Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others. The Courts

Federal judge reverses Biden’s policy to limit ICE deportations

Views: 18

Original can be found here.

Federal judge reverses Biden’s policy to limit ICE deportations.  We received another great court ruling on the status of the undocumented occupiers of our country. You just have to love thee rulings.

A federal judge struck down Joe Biden’s attempts to restrict the authority of Immigration and Customs Enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants. Judge Drew Tipton ruled on Thursday that Biden violated earlier decisions made by U.S. Congress with his attempts to narrow the categories of illegal immigrants that can be arrested by ICE.

The judge also said Louisiana and Texas would likely succeed with their lawsuit against Biden, saying he also violated the Administrative Procedures Act.


Biden Pandemic

British and French forces are rescuing their citizens in Kabul. But SJ is using the DOJ to go after first graders without a mask.

Views: 45

Original article is here.

British and French forces are rescuing their citizens in Kabul. But SJ is using the DOJ to go after first graders without a mask. Who cares about THOUSANDS OF AMERICANS? It’s all about the children in kinder garden and first grade wearing masks. SMH.

The Daily Mail reported that London deployed an additional 300 troops to Kabul specifically to extract trapped British nationals earlier in the week. Within hours of touching down in Kabul, the British troops retrieved some 200 British nationals from around Kabul, the Telegraph reported. Prompting the mission were reports of Taliban hunting down former Afghan government officials, along with Britons stuck behind a web of Taliban checkpoints lining the route to the airport.

Additionally, France 24 reports that the French military has been conducting similar operations since Monday. French President Emmanuel Macron thanked French security forces on Twitter for executing a ‘sensitive operation’ which evacuated more than 200 French and Afghans.



Biden Pandemic Opinion Politics Reprints from others.

How Did We Go From Energy Dominance To Energy Begging In Just 8 Months?

Views: 23

How Did We Go From Energy Dominance To Energy Begging In Just 8 Months?

Article can be found here.

On his first day in office, President Joe Biden embarked on a campaign to rein in domestic oil and gas production. On his 204th day in office, he was pleading with OPEC to increase its production to stem the sharp rise in gasoline prices, to which OPEC said no dice.

Virtually overnight, the nation has gone from Trump-era “energy dominance” to a Carter-era energy crisis. But unlike Jimmy Carter, who blundered his way into gasoline shortages, Biden is intentionally creating the current situation to pay homage to climate “crisis” environmentalists.


During his presidential campaign, Biden promised to “get rid of fossil fuels.” Since taking office, he’s been busy trying to carry out that pledge. One of the first things he did in office was to call a halt on oil and gas leases on federal lands and off our coastlines, and has yet to resume allowing them even after a federal judge ordered the administration to do so. He shut down construction of the Keystone Pipeline. He blocked energy development in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. He directed federal agencies to “eliminate fossil fuel subsidies as consistent with applicable law.” He’s promised to add some $90 billion to the industry’s tax burden by eliminating what he calls tax “subsidies.”


Even now, the administration “is preparing to release a blueprint for limiting sales of U.S. drilling rights as rising oil and gasoline prices highlight the risks of curtailing domestic crude production,” reports Bloomberg. “The Interior Department also is expected to limit new leases in some sensitive coastal and Western areas and begin a broad study of the climate effects of oil and gas development on federal property.”



Corruption Opinion Politics

What we witnessed yesterday was shameful. Biden makes an ass out of himself.

Views: 71

What we witnessed yesterday was shameful. Biden makes an ass out of himself. If you watched SJ ( Saigon Joe ) it was gut wrenching. The way he lied and said the buck stops here, but blamed everyone but himself was so sickening. Watch the video below. This is a Joe Biden supporter.



Zeller said Biden should “own their deaths too” and told Williams, “I feel like I watched a different speech than the rest of you guys. I was appalled.”

I have been personally trying to tell this administration since it took office, I have been trying to tell our government for years that this was coming. We sent them plan after plan on how to evacuate these people. Nobody listened to us. They didn’t plan for the evacuation of our Afghan wartime allies. They’re trying to conduct it now at the 11th hour. The thing they were most concerned about was with the optics of the chaotic evacuation. Well, they got exactly what they were most concerned of by failing to do what was right when we could have done it.

Instead of evacuating people safely over the course of a few months, this is what we get with Joe Biden. In July Congress gave Biden the OK to evacuate.


Reprints from others. Opinion Politics

Evidence presented to grand jury in Durham’s Russia probe.

Views: 22

AP Article can be found here.
Evidence presented to grand jury in Durham’s Russia probe. Will we finally see if charges are filed?

John Durham, the federal prosecutor tapped to investigate the origins of the Russia investigation, has been presenting evidence before a grand jury as part of his probe, a person familiar with the matter said Friday.

The development is a potential sign that Durham may be mulling additional criminal charges beyond the one he brought last year against a former FBI lawyer who admitted altering an email about a Trump campaign aide who’d been under FBI surveillance. Durham is also expected to complete a report at some point.

A Justice Department spokesman declined to comment, citing an ongoing investigation.

The Wall Street Journal reported earlier Friday that Durham was presenting evidence to a grand jury and contemplating possible charges against some FBI employees and others outside government. A person familiar with the matter, who was not authorized to discuss it by name and spoke on condition of anonymity, confirmed Durham’s use of the grand jury to The Associated Press.

Durham’s investigation is in addition to a separate inquiry by the Justice Department’s inspector general, which issued a December 2019 report finding significant errors and omissions in FBI applications to monitor the communications of former Trump campaign aide Carter Page.

One area of focus in Durham’s inquiry has been the FBI’s reliance on anti-Trump research that was conducted by former British spy Christopher Steele, and which U.S. officials cited in applications to a secretive surveillance court for warrants to monitor Page’s communications.



Corruption Opinion Politics Reprints from others. Sexual Abuse Stupid things people say or do.

Put your pants on Hunter. Newsweek. Hunter Biden Laptop Video Sparks Tidal Wave of Jokes, Outrage.

Views: 23

Original article is here.

Newsweek has contacted Hunter Biden’s lawyer and the White House for comment.

Put your pants on Hunter. Newsweek. Hunter Biden Laptop Video Sparks Tidal Wave of Jokes, Outrage. Hunter Biden has come under fire again after the release of a video that purportedly shows the president’s son telling a woman that Russians had stolen one of his laptops for blackmail.

The clip, obtained by the Daily Mail, shows Hunter Biden telling an unidentified sex worker in January 2019 about an incident the previous year: when he was passed out in a pool in Las Vegas and a computer was stolen from him by Russian drug dealers.

In the lead-up to the 2020 election won by his father Joe Biden, a number of damaging stories emerged after Hunter Biden reportedly left a different laptop at a Delaware repair shop—an incident he has said he does not remember. The Mail reports that the January 2019 video was filmed on the Delaware laptop.

If Hunter Biden’s account of the 2018 incident is accurate, this would mean he had lost three computers likely to contain sensitive information: one in Las Vegas, one in Delaware and one reportedly seized by federal agents.

“They have videos of me doing this,” he said during the video, which lasts 3 minutes and 40 seconds. “They have videos of me doing crazy f****** sex f******,” Hunter Biden told the woman, according to the Mail.


Biden Pandemic Corruption COVID Opinion Politics

So what are my medical sources Part 2.

Views: 51

So what are my sources Part 2. I received an e-mail from a person who doesn’t post here, and wont. But they wanted proof of at least one statement I MADE IN PART 1. So what better proof than John Hopkins Doctors and Scientists giving us a break down of how the agency the fauch works for researched COVID and Masks for children.

Authorities in many places took the cue to impose mandates in schools and elsewhere, on the theory that masks can’t do any harm.

That isn’t true. Some children are fine wearing a mask, but others struggle. Those who have myopia can have difficulty seeing because the mask fogs their glasses. (This has long been a problem for medical students in the operating room.)

Masks can cause severe acne and other skin problems. The discomfort of a mask distracts some children from learning. By increasing airway resistance during exhalation, masks can lead to increased levels of carbon dioxide in the blood. And masks can be vectors for pathogens if they become moist or are used for too long. And the fauch calls himself a medical expert. look at what the NIH SPENT ON COVID RESEARCH AND MASKS FOR CHILDREN.

From John Hopkins

Of the $42 Billion 2020 NIH annual budget, 5.7% was spent on
COVID19 research

Public health research was underfunded at 0.4% of the 2020 NIH

Only 1.8% of the 2020 NIH budget was spent on COVID19 clinical

Average COVID19 NIH funding cycle was 5 months

Aging was funded 2.2 times more than COVID19 research

By May 1, 2020, 3 months into the pandemic, the NIH spent 0.05%
annual budget on COVID19 research

Of the 1419 grants funded by the NIH:
NO grants on kids and masks specifically
58 studies on social determinants of health
57 grants on substance abuse
107 grants on developing COVID19 medications
43 of the 107 medication grants repurposed existing drugs

So explain to me how the fauch can even comment on masks when his own organization did no studies, no science.

Nuff Said.





Crime Uncategorized

Chicago police officer’s suspected killer. A Lion of Liberalism charged with first-degree murder.

Views: 23

Chicago police officer’s suspected killer. A Lion of Liberalism charged with first-degree murder. We have this from FOX News.

A Chicago man and his brother have been charged in a weekend shooting that left one police officer dead and another seriously wounded, the Chicago Police Department confirmed Monday.

Emonte Morgan, 21, is charged with first-degree murder in Saturday’s fatal shooting of 29-year-old officer Ella French, as well as attempted murder and other charges.

His brother, 22-year-old Eric Morgan, faces charges of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon, unlawful use of a weapon by a felon and obstruction of justice.

Ella French, 29, was identified Sunday by the Chicago Police Department as the officer who was fatally shot in West Englewood while in the line of duty Saturday night. Her partner, who was also wounded during a traffic stop shortly after 9 p.m. at 63rd Street and Bell Avenue, remained in critical condition Sunday at the University of Chicago Medical Center, CPD Supt. David Brown said.

“Our officers need this city to pray for their strength, to pray for peace that they are comforted, that their families are comforted,” Brown said Sunday during a news conference at CPD headquarters, where he announced the arrest of a third suspect in the fatal shooting on the South Side.



Biden Pandemic COVID Opinion Politics Science

So what are my medical sources? Part 1.

Views: 62

So what  are my medical sources? One thing that you won’t find here is junk science. And you will not find us mouthing the CDC and the fauch when they spew junk science. Two major medical groups used on my channels have been scientists and doctors from John Hopkins and The Cleveland Clinic.

I’ve also used the International Journal of Infectious Diseases, the peer-reviewed, open-access online publication of the International Society of Infectious Diseases ( And I use the News Medical Life Science Website.

Now my lurkers ridiculed my using the Henry Ford Health System as a source. A little bit about Henry Ford.

It is comprised of hospitals, medical centers and one of the nation’s largest group practices, the Henry Ford Medical Group, which includes more than 1,200 physicians practicing in over 40 specialties. The System’s flagship, Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit, is a Level 1 Trauma Center recognized for clinical excellence in cardiology, cardiovascular surgery, neurology and neurosurgery, orthopedics, sports medicine, multi-organ transplants and cancer treatment. 30,000 employees.

What’s hilarious is that the lurkers ridiculed The Cleveland Clinic.

Cleveland Clinic has pioneered many medical breakthroughs, including coronary artery bypass surgery and the first face transplant in the United States. U.S. News & World Report consistently names Cleveland Clinic as one of the nation’s best hospitals in its annual “America’s Best Hospitals” survey. Among Cleveland Clinic’s 70,800 employees worldwide are more than 4,660 salaried physicians and researchers, and 18,500 registered nurses and advanced practice providers, representing 140 medical specialties and subspecialties. Patients came for treatment from every state and 185 countries.

My channels don’t parrot fake news or cut and paste from junk science articles.



Biden Pandemic COVID How funny is this?

But, but we got the vaccine, how could this be?  California hits 4 million COVID-19 cases amid delta variant spread.

Views: 39

But, but we got the vaccine, how could this be?  California hits 4 million COVID-19 cases amid delta variant spread. You were told that the vaccine was the miracle drug. Get the vaccine and you were the new superman, woman, child. So why have four million people got the virus? They locked up, social distanced, and even posted on social media that they were immune. Guess not.

But the coronavirus has since rebounded with ferocity, and California is seeing a level of daily infection higher than at any point during last summer’s surge. How can that be? More folks getting the vaccine and more folks getting the virus. Has the CDC let folks down? did the fauch lie? Again.

So what’s the answer? SMH. According to my link above. Getting more people to roll up their sleeves is especially vital now, officials say, because of the widespread circulation of the delta variant — believed to be the most contagious strain of the coronavirus yet. Double head shake.


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