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Who’s Really Not Paying Their ‘Fair Share’? About 61% of American households—more than 100 million of them—paid no federal income tax last year.

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Who’s Really Not Paying Their ‘Fair Share’? About 61% of American households—more than 100 million of them—paid no federal income tax last year. First thing that the pundits on the left say it’s because of COVID. And when COVID diminishes?  The share of non-payers will decline to about 102 million or 57 percent this year.

And what about the so called rich? The top 20% of taxpayers paid 78% of federal income taxes in 2020, according to the Tax Policy Center, up from 68% in 2019. The top 1% of taxpayers paid 28% of taxes in 2020, up from 25% in 2019.

What sense does this make? “Imagine somebody who would have owed $1,500 in 2020 income tax until they got two stimulus payments — $1,200 in April and $600 in December,” he said. “That threw them into the category of non payers.


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