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Is AG James upset that she doesn’t get the Presidential suite now?

Is AG James upset that she doesn’t get the Presidential suite now?

I guess the affirmative action queen thought that Trump wouldn’t have the bail so she had her sights on the Presidential suite. Well now that it’s gone, she’s not giving up. You believe this?

New York Attorney General Letitia James filed a notice on Thursday seeking more information about former President Donald Trump’s bond for the civil fraud case, which was issued by Knight Specialty Insurance Company.

KSIC is not admitted in New York, and James “takes exception to the sufficiency of the surety to the undertaking” given to Trump without a certificate of qualification being issued to the company, James said in the filing.

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Hey Joe? What part of we’re suing your ass again don’t you understand?

Hey Joe? What part of we’re suing your ass again don’t you understand? Biden has already been rebuked by the Supreme Court, but he keeps on forgiving loans to these deadbeat students who are refusing to pay for loans they took out. No one forced them to take these loans.

Now Biden has come up with another hair brain scheme to get around the courts. We have this from the AP. Seven states led by Missouri filed a federal lawsuit Tuesday challenging Biden’s SAVE Plan, which has become a new legal target for conservative opponents after the Supreme Court toppled the Democratic president’s first attempt at student loan cancellation. It largely mirrors another suit filed last month by Republican attorneys general in 11 states, led by Kansas.

America's Heartland Biden Biden Cartel Biden Pandemic Commentary Corruption COVID Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Medicine Science

Why it’s called the Obama- Biden Pandemic. Just ask the USA Today, LA Times, and Bloomberg.

Why it’s called the Obama- Biden Pandemic. Just ask the USA Today LA Times, and Bloomberg. Back in April of 2020 the USA Today did a fact check on why we had a supply shortage.

Every once and a while I get e-mails asking why I call this the Obama- Biden Pandemic. The latest e-mail says there was no COVID when Obama was President. This from USA Today.

On March 26, The Daily Wire published an article centering on the Obama administration’s role in using and allegedly failing to replenish the federal stockpile of N95 masks.

“The Obama administration significantly depleted the federal stockpile of N95 respirator masks to deal with the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009 and never rebuilt the stockpile despite calls to do so,” the piece begins.

The article draws from the reporting of outlets including Bloomberg News and the Los Angeles Times. According to Bloomberg News, “after the H1N1 influenza outbreak in 2009, which triggered a nationwide shortage of masks and caused a 2- to 3-year backlog orders for the N95 variety, the stockpile distributed about three-quarters of its inventory and didn’t build back the supply.”

Remember the MSM, Tony the Fauch, NIH, CDC,WHO, ETC. SAID THESE WERE LIFE SAVING SUPPLIES. So those folks needed someone to blame. And the USA, LA Times, and Bloomberg said the Obama administration.


USA Today. Our rating: True

We rate this claim TRUE because it is supported by our research. There is no indication that the Obama administration took significant steps to replenish the supply of N95 masks in the Strategic National Stockpile after it was depleted from repeated crises. Calls for action came from experts at the time concerned for the country’s ability to respond to future serious pandemics. Such recommendations were, for whatever reason, not heeded.

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Garland claims he must protect Biden no matter what. Refuses to release Biden Audio.

Biden Biden Cartel California. Government Overreach Links from other news sources.

And I thought only women smoked menthol cigs. Biden administration US ban on menthol cigarettes delayed.

And I thought only women smoked menthol cigs. Biden administration US ban on menthol cigarettes delayed. Growing up I always thought only women and men who flicked their wrists smoked menthol cigs. Boy was I wrong.

About 81% of Black adults who smoked cigarettes used menthol varieties, opens new tab,  According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). I can see Joe’s hesitation.

But some observers say other priorities are behind the delay, namely the lack of support for the idea as the election sharpens into view.

Democratic strategist TJ Rooney argues the president is right to put off the ban until next year.

“People of all race, creeds, and colors know the dangers of smoking,” he said. “My hope is that the big thinkers are equally concerned with explaining the broader picture of what’s at stake in this election. This is a great issue for 2025.”

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View from the center right. Democrats’ Sanctimonious and Anti-male Messaging is Driving an Exodus of Young Men From the Left


View from the center right. Democrats’ Sanctimonious and Anti-male Messaging is Driving an Exodus of Young Men From the Left. Don’t confuse her with some of the more Conservative women out there. She definitely is Conservative, but closer to the center.

American journalist Megyn Kelly recently delved into a phenomenon that has been gaining attention: the departure of young men from the political left. In a conversation with Maureen Callahan from The Daily Mail, Kelly explored the reasons behind this trend, juxtaposing it with the rise of male podcasters like Joe Rogan.

She highlighted the case of Whoopi Goldberg’s reaction to former President Trump’s attendance at a fallen police officer’s funeral, contrasting it with her support for left-leaning politicians who have faced criticism for their handling of law enforcement issues.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Government Overreach Journalism. Links from other news sources. Opinion Politics Reprints from others. The Courts The Law Uncategorized Weaponization of Government.

Winning. Biden-appointed judge torches DOJ for blowing off Hunter Biden-related subpoenas from House GOP.

Winning. Biden-appointed judge torches DOJ for blowing off Hunter Biden-related subpoenas from House GOP.

A federal judge tore into the Justice Department on Friday for blowing off Hunter Biden-related subpoenas issued in the impeachment probe of his father, President Joe Biden, pointing out that a former aide to Donald Trump is sitting in prison for similar defiance of Congress.

U.S. District Judge Ana Reyes, a Biden appointee on the federal District Court in Washington, spent nearly an hour accusing Justice Department attorneys of rank hypocrisy for instructing two other lawyers in the DOJ Tax Division not to comply with the House subpoenas.

“There’s a person in jail right now because you all brought a criminal lawsuit against him because he did not appear for a House subpoena,” Reyes said, referring to the recent imprisonment of Peter Navarro, a former Trump trade adviser, for defying a subpoena from the Jan. 6 select committee. “And now you guys are flouting those subpoenas. … And you don’t have to show up?”

“I think it’s quite rich you guys pursue criminal investigations and put people in jail for not showing up,” but then direct current executive branch employees to take the same approach, the judge added. “You all are making a bunch of arguments that you would never accept from any other litigant.”

It was a remarkable, frenetic thrashing in what was expected to be a relatively routine, introductory status conference after the House Judiciary Committee sued last month to enforce its subpoena of DOJ attorneys Mark Daly and Jack Morgan over their involvement in the investigation of Hunter Biden’s alleged tax crimes.

Republicans are demanding the two attorneys testify and say it’s crucial for their ongoing impeachment probe of the elder Biden. But the Justice Department argues that subpoenaing two rank-and-file, or “line,” attorneys to seek details about an ongoing investigation would be a violation of the separation of powers.

Reyes has been on the bench for just over a year. Rarely seeming to stop to catch her breath, she repeatedly dressed down DOJ attorney James Gilligan as he sought to explain the department’s position, scolding him at times for interrupting her before continuing a torrid tongue-lashing that DOJ rarely receives from the bench.

She delved into great detail about the nuances of House procedure — like the chamber’s rule against allowing executive branch lawyers to attend depositions — and even asked whether the Judiciary Committee had followed internal rules requiring that the ranking Democrat on the panel be notified of the subpoena to the DOJ attorneys before it was issued.

Yet, perhaps even more remarkably, Reyes seemed inclined to support DOJ’s central argument that the line attorneys cannot be compelled to answer substantive questions from Congress.

They just need to show up and assert privileges on a question-by-question basis, she said — the type of thing, she said, that DOJ demands from others “seven days a week … and twice on Sunday.”

Indeed, while Reyes was withering in her attacks on the DOJ’s position, she was similarly unflinching in her criticism of the House for its stance in the dispute — particularly its claim that line lawyers working on the Hunter Biden tax probe are not entitled to attorney-client privilege.

She also said she thought it absurd for the House to argue that privilege was waived because it was obscuring some crime or fraud within the executive branch.

“I don’t think you’re going to win that fight,” the judge told House Counsel Matthew Berry, saying at one point that she “can’t imagine” ruling for the House on that issue.

At bottom, Reyes said she viewed it as unlikely that the two DOJ attorneys would ultimately be required to answer anything of substance from Congress, but that the department’s effort to prevent them from showing up at all was a brazen affront.

“I imagine that there are hundreds, if not thousands of defense attorneys … who would be happy to hear that DOJ’s position is, if you don’t agree with a subpoena, if you believe it’s unconstitutional or unlawful, you can unilaterally not show up,” the judge said.

Gilligan suggested that the employees subpoenaed in the dispute at issue are current employees, while Navarro and another Trump adviser who was convicted of similar charges, Steve Bannon, were no longer on the government’s payroll when their testimony was demanded.

The judge didn’t seem impressed with that distinction and downplayed the significance of a Trump-era Office of Legal Counsel opinion contending that executive branch employees could defy such subpoenas if Justice Department lawyers were not allowed to be present. “Last time I checked, the Office of Legal Counsel was not the court,” she said.

Reyes also sounded stunned when Gilligan refused to commit to instructing the two subpoenaed lawyers to show up if the House dropped its objection to allowing government counsel to sit in the room. “It would be a different situation,” Gilligan said. “I cannot answer that now. ”Are you kidding me?” the judge responded.

Reyes ultimately ordered the Justice Department to send lawyers to the Capitol next week to confer with Berry and attempt to hammer out a workable agreement. And she said that if the two sides did not work out a deal, she planned to require them to estimate the total cost to the taxpayers of continuing the legal fight, which past precedent suggests could drag out for years.

“I don’t think the taxpayers want to fund a grudge match between the executive and the legislative,” she said. “Bad cases make bad law. … This is a bad, bad case for both of you.”

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Good news for Republicans the past week or so.

Good news for Republicans the past week or so.

We had a few victories in both the courts and with the state legislators the past 7-10 days. Remember it’s the legislators and not the Secretary of State who make the laws.

In Florida. Judge Cannon spurned Smith’s demand that she quickly decide whether the personal documents claim will be relevant to the trial, saying making a decision at this stage would be “unprecedented and unjust”.

In New Mexico, a judge ruled in favor of an election integrity group — and also rebuked the state’s Democrat election officials for violating public disclosure rules pertaining to its voter rolls.

Wisconsin voters approved two amendments to the state’s constitution — making sure that private money to fund elections will be banned and that only election officials can administer elections.

Nebraska Gov. Jim Pillen called on state lawmakers to pass measure LB764 to make the state’s electoral votes into a winner-take-all scenario.

Georgia — where the Georgia General Assembly actually passed three election integrity bills last Thursday.

The three bills — SB189, HB974, and HB1207 — ban unverifiable QR-coded voting and also require improved ballot chain of custody procedures to stop ballot fraud. They also mandate visible watermarks on all ballots to stop fake ballots.

On bill, SB189, mandates that all physical ballots are subject to Georgia Open Records law. The bills contain many more details to improve Georgia’s elections.

The Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday blocked Biden’s plan to cancel loans for borrowers who claim they were victims of ‘misleading information’ by colleges.


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Democrats will have to find another way to steal the vote. Wisconsin voters approve two GOP-backed ballot measures that will change how elections are run.

Democrats will have to find another way to steal the vote. Wisconsin voters approve two GOP-backed ballot measures that will change how elections are run. Yes my friends they will have to find another way to steal the election from Trump. This from NBC News.

Wisconsin voters on Tuesday approved a pair of Republican-backed constitutional amendments that will change how elections are run in the critical battleground state, according to projections from The Associated Press.

The first measure, labeled on the ballot as Question 1, will ban the use of private funds in election administration — often referred derisively to by conservatives as “Zuckerbucks.”

The second measure, Question 2, narrows the role and definition of an election worker. Specifically, the measure asked voters to decide whether “only election officials designated by law may perform tasks in the conduct of primaries, elections, and referendums.”

So with the two measures passing, tells me that the folks in Wisconsin no longer wish to have outsiders steal the vote. You had the Democrats bring in volunteers from New York to work the polls.

Back Door Power Grab Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Government Overreach Links from other news sources. Medicare

Joe lied when he said he wouldn’t touch Medicare. This is the second year in a row he has cut it.

Joe lied when he said he wouldn’t touch Medicare. This is the second year in a row he has cut it. Old Joe is being sneaky hoping seniors won’t know until January that they’re getting benifit cuts if they’re in Medicare Advantage plans.

Don’t think that just Republicans are going to see a increase of almost $400.00 a year. The change underlines the growing debate over the future of Medicare Advantage, a program that now enrolls over half of all Medicare recipients

Medicare Advantage outperforms Medicare on 16 different clinical quality measures. More than 33 million seniors and people with disabilities choose MA because it delivers better service, better access to care, and better value.