Commentary Corruption Crime Just my own thoughts Music Poetic Justice Politics Trump

So who’s next? MSM in a panic over ABC CAVE IN?

So who’s next? MSM in a panic over ABC CAVE IN?

Now that ABC and George settled, we’re hearing that MSM is going over all their Anchors comments about accusing Trump of crimes. CNN, and MSNBC most likely are the biggest worriers.

You can say nasty stuff and have 1st Amendment protection. But when you make false claims saying someone committed crimes and is a criminal, you are in very dangerous water.

Yes, calling someone a “criminal” without proof can be considered slander, as it is a false statement that could significantly damage their reputation and is generally considered a defamatory statement per se, meaning it is automatically harmful and does not require additional proof of damage to be actionable in court. 

Key points to remember:
  • Slander is spoken defamation:
    When a false statement damaging someone’s reputation is spoken, it is considered slander. 

  • Defamation per se:
    Certain types of statements, like accusing someone of committing a crime, are considered “defamation per se” because they are inherently harmful and do not require additional proof of damage. 

  • Proof required:
    To successfully sue for slander, you must prove that the statement was false, published to a third party, made with at least a negligent mental state, and caused actual harm to the person’s reputation. 

Commentary Corruption Democrat Government Overreach How sick is this? Just my own thoughts Uncategorized

Short and sweet. How did Obama get on? Then I remembered others like him.

Short and sweet. How did Obama get on? Then I remembered others like him.

Hitler, Putin, Stalin, Khomeini, do I need to say more? Now Trump for a second time has added some sense and pride to Time magazine.

Controversial past winners of the award, including Adolf Hitler in 1938 and Vladimir Putin in 2007, have left many wondering how Time’s Person of the Year is chosen.

Obama- 2008-2012

Adolf Hitler – 1938



Joseph Stalin – 1939 and 1942



Ayatollah Khomeini – 1979

Vladimir Putin – 2007

This group are not good guys, but they did something that definitely stood out. Did they deserve it? Not really. Trump? Absolutely. Don’t be surprised if he doesn’t add the Nobel Peace Prize.

America's Heartland Commentary Corruption Crime Democrat Just my own thoughts Opinion Race Baiter Racism White Progressive Supremacy WOKE

Yes Virginia, White Progressive Supremacists can be compared to Luigi Mangione.

Yes Virginia, White Progressive Supremacists can be compared to Luigi Mangione.

Luigi the alleged shooter is your perfect picture of White Progressives. Mostly upper class and supposedly well educated, and full of hate. Some compare him to race baiters and others say this is what the Mafia wanna be’s look like.

Seems like they came out of the woodwork in 2015. Right after Trumps announcement that he was running for President. What’s interesting is that they claim to be anti capitalism, but don’t give up the wealth they got from being capitalists.

What’s scary is the fact that Alvin Brag will be prosecuting this case when it goes to trial.

Nuff Said.

Biden Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Crime Democrat Harris Harris Cartel January 6 Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!)

Please Joe add these folks to your pardon list.

Please Joe add these folks to your pardon list.

I’m sure that you’ve heard the rumors about folks Biden wants to pardon. Well here’s my list for Joe to consider.

The whole J6 committee and their witness list. Biden’s whole cabinet. Also throw in Joe’s complete family. Anyone 18 and older.

Also the whole top medical folks in the NIH, CDC, and FDA. Also the top administrators. That’s enough to start with.

California. Commentary Corruption Immigration Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics The Border The Law Undocumented Voter Fraud

Of course it should take California 30 days to count ballots. 10 million undocumented.

Of course it should take California 30 days to count ballots. 10 million undocumented.

When you add in all of the undocumented, California has over 50 million people. At least 10 million of the undocumented are of voting age.

Being that California allows ballots to come in seven days after election day, of course folks will wonder if there’s fraud. Also when you send up to 5 ballots to the same house and you have a thousand people who use the same apartment number, you tell me that doesn’t make you wonder?

The Federal government needs to take over the elections in California.

California. Commentary Government Overreach Government Waste. Just my own thoughts

California is getting ready to sue again.

California is getting ready to sue again.

Last time California sued the Trump administration a 123 times. Spent 43 million to win about 20 out of 123 cases. Have they learned anything from this?

No. The governor asked for 25 million to start the sue process all over again. The environment, immigration and health care — could once again be the main battle lines in the lawsuits that are expected to be waged between California’s Democratic administration and Trump’s White House.

The key difference between a second Trump administration and the first is that Trump and his team could have a clearer vision of what they want to do with health care programs this time around. That includes the potential for things like imposing work requirements to qualify for Medi-Cal or slashing aid in Obamacare marketplaces, making it less affordable to sign up.

Back Door Power Grab California. Corruption Democrat Just my own thoughts New York Opinion Politics

Will we ever see an end to Gerrymandering? Not as long as Democrats are in control.

Will we ever see an end to Gerrymandering? Not as long as Democrats are in control.

States like New York, Illinois, Maryland, and California live by Gerrymandering. And it’s not changing soon. Worst is California,

California has what’s called a California Citizens Redistricting Commission (CCRC). Something they tried in Ohio, but the voters were too smart to go that route. Tell me what you noticed about how the California Commission works.

According to the state constitution, the first eight commissioners are selected by a panel of three independent officials from the state auditor’s office. (What party is the auditor?) That panel narrows down applications to 120 — 40 Democrats, 40 Republicans and 40 registered with no party preference — and then down to 60 applicants, 20 from each subpool. Then, the Legislature gets to remove as many as 24 names from the list (eight from each subpool). (Who controls the legislature?) Finally, the auditor randomly draws eight names. These first eight commissioners then select the final six members by selecting two from each subpool.

Biden Cartel Commentary Corruption Harris Cartel Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!)

Revoke passports of Jack Smith and others.

Revoke passports of Jack Smith and others.

When President Trump comes into power again, he must revoke the passports of Smith, Garland, and a few others. Make sure they cannot flee the country before being questioned about the weaponization of the DOJ.

Nuff said.

Commentary Corruption Crime Democrat Elections Hate Just my own thoughts

So, what’s left for the Progressives?

So, what’s left for the Progressives? Why would we care? They’ll continue their message of racism, bigotry, and hate speech. Crazy grandmothers in California will continue to mutilate their children, and nothing with them will chang.

Free Speech Just my own thoughts Leftist Virtue(!) Links from other news sources. Uncategorized WOKE

I want my Indian names and logos back.

I want my Indian names and logos back.

Hopefully with an Adult back in the WH, he’ll put pressure on the schools, corporations, and sports teams to bring back the logos and Indian names.

Bring back the Indians name and logo, St. Johns Redman, Washington Redskins, Uncle Bens, Aunt Jimima, and others. Below is one example.

Not that long ago, Uncle Ben’s Rice was so proud of its backstory that it had a page dedicated to it on its website. It spoke of an actual man known as Uncle Ben, who was “an African American rice farmer known to rice millers in and around Houston for consistently producing the highest quality rice,” per Uncle Bens via Internet Archive. When original owner Gordon L. Harwell needed a new name for his new rice product, he borrowed Uncle Ben’s.