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This is why they keep on indicting Trump. Latest Poll. Trump Beats Biden in Electoral Landslide.

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This is why they keep on indicting Trump. Latest Poll. Trump Beats Biden in Electoral Landslide. Ever wonder why the Progressives don’t want Trump running again? The latest poll sheds some light.

The McLaughlin national survey finds Trump leads Biden 47% to 43%  up 2 points this month alone.

But here’s the really big news. In the key battleground states Trump leads Biden 49% to 41%.

If the election was today, Trump would defeat Biden in an electoral landslide.

Our poll – and other national surveys are confirming a huge turnaround for Trump.

Remember, Donald Trump never won the popular vote in the 2016 and 2020 national popular vote, and almost all polls had him losing the popular vote in both elections. But now our poll and others show him leading.






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