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Hey Joe, Kamala, say his name. Tyler Vargas-Andrews.

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Hey Joe, Kamala, say his name. Tyler Vargas-Andrews.

Tyler Vargas-Andrews, that name probably doesn’t sound familiar to you. He was the sniper who was told to stand down three years ago in Afghanistan. What was his reward for doing that?

Tyler lost an arm, leg, and had his organs in his stomach ripped out. Did I mention that he’s gone through 49 surgeries since then? Yes the bomber not only did a number on him, but killed 13 soldiers and 170 others that day in Afghanistan. Vargas-Andrews said he believes that his team spotted the suicide bomber before he could detonate his device outside Abbey Gate, but military leaders did not allow Marines to shoot the man.

Kamala’s part? She was the last one in the room who had no issues with how the cowardly retreat was handled three years ago.




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