Commentary Europe Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

Winning. Norway puts out a warning for Transgenders traveling to the USA.

Winning. Norway puts out a warning for Transgenders traveling to the USA.

Norway and several other countries are warning folks about traveling to the good old USA. Norway especially points out that Transgenders may not be welcome.

I would like to see every country that welcomes the Transgenders to put out that warning. Being a transgender male or female is a personal choice. There is no science or medical proof behind it.

Then these folks tell small children that they’re not boys, but girls. They’re not girls, but boys. Sorry but that’s not normal.

Commentary Democrat Economy Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources.

NBC had to admit that we’re on the right track.

NBC had to admit that we’re on the right track.

What’s it tell us when even NBC has to admit that the country is moving forward. Back in November (Under Biden) only 27% of the country said we were on the right track. That’s changed.

44% of Americans say the country is headed in the right direction under President Trump, up from just 27% in November.

“If that doesn’t seem like a lot, the last time it cracked 40%, you gotta go back to 2012. The last time it actually hit 44% or higher — January 2004.”

Biden Biden Cartel Bird Flu Commentary Just my own thoughts

Let’s talk bird flu.

Let’s talk bird flu.

I’m sure you’ve heard the stories about the left losing it on the price of eggs. There’s this one loon out west who showed up at Trader Joes on January 21. Screaming about why President Trump hasn’t lowered the price of eggs. First, why would you go to Trader Joes to buy eggs?

So when did this bird flu start? According to the CDC 2022, detections of HPAI H5N1 virus in various mammals in the United States

America's Heartland Commentary Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Opinion The Courts Unions Work Place

Judge says cut, cut, cut. Lifts ban on buyouts.

Judge says cut, cut, cut. Lifts ban on buyouts.

President Trump campaigned saying he would cut the size of government and find waste and fraud. And he started offering generous employee buyouts. Folks taking them were union.

Union workers by the tens of thousands said we want out. Well the unions went to court and got a temporary stay. But that ended. We have this.

CBS News reported:

A federal judge in Massachusetts allowed the Trump administration’s bid to offer “deferred resignations” to federal workers who voluntarily leave government service to continue and lifted a previous court order pausing the program’s deadline.

Judge George O’Toole, in the U.S. District Court for the District of Massachusetts, ruled Wednesday that the plaintiffs in the case — unions that represent federal employees — lacked standing to bring the case in the first place. He also ruled he did not have the jurisdiction to stop the program from proceeding.

Anti Semitic Commentary Immigration Israel Just my own thoughts Life Opinion

Yes Virginia, resettling 1.8 million Arabs isn’t a difficult task.

Yes Virginia, resettling 1.8 million Arabs isn’t a difficult task.

Granted it might be hard to get a country to take Arabs who sympathize with and harbor terrorists, but moving them shouldn’t be a problem.

India and Pakistan both resettled millions. After WW11 the allies removed three million Germans from Sudetenland. So if that could be done all those years ago, shouldn’t be an issue today.

And after Gaza is rebuilt the ones who were totally vetted could return on a trial basis.

Commentary Hate Journalism. Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Opinion Racism WOKE

NFL will remove White Progressive Supremacist Slogan in the End Zone.

NFL will remove White Progressive Supremacist Slogan in the End Zone.


NBC News i announcing that finally the idiotic statement in the end zone will be removed. Good move NFL. Should be replaced with White and Black Progressives are racists.They need to stop posting DEI slogans in sports.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell said at a news conference Monday that he does not think the league’s policies to promote diversity conflict with Trump’s push to eliminate DEI programs.

Commentary Israel Journalism. Just my own thoughts Opinion Politics

Is it time to clear out the interlopers?

Is it time to clear out the interlopers?

Just in case you forgot, Israel is the Jewish homeland. Never was it meant to be a home for Egyptians, Jordanians, or any other Arab.

The vast majority of Arabs in Gaza and the West Bank are outsiders, interlopers. Is is time for the Arabs to go back to the countries that are mostly Muslim.

Commentary Just my own thoughts Links from other news sources. Opinion Team MAGA WOKE

Senate Majority votes for a real AG.

Senate Majority votes for a real AG.

With bipartisan support, we finally have a real live AG who will work to get rid of corruption and real law breakers.

After such failures like Holder(the man who sent guns to the Mexican cartel), Garland(the man who was denied being on the Supreme Court. Thank you God) and Barr(Deep state puppet) a real AG comes to power.

America's Heartland Commentary Corruption January 6 Just my own thoughts Lawfare Leftist Virtue(!) Opinion Politics The Law Trump

What law enforcement officers from J6 should be investigated and possibly charged.

What law enforcement officers from J6 should be investigated and possibly charged.

There are Law enforcement officers and higher ups who need to be looked at. First Wray and his staff. Plus the 26 FBI agents who worked the mostly peaceful protest on January 6th.

Also the officers who directed the crowds to enter the Building. And any under cover officers who encouraged the mostly peaceful crowd. But my main concern is this.

The officers who stood by as a rogue cop gunned down an unarmed female and killed her in cold blood. They must be held accountable. Especially after the rogue cop went over the air and claimed he was shot at and was returning fire.

California. Corruption Democrat Just my own thoughts

So will the Newsom fires in California change peoples political views?

So will the Newsom fires in California change peoples political views?

It’s not like this is the 1st time we’ve seen this happen. Will this change anyone’s mind on how the left runs the state? Time will tell. I myself think that the folks have become used to bad government.

The first step would be a recall. Second since the next 180 days of recovery is being paid by the federal government, let’s hope this also means they direct the recovery and the clearing of brush in areas that haven’t been effected.

Now the state legislature is also to blame. They pass the crazy laws based on what junk science tells them. And the media doesn’t ask questions until after there ‘a a disaster. And the questions never have a follow up.

Finally California Republican politicians need to stop acting like Liberal like clowns. They once ruled the state. Go back to what works.