Men are men, and Women are women, period.
Few things in modern media have been more dizzying than watching once-beloved “Harry Potter” author J.K. Rowling become public enemy No. 1 in some people’s eyes because of her stringent belief that men are men and women are women.
Rowling became a highly public target of abuse from the far left, and LGBT activists in particular, in 2019, when she criticized the firing of a researcher who, among other things, said, “it is impossible to change sex.”
“Dress however you please,” she tweeted at the time. “Call yourself whatever you like. Sleep with any consenting adult who’ll have you. Live your best life in peace and security. But force women out of their jobs for stating that sex is real?”
The author soon found herself on the front lines of the battle over transgender rights.
Rowling, a domestic violence survivor, explained in a 2020 blog post that she feared “the new trans activism” was “offering cover to predators.”
“When you throw open the doors of bathrooms and changing rooms to any man who believes or feels he’s a woman … then you open the door to any and all men who wish to come inside,” she wrote.
(Note: I (and others) have been saying for years the same thing — and backed it up with news stories that proved that it had already happened. — TPR)
In 2021, the author tweeted that “hundreds of trans activists have threatened to beat, rape, assassinate and bomb me.”
But Rowling hasn’t backed down.

On Wednesday, she called out the “misogyny” of men trying to dictate what women should tolerate.
Men defining what a woman is, what women should and shouldn’t fear, what women should and shouldn’t say, what rights women should be fine with giving up and, of course, what constitutes ‘real’ misogyny: get a bloody mirror. That’s real misogyny, looking right back at you.
— J.K. Rowling (@jk_rowling) January 25, 2023
It was a powerful condemnation of transgender extremism.
Why is she, a woman, being attacked for simply stating men can’t have periods, get pregnant, or menstruate? Why do men think they have the right to silence her as she speaks out against the invasion of spaces for women and girls by members of the opposite sex?
Rowling’s resistance to the far left’s transgender movement has made her persona non-grata in certain circles.
For example, the forthcoming “Harry Potter” video game “Hogwarts Legacy” has come under fire for being associated with Rowling despite her complete lack of involvement aside from creating the source material.
Although she is a liberal feminist, angry “Harry Potter” fans lament on social media that she has become some sort of far-right figure.
For those of you who still think JK Rowling is on the Left – People on the Left don’t push the new Orthodoxy that is “Gender Critical” Dogma, believe in “Big Pharma” and other Right-Wing Conspiracy Theories, or openly promote Homophobia, Transphobia, and Antisemitism!#TERFs
— Felis Resisterus 🐀 Cat Outta Twitmo (@AltLeloge) January 24, 2023
Screw #JKRowling , I hope she never writes again. She is now being rewarded for her “bravery”. No, she is a blatant transphobe who is getting off innocently while making life a living hell for trans people. @jk_rowling you are a hateful person. Do you feel pride? You monster.
— Alex Baxter Scott #blacklivesmatter🌈 (@AlexBaxterScot1) December 21, 2020
More anger followed her tweet Wednesday.
nobody loves you
— faye (@fayemikah) January 25, 2023
When you are aligning yourself with far right wing white nationalists, and using your platform to demonize a group of people who were already arguably the most misunderstood and hated group of people…You might need to reevaluate your life. It is truly evil what you’re doing.
— Guy (@SkullWolfBand) January 25, 2023
JK Rowling is Nazi adjacent.
— Glam Legends (@GlamLegends) January 26, 2023
Rowling became a household name with the popularity of the “Harry Potter” children’s book series, the first of which was released in the U.S. in September 1998.
While the “Potter” books ended in 2007, their popularity has sprung into countless media offshoots, including movies, video games, and plays.
(Rowling has written other books under her own name and the pseudonym Robert Galbraith.)