Yep, they’ve done it again. Who, you ask? You know…THEY…high impact medical journals, compromised researchers, Big Pharma, Big Tech, the alphabet health agencies. They are the THEY of why so many people throughout the world died needlessly from COVID-19.
THEY wanted money. THEY wanted power. THEY wanted control. So THEY put in the fix—on YOUR health and YOUR medical freedom.
The latest installment in this feculent, unseemly true crime series comes from JAMA—the once venerated Journal of the American Medical Association. Take a look at the ivermectin study they just dropped. In it, the “authors” conclude that, “These findings do not support the use of ivermectin among outpatients with COVID-19.”
While we have grown sufficient scar tissue to fortify us against repeated shock from these all-to-frequent assaults on science, we are not so acclimatized as to ignore that which threatens the lives of every person on the planet. The molestation and the resultant annihilation of scientific integrity dooms the health of one and all.
Here’s the bottom line on JAMA’s latest “research blitzkrieg” from our Dr. Kory:
“Suddenly in the middle of the trial they changed the protocol. They moved the outcome from the difference [in symptoms] on Day 14 to Day 28. Why? Well, it begins with the Posterior “P”, a statistical term that means results are significant if they are above .95. During the course of this study, ivermectin was showing statistical significance at Day 7 (.97), and at Day 14 (.98). You had to go out to Day 28 for there to be NO statistical significance. And that’s what the investigators did. They moved the endpoint to Day 28. Four weeks after symptoms first showed up.
“The trial was also purportedly studying mild-to-moderate COVID-19 patients. Literally 60% of patients had no symptoms or mild symptoms. By ‘pure randomized chance’, more of the severe patients landed in the ivermectin arm. So, as Dr. Paul Marik observed, those in the placebo arm must have been “severely asymptomatic.”
So now, we have pages and pages of Google search results trumpeting to the world that ivermectin is not effective for COVID-19—when in fact, the exact opposite is true. Rigorous science, conducted with the utmost integrity proves such…in nearly 100 randomized controlled trials. THOSE trials do NOT show up in Google searches. That’s because Google is in a big comfy bed with the rest of the THEY.

By the way, you can watch Dr. Kory’s breakdown of JAMA’s latest entry into the “research blitzkrieg sweepstakes” in the opening segment of our FLCCC Weekly Webinar HERE.
EDITOR’S NOTE: I wonder how on earth THEY can sleep at night. You see, I know (and you probably do too) that the physicians of the FLCCC—led by Drs. Marik and Kory—are arguably among the world’s most brilliant and accomplished medical scholars. There is robust evidence of the hundreds of thousands (likely millions) of lives they have saved since March, 2020—all while they were made to walk through a relentless, punishing storm so merciless that it has no name fit to describe its madness.
Long ago, many of us — myself included — had to stop trying to tell family and friends what we know about how they can save themselves when armed with pristine science. They don’t want to hear it—yet. They remain deeply hypnotized in a way—frozen in the trance of the official narrative. But we sense a change in wind direction—it is now breezing at our back as more and more evidence is revealed about the unspeakable crimes the “THEY” committed against science and humanity.
I look forward to writing the following headline in a future edition of the FLCCC Weekly News Capsule: “FLCCC Physicians Awarded the Nobel Prize in Medicine for Developing the Most Efficacious Protocols Against COVID-19 Using Repurposed Drugs, Saving Untold Lives.” May it come to pass. — JK

On Wednesday’s FLCCC Weekly Webinar, host Betsy Ashton was joined by our Drs. Paul Marik and Pierre Kory for a review of their recent travels. Dr. Kory traveled to Sweden and Australia for a whirlwind speaking tour while Dr. Marik was in Florida and Connecticut. The doctors also highlighted the brilliant work of other warriors they encountered in the fight for scientific integrity and medical freedom. A not-to-be-missed episode!

Our Substack columnist Jenna McCarthy has taken to her computer keyboard once again. This time, she’s created a list of questions for us to consider should…uh…the unthinkable happen again. (Like another pandemic! Yeesh!)
Some of us — you might know us as anti-vaxxers, conspiracy theorists, science deniers, or granny killers — found the whole setup sketchy from the get-go. But as injuries and unanswered questions mount, our ranks are growing by the day, thanks in part to folks like surf legend Kelly Slater and Congresswoman Nancy Mace speaking out about their personal experiences with vaccine injuries and loss.
Since COVID won’t be our last pandemic (Bill Gates said so!), here are a few questions we all might want to ponder before the next wave hits…”
We love every question she’s proposed. But our favorite has to be this one:
“Are people being threatened, coerced, or bribed with everything from pizza to pot (You missed the Joints for Jabs campaign?) to sign up for a supposedly safe, life-saving treatment?”
You go, girl!

“Berberine and Pancreatic Beta Cells” is the third in the series of lectures on this magical herb from our own Dr. Been. “Berberine has many important mechanisms, explains Dr. Been. “In the current series of talks we are presenting the mechanisms related to the management of Type 2 diabetes mellitus. In the current talk we look at the high level mechanism of how berberine helps increase the insulin secretion.”
This entire series provides you with a deep dive on one of the most effective natural remedies that we’ve added to our protocols!
NOTE: After listening to a talk at the Brownstone Institute over the weekend by our own Dr. Paul Marik who was discussing repurposed drugs — including berberine — Dr. Robert Malone wrote an in-depth Substack about this incredible Chinese herb!

When COVID hit in Oct 2021, this gentleman was so thankful the FLCCC advice was out there for thinking minds who want to discern information and form practical conclusions. Watch his story now.

“Repurposed drugs are the Achilles heel of the entire business model of the pharmaceutical industry,” Kory said. “And when you see our health agencies literally working in the service of the pharmaceutical industry by destroying the credibility of repurposed drugs, it’s terrifying. They’re not working according to the interests of patients or physicians but the pharmaceutical companies.”
You can read the entire article HERE.
💊 Our own Dr. Paul Marik recently gave an exclusive interview to The Ohio Press Network. Read “Are Turbo-Charged Cancers Being Driven by COVID-19 Shots and Boosters?” HERE.
From the article:
Cancer as a side effect of COVID-19 shots “has not been well studied,” says Marik because “the powers that be” don’t recognize the cancer-COVID-19 shot connection, and major medical institutions therefore refuse to study it. The increased incidence of cancer could be related to increased levels of IgG4 induced by multiple shots, he says, but adds that it may also involve a change in gene expression; certain tumor-suppressor genes, when expressed properly, keep cancer in check. One example is the tumor-suppressor gene known as P53, which some scientists speculate might be turned off by injected mRNA.
💊 A Parent’s Guide to Prevention and Early COVID Treatment for Children
Most children with COVID-19 handle the virus well and recover fully. Despite a lot of fear-mongering, COVID is not a deadly disease for most children. In fact, data show that the death rate is extremely low in patients under 17 years old. The FLCCC has developed a guide which aims to help you understand the real risks and know how to respond. The best thing you can do is focus on making sure your child is healthy overall and that their immune system is strong and robust.

💊 Ohio House Bill 248 has been introduced in the Ohio State Legislature. The initiative is known as The Dave and Angie Patient and Health Provider Protection Act. HB248 would guarantee Ohioans vaccine choice, healthcare privacy, and protection from discrimination based on vaccine status.
According to Ohio Advocates for Medical Freedom (OAMF), the bill received 1,500 proponent testimonies supporting the bill and a fairly insignificant number of letters opposing the legislation. No similar legislation anywhere else in the United States has ever been as successful in the legislative process as HB248.
Always check with your healthcare provider before taking medications and supplements! Enjoy!