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The folks who say that Hur doesn’t have the ability to make medical decisions, lack the medical creditionals also.

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The folks who say that Hur doesn’t have the ability to make medical decisions, lack the medical creditionals also. Ever since the special prosecutor gave his report on Joe Biden, progressives and the MSM have attacked Hur.

The left is claiming that he’s not qualified to make the statements about Biden’s mental awareness because he’s not a medical expert. So I ask a simple question What’s their medical background and medical expertice?

You have reporters, Politicians, Political pundits, and Holloywood actors and actresses giving their medical opinions. Wait none of them are medical experts, Biden, Doctors, Nurses, Psychiatrists, Psychologists, etc.

So how did Hur come to his conclusion? Simple really. Two things. Speaking with Biden on two separate occasions, and using his two own eyes. What medical crdentials do the folks who attack the special prosecutor have?




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