness of what to do in the unlikely situation of a nuclear attack, crime continues to surge in the Big Apple.

The city has endured 25.8 percent increase in violent crime — ranging from homicide, rape, robbery, and assault — from June 2021 to last month, the highest uptick in violent crime in the U.S.

A recent poll  reveals that 92 percent of New York City residents believe crime is a “serious problem” in the city, with 62 percent saying it is a “very serious issue.”

With all the crime in NYC, the city is warning about an atomic bomb attack???? Seriously, they must be really worried they’re gonna lose bigly in November!

Crime Politics Stupid things people say or do.

Leftist Privilege: Dem Lawmaker Involved in Crash That Killed Mother and 5-Year-Old Daughter

                                                                      WI state Senator Janet Bewley

Wisconsin Senate Minority Leader Janet Bewley was involved in a three-car crash on Friday that resulted in the deaths of a young mother from Pennsylvania and her 5-year-old daughter, the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported.

The Democratic legislator was doing a phone interview with a reporting intern from the Journal Sentinel at the time of the crash in the northern Wisconsin city of Ashland, the outlet reported.

Just after the interview began, Bewley told reporter, Ben Baker she had cataract eye surgery the day before.

Partway into the interview, the call went silent.

“When Baker asked Bewley if she was still on the line, she sounded concerned,” the report said. “When Baker asked if she was OK, she said, ‘Yeah, I’m OK. This is not a good accident.’”

The Ashland Police Department said the 70-year-old legislator pulled out of a Lake Superior beach entrance into the path of a car driven by 27-year-old Alyssa Ortman, the Ashland Daily Press reported.

Ortman’s car hit Bewley’s and was spun across Highway 2, where it was struck by a vehicle driven by Jodi Munson, 45, the report said.

Ortman’s young daughter, Khaleesi Fink, was pronounced dead at the scene, police said. Ortman was transported to a nearby hospital, where she later died.

Ashland Police Chief Bill Hagstrom said Bewley was not taken to the hospital.

The Daily Press report Tuesday said police were not recommending charges against the legislator.

Bewley released a statement concerning the crash on Monday, the Daily Press reported.

“Senator Bewley was involved in a three-vehicle accident in Ashland, Wisconsin on Friday, July 22nd,” it said. “Tragically, two people lost their lives.

“This is a heartbreaking event for the community. Our thoughts and prayers are focused on the individuals involved, their families and their loved ones.

“A police investigation is ongoing. Out of respect for that investigation and the privacy of all the families involved, our office will be withholding further comment at this time.”

The Journal Sentinel reported Tuesday that Ortman’s mother, Ginger Urbanik, had lost her only son to a crash involving a drunken driver less than two years ago. Now she must grapple with the deaths of her daughter and granddaughter.

“My grandbaby, who was just starting out, just getting ready to start kindergarten — her life’s gone,” Urbanik told the outlet. “And my daughter, who had so much to look forward to, and so much that she wanted to do good in the world, and all of her plans … and now both of our children, within a matter of years, are gone.”

“Our only two children … we’re going to suffer for the rest of our lives,” she said.

First off, this woman should NEVER have been driving the day after cataract surgery.

Secondly, isn’t it illegal to be on your phone while driving?

Finally, she pulled out in front of oncoming traffic, isn’t that a moving violation?


Child Abuse Corruption How sick is this? Human Traficking Sexual Abuse

These combat vets have declared war on sex traffickers – and it’ll give you chills

The group is largely made up of the most bad ass warriors in America…

Sex traffickers across America have had the war against them literally brought directly to them… by the scariest enemy they could imagine – battle hardened United States combat veterans.

It’s called Operation Throat Punch.


DeliverFund, a non-profit organization that crushes evil and destroys human trafficking rings by training, equipping and advising law enforcement has decided that enough is enough.

The group is largely made up of the most bad ass warriors in America… Navy SEALS, Delta Force veterans, members of the CIA, FBI, DOJ and NSA analysts.  They all have one thing in common – they’re hardcore Patriots who just declared war on some of the most evil people in America.

They’ve launched a campaign that’s so insane it will give you chills.

Here’s what they did.

Knowing that sex traffickers look for ads of young escorts to try and bring them into their trafficking circle, DeliverFund decided to build ads that would attract that.

We’re talking about hundreds of ads in dozens of cities across America… on the websites that these sex traffickers are using to recruit and pimp young girls.

The ads look like they’re for a young lady.  But when the trafficker clicks to look at more pictures, a video instead takes over their screen.

But it gets even better.

By the time the person looking at the ads hits the video, they’re done.  DeliverFund has them.  And not only are they working with law enforcement to destroy evil… but they’re trolling the people who clicked the ads.

Facebook.  Instagram.  Their messenger apps.  Websites that they visit.  Games they play on line.  They all get filled with ads from DeliverFund letting them know that they’re being tracked… and that the group is onto them.

I can already hear the haters complaining: “But what if it wasn’t a sex trafficker looking at the ads?  What if it was someone looking for a little love?  They’re going to be seeing these ads as well?”


Forgive me for not taking pity on those who are enabling sex traffickers to drug and pimp out girls by providing them a lucrative market.  Perhaps now they’ll think twice about it.

Did you know that there’s actually NO department in the American government focused 100% on destroying human trafficking?

That’s the sole reason why DeliverFund was created – to save our kids and crush evil.  And that’s exactly why Law Enforcement Today is so proud to stand behind and support this organization.  They encourage you all to donate to the cause.  Every dollar goes into helping save lives of the most vulnerable among us – our children.

As a matter of fact, They’re so honored to support them… that we helped create this video below.  Who are these warriors?

Brothers and sisters, it doesn’t get more epic than that.

Please help us spread the word about this incredible cause.  This epic campaign is something EVERYONE needs to see.  Together we can destroy evil… and troll sex traffickers.

Reyes: We’re facing the collapse of law enforcement in America. It will lead to the end of our country as we know it.


Corruption MSM Politics

The timing seems suspicious to me. Does it set off Warning bells to you?

‘They’re Just Trying to Hide Him’: Greg Gutfeld Suspects Something Wrong with Timing of Biden’s COVID Diagnosis

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld on Friday trained his skepticism on the subject of President Joe Biden’s health and diagnosed a possible sympathy ploy.

“I don’t question the diagnosis at all. I just questioned the timing of it,” he said on the Fox News show “The Five.”

Biden announced Thursday he tested positive for COVID-19.

“I mean, first you had that wacko cancer gaffe from two days ago, right? In which the media rushed to the defense: ‘Oh, no, he had skin cancer.’ That’s not what we’re talking about. We’re talking about the fact that he said he got cancer from oil, and it made no sense,” Gutfeld said.

“But now you have polling that shows that he’s less popular than getting punched in the face. So there could be a reason for a lot of this, “ he said.

Speaking of Biden’s handlers, he added, “They’re just trying to hide him, because that’s the only thing that works and perhaps maybe to generate some sympathy.”

He said if the ploy works, another could follow.

“Next week, they’re going to say you know, ‘he has fibroids,’ because, as you know, men can get pregnant.”

A report on The Hill framed Biden’s enforced isolation as a possible loss for a president who was seeking to hit the road to support Democrats in the midterm elections. But one commentator said that’s no loss.

“Based on his persistently falling polling, there’s no evidence the president has been especially effective on the road selling his accomplishments or breaking through,” Bruce Mehlman, an assistant secretary at the Commerce Department in the administration of former President George W. Bush, said.

Mehlman said there is a negative, though, because it renews debate over Biden’s competence at age 79.

“The bigger risk of his testing positive is reinforcement of the ‘he’s old and weak’ narrative that critics regularly assert,” Mehlman said.

On Sunday, Dr. Kevin O’Connor said Biden’s health is improving.

“His pulse, blood pressure, respiratory rate and temperature all remain normal,” the physician said in a memo released on Sunday. His predominant symptom now is a sore throat …. His voice remains a bit deep,” he said, according to Reuters.

Biden Pandemic COVID Drugs Politics Science

Take that, Karens: Birx Admits COVID-19 Vaccines Were Never ‘Going to Protect Against Infection’

That’s right, Birx just admitted what we’ve known for some time.

One of the former U.S. officials who led the COVID-19 response during the Trump administration said July 22 that COVID-19 vaccines were not expected to protect against infection.

I KNEW these vaccines were not going to protect against infection.

I knew these vaccines were not going to protect against infection. And I think we overplayed the vaccines. And it made people then worry that it’s not going to protect against severe disease and hospitalization,” Deborah Birx, the White House COVID-19 response coordinator under former President Donald Trump, said during an appearance on Fox News.

Paxlovid is a COVID-19 pill produced by Pfizer. It has an ‘uneven’ history against the virus.

The Moderna and Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines were granted emergency use authorization in late 2020 to prevent symptomatic COVID-19, and were promoted by many health officials, including Birx.

“This is one of the most highly-effective vaccines we have in our infectious disease arsenal. And so that’s why I’m very enthusiastic about the vaccine,” Birx said on an ABC podcast at the time.

She made no mention of concerns the vaccines might not protect against infection.

Data shows the vaccines did prevent infection from early strains of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) virus, which causes COVID-19, but that the protection waned over time. The vaccines have proven increasingly unable to shield even shortly after administration, and provide little protection against the Omicron virus variant and its subvariants.

The vaccines continue to protect against severe disease and hospitalization, Birx said on Friday. “But let’s be very clear—50 percent of the people who died from the Omicron surge were older, vaccinated,” she said.

“So, that’s why I’m saying, even if you’re vaccinated and boosted if you’re unvaccinated, right now, the key is testing and Paxlovid,” she added.

Paxlovid is a COVID-19 pill produced by Pfizer that has had uneven results in clinical trials and studies, but is recommended by U.S. health authorities for both unvaccinated and vaccinated COVID-19 patients to prevent progression to severe disease.

President Joe Biden, who tested positive this week, was prescribed Paxlovid by his doctor.

There are signs the protection from vaccines against severe illness is also dropping quickly as new strains emerge.

That protection was just 51 percent against emergency department or urgent care visits, and dropped to just 12 percent after five months, according to a recent study. Against hospitalization, protection went from 57 percent to 24 percent. A booster increased protection but the shielding quickly dropped to substandard levels.


Dr. Anthony Fauci also helped lead the U.S. pandemic response along with Birx and once said that vaccinated people would not get infected.

“What was true two years ago, a year and a half ago, changes because the original ancestral strain did not at all have the transmission capability that we’re dealing with with the omicron sublineages, particularly BA. 5. So the vaccine does protect some people, not 95 percent, from getting infected, from getting symptoms, and getting severe disease. It does a much better job at protecting a high percentage of people from progressing from severe disease,” Fauci said on Fox.

He said that vaccines with updated compilations, which are expected to debut in the fall, are necessary.

“We need vaccines that are better. That are better because of the breadth and the durability, because we know that immunity wanes over several months. And that’s the reason why we have boosters,” he said. “But also, we need vaccines that protect against infection.”

“But also, we need vaccines that protect against infection.”

Gee, isn’t that what a REAL vaccine does? Otherwise why require it? And why require people to take the jab or lose their jobs?

Oh that’s right,  I need to follow the money.

Source here:


Open Season on Republican candidates in New York?

Lee Zeldin’s Attacker Already Released Without Bail

          Attack with what should be an illegal weapon, like brass knuckles are.

The man accused of attacking Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY) with a sharp weapon has already been released back into society.

Zeldin, the Republican nominee for governor, was campaigning in Perinton, New York, Thursday night when the suspect, identified as 43-year-old David G. Jakubonis, walked across the stage, stopped in front of Zeldin, and tried to thrust a weapon towards Zeldin’s neck.

Zeldin blocked the first thrust. Then the suspect was tackled.

The man who tackled the attacker, AMVETS National Director Joe Chenelly, described what happened to Fox News Digital.

“His fingers were like two finger holes in the blade and lunged at the congressman. And Congressman Zeldin blocked the first lunge. And then as he tried to lunge again, I grabbed him from behind and tackled him down to the ground and held him on the ground.”

Once the suspect was in custody and everything settled down, Zeldin finished his speech. Later, in a tweet, Zeldin said the attacker told him “you’re done.” The Republican also predicted that due to New York’s insane bail laws, the suspect would be immediately released. “The attacker will likely be instantly released under NY’s laws,” he tweeted.


According to a statement later released by the Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, Jakubonis was charged with “Attempted Assault in the Second Degree (E-Felony)” and , just as Zeldin predicted, “released on his own recognizance.”

That means there was no bail involved.


This man  attempts to stab another man in the throat and is “released on his own recognizance.”

Worse still, this man attempted to stab a gubernatorial candidate in the throat, a man chosen by the people of New York to represent them.


If you enjoy irony, at the time of the attack, Zeldin was giving a speech about New York’s insane bail reform laws, which are undoubtedly responsible for the increase in New York’s violent crime rate.

From Zeldin’s campaign website:

From New York City to Buffalo, New Yorkers have witnessed firsthand the deadly consequences of cashless bail, but Governor Kathy Hochul and those controlling the State Legislature continue to put criminals over the safety of everyday citizens. In the midst of skyrocketing crime across our state, we must ensure that our brave men and women in law enforcement have the resources they need to keep our communities safe, and the ability to keep dangerous criminals behind bars is paramount. New York’s cashless bail law handcuffs justice, and It’s repeal is long overdue.

Another issue worthy of note is that Zeldin’s opponent, sitting Democrat Gov. Kathy Hochul, directed her supporters to attend Zeldin’s Thursday night event. With the claim the event would spread “dangerous lies, misinformation, and his far-right agenda at these campaign events,” Hochul urged people to RSVP the event.

So new York had a suspect in custody accused of wielding a sharp weapon at a gubernatorial candidate, what could very well have been an assassination attempt. You also have the whole thing on video. And New York sets the  attacker loose with no bail. None. Zip. Nada.

In this photo provided by Ian Winner, police officers work the scene after U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin, the Republican candidate for New York governor, was assaulted by a man who apparently tried to stab him Thursday, July 21, 2022, in Fairport, N.Y. Zeldin escaped serious injury. (Ian Winner via AP)

In this photo provided by Ian Winner, police officers work the scene after U.S. Rep. Lee Zeldin, the Republican candidate for New York governor, was assaulted by a man who apparently tried to stab him Thursday, July 21, 2022, in Fairport, N.Y. Zeldin escaped serious injury. (Ian Winner via AP)

Welcome to life where Democrats rule.

Democrats like Hochul want to disarm you as they release violent felons into your neighborhood.

Now ask yourself, why?

Note: The original stories continually use the word “alleged” referring to the assailant. As an editorial decision I have deleted that word since photographic/video evidence clearly shows: A.) an attack took place, and B.) who the attacker was. –TPR

Child Abuse Crime Education How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Reprints from others. Sexual Abuse

Growing Number of K-12 Teachers Charged With Child Sex Crimes in Recent Months

By Jack Phillips for EPOCH TIMES — July 20, 2022
Anessa Paige Gower, a 35-year-old former biology teacher at Making Waves Academy in Richmond, California, was charged with 29 counts of child molestation on April 8. 

Anessa Paige Gower, a 35-year-old former biology teacher at Making Waves Academy in Richmond, California, was charged with 29 counts of child molestation on April 8.  (Richmond Police Department)

140 of the arrests, or 77%, involved alleged sex crimes against students

At least 181 K-12 teachers, principals, and staff have been arrested for child sex crimes in the United States so far this year, according to an analysis of reports.

At least 181 educators been arrested between Jan. 1 and June 30. The analysis conducted by Fox News Digital looked at local news stories week by week featuring arrests of principals, teachers, substitute teachers and teachers’ aides on child sex-related crimes in school districts across the country. Arrests that weren’t publicized were not counted in the analysis, meaning the true number may well be higher.

The analysis found that at least 181 have been arrested between January 1 and June 30, which works out to exactly an arrest a day on average

Four principals, 153 teachers, 12 substitute teachers, and 12 teachers were arrested on a litany of charges, including sexually assaulting students and possessing child pornography. About 140 of those who were arrested carried out alleged crimes against students.  Men also made up the vast majority – 78% – of the arrests.

Many of the arrests involved especially heinous allegations.

Roger Weaver Freed, the 34-year-old former principal at Williamsport Area High School in Pennsylvania, was arrested in June and charged with sexual contact with a student, corruption of a minor, furnishing liquor to a minor, sexual assault and aggravated indecent assault without consent. Freed is accused of having a years-long sexual relationship with a male student. (Too close for comfort for me — TPR)

An educator in Delaware, identified as High Road School teacher James Garfield, was arrested last week for allegedly assaulting a 15-year-old student. He was charged with two counts of felony rape and related charges, according to local media.

Days before that, another teacher in Warren, Pennsylvania, was arrested and charged after he allegedly sexually assaulted a 15-year-old student. He was charged with aggravated indecent assault, institutional sexual assault, and other charges, it was reported.

Weeks before that, a Hoboken, New Jersey man admitted to raping two 17-year-old girls while he worked as a gym teacher in two different public school districts in Hudson County, New Jersey. In late June, 45-year-old Francisco Realpe pleaded guilty to two counts of sexual assault, prosecutors said.

Shannon Hall, a 31-year-old former teacher at Jamaica Gateway to the Sciences High School in New York City, was arrested in June and charged with forcible touching, endangering the welfare of a child and aggravated harassment. Hall is accused of grabbing a 14-year-old female student’s breast inside his classroom and of sending texts to a 16-year-old student that said he wanted to have sex with her and threatening to kill her if she told anyone.

Norman Merrill, a 45-year-old former teacher at Green Mountain Union High School in Vermont, was arrested in May and charged with production of child sexual abuse material and possession of child sexual abuse material.

Merrill is accused of secretly video recording female students walking past him at school and of producing videos showing nude children.

Anessa Paige Gower, a 35-year-old former biology teacher at Making Waves Academy in Richmond, California, was charged with 29 counts of child molestation on April 8. (see lead off photo)

Gower is accused of sexually abusing seven students between 2021-2022 when she was a teacher at Making Waves, with allegations including forcible sodomy of minors and sharing sexually graphic photos over online platforms.

John Doty, a 35-year-old former biology teacher at Career Academy South Bend in Indiana, was charged with two counts of rape, one count of attempted rape and six counts of child seduction on Feb. 9.

John Doty, a 35-year-old former biology teacher at Career Academy South Bend in Indiana, was charged with two counts of rape, one count of attempted rape and six counts of child seduction on Feb. 9.(La Porte County Sheriff’s Office) Doty is accused of repeatedly raping a 16-year-old female student and threatening to kill her. He is scheduled to stand trial in January 2023.

Christopher Rufo, a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute an activist who has battled the spread of critical race theory in classrooms, called for a new study on child sex abuse in schools.

“This is a scandal that the political Left is doing everything in its power to suppress,” he said in a statement to Fox News. “The basic fact is incontrovertible: every day, a public school teacher is arrested, indicted, or convicted for child sex abuse. And yet, the teachers unions, the public school bureaucracies, and the left-wing media pretend that the abuse isn’t happening and viciously attack families who raise concerns.”

In an article published in April, Rufo noted that the Department of Education last released a report in 2004 (pdf), which said nearly 9.6 percent of students have been targeted by teachers for sexual misconduct in K-12 classrooms.

“The most comprehensive report about sexual abuse in public schools, published by the Department of Education in 2004, estimates—on the basis of a 2000 survey, conducted by the American Association of University Women, of 2,065 students in grades eight through 11—that nearly 10 percent of K-12 students have been victims of sexual misconduct by a public school employee,” he wrote.

If that figure is correct, he noted that it would “translate into an approximately 4.5 million children nationwide suffering sexual misconduct by public school employees, with an estimated 3 million suffering physical sexual abuse.” That figure, Rufo said, could be “more than 100 times greater than the physical abuse committed by Catholic priests, who, at the time the report was published, were undergoing a reckoning for the crimes within their ranks.

The Epoch Times has contacted the Department of Education for comment.

This article also contains material produced by FOX News Digital.

Child Abuse Corruption Economy Elections Just my own thoughts Politics

Who Could Be A Worse pResident Than Biden?

Bad as he is, there is someone worse who is making the rounds in DC trying to drum up support for a 2024 run.

Dementia Joe won’t be running as the Democratic nominee in ’24. You know you’re in trouble when a NYT-Sienna College poll shows that 94% of Dems under 30 prefer someone other than Joe to run.

Senate Majority Leader Schumer has begged his colleagues to appear to be unified and not criticize either Biden or his centrist bane Joe Manchin (D-WVa). But that hasn’t prevented them from refusing to promise to back Biden no matter what–though they obviously don’t want to say it in public.

So, who would be worse than Biden?

Here’s a hint: what state did Q tell us to watch to see the way the “progressives” would try to take the country?

Another hint: Who barely survived a recall vote in that above mentioned state?

If your answers were California and Gavin Newsom — congratulations!

One is just a puppet, the other wants to be puppet master.

Yes, Gonad Gruesome has been visiting senators in Washington, DC.

Per The Hill:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is positioning himself and his state as a national leader on climate issues amid speculation of a possible 2024 White House bid.


Newsom, even as the Biden administration is increasingly stymied by the Supreme Court and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.), hopes to show how the Golden State can lead the way on tackling climate change while Washington is in a quagmire.


Newsom’s state budget package, unveiled in January, included $22.5 billion to combat climate change. In May, he revised the proposal to add another $9.5 billion.


Newsom also spearheaded the state’s strictest-in-the-nation tailpipe emissions standards through a legal standoff with the Trump administration, which attempted to repeal a federal waiver allowing the rules. The waiver was restored by Biden Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan in 2022.

California, a state where gas prices jumped to $6 and $7 per gallon in some locales earlier this summer, plans to phase out oil production in the state by 2045.

The state, which would have the world’s fifth-largest economy if it were a country, has also formed a number of international climate partnerships under Newsom, including collaborations with Canada, New Zealand, Japan and China.

Original Here:

Newsome aired an attack ad over the July 4 holidays against Fla governor Ron DeSantis, a likely Republican standard bearer. But he claimed that the ad “Don’t let them take our freedoms away…” was not the opening shot in a presidential campaign run. (“Them” being Trump and DeSantis.)

IMHO Newsom makes ex-gov Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown look like a thoughtful centrist.

More links to disturbing news:

Gavin Newsom Sparks ’24 Rumors With Jaunty White House Visit While Biden Overseas

Calif. Gov. Newsom visits Washington, raising his national profile even as he says he won’t run in 2024

California’s Norwalk-LaMirada Unified School District will vote on placing a Planned Parenthood clinic on a high school campus in the district.

The vote about operating a Planned Parenthood at John Glenn High School in Norwalk is scheduled to take place on Monday evening. (Glenn, an Ohio native, is spinning in his grave at supersonic speed. -TPR)

According to the proposal, the clinic will not be notifying parents about any students that they provide services to.

If  he has California stopping oil production by 2045 and is okay with putting an abortion clinic in a High School, imagine what he’d do in the White House.