Corruption Opinion Politics Stupid things people say or do.

My two cents. Secretary of State Blinken and his buds the Taliban say you need papers to leave the fun spot called Afghanistan.

Views: 27

My two cents. Secretary of State Blinken and his buds the Taliban say you need papers to leave the fun spot called Afghanistan. You may of heard that Americans and their allies want out of this fun spot. But the Taliban say not so fast. Are they saying show me the money?

Secretary of State Blinken is going along with his allies who say this. “Blinken at presser in Doha effectively denied reports that Taliban was blocking Americans from departing via charter flights out of Mazar-i-Sharif but that some folks in the group without valid travel documents meant Taliban had not permitted the planes to depart,” Hümeyra Pamuk, a Reuters reporter tweeted.

So Blinken hook line and sinker is buying the story from his new best friends the Taliban. What say you?



Opinion Stupid things people say or do.

My two cents. Why my body my choice doesn’t fly for either side.

Views: 40

Why my body my choice doesn’t fly for either side. The goal here isn’t to piss people off. Hopefully the folks who read what I write here get it. We have been hearing that a lot lately. I’m sick of it Let’s look at what’s causing all this noise. First let’s look at why the left uses it.

My body my choice.  Most of the time yes. I have a bad hair day or what ever. So the baby must die. Why? The fetus shows a heart beat. That sounds human to me. It’s the baby’s body now. So because of financial or some other reason the baby must die? Those on the left say that man and the courts have no say so. But yet they go to a male dominated Supreme Court that says the court belongs in the bedroom. Roe V Wade. Why the right uses it.

Those on the Right. My body my choice. Most of the time yes. No mask no vaccine. Yes and at times No. If you have the virus, you should mask up when amongst people inside. Doesn’t protect you,  protects me and others who don’t want it. Not approved, rushed through. When the one gets approved, it’s some diabolical scheme to kill us all. Come on get real. Y’all get your magnets out. Really?

In closing, both sides are going overboard on this. Babies don’t need to die and the vaccines weren’t put out there to kill us. Both sides make money off of this.

What say you?




Education Life Reprints from others.

Update. Natomas Unified Taking Steps To Fire Teacher. Edited.

Views: 32

Original article can be found here.

Update. Natomas Unified Taking Steps To Fire Teacher. Just the other day we showed where this teacher was caught bragging about his Antifa ties and socialist indoctrination of our youth.Well the school board is taking action. This needs to happen more often. Sacramento is a good place to start and weed out those poisoning our youth.

The Natomas Unified School District said it is taking steps to fire the teacher placed on paid leave after allegedly being caught on video claiming he keeps an Antifa flag in his classroom and encourages students to go to protests.

The district said it is taking the legally required next steps to place the teacher on unpaid leave and remove him from the staff.

Right-wing organization Project Veritas filmed and edited the video they say shows Inderkum High School government teacher Gabriel Gipe having a controversial conversation off-campus.

“I have 180 days to turn them into revolutionaries,” Gipe allegedly said in the video, and later continued, “I have an Antifa flag on my wall. A student complained about that and said it made them feel uncomfortable. Well, it’s meant to make fascists feel uncomfortable, I don’t know what to tell you.”

The district said the evidence gathered so far shows the “teacher violated the district’s political action guidelines.” All signage and posters have reportedly been removed from the classroom and the district said it believes the best course to rebuild the learning environment is a fresh start.

“There is no excuse for communism on American soil,” explained Natomas resident, David Aria. “The principal, the vice principal and the board has to go.”

Frustrated families flooding Wednesdays Natomas school board meeting looking for immediate action. Angry parents in the dozens are concerned with what their students are being taught.

“Not only does his termination need to be taken effective immediately but I believe a criminal investigation needs to happen,” said one parent during public comment.

“This does not begin and end with him. He was enabled for years. Complaints were filed and nothing was done,” said parent, Richard Gilbert.

Parents like Monique Hokman calling for a full investigation into the teacher and district and changes in policy. Parents are also concerned with claims made by Gipe that he is not the only teacher that is teaching his viewpoints inside the classroom.

“I have a problem with people teaching our kids things without our knowledge,” said Hokman. “The one teacher is not just the problem, we would like to see some steps that are going to protect all our children now and all the ones that are coming up in the future.”

The classroom controversy stopped abruptly in the middle of public comment. A lawyer representing the district said the meeting was stopped because of lack of decorum and would be rescheduled for a later date.

Board members left the meeting out of the back side of the building. The boards actions prompted some in the meeting to run after them and leaving parents still looking for action.

“It really comes down to accountability, who is monitoring the classrooms,” questioned one parent.

Gipe allegedly also purchased rubber stamps depicting Josef Stalin, Fidel Castro and Kim Jung Un, among others, with insensitive phrases. The district said it found Gipe had used those stamps to mark student work on at least 13 different days.

Around 100 people attended a school board meeting Wednesday evening to protest and for public comment.

Parents called for a full investigation and for Gipe to be fired. They also called for a change in district policy to prevent this from happening again.



Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

This is on you Joe. TRAPPED & TERRIFIED Pregnant US woman ‘kicked in stomach by Taliban’ & goes into hiding as ‘several hundred’ Americans stuck in Afghanistan.

Views: 40

This is on you Joe. TRAPPED & TERRIFIED Pregnant US woman ‘kicked in stomach by Taliban’ & goes into hiding as ‘several hundred’ Americans stuck in Afghanistan. “She was kicked in the stomach, but she was kicked in the stomach well after – as she got through the first checkpoint for hours, waiting for those people at the south point to supposedly come and get her,” Issa said.

So Joe cut and ran. Forget the fact that he said that he would leave no one behind. SMH. Last time we saw Joe.


Joe doing what he does best. Geller Report-WP


Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics

Get out of Dodge. Translation, Pack up and run.

Views: 31

So the last plane took off. Who cares if hundreds of Americans and thousands of Afgans were left behind. Joe is probably going to go on TV and brag how he got out a day early US time. MSM and the progressives will call this betrayal a military success. Historians will call it a sad day in American Military History.

The Pentagon announced Monday that all U.S. troops have departed Afghanistan. The final C-17 carrying service members lifted off from the Kabul airport at 3:29 pm U.S. Eastern Time.

McKenzie conceded that hundreds of Americans were left behind in the country.

“I believe our State Department is going to work very hard to allow any American citizens that are left — and we think the citizens that were not brought out number in the low — very low hundreds,” he said.

He called the evacuation mission the “largest non-combatant evacuation in the U.S. military’s history” and a “monumental accomplishment.”


Sports Sports-Entertainment

Blaney avoids last-lap wreck to win regular season finale at Daytona.

Views: 16

I don’t normally follow NASCAR but Ryan Blaney is a local boy who has done good and the family listened to President Trump and didn’t sell their house.

Blaney avoids last-lap wreck to win regular season finale at Daytona.

Blaney, the winner in Michigan last week, heads into next week’s playoff opener at Darlington Raceway with three victories this season in his Team Penske Ford.

“Yeah, we’ve got good momentum,” Blaney said. “We’d like to make it three in a row, we’ll see.”

On Saturday night, the rising NASCAR star avoided two late multi-car wrecks during the Coke Zero Sugar 400 to capture the final race of the regular season — and the 27-year-old’s second consecutive Cup Series victory.


Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Economy Opinion Politics

Joe lies and what did you think would happen?

Views: 25

Joe lies and what did you think would happen? What happened 8-26-2021 will go down as a day that Americans must never forget. Joe lied and our soldiers died. Is this the icing on the cake?

We’ve had one major screw up after another. The opening of our southern border. The loss of thousands of good paying jobs with the closing of the pipeline and banning of fracking and drilling. The out of control inflation. COVID mess, begging OPEC to produce more oil. And the deaths of our soldiers in Afghanistan.

What do all of these screw ups have in common? Biden saying the buck stops with me. But it’s Donald Trumps fault. SMH.


Politics Opinion The Courts

Justice served. Back to Mexico with the undocumented.

Views: 17

Justice served. Back to Mexico with the undocumented. I saw an article that VOX was upset that the Supreme Court ruled that the undocumented had to wait in Mexico not here for their hearings.

Here’s what the left forgets. These folks are coming here for economic reasons. Taking jobs from Americans and legal immigrants. When they cross that border, they committed a crime. So what do they claim when caught? I seek asylum. Well go back home till your number is called.

Nuff Said.


Uncategorized Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

Black Mom Hijacks Antifa Press Conference: “If Black Lives Matter, You Better Back Up”

Views: 57

A mother and her kids took the stage during an Antifa press conference Friday in Portland.

“People attacked me and my family,” she said. “And it is not the Proud Boys — it is you… My black children were almost hit with bombs.”

On 20 Aug., 2021, a black woman crashed a Portland press conference organized by several antifa-allied groups (e.g., Don’t Shoot Portland, Oregon Justice Resource Center, United Mutual Aid Network, etc.) ahead of a riot announced by antifa for 22 Aug., 2021.
The attack on Evangelical Christian worshippers on the Portland waterfront was ignored by the local press. Video recorded by “The Black Conservative Preacher.”


Corruption Biden Pandemic COVID Science

Real Scientists tell the fauch and white plantationists that you jumped the gun. No jab for you.

Views: 76

Real Scientists tell the fauch and white plantationists that you jumped the gun. A third shot has no science behind it.This is one of those occasions where junk science needs to be debunked. As I’ve said in the past, I’ll only write about COVID when there is something worthwhile.

Now real scientists and medical experts ( not 80 year old junk theorists). Don’t see the science behind a third shot. Now there is some data for moderate to severely immunocompromised, Dr. Chatterjee said. Federal health officials on Friday approved giving booster shots to such people – which include cancer and HIV patients and people who have had organ transplants – after data suggested they don’t produce an adequate immune response after getting two doses.



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