Child Abuse Corruption Economy Elections Just my own thoughts Politics

Who Could Be A Worse pResident Than Biden?

Bad as he is, there is someone worse who is making the rounds in DC trying to drum up support for a 2024 run.

Dementia Joe won’t be running as the Democratic nominee in ’24. You know you’re in trouble when a NYT-Sienna College poll shows that 94% of Dems under 30 prefer someone other than Joe to run.

Senate Majority Leader Schumer has begged his colleagues to appear to be unified and not criticize either Biden or his centrist bane Joe Manchin (D-WVa). But that hasn’t prevented them from refusing to promise to back Biden no matter what–though they obviously don’t want to say it in public.

So, who would be worse than Biden?

Here’s a hint: what state did Q tell us to watch to see the way the “progressives” would try to take the country?

Another hint: Who barely survived a recall vote in that above mentioned state?

If your answers were California and Gavin Newsom — congratulations!

One is just a puppet, the other wants to be puppet master.

Yes, Gonad Gruesome has been visiting senators in Washington, DC.

Per The Hill:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) is positioning himself and his state as a national leader on climate issues amid speculation of a possible 2024 White House bid.


Newsom, even as the Biden administration is increasingly stymied by the Supreme Court and Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.V.), hopes to show how the Golden State can lead the way on tackling climate change while Washington is in a quagmire.


Newsom’s state budget package, unveiled in January, included $22.5 billion to combat climate change. In May, he revised the proposal to add another $9.5 billion.


Newsom also spearheaded the state’s strictest-in-the-nation tailpipe emissions standards through a legal standoff with the Trump administration, which attempted to repeal a federal waiver allowing the rules. The waiver was restored by Biden Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Michael Regan in 2022.

California, a state where gas prices jumped to $6 and $7 per gallon in some locales earlier this summer, plans to phase out oil production in the state by 2045.

The state, which would have the world’s fifth-largest economy if it were a country, has also formed a number of international climate partnerships under Newsom, including collaborations with Canada, New Zealand, Japan and China.

Original Here:

Newsome aired an attack ad over the July 4 holidays against Fla governor Ron DeSantis, a likely Republican standard bearer. But he claimed that the ad “Don’t let them take our freedoms away…” was not the opening shot in a presidential campaign run. (“Them” being Trump and DeSantis.)

IMHO Newsom makes ex-gov Jerry “Moonbeam” Brown look like a thoughtful centrist.

More links to disturbing news:

Gavin Newsom Sparks ’24 Rumors With Jaunty White House Visit While Biden Overseas

Calif. Gov. Newsom visits Washington, raising his national profile even as he says he won’t run in 2024

California’s Norwalk-LaMirada Unified School District will vote on placing a Planned Parenthood clinic on a high school campus in the district.

The vote about operating a Planned Parenthood at John Glenn High School in Norwalk is scheduled to take place on Monday evening. (Glenn, an Ohio native, is spinning in his grave at supersonic speed. -TPR)

According to the proposal, the clinic will not be notifying parents about any students that they provide services to.

If  he has California stopping oil production by 2045 and is okay with putting an abortion clinic in a High School, imagine what he’d do in the White House.

Child Abuse Crime Politics Sexual Abuse

AWFUL: Telemundo Confirms Domestic Relationship In Ohio Child Rape Case (I was wrong, it wasn’t a hoax.)

                         Somebody should have told this to the rapist.

It appears that Telemundo is the only national media outlet currently seeking to center the true victim of the awful Ohio rape case: not the abortionist, but the girl whose innocence was shattered by a member of her own household.

27-year-old Gershon Fuentes was taken into custody on Tuesday and booked into Franklin County jail.

Fuentes, who is believed to be an ILLEGAL ALIEN, was arraigned Wednesday morning and bond was set at $2 million, the Columbus Dispatch reported.

Fuentes was charged with first-degree felony rape of a child under the age of 13 years old.

The child rape victim traveled to Indiana for an abortion and DNA from the aborted fetus will be tested against samples from Gershon Fuentes.

Gershon Fuentes told police he raped the child on at least two occasions, the Columbus Dispatch reported.

Telemundo confirmed the domestic relationship after they confronted the mother of the victim on Thursday.

Telemundo confirmed the relationship with two people who know the mother.

One of the women, Daisy Torres, told Telemundo that the mother is currently pregnant with Gershon Fuentes’ child!

MARIA VARGAS PION: Hiding her face, this woman who opened for us the door of the home where the police confirm that Gerson Fuentes lives- charged with raping a 10-year-old girl, identified herself as the mother of the minor and stated that he is innocent.

VARGAS PION: Do you, as the girl’s mother, think that he is innocent?

MOTHER: Of course.

VARGAS PION: Then why is he incarcerated?

MOTHER: I don’t know, but I don’t really want to talk.

VARGAS PION: Telemundo News confirmed with two people who know her that she is indeed the girl’s mother; including Daisy Torres, who claims that they both frequent the same nightclub.

Upon seeing photos and video images recorded with our cameras, she said the following.

Is that her?

DAISY TORRES: It’s her. Yes. That’s right.

VARGAS PION: And you say that she is the mother of the 10-year-old girl who was raped.

TORRES: Yes, it is (REDACTED). The girl’s mother.

VARGAS PION: She also said that the woman is in a relationship with Gerson Fuentes.


He’s her partner. And he is the father of the child she is carrying in her womb right now.

VARGAS PION: So the woman is pregnant.


VARGAS PION: Throughout our exclusive interview with the woman who says that she is the girl’s mother, we pressed her on whether 27-year-old Gerson Fuentes was the minor’s rapist. She replied without hesitation.

MOTHER: Everything that they are saying against him is a lie.

A horrendous story just got more awful. As I [Vargas Pion] suspected, the victim’s mother is in a domestic relationship with the confessed rapist, there are two other children in the household and another on the way.

The child herself identified the rapist to law enforcement a week after the abortion and two weeks after the rape was reported to authorities.

The question has to be asked- why did the child remain in the household a full two weeks after the rape was reported?  

What other horrors will we learn of by the time this story is fully told?

One more thing: why isn’t NBC reporting news broken by its Telemundo assets?

The girl reportedly celebrated her 10th birthday very recently. The revelation had led many to believe that she was only nine years old when she was raped and later became pregnant.

According to a report from The Columbus Dispatch, Detective Jeffrey Huhn, who testified at Fuentes’ arraignment Wednesday, claims the girl named Fuentes as her attacker and the father of her aborted child. He testified that DNA evidence from the abortion clinic in Indianapolis would be compared to samples taken from Fuentes.

Journalist Jorge Bonilla pointed out that the mother’s defense of the rapist may be due to the family’s immigration status or the alleged rapist being the family’s sole income earner. He also pointed out that there may be other children in the home, and the mother fears the removal of her children from the home. 

Sources: Telemundo, MRC, [your] News, the Columbus Dispatch, and the Gateway Pundit

Child Abuse Corruption Education How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!)

Outrage! Young Girl Forced Into Public Apology and Given Cruel Restriction After A BLM Poster She Made Angers Woke School

Looks like the “Golden State” is actually Iron Pyrite.

In a school discrimination case that could set a precedent for beleaguered parents across the country frustrated with Critical Race Theory-related issues in the classroom, a California woman is set to file suit against her child’s school district after her 7-year-old daughter was punished and humiliated for drawing a Black Lives Matter picture for her friends that also included the sentiment that “any lives” matter. In addition, the school never informed her about the incident or the punishment; she only learned about it after another parent mentioned it to her a year later.

At the time of the incident, Black Lives Matter rhetoric could be seen and heard everywhere, from the news to professional sports and even in the classroom. Jane, who is white, decided to draw a picture of her friends, who spanned the racial diaspora at the diverse elementary school that offers a unique “two-way language immersion” program in Spanish/English.

Chelsea Boyle’s daughter was a first-grader at Viejo Elementary School in Mission Viejo, CA, an Orange County suburb nestled about halfway between Los Angeles and San Diego.  At the time of the incident, Black Lives Matter rhetoric could be seen and heard everywhere, from the news to professional sports and even in the classroom. Jane, who is white, decided to draw a picture of her friends, who spanned the racial diaspora at the diverse elementary school that offers a unique “two-way language immersion” program in Spanish/English.

The picture was meant to represent her closest friends of all different races, and in her uneven, first-grader scrawl, she wrote “Black Lives mater [sic]” at the top, followed by another sentiment, “any lives.” The picture went home with one of Jane’s friends.

The school never informed her about the incident or the punishment; she only learned about it after another parent mentioned it to her a year later.

Boyle said Jesus Becerra, the principal of Viejo Elementary School in Mission Viejo, forced the girl, then in the first grade, to make a public apology. She had to deliver the apology on the playground in front of her fellow students and school staff. To drive home the point that deviation from prescribed language about race is not allowed, the child was “benched” as punishment, meaning she had her recess time revoked and was forced to sit on a bench while her classmates played during their free time.

In an even more infuriating turn of events, Boyle says she wasn’t notified of the incident by school officials. It was not until nearly a year later, in March of 2022, that she heard about the issue from someone who was a mutual friend of both Boyle and the offended family.

All of this had happened without her knowledge, even though Boyle was heavily involved in school activities and volunteered hundreds of hours in the classroom and for school events. She had been kept in the dark, and her daughter, not fully understanding what had happened or what she had done wrong, had kept the incident to herself.

It wasn’t “all lives matter,” it was “any life.” It was something she came up on her own. She just didn’t understand it. It was completely innocent, and that broke my heart.

Boyle said she was shocked to learn what had happened.

My immediate reaction is just…I feel like I got hit by a bus, but I didn’t understand it. And I thought, oh, you know, my daughter has just been discriminated against. And I didn’t even want to contact a lawyer, but I just didn’t know what had happened to us.

When she talked to her daughter, it became clear that she had no idea why she had been punished for the picture. Boyle says her family does not engage in discussions about specific Black Lives Matter issues or other political topics at the moment because her family is still so young. She says her daughter came up with the picture and phrasing on her own, with perfectly innocent intentions, so not only did the punishment seem unwarranted to Boyle, it seemed cruel.

And then when I talked to my daughter — I think she said it was so sad. And and I said, “Well, what did the principal say to you?” and [she said] “I can’t draw pictures anymore. And I can’t write those words.” And I said, “Why did you write [those words]?”

I don’t teach [about] Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, [or] anything in my house because I think my children are too young [for politics]. My children see color as a color, as a description. I am trying to raise them the way the world should be, not the way it is. That’s how I’m trying to make my personal change. [H]er best friend is brown — not black, but brown — and she didn’t understand why she didn’t matter, why her friend didn’t matter. She has another friend that is Japanese; she doesn’t understand.

It wasn’t “all lives matter,” it was “any life.” It was something she came up on her own. She just didn’t understand it. It was completely innocent, and that broke my heart.

Boyle says the most concerning part of what she felt was an unwarranted punishment was its effect on Jane’s desire to draw. Jane is challenged with ADHD, and drawing has been her biggest and most therapeutic outlet. She had wondered why her artistic 7-year-old had suddenly stopped drawing when previously it was hard to find her without a marker or crayon in her hands. As it turned out, as a part of Jane’s punishment, Principal Becerra allegedly instructed Jane to refrain from drawing any more pictures for her friends at school.

Boyle was heartbroken and immediately reached out to Becerra and other district officials to register her disappointment and try to find some clarity. She says, admittedly she was a bit frenzied.

[I sent] my super angry, all caps email. Within 24 hours, nobody got back to me. So I sent another email, a lot more well-thought-out, took my time, and I said, “Listen, this is what I want. I want a formal apology to me, I want a formal apology to my daughter, and I want a formal apology to this other family, because they didn’t know that you guys didn’t contact me and you made it very uncomfortable for a lot of the parents and students at school, unbeknownst to me. And that’s all I want.”

Haberbush says they essentially told her to “take a hike” and what she was saying was not true.

The Orange County mother said she was hesitant to contact a lawyer but felt strongly that what happened to her daughter was wrong, and the insult was compounded by the terse response from Becerra and relative silence from her school board representatives. Boyle identified one board member, Gila Jones, as responsive and concerned, but in the end, Jones indicated there wasn’t much she or the school board could do in this case.

Interestingly, district disciplinary guidelines provide an apparatus for parents to escalate complaints about disciplinary actions. That apparatus ultimately ends with the authority of the school board.

Not only was Boyle denied the opportunity to lodge her complaints in the timely manner supposedly guaranteed by the official disciplinary procedural guidelines, the school board was not able to provide any resolution either.

Boyle had seen enough. She researched pro-bono civil rights attorneys and found herself connected with The Gavel Project, a Phoenix-based non-profit charity committed to representing civil rights in government overreach cases. From there, CEO and founder Ryan Heath helped her to secure in-state representation by Alexander Haberbush of the LexRex Institute, a “legal and public outreach organization that works to empower private individuals to hold government officials at every level accountable to their sworn oaths to uphold the Constitution of the United States and of their various states by informing, persuading, and advocating on behalf of those who have been denied its liberties.”

Haberbush says this is more than a case of one wronged child and her angry mother. It could set a legal precedent for other parents dealing with similar things, creating a legal ripple effect that could have drastic consequences for overreaching public school administrators and districts when it comes to compelled speech. And that is exactly how Haberbush identifies this case…one of compelled speech, which would place the burden of proof on Becerra and the school.

It’s a compelled speech issue; obviously compelled speech is one of the toughest tests that they have to meet, if they want to say that this is valid, “we can do it.” We be believe that there is no way that they can meet that standard and we believe this is an egregious deprivation of her rights and that Chelsea should be vindicated.

He added that he took on the case because he believes Boyle and her daughter were genuinely wronged, and he doesn’t want to see it happen again to anyone else.

She did not call Ryan and did not call my office because she was trying to make a buck. In fact, we will not take clients who are only out to make a buck. What she wanted from the school was an apology, [for them to recognize] they had done wrong, to apologize to her daughter and apologize to her.

Haberbush intimated that while money is not a motivator, his firm does occasionally seek damages and may choose to do so in this case. However, what they really want is a formal apology and a judgment.

Primarily what we want is a judicial determination and recognition that wrongdoing occurred, so that it won’t happen again because nobody should have to go through this.

Boyle hopes that the summer break has given the Viejo Elementary principal some time to relax and ponder the situation.

I’m serious. I don’t want this to happen to my kids. I don’t want it to happen to your kids.

Haberbush says the next step in the process is to file a lawsuit against the district. He feels it is necessary to force the school to respond to his client.

When asked if Boyle had plans to return her daughter to the same school in the fall, the small business owner admitted she did want to send her back but wondered what challenges her family may face as legal avenues are being pursued.

Jesus Becerra could not be reached for comment as of the publication of this article.

Reported first by RedState, as well as The Western Journal.

My advice to Mrs. Boyle would be NOT to send her daughter back to that school. These wokester elitists will increase their harassment of the daughter by several orders of magnitude in retaliation. This IS California, after all, home of Nasty Piglosi and Craven Newscum.

Biden Pandemic Child Abuse COVID Drugs How sick is this? Science

The Fauch lies again: After month-long COVID bout, Fauci claims quad vaxxed status prevented ‘severe’ disease

It’s hard to get my head around the idea that anyone with more than a double digit IQ can still believe anything this man says.

I want to turn your attention to a revealing interview conducted with Dr Fauci this week. It shines a light on his faith-based approach to the mRNA “miracle,” and his overall lack of a data-based thought process regarding his own bout with the virus.

In the interview, Fauci credited getting quad vaxxed with keeping him from having a “much more serious” bout with COVID-19.

A visibly ill Fauci told the interviewer:

“I’m really fortunate that I’ve done very well, and I keep telling people … is that I was vaccinated (with first two doses) and doubly boosted, and I believe that if i did not have that degree of background protection, I would have had a much more serious course. My course was relatively light. Minor symptoms. And right now i am completely without symptoms.”


Notably, Fauci did not mention the fact that he took two full rounds of Pfizer’s oral antiviral pill, against the guidance of his own government health agencies. So was it the pills or the vaccines, or maybe even his mask and lockdown advocacy that “saved” him? Fauci did not elaborate.


Fauci’s messaging on the miracle cure continues to change as pharmaceutical companies recommend more and more doses of miracle cure. At first, Fauci claimed the primary series of mRNA shots would effectively immunize people from COVID-19 and work as a sterilizing agent. Then, Fauci claimed that three doses was the optimal regimen. Now, he has endorsed seasonal injections of miracle cure.

Moreover, Fauci’s change in tone is striking from his previous interviews concerning his bout with COVID-19. In late June, while on his second course of the Pfizer bill, Fauci claimed to be feeling “really poorly,” and credited the second course of the pill with reversing his troubling symptoms.

There is no evidence that these shots serve any benefit to children, but the loyal pharmaceutical salesmen stayed on message.

All together, Fauci has claimed to have been sick for almost a whole month, after testing positive in mid June. This is hardly evidence that a quad vaxxed and double antiviral pilled regimen somehow saved Fauci from a worse outcome, as his bout with COVID was much worse than the statistical norm. 

At the end of the interview, Fauci expressed disappointment that his friends at Pfizer and Moderna have only been able to inject a small percentage of the infant and toddler population with the experimental mRNA injections. There is no evidence that these shots serve any benefit to children, but the loyal pharmaceutical salesmen stayed on message.

“We’ve gotta do better on the numbers because we’ve still got a relatively small fraction of those children who are eligible, and we need to get them vaccinated,” said the NIAID’s chief drug pusher.

Sprinkling in the usual evidence-free fear mongering, he added: “Children can get severe disease. There’s no doubt about that.”

The interview ended with Fauci recommending that everyone make sure to get another dose of miracle cure, endorsing Pfizer and Moderna’s latest injection for when it receives another rubber stamp FDA authorization in the fall.


Child Abuse

Judicial Watch Celebrates Supreme Court Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade


The high court’s decision in Dobbs v Jackson overturned Roe v. Wade.

This is a day to celebrate life! The Supreme Court today held that the Constitution of the United States of America does not confer a right to abortion. The high court’s decision in Dobbs v Jackson overturned Roe v. Wade. Credit should be given to President Trump for appointing justices who finally vindicated the rule of law by upholding the Constitution.

“…procuring an abortion is not a fundamental constitutional right because such a right has no basis in the Constitution’s text or in our Nation’s history.”

Justice Alito’s opinion is one for the ages and simply holds: “It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s elected representatives” and “procuring an abortion is not a fundamental constitutional right because such a right has no basis in the Constitution’s text or in our Nation’s history.” The decision affirmed Roe was egregiously wrong and was an abusive exercise of “raw judicial power.” Today’s decision begins to undo Roe’s damage to our nation.

Simply put, abortion ends a human life and is incompatible with a civil, moral society. The lives of unborn human beings must be protected in every state. States should immediately act to protect the lives of unborn human beings. And Congress should also move to protect unborn lives at the federal level. For example, Congress should move to stop, in the least, federal funding for the trafficking of fetal organs harvested from human beings killed by abortion.

The heroic decision comes down shortly after Justice Kavanaugh was almost assassinated as a foreseeable result of this president’s and his leftist allies’ despicable intimidation campaign against the Supreme Court to protect the abortion on demand regime imposed by the Roe court. The criminal leak, illegal protests, and threats didn’t work: Justices Thomas, Alito, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, and Barrett held firm for the rule of law and will go down in history for their bravery.

Americans can expect an escalation of the terror campaign by pro-abortionists against the Justices, pro-life centers that help pregnant mothers, and Catholic and other Christian churches that support the right to life. Rather than allowing illegal protests at the homes of Supreme Court Justices and paying little attention to the terror campaign to date, the Biden Justice Department must act to address this crisis now. And state and local law enforcement should also focus on the escalating threats [to] pregnancy centers, pro-life advocates, and churches.

We filed an amicus curiae brief with the Supreme Court in the Dobbs case in support of the constitutionality of Mississippi’s Gestational Age Act and overturning Roe v. Wade. The brief argued that the Constitution and Bill of Rights exist to protect the federalist system and sovereignty of the states on these matters:

Our Founding Fathers very carefully crafted the Constitution and Bill of Rights to protect the individual sovereignty of the states. The resulting principles of federalism purposefully guided the jurisprudence of this country for more than 150 years, maintaining fairly clear spheres of federal and state power….

Abortion policy began in the states where the people used the democratic process to voice their moral, religious, and scientific opinions. Roe needlessly wrenched abortion policy from the states and, relying on “penumbras formed by emanations,” seven unelected judges created a brand-new constitutional right to abortion. The response was immediate and lasting and after 48 years, strong opposition to Roe and its progeny remain.


Despite creative judicial legislating, it is crystal clear that abortion does not involve war, peace, negotiation, foreign commerce, or taxation. Abortion fits squarely into the states’ sphere of objects that concern the “lives, liberties, and properties of the people.” Not being an enumerated power, the Roe Court did not have the authority to overturn the abortion laws of the states.

As a national policy, abortion jurisprudence is, in a word, a mess.

In deciding Roe as it did, the court created a legal morass for decades to come. Our brief addresses this fact as another reason for overturning Roe:

Far from creating a national consensus, Roe threw the states into a 48-year contentious legal battle. Even some abortion advocates eschew the injudicious method of federalizing abortion as short-circuiting a naturally evolving jurisprudence under state laws. As federal and state judges attempt to apply this Court’s precedents, a national landscape of inconsistent, inconclusive, and untenable rules have emerged. As a national policy, abortion jurisprudence is, in a word, a mess. Stubbornly holding on to unconstitutional precedent will never have a positive outcome. It is time to return abortion policy to the states where it belongs and where the democratic process can effectively work.

Finally, this court completes what its predecessors failed to do in Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833, 874-75 (1992) only 20 years after Roe, fully cast aside that decision. In Casey, the court rejected many of the tenets of Roe, but it failed to take the final step and overturn it. This decision in Dobbs remedies that failure as addressed in our brief:

Less than 20 years after Roe, this Court essentially rejected Roe without overturning Roe and set up a new standard which permitted states to restrict abortion within their borders barring an “undue burden” on women. Planned Parenthood v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833, 874-75 (1992), another splintered opinion and holding, recognized the states’ interest in protecting prenatal life after viability but fell short of recognizing the preeminence of state power.

The Supreme Court stood strong today in support of the Constitution by overturning Roe. Now states can again extend the protection of law to the precious lives of unborn human beings. Americans will mourn the tens of millions of human beings lost to abortion on demand under the Roe regime. But Americans will soon rejoice for the millions who will live thanks to Roe being thrown into the dustbin of history.

Tell me, people, what riots, protests, and/or attempted assassination or intimation of SCOTUS judges did the conservatives/right stage when Roe was first decided?

I’ll wait. Wake me up if you find anything.

Child Abuse Leftist Virtue(!) Life Opinion The Courts

Op-Ed: Goodbye to 50 Years of the Great American Deception

Goodbye to 50 Years of the Great American Deception

By overturning Roe, the court has opened the door for the states to restore the universal protection of two of the most basic constitutional rights

What a well-reasoned and long-awaited Supreme Court decision!

A great wrong has been righted.

Reason and the rule of law have triumphed over the fanatical pro-abortion ideology that refuses to recognize our children in the womb as human beings like ourselves.

Restoration of our duty to protect each new life

By overturning Roe, the court has opened the door for the states to restore the universal protection of two of the most basic constitutional rights — the right to life and the “no property in man” principle — found in the 14th and 13th Amendments, respectively.

Every human being, irrespective of age or size, has an equal and inalienable right to go on living. All human beings are to be treated as persons and never as property.

The Supreme Court has now overturned 50 years of the errant ideological theory that removed all protections from these newest and most vulnerable human beings.

What the court calls “Roe’s abuse of judicial authority” has been exposed: “Roe was remarkably loose in its treatment of the constitutional text. It held that the abortion right, which is not mentioned in the Constitution, is part of a right to privacy, which is also not mentioned.”

The court asserts, “Roe found that the Constitution implicitly conferred a right to obtain an abortion, but it failed to ground its decision in text, history, or precedent. It relied on an erroneous historical narrative. … We therefore hold that the Constitution does not confer a right to abortion.”

Truth conquers illusion.

As in the tale of the emperor’s new clothes, con-men and swindlers back in 1973 pretended to weave abortion “rights” into existence out of nothing — out of “penumbras.” Without solid legal evidence, they refashioned the killing of the unborn as “women’s rights.”

Remember how the emperor’s weavers claimed that their cloth had a wonderful way of becoming invisible to anyone who was unfit for his office or who was unusually stupid? The inventors of abortion rights used the same tactic.

If you didn’t agree with Roe’s faulty arguments, then the fault was in you personally. Anyone who did not go along with their invention was branded as unfit for office or stupid… or misogynist, patriarchal, sexist or racist.

The tactic worked. For too long, too many Americans lacked the courage to challenge error and speak truth to power by denouncing the officially accepted deception.

The weavers of abortion rights have forged a collective denial that any harm is done in choosing to abort these smallest and most vulnerable human beings in our power and under our care.

Two mistakes in Roe

Roe was wrong. The Constitution is not silent on our duties to our progeny. Our children are guaranteed the same blessings of liberty that we claim for ourselves. The blessings of liberty are promised by the Constitution to ourselves and our posterity — not exclusively to ourselves as women.

That natural entitlement bestowed by the Creator is affirmed as the very first right mentioned in the Constitution, together with the right to life and the pursuit of happiness. Once conceived, every human being is fully and seamlessly engaged in a benign, naturally ordered pursuit of happiness.

Should abortion be banned?
Yes: 91% (62 Votes)
No:     9% (6 Votes)

Nor is the Constitution silent on the injustice at the heart of every elective abortion — the toleration of maternal “ownership” and killing rights in regard to an innocent unborn child flourishing in her or his mother’s womb. Under the 13th Amendment, there can be no such ownership and killing rights over any human being — in utero or ex utero.

There is no self-centered liberty in the Constitution.

The Supreme Court warns that “liberty” is a capacious term.

There is no self-centered liberty in the Constitution. From the beginning of the republic, the Constitution set up equal entitlement across the generations, i.e., equal entitlement to the blessings of liberty for both mothers and their offspring.

Mothers can’t say to their children in the womb, “This is all about my enjoyment of the blessings of liberty, and to ensure my enjoyment, you must be denied the same blessings of liberty. You are not at liberty to go on flourishing as nature’s God intended you to do. You are not a unique and invaluable human being. You are my property. This is all about me. This is about my right to choose, my right to commission your killing.”

So wrong for so long…

Exposing delusion

Finally, wonderfully, the great day has come — Roe’s logical fallacy of treating children in their mothers’ wombs as their mothers’ disposable property has been exposed as make-believe. At last, Roe v. Wade has been formally invalidated, its faulty reasoning revealed.

Self-importance and self-deception shaped the emperor’s refusal to accept the truth about the weavers’ deception. His refusal to accept the truth once it had been revealed signified his detachment from reality.

Having been steeped so long in a fable of his own unchallenged power and authority, he refused to make a critical and objective examination of the facts that would have revealed the duplicity of the weavers’ spin job.

Once error is exposed, we can’t unknow the truth.

Once our eyes are opened, we can’t pretend that they are still closed to the truth. There’s no going back to naivety, to feigning ignorance of the terrible injustice unleashed in Roe.

We can’t recreate a suit of clothes from nothing — from what is not in the Constitution and was never in the Constitution.

One small voice — a common-sense voice, an unintimidated voice — has pierced the illusion.

Justice Samuel Alito has shattered the elaborate deception of Roe.

Common sense has prevailed.

Never again will large numbers of us be manipulated into accepting the illusion that it’s morally defensible for any mother to commission her unborn child to be deliberately killed by an abortionist.

Vale, Roe v. Wade. May your evil never be reinstated!

Child Abuse COVID Drugs How sick is this?

Handing over America’s youth to the mRNA mafia…

America is now the only country in the world that allows for experimental mRNA injections for kids under 5 years old, and sadly, rather unsurprisingly, a significant portion of my country is celebrating this insanity.

By Jordan Schachtel

The Dossier

America is now the only country in the world that authorizes COVID shots for infants

It appears that the United States just became the only country in the world to “vaccinate” babies and toddlers with COVID injections.The Dossier is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a subscriber…

Read more

The chief pharmaceutical propagandist in the White House has described these shots as “lifesaving,” encouraging the shots for a population that remains entirely unaffected by COVID-19. Whose lives are being saved exactly, when the shots have zero benefit, don’t prevent infect or transmission, and can only increase risks to a vulnerable population?
Yes, you guessed it: Big Pharma is the beneficiary…

And Biotech and Pfizer are trumpeting this in ads promoting that everyone get a booster (and/or the original shots) no matter what their age is and that seems to come from the CDC — until you listen to the tag line at the end.
See also:

Child Abuse Education How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Progressive Racism

Sickening. Oak Park and River Forest High School to implement race-based grading system in 2022-23 school year

Oak Park and River Forest High School outside of Chicago will now grade you not on how smart you are, but on what color of skin you have. Also Blacks can no longer be docked for missing class, misbehaving in school or failing to turn in their assignments, according to the plan.

Oak Park and River Forest High School administrators will require teachers next school year to adjust their classroom grading scales to account for the skin color or ethnicity of its students.

In an effort to equalize test scores among racial groups, OPRF will order its teachers to exclude from their grading assessments variables it says disproportionately hurt the grades of black students. They can no longer be docked for missing class, misbehaving in school or failing to turn in their assignments, according to the plan.

Advocates for so-called “equity based” grading practices, which seek to raise the grade point averages of black students and lower scores of higher-achieving Asian, white and Hispanic ones, say new grading criteria are necessary to further school districts’ mission of DEIJ, or “Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Justice.”

Child Abuse How sick is this? Leftist Virtue(!) Sexual Abuse

Get Woke, Go Broke: State Farm Exec Makes Panicked Promise as Trans Support Blows Up in Company’s Face

Facing an uproar for its support of the transgender agenda, State Farm Insurance says it is dropping its alliance with a transgender group that wanted to supply indoctrination materials aimed at children to schools and libraries.

State Farm had said it would support a group called GenderCool, which was targeting children as young as 5 with books titled “Being Transgender,” “Being Inclusive” and “Being Non-Binary.”

On Monday, the conservative group Consumers’ Research responded with a video titled “Like a Creepy Neighbor.”

“State Farm tells us they’re a good neighbor,” the narrator begins. “But would a good neighbor target five-year-olds for conversations about sexual identity? That’s what State Farm is doing.”

On Tuesday, State Farm surrendered.

State Farm spokesman Roszell Gadson told The Washington Post that the partnership ended after it had “been the subject of news and customer inquiries.”

“Conversations about gender and identity should happen at home with parents,” Gadson said in a statement. “We don’t support required curriculum in schools on this topic. We support organizations providing resources for parents to have these conversations. We no longer support the program allowing for distribution of books in schools.”

“As a result, we have made the decision we will no longer be affiliated with the organization,” the company said on its website.

According to a report from RedState, Rand Harbert, State Farm executive vice president and chief agency, sales and marketing officer, sent out a voice message to agents and others about the book project.

The outlet, citing a transcript it obtained, reported that Harbert said, “First and foremost, I want you to hear directly from me that we made a mistake with our involvement in this program — and we’re sorry. As soon as we fully understood the issue Monday morning, the first decision we made was to cease our involvement with this organization.

“Let me be clear, our position is that conversations with children about gender and identity need to happen at home.”

Harbert then made it appear as though State Farm was not fully aware of to whom it was giving money and what would be done with the cash.

“As much as we would like to be aware of every program and involved in every decision, it’s simply not possible as most of these gifts are small. In this case, it was $40,000,” Harbert said, according to RedState.

“However, we recognize even small decisions can have a big impact, and we’re taking the necessary steps, so nothing like this happens again,” he said.

RedState also reported that a source at State Farm’s corporate offices said all of its philanthropic ventures are being reviewed.

The outlet described conversations it had with agents whose names were not used.

“We’re an insurance company who’s known to be conservative,” one agent from the Midwest was quoted as saying. “That is why this is so shocking. I can assure you (I’m on a private Facebook page for agents only at 4,000 members) that 99 percent of us are beyond pissed.”

“A big ‘why’ that was circling among agents and in private Facebook groups Monday night was: ‘How in the world was something like this green-lighted and not run by agents’ groups for vetting?’” RedState quoted another agent as saying.

“No way this would have ever been green-lighted had this been run by agents.”

Child Abuse Education Reprints from others.

At least 135 teachers, aides charged with child sex crimes this year alone.

The whole article is at local station KTVU.

At least 135 teachers and teachers’ aides have been arrested so far this year on child sex-related crimes in the U.S., ranging from child pornography to raping students.

An analysis conducted by Fox News Digital looked at local news stories week by week featuring arrests of teachers and teachers’ aides on child sex-related crimes in school districts across the country. Arrests that weren’t publicized were not counted in the analysis, meaning the true number may well be higher.

The analysis found that at least 135 teachers and teachers’ aides have been arrested in 41 states between January 1 and May 13, which works out to about an arrest a day on average. The vast majority of the arrested educators were men.



Of the 135 arrests, at least 102, or 76%, involved alleged crimes against students.


The 135 educators included 117 teachers, 11 teachers’ aides and seven substitute teachers.


On April 11, police in California charged Anthony James Phillips, a 61-year-old former teacher at Cupertino Middle School in Sunnyvale, with aggravated sexual assault of a child, forcible penetration with a foreign object, and forcible penetration with a foreign object upon a child.

Phillips is accused of raping a student in 2009 when he was still a teacher at Cupertino.

Anessa Paige Gower, a 35-year-old former biology teacher at Making Waves Academy in Richmond, California, was charged with 29 counts of child molestation on April 8.

Gower is accused of sexually abusing seven students between 2021-2022 when she was a teacher at Making Waves, with allegations including forcible sodomy of minors and sharing sexually graphic photos over online platforms. She is due back in court on June 2.