Commentary How sick is this? Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics

Stop hanging around Bannon. Cut ties to the Republican party and in our lifetime and our children’s lifetime we will never see a Conservative President.

Views: 43

Stop hanging around Bannon. Cut ties to the Republican party and in our lifetime and our children’s lifetime we will never see a Conservative President. We also may have 10 Senators and maybe 50 Congressman. If we’re lucky.

Jim Hoft put out a piece that I hope was because of total frustration with the four indictments of former President Donald J. Trump. Jim’s the founder and editor of Gateway Pundit. Much of their work is excellent. But to abandon the Republican party is suicide.

To drop out would turn over the country to cultist fanatics on the left. Progressives would rule Nation, State, and Local politics. You fix what’s broken.

It’s bad enough that many Conservatives stay home and not vote. We elected Obama twice and Biden because Conservatives stayed home. We lost the Georgia senate seats because Conservatives stayed home. I was taught to fight for your rights, not go on some fanatics podcast and cry.

The views expressed here are not the views of the owner, but my own personal views.




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