
Are you kidding me? Still playing that game?

Views: 119

Are you kidding me? Still playing that game? It’s been two years now that I’ve been sending invites. When folks ask that I remove them, I do. So if you wish to be removed, please let ME know. Here’s why I write this Again.

But it seems as if some folks just don’t get it. I’m here to stay and I’ll leave on my terms not the terms of a few trashy women. I was again asked if I was harassing folks by sending invites. Of course Social Venues won’t tell you who complained.

Here’s what was said. I was  inviting  ( tagging ) folks in a harassing way. Also I refused to remove them when asked. After investigation it was revealed that NOT ONE PERSON COMPLAINED. NOT ONE. Seems as if One person claimed that they were notified by numerous people that my channels ( and one other ) refused to remove folks.

In closing. Anyone who wishes to be removed, can just let me know. We have folks from the left, right, and in the middle who post on my channels. All I’ve ever asked is that you let me know.




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