Gershon Fuentes - believed to be an undocumented from Guatemala
Somebody should have told this to the rapist.
It appears that Telemundo is the only national media outlet currently seeking to center the true victim of the awful Ohio rape case: not the abortionist, but the girl whose innocence was shattered by a member of her own household.
27-year-old Gershon Fuentes was taken into custody on Tuesday and booked into Franklin County jail.
Fuentes, who is believed to be an ILLEGAL ALIEN, was arraigned Wednesday morning and bond was set at $2 million, the Columbus Dispatch reported.
Fuentes was charged with first-degree felony rape of a child under the age of 13 years old.
The child rape victim traveled to Indiana for an abortion and DNA from the aborted fetus will be tested against samples from Gershon Fuentes.
Gershon Fuentes told police he raped the child on at least two occasions, the Columbus Dispatch reported.
Telemundo confirmed the domestic relationship after they confronted the mother of the victim on Thursday.
Telemundo confirmed the relationship with two people who know the mother.
One of the women, Daisy Torres, told Telemundo that the mother is currently pregnant with Gershon Fuentes’ child!
MARIA VARGAS PION: Hiding her face, this woman who opened for us the door of the home where the police confirm that Gerson Fuentes lives- charged with raping a 10-year-old girl, identified herself as the mother of the minor and stated that he is innocent.
VARGAS PION: Do you, as the girl’s mother, think that he is innocent?
MOTHER: Of course.
VARGAS PION: Then why is he incarcerated?
MOTHER: I don’t know, but I don’t really want to talk.
VARGAS PION: Telemundo News confirmed with two people who know her that she is indeed the girl’s mother; including Daisy Torres, who claims that they both frequent the same nightclub.
Upon seeing photos and video images recorded with our cameras, she said the following.
Is that her?
DAISY TORRES: It’s her. Yes. That’s right.
VARGAS PION: And you say that she is the mother of the 10-year-old girl who was raped.
TORRES: Yes, it is (REDACTED). The girl’s mother.
VARGAS PION: She also said that the woman is in a relationship with Gerson Fuentes.
He’s her partner. And he is the father of the child she is carrying in her womb right now.
VARGAS PION: So the woman is pregnant.
VARGAS PION: Throughout our exclusive interview with the woman who says that she is the girl’s mother, we pressed her on whether 27-year-old Gerson Fuentes was the minor’s rapist. She replied without hesitation.
MOTHER: Everything that they are saying against him is a lie.
A horrendous story just got more awful. As I [Vargas Pion] suspected, the victim’s mother is in a domestic relationship with the confessed rapist, there are two other children in the household and another on the way.
The child herself identified the rapist to law enforcement a week after the abortion and two weeks after the rape was reported to authorities.
The question has to be asked- why did the child remain in the household a full two weeks after the rape was reported?
What other horrors will we learn of by the time this story is fully told?
One more thing: why isn’t NBC reporting news broken by its Telemundo assets?
The girl reportedly celebrated her 10th birthday very recently. The revelation had led many to believe that she was only nine years old when she was raped and later became pregnant.
According to a report from The Columbus Dispatch, Detective Jeffrey Huhn, who testified at Fuentes’ arraignment Wednesday, claims the girl named Fuentes as her attacker and the father of her aborted child. He testified that DNA evidence from the abortion clinic in Indianapolis would be compared to samples taken from Fuentes.
Journalist Jorge Bonilla pointed out that the mother’s defense of the rapist may be due to the family’s immigration status or the alleged rapist being the family’s sole income earner. He also pointed out that there may be other children in the home, and the mother fears the removal of her children from the home.
Sources: Telemundo, MRC, [your] News, the Columbus Dispatch, and the Gateway Pundit
Looks like the “Golden State” is actually Iron Pyrite.
In a school discrimination case that could set a precedent for beleaguered parents across the country frustrated with Critical Race Theory-related issues in the classroom, a California woman is set to file suit against her child’s school district after her 7-year-old daughter was punished and humiliated for drawing a Black Lives Matter picture for her friendsthat also included the sentiment that “any lives” matter. In addition, the school never informed her about the incident or the punishment; she only learned about it after another parent mentioned it to her a year later.
At the time of the incident, Black Lives Matter rhetoric could be seen and heard everywhere, from the news to professional sports and even in the classroom. Jane, who is white, decided to draw a picture of her friends, who spanned the racial diaspora at the diverse elementary school that offers a unique “two-way language immersion” program in Spanish/English.
Chelsea Boyle’s daughter was a first-grader at Viejo Elementary School in Mission Viejo, CA, an Orange County suburb nestled about halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego. At the time of the incident, Black Lives Matter rhetoric could be seen and heard everywhere, from the news to professional sports and even in the classroom. Jane, who is white, decided to draw a picture of her friends, who spanned the racial diaspora at the diverse elementary school that offers a unique “two-way language immersion” program in Spanish/English.
The picture was meant to represent her closest friends of all different races, and in her uneven, first-grader scrawl, she wrote “Black Lives mater [sic]” at the top, followed by another sentiment, “any lives.” The picture went home with one of Jane’s friends.
The school never informed her about the incident or the punishment; she only learned about it after another parent mentioned it to her a year later.
Boyle said Jesus Becerra, the principal of Viejo Elementary School in Mission Viejo, forced the girl, then in the first grade, to make a public apology. She had to deliver the apology on the playground in front of her fellow students and school staff. To drive home the point that deviation from prescribed language about race is not allowed, the child was “benched” as punishment, meaning she had her recess time revoked and was forced to sit on a bench while her classmates played during their free time.
In an even more infuriating turn of events, Boyle says she wasn’t notified of the incident by school officials. It was not until nearly a year later, in March of 2022, that she heard about the issue from someone who was a mutual friend of both Boyle and the offended family.
All of this had happened without her knowledge, even though Boyle was heavily involved in school activities and volunteered hundreds of hours in the classroom and for school events. She had been kept in the dark, and her daughter, not fully understanding what had happened or what she had done wrong, had kept the incident to herself.
It wasn’t “all lives matter,” it was “any life.” It was something she came up on her own. She just didn’t understand it. It was completely innocent, and that broke my heart.
Boyle said she was shocked to learn what had happened.
My immediate reaction is just…I feel like I got hit by a bus, but I didn’t understand it. And I thought, oh, you know, my daughter has just been discriminated against. And I didn’t even want to contact a lawyer, but I just didn’t know what had happened to us.
When she talked to her daughter, it became clear that she had no idea why she had been punished for the picture. Boyle says her family does not engage in discussions about specific Black Lives Matter issues or other political topics at the moment because her family is still so young. She says her daughter came up with the picture and phrasing on her own, with perfectly innocent intentions, so not only did the punishment seem unwarranted to Boyle, it seemed cruel.
And then when I talked to my daughter — I think she said it was so sad. And and I said, “Well, what did the principal say to you?” and [she said] “I can’t draw pictures anymore. And I can’t write those words.” And I said, “Why did you write [those words]?”
I don’t teach [about] Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, [or] anything in my house because I think my children are too young [for politics]. My children see color as a color, as a description. I am trying to raise them the way the world should be, not the way it is. That’s how I’m trying to make my personal change. [H]er best friend is brown — not black, but brown — and she didn’t understand why she didn’t matter, why her friend didn’t matter. She has another friend that is Japanese; she doesn’t understand.
It wasn’t “all lives matter,” it was “any life.” It was something she came up on her own. She just didn’t understand it. It was completely innocent, and that broke my heart.
Boyle says the most concerning part of what she felt was an unwarranted punishment was its effect on Jane’s desire to draw. Jane is challenged with ADHD, and drawing has been her biggest and most therapeutic outlet. She had wondered why her artistic 7-year-old had suddenly stopped drawing when previously it was hard to find her without a marker or crayon in her hands. As it turned out, as a part of Jane’s punishment, Principal Becerra allegedly instructed Jane to refrain from drawing any more pictures for her friends at school.
Boyle was heartbroken and immediately reached out to Becerra and other district officials to register her disappointment and try to find some clarity. She says, admittedly she was a bit frenzied.
[I sent] my super angry, all caps email. Within 24 hours, nobody got back to me. So I sent another email, a lot more well-thought-out, took my time, and I said, “Listen, this is what I want. I want a formal apology to me, I want a formal apology to my daughter, and I want a formal apology to this other family, because they didn’t know that you guys didn’t contact me and you made it very uncomfortable for a lot of the parents and students at school, unbeknownst to me. And that’s all I want.”
Haberbush says they essentially told her to “take a hike” and what she was saying was not true.
The Orange County mother said she was hesitant to contact a lawyer but felt strongly that what happened to her daughter was wrong, and the insult was compounded by the terse response from Becerra and relative silence from her school board representatives. Boyle identified one board member, Gila Jones, as responsive and concerned, but in the end, Jones indicated there wasn’t much she or the school board could do in this case.
Interestingly, district disciplinary guidelines provide an apparatus for parents to escalate complaints about disciplinary actions. That apparatus ultimately ends with the authority of the school board.
Not only was Boyle denied the opportunity to lodge her complaints in the timely manner supposedly guaranteed by the official disciplinary procedural guidelines, the school board was not able to provide any resolution either.
Boyle had seen enough. She researched pro-bono civil rights attorneys and found herself connected with The Gavel Project, a Phoenix-based non-profit charity committed to representing civil rights in government overreach cases. From there, CEO and founder Ryan Heath helped her to secure in-state representation by Alexander Haberbush of the LexRex Institute, a “legal and public outreach organization that works to empower private individuals to hold government officials at every level accountable to their sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution of the United States and of their various states by informing, persuading, and advocating on behalf of those who have been denied its liberties.”
Haberbush says this is more than a case of one wronged child and her angry mother. It could set a legal precedent for other parents dealing with similar things, creating a legal ripple effect that could have drastic consequences for overreaching public school administrators and districts when it comes to compelled speech. And that is exactly how Haberbush identifies this case…one of compelled speech, which would place the burden of proof on Becerra and the school.
It’s a compelled speech issue; obviously compelled speech is one of the toughest tests that they have to meet, if they want to say that this is valid, “we can do it.” We be believe that there is no way that they can meet that standard and we believe this is an egregious deprivation of her rights and that Chelsea should be vindicated.
He added that he took on the case because he believes Boyle and her daughter were genuinely wronged, and he doesn’t want to see it happen again to anyone else.
She did not call Ryan and did not call my office because she was trying to make a buck. In fact, we will not take clients who are only out to make a buck. What she wanted from the school was an apology, [for them to recognize] they had done wrong, to apologize to her daughter and apologize to her.
Haberbush intimated that while money is not a motivator, his firm does occasionally seek damages and may choose to do so in this case. However, what they really want is a formal apology and a judgment.
Primarily what we want is a judicial determination and recognition that wrongdoing occurred, so that it won’t happen again because nobody should have to go through this.
Boyle hopes that the summer break has given the Viejo Elementary principal some time to relax and ponder the situation.
I’m serious. I don’t want this to happen to my kids. I don’t want it to happen to your kids.
Haberbush says the next step in the process is to file a lawsuit against the district. He feels it is necessary to force the school to respond to his client.
When asked if Boyle had plans to return her daughter to the same school in the fall, the small business owner admitted she did want to send her back but wondered what challenges her family may face as legal avenues are being pursued.
Jesus Becerra could not be reached for comment as of the publication of this article.
Reported first by RedState, as well as The Western Journal.
My advice to Mrs. Boyle would be NOT to send her daughter back to that school. These wokester elitists will increase their harassment of the daughter by several orders of magnitude in retaliation. This IS California, after all, home of Nasty Piglosi and Craven Newscum.
The Seattle Fault goes east-west through downtown Seattle and Puget Sound.
The study noted that the last earthquake on the fault took place about 1,100 years ago. This is key, since a major (Magnitude 6.5 or more) earthquake has occurred on average every 584 years since 1500 BC. The fault is overdue.
Over the past 3,500 years, five additional earthquakes estimated to have a magnitude of 6.5 took place along the Seattle Fault.
For the sake of worst-case scenario planning, the study looked at the impact of a 7.5-magnitude earthquake.
Flooding from a tsunami would exceed 20 feet along the shoreline of the Seattle area and could generate waves as high as 42 feet tall, according to Fox News.
Maximilian Dixon, the hazards and outreach program supervisor for the Washington Emergency Management Division, said the department does not want to provoke panic, but urges individuals to be prepared.
“The ground shaking will be your warning that a tsunami may be on the way. Make sure you know where the closest high ground is and the quickest route to get there,” he said.
The study said that tsunami waves would hit the eastern side of Bainbridge Island, Elliott Bay and Alki Point, and could last for more than three hours.
The Port of Tacoma would face six feet of inundation with waves going as far as three miles inland, according to the study.
A long history of earthquakes on faults in the Puget Sound
“Most often, when we think of tsunamis, we think of our outer coast and communities along the Pacific Ocean. But there’s a long history of earthquakes on faults in the Puget Sound,” Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz said.
“While the history of earthquakes and tsunamis along the Seattle Fault is less frequent than the Cascadia subduction zone, the impacts could be massive. That’s why it’s critical these communities have the information they need to prepare and respond.”
A 2001 earthquake caused $36 million worth of damage in Seattle from the impact on buildings, roads and other infrastructure, according to the city’s website.
The city noted that damage from an earthquake would also include landslides throughout the Seattle region. Further, the city estimated there are 1,100 un-reinforced buildings in Seattle that would be prone to extensive damage in an earthquake. About 15% of Seattle’s total area is soil that is prone to ground failure in earthquakes. The Duwamish Valley, Interbay, and Rainier Valley are vulnerable to ground failure and shaking because of the liquefiable soils in these areas.
And that is only one type of quake the area suffers from.
The second type would be a megathrust quake along the Cascadia fault line. Megathrust earthquakes are the greatest risk to the broader west coast region. A megathrust earthquake could reach M9.0+ and affect an area from Canada to northern California. A Cascadia megathrust earthquake could rank as one of the largest earthquakes ever recorded, but because Seattle is several hundred miles from the source seismic waves would weaken slightly before they reach Seattle. Shaking would be violent and prolonged, but possibly not as intense as in a Seattle Fault quake.
Mount Rainier Will Erupt Again, Say Researchers Studying Volcano’s Magma Flows
Then there’s that 800-lb gorilla known as Mt. Rainier.
Mount Rainier last erupted in the 19th century. It is the tallest volcano and the fifth-highest peak in the contiguous U.S.. The volcano is about 14,410 feet tall and located about 58 miles southeast of Seattle.
The U.S. Geological Survey has described Mount Rainier as “an active volcano that will erupt again.” Sitting atop volcanic flows as much as 36 million years old, Rainier has erupted explosively dozens of times during the past 11,000 years, spewing ash and pumice.
There are FIVE active volcanoes in Washington State. The last one to erupt was Mt. St. Helen (1980.) If you’re not old enough to remember, you can see videos of it on YouTube and elsewhere. Seattle disaster planners claim it is ‘unlikely’ that a lahar would reach Seattle itself. Tell that to the people around St. Helens.
Envision that there would be solid blocks the size of Volkswagens and fine grain material being blasted into the atmosphere and then falling back on Rainier’s surface. It would be hot, and would melt the ice and snow on Rainier’s flanks And tumble over cliffs.
The lava flows encounter those very steep slopes and make avalanches of hot rocks and gas that are hurtling down the mountain maybe 100 miles per hour or so.
The lava would stop flowing near the boundaries of the national park.
But the snow water it melted would create a much bigger hazard: A flash flood that would look like concrete and chew up everything in its path.
It would pull down trees. Giant boulders would bounce on its surface, cracking as they collide with each other.
Scientists say Orting will probably have plenty of warning before an eruption. But just in case, there’s a backup plan, a siren that gives people in Orting roughly 40 minutes warning before the lahar hits.
There are several rivers running from Rainier straight towards Puget sound.
This nightmare mud flow is called a lahar. And it would sound like “a rocket launching. Or maybe a train barreling down a track where no railroad tracks exist.”
How would it affect Seattle-Tacoma?
An earthquake on the Seattle fault by itself would cause a massive catastrophe. So would a Seattle-facing Mt. St. Helen eruption. If they occurred at nearly the same time? Likely everything from Olympia north to Vancouver island would be in ruins with many thousands dead or injured.
On the upside, Redmond (and therefore Microsoft) would disappear.
Note: data for this story comes from investigative news reports and the Seattle and WA state government websites.
Erica Ingram, life long Dem, leaves the plantation.
Erica Ingram — a lifelong Democrat, whose 24-year-old son was shot and killed in front of their Cleveland home in 2019 — said she is strongly leaning toward voting for Republicans this election cycle.
Ingram singled out Ohio Republican U.S. Senate candidate J.D. Vance telling NBC News he best reflects her views about the current state of affairs.
“I can see him having compassion as to where the Democrats don’t have no compassion,” she said. “They’re, like, weak. They don’t fight hard enough as to where the Republicans get up there and they pull out all stops.”
Republicans hold a strong advantage in the handling of crime in Americans’ minds, especially after the left’s whole defund the police thing in 2020,
Citing Cleveland Police Department figures, NBC News reported the city had 179 murders in 2020, its most ever, followed by its second-most in 2021, at 165.
A Gallup poll taken in April found concern over crime and violence at its highest level since 2016, with 53 percent saying that have a “great deal” of concern. “Great deal” of worry hasn’t reached majority since 2016
When combined with those who have a “fair amount” of concern, the number jumped to 80 percent.
Women, Republicans, city residents among most worried about crime
Not surprisingly Republicans hold a strong advantage in the handling of crime in Americans’ minds, especially after the left’s whole defund 0the police thing in 2020, during which Biden stayed pretty much silent.
An ABC/Washington Post poll conducted in April found Republicans have a 12 percentage point lead over Democrats.
“That’s a marked shift from last summer, when Americans were about evenly divided on which party is better positioned to contend with crime,” the Washington Post reported.
Voter frustration with progressives’ approach to handling crime can be seen in the recall of San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin last month.
Further south in Los Angeles, over 700,000 residents signed documents seeking to have their county’s district attorney, George Gascón recalled as well, citing his weak-on-crime policies.
These are two very obviously two Democrat-dominated cities, yet even there the left has lost a handle of where the people are concerning crime and violence.
The Associated Press reported last month that Democrats are doing more than saying they’ll vote Republican this election, they’re actually changing their party affiliation.
“More than 1 million voters across 43 states have switched to the Republican Party over the last year.”
“More than 1 million voters across 43 states have switched to the Republican Party over the last year,” according to voter registration data analyzed by the news organization.
“The previously unreported number reflects a phenomenon that is playing out in virtually every region of the country — Democratic and Republican states along with cities and small towns — in the period since President Joe Biden replaced former President Donald Trump,” the AP said.
The switch is most pronounced in the suburban counties outside of cities like Denver, Atlanta, Pittsburgh and Cleveland.
“For example, in Lorain County, Ohio, just outside Cleveland, nearly every party switcher over the last year has gone Republican. That’s even as Democrats captured three-quarters of those changing parties in the same county during end of the Trump era,” according to the AP.
Fox News released its “Power Rankings” on Monday forecasting the GOP will retake the House of Representatives with at least seven seats to spare.
“With redistricting completed and the bulk of the primaries behind us, the Power Rankings model now reveals a clear advantage for the GOP in the House. With 218 seats required to take control, the GOP is forecast to take 225 seats to the Democrats’ 180 seats,” Fox News said.
The news outlet is marking 30 races as “toss-up” meaning the Republican majority could be much greater.
On the flip said, even if the Democrats win every toss-up race, they will still be in the minority as things stand now.
On the Senate side, the outcome is still much more up in the air, but favors a Republican takeover. The upper chamber is currently divided 50-50 between the parties.
Of the 34 seats up for election, 20 are in the solid red, likely red or lean red categories.
“The GOP has to win only two of the five toss-up races to take control of the Senate, whereas the Democrats need to win four of those races just to reach a 50-seat ‘majority’ with the aid of Vice President Kamala Harris,” according to Fox.
The five toss-up states are Arizona, Georgia, New Hampshire, Nevada and Pennsylvania.
Republicans are better on crime and many other issues, like the economy.
Expect many Democrats and Independents will be following Ingram’s example and look to the GOP to get the nation back on track after the disaster that is the Biden pResidency.
It’s hard to get my head around the idea that anyone with more than a double digit IQ can still believe anything this man says.
I want to turn your attention to a revealing interview conducted with Dr Fauci this week. It shines a light on his faith-based approach to the mRNA “miracle,” and his overall lack of a data-based thought process regarding his own bout with the virus.
In the interview, Fauci credited getting quad vaxxed with keeping him from having a “much more serious” bout with COVID-19.
A visibly illFauci told the interviewer:
“I’m really fortunate that I’ve done very well, and I keep telling people … is that I was vaccinated (with first two doses) and doubly boosted, and I believe that if i did not have that degree of background protection, I would have had a much more serious course. My course was relatively light. Minor symptoms. And right now i am completely without symptoms.”
Notably, Fauci did not mention the fact that he took two full rounds of Pfizer’s oral antiviral pill, against the guidance of his own government health agencies. So was it the pills or the vaccines, or maybe even his mask and lockdown advocacy that “saved” him? Fauci did not elaborate.
Fauci’s messaging on the miracle cure continues to change as pharmaceutical companies recommend more and more doses of miracle cure. At first, Fauci claimed the primary series of mRNA shots would effectively immunize people from COVID-19 and work as a sterilizing agent. Then, Fauci claimed that three doses was the optimal regimen. Now, he has endorsed seasonal injections of miracle cure.
Moreover, Fauci’s change in tone is striking from his previous interviews concerning his bout with COVID-19. In late June, while on his second course of the Pfizer bill, Fauci claimed to be feeling “really poorly,” and credited the second course of the pill with reversing his troubling symptoms.
There is no evidence that these shots serve any benefit to children, but the loyal pharmaceutical salesmen stayed on message.
All together, Fauci has claimed to have been sick for almost a whole month, after testing positive in mid June. This is hardly evidence that a quad vaxxed and double antiviral pilled regimen somehow saved Fauci from a worse outcome, as his bout with COVID was much worse than the statistical norm.
At the end of the interview, Fauci expressed disappointment that his friends at Pfizer and Moderna have only been able to inject a small percentage of the infant and toddler population with the experimental mRNA injections. There is no evidence that these shots serve any benefit to children, but the loyal pharmaceutical salesmen stayed on message.
“We’ve gotta do better on the numbers because we’ve still got a relatively small fraction of those children who are eligible, and we need to get them vaccinated,” said the NIAID’s chief drug pusher.
Sprinkling in the usual evidence-free fear mongering, he added: “Children can get severe disease. There’s no doubt about that.”
The interview ended with Fauci recommending that everyone make sure to get another dose of miracle cure, endorsing Pfizer and Moderna’s latest injection for when it receives another rubber stamp FDA authorization in the fall.
The corporate media is propagating another campaign to stow fear over a another COVID variant as the federal government attempts to use the bioweapon to perpetuate an indefinite state of emergency.
BA.5, an Omicron subvariant, also known as ‘Ninja,’ is now the dominant coronavirus strain in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Ninja “is the most dangerous” variant yet and serves as “a strong reminder the COVID pandemic isn’t over,” the Daily Beast warns, in an article syndicated by Yahoo News on Friday.
While health practitioners around the nation have been fired, suspended or revoked of their medical licenses for treating patients with Ivermectin and Hydroxychloroquine, medications that effectively treat COVID-19, experimental gene-editing COVID “vaccines” have proven to provide no immunity against the transmission of the manmade virus.
Yet, “vaccines and boosters are still the best defense,” the Daily Beast reports.
“There are even Omicron-specific booster jabs in development that, in coming months, could make the best vaccines more effective against BA.5 and its genetic cousins,” the publication notes. “BA.5’s widespread mutations made the subvariant less recognizable to all those antibodies we’ve built up from vaccines, boosters and past infection. BA.5 has been able to slip past our immune system, ninja-style, contributing to the rising rate of breakthrough cases and infections.
“The more additional jabs you get on top of your prime course, the better protected you are. Arguably the best protection results from two prime jabs of the mRNA vaccines from Pfizer or Moderna plus a couple boosters.”
The left-wing outlet blames the rising rate of breakthrough cases and new variants on the “stubborn anti-vax minority.”
“In the U.S., for example, the percentage of fully vaccinated has stalled at around 67 percent,” the publication notes. “So COVID lingers, 31 months after the first case was diagnosed in Wuhan, China.”
In reality, the COVID vaccines are creating variants, contends Dr. Ben Marble, the founder of MyFreeDoctor who has treated over 300.000 COVID patients.
“All the different variants, they are created by the C-19 fake vaccine poison — that’s why they exist,” Dr. Marble told the Gateway Pundit in an exclusive interivew. They wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the mass use of these gene-editing fake vaccines. A lot of people are getting really sick. Whose getting really sick? Of course, the people who took the shots. The people who have gotten three and four shots, they are the ones filling up the hospitals. An overwhelming majority of hospitalized people with COVID are people who took the shot. Unvaccinated people don’t get that sick. The bottom line is the more doses of the poison shot you’ve taken, the sicker you are going to be and the more likely you’re going to die soon.”
Mass vaccinating during an outbreak always create mutations, Marble argued.
“All immunologists know you are never supposed to mass vaccinate in the middle of the pandemic. Ideally, you do it way before the pandemic ever starts. Trying to do it during the middle of a pandemic guarantees it’s natural selection,” he said. “The organism has to mutate in order to survive and if it doesn’t mutate then it dies off. So, it will try different mutations until one survives and keeps getting transmitted. Suddenly, you have a new variant. The evolutionary selective pressure of the fake vaccines forces the actual virus to mutate again.”
Marble suspects the Omicron variant, like COVID-19, was man made and released.
“This is bioterrorism. Some of the mutations are so strikingly different. The Omicron variant was so slightly different it may have been a separately released bioterror event as opposed to naturally appearing from selective pressure and the mass vaccination,” he continued. The original SARS 2 virus was a bioterrorism weapon was clearly released and man made by Fauci the gain of function. They released it on purpose. Every COVID death is a murder by Fauci and friends.
“The Great Reset is actually a plan to use fake vaccines to cull the human herd and that’s what they’re doing. We are witnessing a great mass genocide. The problem is the mass formation psychosis. If you think political correctness is good, you’re psychotic. The proof that they’re insane is they keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, which is the definition of insanity. They take booster after booster after booster thinking that they are going to get a different result. Surprise. The bad news for them is that they are going to get a different result when they are sick all the time or dying.”
Highland Park Suspect’s Dad Reveals Disturbing Final Conversation with Son Before Massacre
The Highland Park, Illinois, mass shooting suspect, Robert Crimo III, 21, had a conversation about mass shootings the night before he allegedly committed his crimes.
On July 4, Crimo is believed to have opened fire on a crowded Independence Day parade, killing seven.
Crimo’s father, Robert Crimo Jr., spoke with the New York Post following the incident.
During the interview, Crimo Jr. walked through the final conversation he and his son had together.
“I talked to him 13 hours before [Monday’s massacre]. That’s why I guess I’m in such shock. … Like, did he have a psychiatric break or something?” Crimo Jr. said of his son.
The two were talking about the July 2 mass shooting in Denmark where a 22-year-old suspect reportedly shot and killed three people and wounded several others.
“He goes, ‘Yeah, that guy is an idiot.’ That’s what he said!” Crimo Jr. said.
Crimo III then went on to speculate on the average mass shooter’s intentions, his father said.
“People like that … [commit mass shootings] to amp up the people that want to ban all guns,” Crimo III said, according to his father.
Could this shooting have been prevented?
Yes: 91% (602 Votes)
No: 9% (60 Votes)
In the days since the July 4 shooting, many stories have broken regarding Crimo III’s bizarre behavior.
For example, on Wednesday, Crimo’s mother discovered a “chilling” image painted on the back of her house, presumably by Crimo III.
The mural depicts a smiley-face figure brandishing a rifle.
Police then confiscated “a sword, dagger and 15 knives” from the now suspected mass shooter.
Three months later, Crimo Jr. sponsored his son’s application for a gun license, allowing Crimo III to purchase firearms before the age of 21.
“They make me like I groomed him to do all this,” Crimo Jr. said, referring to those who have since criticized his decision to sponsor his son’s gun license.
“I’ve been here my whole life, and I’m gonna stay here, hold my head up high, because I didn’t do anything wrong.”
Highland Park Massacre Suspect’s First Court Appearance Turns Bizarre as His Attorney Quits Mid-Hearing
Highland Park shooting suspect Robert Crimo III lost his attorney on Wednesday as he made his first court appearance.
In a video hearing, defense attorney Tom Durkin was first unable to access the Zoom session.
Once that glitch was resolved, a more serious one emerged. Durkin, who had been hired by Crimo’s family, said he has since learned he has a potential conflict of interest.
Tweets logged the confusion as it played out.
That means Crimo, who was ordered to be held without bail, will be represented by a public defender.
Crimo’s only comment during the hearing was to say he did not have an attorney.
During his court appearance, prosecutors said more than 80 rounds were fired Monday in the shooting that left seven people dead and at least 38 wounded, according to CBS.
Lake County Major Crimes Task Force spokesman Chris Covelli stated that Crimo drove to Wisconsin after the Highland Park shooting. Crimo “seriously contemplated using the firearm he had in his vehicle to commit another shooting in Madison” after seeing a celebration in that community.
Covelli said Crimo had a second rifle and 60 rounds of ammunition with him. Crimo disposed of his cell phone in Middleton, Wisconsin, and then went back to Illinois.
Lake County Assistant State’s Attorney Ben Dillon said during Crimo’s bond hearing that Crimo made a voluntary confession. Prosecutors said Crimo confessed to dressing in women’s clothing and using makeup to cover his tattoos.
Maybe you once sang along with Meatloaf’s “Paradise by the Dashboard Lights” song without considering what those lights meant. Of course, now you know that your vehicle’s dashboard warning lights serve an important function that goes well beyond just a backdrop for nighttime auto romance.
It may seem daunting to decode all those symbols and colors alerting you to potential safety hazards, mechanical issues or even minor things that need attention. Fortunately, you don’t have to be baffled by dashboard warning lights.
This guide to seven important dashboard lights can give you a jump start on the road to safer driving and help you stay on top of vehicle maintenance and repairs.
What Do Dashboard Alert Colors Mean?
Warning symbols differ among makes and models, but dashboard warning lights typically appear in three or four different colors, each signaling the level of urgency.
Green or blue lights notify that certain features of your car — cruise control or headlights, for example — are active and working properly.
Yellow or amber lights often signal a less urgent potential safety issue or hazard, such as a prompt to engage traction control on icy roads or air up tires.
Red warning lights can indicate a serious problem with important auto components such as the engine or transmission.
Dashboard Warning Lights Guide
While dashboard warning lights vary depending on the type of car or truck, below are seven warning lights that should catch your attention.
1. Check Engine
When the check engine light appears and stays on, the warning can signal a serious problem with your car’s engine. But the warning light can also come on due to minor issues such as a loose wire or gas cap not being fully closed.
What to do: Don’t ignore your vehicle’s check engine light and never continue driving when this light comes on if it’s accompanied by worrisome noises or other obvious problems. Even if your car displays no other symptoms of an engine issue, visit your mechanic for a full diagnostic test to get to the source of the problem.
2. Engine Coolant
This red warning symbol often appears when your car’s engine overheats due to running out of engine coolant (antifreeze). The engine temperature light may also indicate other serious issues that can create problems in need of repairs.
What to do: Don’t ignore this important warning, or your vehicle’s engine could sustain major damage. Pull over, and let the car cool down for 15 minutes without popping the hood to avoid steam burns and injuries. Call roadside assistance for a coolant top-off or a tow to your auto mechanic to check out the problem.
3. Oil Pressure
That dripping oil can icon might simply let you know that you need to top off your engine’s oil supply. But this warning can also indicate serious issues, including an engine leak or a broken piston ring or oil pump. Ignoring this dashboard warning and continuing to drive without checking it out can lead to significant repair bills.
What to do: Check your oil with the engine dipstick, adding more if necessary. If topping off the oil doesn’t shut off the warning light, take your vehicle to a mechanic for a checkup.
4. Battery Alert
The battery warning light appears when there is an issue with your vehicle’s charging system, including the battery itself or other electrical components such as wiring or the alternator. Ignoring this light could leave you stranded with a car that won’t start.
What to do: Most auto parts stores will check your car’s battery for free and replace a drained battery when you purchase a new one. For a full battery and electrical system check, make an appointment with your mechanic to rule out other electrical issues.
5. Tire Pressure Monitor
This amber, partial circle with tire tread at the bottom and an exclamation point inside lets you know when tire pressure is low or overinflated, which can affect driving safety and fuel consumption. The gauge could also display each tire’s air pressure.
What to do: Pull over, and refill or release air in the affected tires to the recommended pressure level displayed on the tire.
6. Brake System
The brake system warning light can appear if you try to pull out while the parking brake is still engaged. But the alert can also signal serious brake problems that may need to be repaired or replaced or an issue with the vehicle’s anti-lock braking system.
What to do: Disengage the parking brake if that’s the reason the light is on. If the light continues to glow, visit a mechanic for a thorough brake inspection.
7. Reduced Engine Power
This warning light alerts you to problems with air or fuel flow to the engine. The reasons could be as simple as an air filter that needs replacing. But the light can also indicate low oil pressure, leaks in hoses or engine performance issues in need of repair.
What to do: Take your vehicle to a mechanic for a diagnostic test to locate causes.
Review Your Owner’s Manual
This list covers some of the most important dashboard light warnings and notifications. However, there are many additional alerts to pay attention to, including low fuel, door ajar, low windshield washer, power steering, airbags and more.
Take a few minutes to look up your car’s dashboard lights and manufacturer recommendations in the vehicle’s owner’s manual. That way, you’ll know how to gauge warnings and notifications and when to visit a mechanic.
Police in the Netherlands opened fire Tuesday on farmers in tractors protesting the country’s radical policies on reducing emissions.
The incident occurred around 10:40 p.m. that day in the town of Heerenveen when a group of farmers on a tractor allegedly tried to crash into police officers and their vehicles near the entrance to the A32 highway, Friesland police announced Tuesday.
Police said that they fired warning shots and shots targeting the tractor during the incident. The farmers fled from the scene once their tractor was hit.
Police later apprehended the tractor riders, according to local law enforcement, about 4 miles away from Heerenveen. Officers arrested three people in connection with the encounter.
The arrested comprised of a 46-year-old man, a 34-year-old man and a 16-year-old boy, according to a Tuesday news release from the Friesland police.
“The investigation into the incident is ongoing. This is an investigation led by the public prosecutor into the facts and circumstances,” police said.
Depending on the investigation’s results, “it will become clear whether the persons will be detained longer or not,” the news release stated.
The Epoch Times disputed local law enforcement’s account of events, pointing to footage of the incident on Twitter.
*English translation: Because an officer fired shots, the National Criminal Investigation Department was informed to conduct an independent investigation. There is no more information at the moment.
The Epoch Times said the footage “does not clearly show the vehicle approaching either officers or service vehicles.”
News of the Tuesday encounter came as farmers across the country took to the streets with their cattle and farming equipment in the last few weeks to protest against the Dutch government’s plan to lower nitrogen oxide and ammonia emissions by 50 percent by 2030.
As previously reported by The Western Journal, the plan entailed cutting nitrogen oxides and ammonia by up to 70 percent in areas near protected nature regions. The figure went up to 95 percent in some areas.
In a statement last month, the Dutch government said, “The honest message … is that not all farmers can continue their business,” The Associated Press reported.
According to the wire service, the government said that farmers who survived the anti-pollution crackdowns would have to change their way of farming.
Angered by being forced to bear the brunt of anti-pollution policies, farmers marched near politicians’ homes in protest, smeared manure on roads and blocked traffic on highways and near the border crossing with Germany.
According to the German news agency Deutsche Welle, they also blocked access to supermarket distribution centers.
Dutch politicians have publicly condemned such protests, with Prime Minister Mark Rutte saying on June 29 during a news conference in Madrid, “You can demonstrate, but in a civilized way.”
“So don’t block highways, don’t set off fireworks outside a minister’s house and spread manure and … scare two children, and endanger families,” Rutte said.
Friesland Police did not respond to the Times’ request for comment.
Anyone in America who deviates from the group-think enforced by public health bureaucrats runs the risk of cancellation. Politicians, parents, comedians, teachers – now they’re even coming for the doctors.
As a lung and ICU specialist, I have practiced medicine for 14 years and successfully treated more than 450 patients during the pandemic. Long before anyone had heard of Covid-19, I was studying and implementing cutting-edge methods to treat critically ill patients. I’m the Senior Editor of a best-selling textbook in my field, now in its second edition, which has been translated into seven languages.
For my efforts, I now find myself on the receiving end of “disciplinary sanctions” from the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), who sent me a letter threatening “suspension or revocation of board certification.”
The “sin” threatening to end my medical career was my unwillingness to go along with Fauci’s monolithic vaccines-above-all-else strategy. The failure of this approach is plain to see, and anyone with an ounce of curiosity knows there are many methods of treating the virus.
Ivermectin is one of them. This cheap, readily available generic medicine is approved by the FDA for certain uses in humans – but not for Covid-19, despite 85 controlled trials from around the world demonstrating its effectiveness. In Brazil, the largest study to date found a reduction in Covid mortality rate of 70%. In India, the second most populated country in the world, the drug has been credited with near eradication of the disease. Studies attempting to discredit ivermectin have been debunked again and again.
Other trials, such as the recent TOGETHER trial, are designed to fail from the start to drive a desired narrative. In the National Institutes of Health’s ACTIV-6, despite starting the majority of patients on treatment after five days of Covid-19 symptoms at a lower than recommended dose, they found a statistically significant reduction in the time to recovery, particularly among the most severely ill. Unsurprisingly, major newspapers reported that the study showed ivermectin was ineffective.
Despite ivermectin’s proven effectiveness, in the opinion of the ABIM, advocating for its usage is a form of “disinformation” and carries the penalty of losing one’s medical license and livelihood.
Throughout the pandemic, I’ve maintained an open mind, analyzed what works for patients, discussed strategies with fellow doctors, and conducted my own extensive research. When new data arose that changed my understanding, I admitted as much and changed course—like with the vaccines. If only the powers that be at the ABIM and our government could say the same.
Consider the evolution of accepted facts about Covid-19 safety measures from Fauci and his ilk. Despite government mandates, neither lockdowns nor cloth masks prevent transmission. They never have. It turns out former Surgeon General Jerome Adams had it right when he tweeted in March 2020 that masks are, “NOT effective in preventing general public from catching #Coronavirus” – a comment for which he was pilloried. We are only beginning to learn the impact of the societal costs of these early preventative measures, a price our children who were kept home from school will be paying for years.
Second, there is no evidence the vaccines stop Covid-19, despite the constant lecturing from the Biden Administration and the mainstream media. In the United States and globally, cases continue to rise and fall without any correlation to the pace or percentage of population vaccinated. This is not what we were promised. In 2021, Fauci said vaccinated people were “dead ends” for the virus, and President Biden declared, “You’re not going to get COVID if you have these vaccinations.” Today, approximately 110,000 cases are announced daily in America, where more than two thirds of the population is fully vaccinated.
There is a backlash brewing in America right now, and it goes beyond inflation rates and gas prices. People are tired of arrogant public officials and compromised institutions who believe they have all the answers but constantly get it wrong and make no apologies as they steamroll those who don’t support the current narrative.
The ABIM’s sudden (and suspiciously well-funded) persecution of doctors who stray from the party line is only the latest example.
Doctors on the ABIM’s board and across the country need to stand up against this witch hunt. It’s demeaning to honest doctors and dangerous to the patients we’ve dedicated our careers to serving.
Pierre Kory, M.D., is president and chief medical officer of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance.