Protecting Yourself from a Bully with a Badge Part 3 Some GOOD COPS
Not all Bullies with a Badge are evil or have underlying mental problems. There is no doubt that some most definitely do have severe problems, and civilians get injured or die because of them.
Then, some think they are doing things correctly but are either ignorant of the laws they are supposed to enforce or harbor unconscious biases.
There is also the “the end justifies the means” group.

Note the good cop was penalized for speaking up, and the bad cop was rewarded — until a news station filed a FOIA request for the body cam footage.
Finally, there are the cops who are so thin-skinned that they harass and/or arrest people because their feelings get hurt.

The end justifies the means. Here, the “end” is getting credited with an arrest. I would likely fail the walking a straight line (heel and toe) test because my toes rarely point straight ahead unless I’m running. This test also forces you to place your feet in an unnatural, unbalanced position. Even professional wire walkers have trouble maintaining their balance when forced to walk like that without a balance pole or something similar, and any swaying as you walk will cause the cops to claim that “proves” you’re intoxicated.

Here, we start with the typical bad attitude, this time by a court bailiff. As usual, when a bad cop gets frustrated, they escalate, but this time, officers who KNOW the law stand up for the civilians.

I don’t think I’d be brave enough to do what this guy does. Too much chance of suffering an “accident.” But again, Good cops straighten out the bad cops and the civilian Karens/Kevins.

And cops doing good deeds:

Support good cops and report the bad ones.