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Clarence Thomas Responds To Supreme Court Leak – And Bully Left-wing Activists

Views: 18

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas isn’t backing down.

Amazing how fast these PROFESSIONALLY printed signs showed up. Coincidence?

While speaking in Atlanta, he addressed the Roe v Wade draft leak for the first time.

Justice Thomas said that the Supreme Court can’t be “bullied” into giving decisions.

Fox News reported:

Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas dismissed the idea of pressuring the court for desirable outcomes at a judicial conference Friday.

Thomas spoke at the 11th Circuit judicial conference in Atlanta this week, where he discussed the Supreme Court’s leaked draft opinion for the first time. The opinion would overturn Roe v. Wade if made official, sparking panic among Democrats and protests against the court.

“We can’t be an institution that can be bullied into giving you just the outcomes you want. The events from earlier this week are a symptom of that.,” Thomas said, according to reports.

Chief Justice John Roberts agreed with him:

“A leak of this stature is absolutely appalling,” Roberts said. “If the person behind it thinks that it will affect our work, that’s just foolish.”

Immediately after the leak, Democrats attempted to bully the court into ruling in favor of Roe v Wade.

A far-left group doxxed the addresses of Supreme Court Justices who are votes against Roe v Wade – they have protests planned at their houses.

Plus, Democrat Chuck Schumer announced that a vote would be held attempting to make abortion up to birth a federal law.

Breitbart reported:

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D-NY) on Thursday announced the Senate will vote on abortion legislation, via the Women’s Health Protection Act, Wednesday.

This legislation “would enshrine abortion on demand and up-to-birth in federal law as well as void all state laws aimed at protecting the lives of the unborn.”

The vote is likely to fail bigly. Democrats need 60 Senate votes to pass the legislation. And polling shows that public opinion may be at odds with Schumer: Democrats have failed to secure a majority consensus among voters to enact abortion legislation, a Wednesday Politico/Morning Consult poll revealed. Only 47 percent support codifying Roe v. Wade. Fifty-three percent of the electorate either oppose abortion legislation or have no opinion.

Democrats are desperate!

You go,  Justice Thomas!


How sick is this? Back Door Power Grab Corruption Elections Politics

Psaki Confirms: Biden Meant It When He Called A Large Portion of Americans an ‘Extremist Group’

Views: 24

We, as a country, ARE in DIRE DISTRESS.

On Wednesday, Joe Biden falsely characterized MAGA Republicans as the “most extremist” political group in U.S. history. Later that day, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed that Biden meant what he said.

The name-calling started on Wednesday morning, when Joe Biden sent up a test balloon for a new way to attack conservatives, Republicans and Trump supporters by calling them “ultra MAGAs.”

It isn’t likely his new sobriquet will be echoed by many, but later in his address, he made an even worse attack on half of America’s voters by calling the MAGA movement the “most extremist political organization … in recent American history.”

“What are the next things that are going to be attacked?” Biden said, attacking the idea of eliminating Roe v. Wade. “Because this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history — in recent American history,” Biden said.

This is truly an outrageous — not to mention false — claim.

Later, during her White House press conference, Biden spokeswoman Jen Psaki essentially noted that Biden meant what he said. Psaki reiterated that Senator Rick Scott, the Republican from Florida, has offered an extreme economic plan, according to the White House transcript.

When asked directly about his attack on MAGA, Psaki did not back down, and added, “I think he — I answered this a little bit earlier, but I’m happy to reiterate. You know, he has been struck by the hold his predecessor seems to have on far too many members of the party.”

Do you think Biden’s statement reveals what Democrats really think of Americans?
Yes: 98% (1205 Votes)
No: 2% (20 Votes)

“But he is still going to call out where he sees extremist actions and extremist rhetoric,” Psaki exclaimed.

This really is a disgusting calumny. RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel had it right when she tweeted in reply to Biden saying, “Outrageous! This is from a man who repeatedly praised segregationists. Biden promised to unite the country, but it’s been smears and lies instead.”


Regardless of whether Biden is serious about his name-calling, it is certainly a serious accusation, one that is outrageously partisan and false. MAGA followers and Trump voters are in no way “extremists.” Indeed, they epitomize a century of conservative policy ideals of low taxes, small government, local control, Christian and family values and rugged individualism.

White House Gives Approval to Crowds Mobbing SCOTUS Justices’ Homes: No ‘Official US Government Position on Where People Protest’

Further, the MAGA movement has been marked by peaceful protests since it inherited that mantle from the peaceful, non-violent Tea Party movement that preceded it. And that is even if one does blame MAGA for the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

Contrast the MAGA movement with the two decades of protests spawned by the leftist Occupy Wall Street, Antifa, Defund the Police and Black Lives Matter movements — each of which have resulted in billions in property damage, an erosion of trust in both government and fellow citizens, rapes and even murders. If you want extremism and danger, those currently active groups will give it to you by the handful.

But those political extremist movements are far from the only ones in recent memory that are built on hate, anti-Americanism, property damage, bombings and murder. One must only remember the many outrages of groups like the Weather Underground, the SDS, the Black Panthers, the Animal Liberation Front, the Earth Liberation Front, and the Nation of Islam, to name just a few. And that is not to even mention the ages-old Ku Klux Klan and the American Nazi Party. Each and every one of those groups has real — not figurative — blood on their hands, and all have been plying their extremism in recent memory.

Indeed, if you look throughout U.S. history, at nearly every dangerous extremist group that has been responsible for murders, bombings and mayhem, you will find they are leftists and anarchists. Rarely does one find center-right groups sponsoring violence.

Going back to the 1880s, when the anarchist movement began to spread across Europe and the U.S., bombings, assassinations and militant attacks hit Americans hard. Who now remembers when anarchists destroyed the Los Angeles Times headquarters building in 1919, killing 21 and injuring another 100? Or the 1920 Wall Street bombing that killed 30 and injured 143? If you are interested, a history of these attacks can be seen at Breitbart News.

In light of facts and history, Joe Biden has no historical grounds to call today’s MAGA movement the most extreme in U.S. history. It is simply a lie.

Meanwhile, Biden himself is arguing in support of abortion on demand for any reason at any time during a pregnancy, fostering the creation of a Ministry of Truth that will have police powers to shut down the free speech of Americans, teaching radical sexual identity politics to tiny children, putting an end to American sovereignty and opening the southern border to the entire world, and more.

Just who is the extremist here?


Corruption Child Abuse How sick is this?

Biden Has Been ‘Struck’ by Trump’s ‘Hold’ on Republican Party: Psaki

Views: 17

MAY 04: White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki speaks during a White House daily press briefing at the James Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House on May 04, 2022 in Washington, DC. Psaki held a daily press briefing to answer questions from members of the press. (Photo by Alex Wong/Getty Images).

By Frank Fang for Epoch Times  May 5, 2022

President Joe Biden has been “struck” by the influence former President Donald Trump has over the Republican Party, according to White House press secretary Jen Psaki.

“He’s been struck by the hold his predecessor seems to have on far too many members—not all, but far too many members of the party.”

Her comment comes a day after two candidates endorsed by Trump, J.D. Vance and Max Miler, won in Republican primaries.

J.D. Vance secured a victory in the Ohio Republican Senate primary on May 3. The race was the first sign of Trump’s influence in the midterm elections in November.

“They wanted to write a story that this campaign would be the death of Donald Trump’s America First agenda,” Vance said at a victory party in Cincinnati on Tuesday. “Ladies and gentlemen, it ain’t the death of the America First agenda.”

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-Mo.) took to Twitter to call Vance’s victory “a big moment for the Republican Party.”

“JD represents the future of the conservative movement, as a coalition of working people, families, and people of faith, welcoming every American who believes in this nation. On to victory in Nov!,” Hawley wrote.

Currently, the Senate is split 50–50 between Republicans and Democrats. In November, Ohio voters will choose one new member to the Senate, a seat to be vacated by retiring Sen. Rob Portman (R-Ohio).

Max Miller, a former aide to Trump, won the Ohio Republican House primary on Tuesday, becoming the Republican nominee for Ohio’s 7th congressional district in the midterm elections. The district is reliably Republican.

Aside from Vance and Miller, pro-Trump candidates Jennifer-Ruth Green and Erin Houchin won the Republican primaries in Indiana’s 1st and 9th Congressional Districts, respectively, on May 3.

Earlier on May 4, Biden harshly criticized MAGA supporters, characterizing the “MAGA crowd” as the “the most extreme political organization that’s existed “ in recent American history. The president made the remark during a speech on the U.S. economy.

Biden also criticized what he called “MAGA” Republicans, whom he charged for wanting to raise taxes on millions of working-class Americans while protecting billionaires and big corporations.

After his speech, Biden was asked about the leaked draft opinion penned by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, which indicates that the nation’s top court has decided to undo the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision. If undone, it would return the power to decide abortion policy to state governments.

“This is about a lot more than abortion,” Biden said, before reflecting on the Supreme Court’s confirmation process for Robert Bork in 1987, who was nominated by former President Ronald Reagan to be an associate justice at the U.S. top court. At that time, Biden was chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

“This reminds me of the debate with Robert Bork. Bork believed the only reason you had any inherent rights was because the government gave them to you,” Biden said. “When I was questioning him as the chairman, I said, ‘I believe I have the rights that I have not just because the government gave them to me, which you believe, but because I’m just a child of God; I exist.’”

The issue of abortion also came up during Psaki’s daily briefing on May 4.

When asked if Biden believed the states should have the right to determine the issue of abortion, Psaki said, “ The president believes that it should continue to be federal law, that women have the right to make choices with their doctors, as it has been for 50 years.”


Corruption How sick is this? Politics The Courts

Roe v Wade Opinion: Republicans Decry Supreme Court Leak, Democrats Call to End Filibuster

Views: 27

It’s amazing how fast these PROFESSIONALLY printed signs showed up. The leak was not made public until Monday afternoon, yet by dark protesters already had professionally printed signs. Coincidence?


Republicans in Congress on May 2 decried the leak of a Supreme Court opinion which would end legal protections for abortion, while Democrats called for the end of the Senate filibuster to preempt the court’s ruling.

Politico published a leaked opinion on May 2 authored by Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito. The opinion, written in February, shows that Alito believed at the time that four other justices have voted in favor of overturning Roe v. Wade, the decades-old Supreme Court precedent which prohibited states from making laws restricting access to abortions.

The leak is unprecedented and represents a major breach of decorum and trust within the court, which is known for its cordial fellowship.

“The Supreme Court’s confidential deliberation process is sacred & protects it from political interference. This breach shows that radical Democrats are working even harder to intimidate & undermine the Court. It was always their plan. The justices cannot be swayed by this attack,” Sen. Rick Scott (R-Fla.) wrote on Twitter.

“This leak is outrageous & dangerous. I pray & remain hopeful SCOTUS stays true to this potential decision, but this unprecedented, intentional leak is malicious & threatens the independence of our highest court,” Rep. Vicky Hartzler (R-Mo.) wrote on Twitter.

“This unprecedented leak of a draft ruling is an effort to overtly inject politics into the court itself. This individual should not be celebrated. They should be held accountable for their egregious breach. I am praying for the safety of all the Justices during these extraordinarily challenging and unprecedented times,” Rep. Bill Huizenga (R-Mich.) wrote on Twitter.

Democrats, in the meantime, called for the end of the filibuster so that the Senate can pass the Women’s Health Protection Act, which would legalize abortion up to the point of birth nationwide.

“Congress must pass legislation that codifies Roe v. Wade as the law of the land in this country NOW. And if there aren’t 60 votes in the Senate to do it, and there are not, we must end the filibuster to pass it with 50 votes,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (D-Vt.) wrote on Twitter.

Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), responding directly to Sanders on Twitter, wrote: “Let’s change the rules of the Senate to pass a federal law legalizing the killing of unborn children right up to the day of delivery.”

“This is utterly shameful but we can stop it. The Senate MUST end the filibuster and codify Roe,” Rep. Mike Quigley (D-Ill.) wrote on Twitter.

“There is no time left to wait. We need to abolish the filibuster and codify Roe v. Wade, ” Rep. Chuy García (D-Ill.) wrote on Twitter.

A number of Democrats called for the passage of the act but did not mention ending the filibuster to do so: Rep. Chrissy Houlahan (D-Penn.), Rep. Lori Trahan (D-Mass.), and Rep. Don Breyer (D-Va.)

A small number of Democrats in Congress called for the expansion of the Supreme Court as a way to fight back.

“There is no other recourse. We must expand the court,” Sen. Ed Markey (D-Mass.) wrote on Twitter.

“#ExpandTheCourt and pass the Women’s Health Protection Act!” Rep. Andy Levin (D-Mich.) wrote on Twitter.

Several Republican lawmakers celebrated the opinion, while Democrats lamented what the decision would bring about.

“I was a senior in high school when Roe v. Wade was decided,” Rep. Billy Long (R-Mo.) said in a statement. “I didn’t understand abortion then, and I don’t understand it now. Killing an innocent human life is simply incomprehensible to me. I am optimistic that these reports are true, and that the Supreme Court will do the right thing, finally overturning this travesty of a decision.”

“This draft is harrowing and blatantly ignores 50 years of settled law with a complete disregard to the fundamental rights of women. We can not go back to a time when women couldn’t make decisions about their own bodies,” Rep. Colin Allred (D-Texas) wrote on Twitter.

Original here:

Isn’t it amazing how this was leaked to a LEFT-LEANING website?

And how quickly the demonstrators appeared with PROFESSIONALLY crafted signage?

The SCOTUS responds:

The Supreme Court on Tuesday responded to the leak of a draft ruling and confirmed its authenticity, issuing a statement from Chief Justice John Roberts, who called the leak “a betrayal of the confidences” of the institution. “To the extent this betrayal of the confidences of the Court was intended to undermine the integrity of our operations,” Roberts wrote, “it will not succeed,” adding that the “work of the Court will not be affected in any way.”

Roberts also said he directed the Marshal of the Supreme Court to carry out an investigation into the leak and the individual who leaked it to the press. Should the leaker be identified, it’s not clear what punitive actions will be taken against them, although Roberts said the leak could be considered a significant breach of trust.



Back Door Power Grab Corruption Elections Politics The Courts

Surprise, surprise! Nonprofit behind ‘Sedition’ lawsuits is Leftist funded and run.

Views: 57

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, R-Ga., talks to the media about her suspended accounts on Twitter, during a news conference, on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, July 20, 2021. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)
By Mark Tapscott for Epoch Times April 27, 2022
Updated: April 29, 2022

Just minutes after Donald Trump was sworn in as president in January 2017, Free Speech for People (PFS), working with RootsAction, another obscure left-wing activist group, launched the website

The Trump impeachment website remains live today, but PFS has moved on from years of seeking to drive the embattled Trump from the Oval Office to now trying to remove four of his strongest congressional supporters from their respective November 2022 ballots.

Although officially a nonpartisan educational nonprofit, PFS’s most notable activities since being organized in the wake of the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision have all been directed at Trump and other Republicans.

Most recently, PFS made headlines with litigation it filed against four House Republicans and one Arizona Republican state representative seeking to have state courts remove the officials’ names from the November ballot.

An Arizona Superior Court judge rejected PFS’s request to remove U.S. Reps. Andy Biggs and Paul Gosar, both Arizona congressmen, and Arizona state Rep. Mark Finchem from the November ballot.The PFS lawsuit stated that the lawmakers’ alleged efforts in support of the January 2021 breach of the U.S. Capitol amounted to participation in an insurrection seeking to bring down the federal government.

Biggs and Gosar are seeking reelection to the U.S. House, while Finchem seeks to be elected as Arizona’s secretary of state.

Judges in North Carolina and Georgia are hearing similar suits brought by PFS-backed plaintiffs seeking the ouster of Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) and Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) from the November ballots in their states.

An analysis by The Epoch Times and the Capital Research Center (CRC) of available public records for PFS reveals a top leadership with deep ties throughout far-left precincts of liberal and progressive nonprofit political activism and funding from numerous well-known and some not-so-familiar liberal foundations.
A total of 91 grants to PFS from left-wing foundations with a value in excess of $7.3 million were found by CRC using the Foundation Search database.

Among the grants received between 2012 and 2019 were these: two grants (totaling $750,000) from the Schumann Media Center in New York; nine grants ($485,000) from the National Philanthropic Trust of Jenkintown, Pennsylvania; four grants ($375,000) from the Gaia Fund of San Francisco; five grants ($365,000) from the Madrona Foundation in Seattle; six grants ($255,000) from the Clements Foundation in Wilmington, Delaware.

Other notable grants during the period included four totaling $249,148 from the Tides Foundation in San Francisco; three grants ($205,000) from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund in New York; two grants ($60,000) from the Rockefeller Family Fund; and four grants ($54,670) from the Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund in Boston.

The funding from the Tides Foundation is notable because, in the 1970s, the San Francisco nonprofit pioneered the dark money fund that first provided a way for liberal donors to send large sums to support favored and oftentimes extremely controversial causes but without their names being publicly linked to the recipients.

The contribution is instead officially credited to Tides.

Such “donor-advised” funds are now common across the ideological and political spectrum.

The PFS 2020 IRS 990 tax return indicated that President John Bonifaz received nearly $217,000 in compensation that year, while legal director Ronald Fein was paid more than $159,000 for the period.

The depth of PFS links throughout the vast network of far-left liberal and progressive political activist nonprofits is seen in this analysis by InfluenceWatch, a CRC publication that specializes in reporting on such connections:

“Free Speech For People is led by a team with strong ties to the political left. John Bonifaz, founder of Free Speech for People, is the founder and former executive director of the National Voting Rights Institute (NVRI), a left-of-center electoral advocacy group.

“PFS chairman Ben Clements also sits as a board member for Stop Handgun Violence and works on the advisory committee of the Boston chapter of the American Constitution Society.

“Steve Cobble, [former] senior political adviser for Free Speech for People, [was] an assistant fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies, a left-wing think tank.

“Cobble is also a co-founder of Progressive Democrats of America, an organization that aims to support the Democratic Party and advocate for an agenda focused on fighting climate change and expanding public healthcare.”

Other PFS officials have similarly left-wing backgrounds. Alexandra Flores-Quilty, who is PFS’s campaign director, was previously executive director of We the People, an activist group that organizes mass protest marches against Trump.

Kristen Eastlick, CRC vice president, told The Epoch Times that “while this organization [PFS] was founded in the wake of the Citizens United decision, the group’s agenda has expanded beyond generic campaign finance activism into partisan hackery—from their effort to launch as soon as he took the oath of office to their efforts to remove individuals from appearing on ballots.”

“Free Speech for People might be the name, but if political speech is the bedrock form of free speech, then eliminating the people’s election options is an assault on that freedom,” she said.


Corruption Politics The Courts

Former Democratic Pennsylvania AG arrested after allegedly driving drunk while on probation

Views: 19

Some people never learn.

Kane previously served prison time after her 2016 conviction.

Former Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane surrendered to law enforcement Friday for an alleged probation violation after being charged last month in a drunk driving case.

Kane, 55, turned herself in to authorities in Montgomery County after a judge issued a warrant for her arrest, Fox affiliate WTXF-TV reported. She is being held at the Montgomery County Correctional Facility outside Philadelphia.

Kane was found behind the wheel of an Audi on March 12 by Scranton police officers, who were called to respond to a two-car crash. She denied she had been drinking and pointed to her passenger, who said: “It’s totally not me,” according to an affidavit obtained by the news outlet.

Kathleen Kane, the former Pennsylvania attorney general who served jail time for leaking grand jury material and lying about it was taken into custody Friday on an alleged probation violation. 

Kathleen Kane, the former Pennsylvania attorney general was taken into custody Friday on an alleged probation violation.  (Montgomery County / AP)

She said she had picked her sister up and was giving her a ride.

The other driver told authorities that Kane drove into his vehicle at an intersection and that he smelled alcohol on her. Kane allegedly sprayed perfume on herself before officers arrived and offered to pay for the damage to the other vehicle.

The driver called the police. Surveillance video shows Kane had been drinking prior to the crash at a restaurant, authorities said. She also failed a field sobriety test and refused a blood test, police said.

She had watery, bloodshot eyes and slurred her words — police said she had trouble saying the word “designated” — and failed a field sobriety test, the documents said.

Kane was a rising star when she resigned in 2016 after being convicted of perjury, obstruction and other counts for leaking secret investigative files to embarrass a rival prosecutor, the news outlet said. 

Kathleen Kane.

Kathleen Kane. (WTTG)

She was eventually sentenced to 23 months in prison and released in 2019. At the time of the crash, she was on probation.


Politics Corruption How sick is this?

Biden’s Secretary of State Tony Blinken Says There is “Greater Stability and Peace” for Women in Afghanistan Under Taliban!

Views: 15

Soros Connected Tony Blinken, Biden’s Secretary of State, claims women in Afghanistan are better off under the Taliban in that there is “greater stability and peace”.

By Joe Hoft for THE GATEWAY PUNDIT April 29, 2022 at 10:12am

Tony Blinken was in front of the US Senate on Wednesday and he shared that women in Afghanistan are better off under the Taliban than before.  Here is what he said:

The answer would have gotten fact-checked into oblivion had the Babylon Bee offered it as a satire:

BLINKEN: The state of play is, ah, extremely mixed, to the negative for women [crosstalk].

GRAHAM: What’s the upside for women?

BLINKEN: The only upside that we’ve seen at all is that, somewhat ironically you might say, there is in the country at large greater stability and relative peace than there’s been.

Hotair responded to this comment from Blinken:

Jazz commented to me behind the scenes that this sounds like a story from the Onion. Unfortunately, Secretary of State Antony Blinken really made this argument yesterday in his Senate testimony. “What is the state of play for women in Afghanistan right now?” asked Sen. Lindsey Graham after Blinken insisted that he didn’t regret the pullout of American forces from the country. “What’s the upside?”

Hotair went on to point out:

…the US exit didn’t end the war in Afghanistan, but just our involvement in it. The Taliban is still fighting against competing terrorist groups, including ISIS-K, which the US considers a threat to our own national security as well. The Washington Post reported last week that the war is actually escalating in Afghanistan.

Many wonder how Blinken ever got the position of Biden’s Secretary of State.  As The Gateway Pundit  previously reported, it may be because his parents are tight with George Soros.  Or it could be because he was under Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry.

Overall, Blinken is horrible for the country but perfect for Biden.
Since the Taliban took control, Afghan girls are facing restrictions on travel, work, and education, besides their deteriorating safety situation in the country.

This narrative is contradicted in other media:  Updated April 21, 2022



Corruption COVID How sick is this? Reprints from others.

OMG! US Military Used Contact Tracing During COVID Then Sent Families of the Possibly Infected to Filthy Barracks for Days

Views: 13

During the COVID crisis, the US military used contact tracing to identify individuals with a high risk of catching the virus and sent them and their families, with little warning to filthy barracks for 10 days.

A report coming out of Korea discussed the military’s tactics there to combat COVID.  The result was a trampling of soldiers’ freedoms and privacy.   A post at discussed what happened in the military when COVID hit.

A lot of things took place across the broad spectrum of the DOD during 2020 and 2021 which have been unethical at best and flat out illegal at worst…

…A system of surveillance rose up in South Korea during 2020 in a supposed effort to tackle the high volume of Covid positive individuals that were popping up all over the peninsula. Right out of the gate I’ll declare that it was illegal and runs afoul of a number of laws we have in place to protect American citizens from abuses at the hands of their own government.

Under the leadership of General Robert Abrams, a method of contact tracing involving the use of CCTV (closed circuit television, or security footage) was used to track the movement of personnel on Camp Humphreys, collect and store their information, then remove them from their homes and put them in isolation/quarantine facilities.

COL Tremblay (pictured on right and Garrison Commander of Camp Humphreys at the time) says, “we’re gonna find out who you are because we have other ways of finding you. Whether it’s through CCTV or a number of our other capabilities…”

The process for identifying and tracking personnel worked like this:

  • When people entered the PX (post exchange or mini mall) they would scan in with their CAC (common access card or ID) and sign their name along with the time.

  • If someone tested positive for Covid, they would use those sheets and CCTV footage to identify anyone who may have had close contact with the individual while out shopping.

  • Screenshots would be taken from the saved CCTV footage and posted to the Camp Humphrey’s official facebook page and pushed out for all to see.

The Covid tracking team was called the Covid Surveillance Cell. After personnel were identified and tracked based on the collected and stored information, a contact clean team, along with a team to collect the individual and/or that person’s family to send them into isolation, were sent out from the command.

TRMLX then discusses why this was illegal:

Executive Order 12333 dictates very clearly what is and isn’t allowed within the context of United States Intelligence Activities. This order is well known by commanders at every echelon due to the ramifications it holds if it’s broken.

Elements of the Intelligence Community are authorized to collect, retain, or disseminate information concerning United States persons only in accordance with procedures established by the head of the Intelligence Community element concerned or by the head of a department containing such element and approved by the Attorney General, consistent with the authorities provided by Part 1 of this Order, after consultation with the Director.

A document pertaining to Intelligence Oversight from Marine Corps Headquarters even states,

Generally you may not intentionally target, collect, retain, and disseminate information on U.S.
persons whether CONUS or OCONUS.

It goes on to clarify that law enforcement has the authority to retain information on U.S. persons for up to 90 days who pose a threat to DOD personnel, resources or activities, but I don’t think you could find a sober attorney alive who would argue that shopping at the PX poses a criminal threat to the DOD.

After individuals and their families were identified and teams came to collect them, it was often a hurried process to get them out of their domicile and into isolation.

Original Here:



Back Door Power Grab Corruption Crime Politics

Visitor Logs Show Joe Biden Met with Hunter’s Business Partner at the White House

Views: 20


A new report says that White House visitor logs confirm that a business partner of Hunter Biden met with President Joe Biden in the White House while Joe Biden was vice president during the Obama administration.

The president has insisted on multiple occasions that he was never involved in or aware of the business activity of his son, which included contacts in Ukraine, Russia and China.

Eric Schwerin, who at the time was president of the since-dissolved Rosemont Seneca Partners — which Hunter Biden helped found — met with Joe Biden on Nov. 17, 2010, visitor logs document, according to the New York Post.

The logs indicate that Schwerin met with aides of Joe and Jill Biden multiple times between 2009 and 2013.

Republican Sen. Ron Johnson of Wisconsin, who has investigated Hunter Biden’s activities, said the president’s claim to have never been involved in his son’s business ventures rings hollow.

”Not everyone gets to meet the Vice President of the United States in the White House. The press should be asking why Hunter Biden’s business associates — like Eric Schwerin — had that privilege and were given access to the Obama White House,” he said.

“This is additional evidence that Joe Biden lied when he said he never discussed Hunter’s foreign business dealings. It’s well past time for the corporate media to demand the truth from Joe Biden. The corruption of Biden Inc. must be exposed,” Johnson said.

In October 2009, Schwerin met with Evan Ryan, then-Vice President Biden’s assistant for intergovernmental affairs and public liaison. Four months later, Hunter Biden was copied in on a request for an appointment to the National Labor Relations Board, which was later made by former President Barack Obama.

Schwerin “did financial stuff for the family but that’s really all I know,” Margaret Campbell, a former Special Assistant to Jill Biden said, adding, “It would make sense if he stopped into the White House.”

Schwerin was involved in Joe Biden’s tax matters, according to the hard drive of the laptop computer that once belonged to Hunter Biden.

“Your Dad just called me (about his mortgage) and mentioned he’d be out a lot soon and not really back until Labor Day … He could use some positive news about his future earnings potential,” Schwerin wrote to Hunter Biden in July of 2010

The evidence is mounting that the full story needs to be told, Republican Sen. Ted Cruz of Texas said.

“It’s increasingly obvious that Hunter Biden’s business revolved around providing access to his father and the highest levers of power. It reeks of pay-to-play. The clear solution is a Special Counsel investigation to fairly investigate the disturbing allegations of Biden family corruption,” Cruz said.

From the start, questions have been raised about Joe Biden’s connections with Hunter Biden’s pals.

When the first reports of the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop emerged in 2020, a report in the New York Post said that a 2015 email reveals that Hunter Biden introduced his father to a top executive of a Ukrainian energy firm at a time when Joe Biden was vice president.

The email was from Vadym Pozharskyi, an adviser to the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy company that once had Hunter Biden on its board and payroll.

“Dear Hunter, thank you for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together. It’s realty [sic] an honor and pleasure,” the April 17, 2015, email read.

When asked about the content of the emails, White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates told Fox News, “We don’t comment on the laptop.”


Child Abuse Corruption Drugs Human Traficking Politics

26 Governors Create Border Strike Force ‘In the Absence of Federal Leadership’

Views: 13

Charlotte Cuthbertson for EPOCH TIMES April 20, 2022
Twenty-six governors, all Republican, announced the creation of a Border Strike Force to “disrupt and dismantle transnational criminal organizations” on April 19.

The group of governors signed a memorandum of understanding, pledging to work together to “serve as a force multiplier to target cartels and criminal networks financially and operationally.”

“Together, governors will improve public safety, protect victims from horrific crimes, reduce the amount of drugs in our communities, and alleviate the humanitarian crisis at the Southern Border,” the agreement states.

The group includes two border states—Arizona and Texas—as well as 24 others: Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Maryland, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wyoming.

“In the absence of federal leadership, states are partnering together to create the American Governors’ Border Strike Force to disrupt and dismantle transnational criminal organizations by increasing collaboration, improving intelligence, investing in analysis, combating human smuggling, and stopping drug flow in our states,” the agreement states.

Epoch Times Photo
A group of illegal aliens is apprehended by law enforcement on a ranch in Kinney County, Texas, on Jan. 15, 2022. (Courtesy of Kinney County Sheriff’s Office)

The governors will coordinate to share intelligence, disrupt smuggling corridors, and assist border states. They plan to focus efforts on targeting cartel finances and border-related crime.

The participating states also plan to review state laws regarding human trafficking, drug trafficking, and transnational criminal organizations “to ensure that such crimes are prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.”

For example, Arizona doesn’t currently have a state law against human smuggling, while Texas just strengthened its anti-smuggling laws last September.

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A Border Patrol agent walks from the wreckage of Wanda Sitowski’s car after a 16-year-old smuggler ran a red light at 105 miles per hour and caused a fatal crash in Cochise County, Ariz., on Oct. 30, 2021. (Zach Bennett/Sierra Vista News Network)

States can request help from other participating states and state-specific certifications and licenses will be honored among the states. Each state is responsible for its own costs.

The Border Strike Force was announced days after Customs and Border Protection released its March statistics, which show the highest number of Border Patrol apprehensions—209,906—along the southern border since early 2000.

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Border Patrol agents apprehend a group of Cubans who just crossed the Rio Grande from Mexico into Eagle Pass, Texas, on April 19, 2022. (Charlotte Cuthbertson/The Epoch Times)

Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves wrote on Twitter that “we’re all border states now & we’re going to protect ourselves.”

“Despite what the Biden Admin would have you believe, criminals, drugs & human trafficking don’t just stay on the border. They make their way to every state,” Reeves wrote on April 19.

Idaho Gov. Brad Little accused President Joe Biden of refusing to address the border crisis.

“America’s governors are stepping up. Our multi-state partnership is designed to disrupt and dismantle the transnational criminal organizations taking advantage of the open border with Mexico,” Little wrote on Twitter on April 19.

Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey said his state has had a similar state-level in operation since 2015.

“What we’re doing in Arizona works,” Ducey said in an April 19 statement. “If our entire southern border isn’t secure, our nation isn’t secure.”


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