Life Opinion Politics

Hate to burst you bubble Joe, but by the 4th of July the United States will be celebrating by the millions.

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Hate to burst you bubble Joe, but by the 4th of July the United States will be celebrating by the millions. Beaches will be packed, Restaurants will be filled. Outdoor concerts will be jamming, and you and the fauch will still be telling tall tales. What a joke these two are.

So according to Mutt and Jeff we’re supposed to continue to live in fear and poke our heads out on the 4th of July? Well Charles Payne says this.

And we have this from the Florida Governor.

DeSantis on Biden: We are not going to let him lockdown Florida

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declares he will oppose any moves by President Biden to lockdown the state again during a press conference in Brevard.

What say you?






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