
Shootin the Bull.

Shootin the Bull. Let’s try something different. Post anything within reason. Jokes, Gifs, Music, Politics, and even Religion. But no attacking of any Religion. If there’s something you want us to cover here or on Koda, tell us. News stories, resent events, you name it.

Real Federalism Would Be Far Better Than Buy-Partisan Earmarks


Life Opinion Politics

Hate to burst you bubble Joe, but by the 4th of July the United States will be celebrating by the millions.

Hate to burst you bubble Joe, but by the 4th of July the United States will be celebrating by the millions. Beaches will be packed, Restaurants will be filled. Outdoor concerts will be jamming, and you and the fauch will still be telling tall tales. What a joke these two are.

So according to Mutt and Jeff we’re supposed to continue to live in fear and poke our heads out on the 4th of July? Well Charles Payne says this.

And we have this from the Florida Governor.

DeSantis on Biden: We are not going to let him lockdown Florida

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declares he will oppose any moves by President Biden to lockdown the state again during a press conference in Brevard.

What say you?



Education Life

How we fix the lies about schools not being safe. Get off your butts and get back into school.

How we fix the lies about schools not being safe. Get off your butts and get back into school. We’ve heard all the excuses, vaccine everybody, more masks, social distance, Old buildings, stale air, etc.,  etc.. They’re a dime a dozen. Here’s how we fix it.

Old buildings, poor air circulation. Here’s how you fix those excuses. A teacher in Ohio tried that. I have a heart condition. Our buildings are old. I’ll die in the classroom or walking the halls. So the school board said this. We will test the air in your school building where you teach. Then we will test the air in your house and your husbands place of employment. End of discussion.

As schools in the U.S. and abroad have reopened amid the pandemic, there “has been little evidence that schools have contributed meaningfully to increased community transmission,” the scientists said. The researchers cited studies of COVID-19 cases in schools in Mississippi, North Carolina and rural Wisconsin, as well as a European CDC report that found schools were not associated with accelerating community transmission.


Lawmakers urge Biden to halt USPS contract.

Lawmakers urge Biden to halt USPS contract. As you may or may not know, a 6 billion dollar contract was given to build electric postal trucks. But the company that got the bid is only going to make 10% of the trucks electric. Another bidder was going to use all electric trucks.

Only group that I could find that was opposed to a company called Workhorse was a small dissident West Coast group that has in the past made racist comments against a company associated with Workhorse. The groups issues were that the company was located in a area with a large community that was mostly minorities. Lordstown Motors ( a partner with Workhorse ) is close to Warren and Youngstown, Ohio. Both with large minorities.

Workhorse is a minority partner with Lordstown Motors, which is using some of Workhorse’s intellectual property in the Endurance, Lordstown Motors’ battery-powered pickup truck expected to launch in September.

Lordstown Motors’ factory in Lordstown, the former General Motors assembly plant, was likely the site to make the postal service vehicles had Workhorse been given the contract. The company’s business plan, however, was never reliant on Workhorse getting the contract.

Today, Congresswoman Marcy Kaptur (D-OH-9), Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH), and epresentative Tim Ryan (D-OH-13) wrote to President Biden urging him to halt a federal postal truck contract until a review can be conducted on whether inappropriate political influence was involved in the decision and whether the contract award is consistent with Biden’s calls for an electrification of federal vehicles. Late last week, Postmaster Louis DeJoy announced the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) would be awarding a contract worth up to $6 billion to Wisconsin company OshKosh Corp., while also telling a House Committee that the new postal truck fleet would only be 10% electric under the proposed contract. Ohio-based Workhorse Group, an electric vehicle manufacturer, was passed over for the contract.

This contract award stands in stark contrast to Biden’s Executive Order on Tackling the Climate Crisis at Home and Abroad and his public calls to transform the federal vehicular fleet to electric vehicles. Kaptur, Brown, and Ryan and are asking Biden to review the contract award.


Cartoons. Everything Political.

Post your great political cartoons here. We found this on FOX News. I’ve copied a few of the great cartoons. Now post some of your own, or ones you saw elsewhere. Remember no Hangman’s noose or gallows. Nothing of a sexual nature please.

Moving the goalposts again.

Life Politics

How scary is this? Dozens of House Democrats want Biden to give up sole authority to launch nuclear weapons.

How scary is this? Dozens of House Democrats want Biden to give up sole authority to launch nuclear weapons. When I first saw this, I thought it was a joke. But after seeing almost a hundred videos of Joe’s misspeaks and outright dementia signs, I thought that this may be worth looking into.

About three dozen House Democrats have signed a letter asking President Biden to renounce his sole authority to launch nuclear weapons, according to reports.

According to the letter, which was obtained by Politico, Rep. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif., said giving this authority to one person “entails real risks.”

“Past presidents have threatened to attack other countries with nuclear weapons or exhibited behavior that caused other officials to express concern about the president’s judgment,” he said.

“While any president would presumably consult with advisors before ordering a nuclear attack, there is no requirement to do so,” the letter states. “The military is obligated to carry out the order if they assess it is legal under the laws of war. Under the current posture of U.S. nuclear forces, that attack would happen in minutes.”


These are the crazy of all crazy’s who signed this letter, but think about it. Under President Trump they talked about this. But never did it go this far. Only way I would support this would be with an expiration date of January 2025.


Life Science

Sorry Joe. How President Trump and his administration saved the lives of millions.

How President Trump and his administration saved the lives of millions. Donald Trump may have to wait for historians to give him the credit for the millions of lives that were saved by his administrations Operation Warp Speed. We always heard from the hack the fauch and saw his flip flopping But what about what his boss an actual expert had to say about Operation Warp Speed.

National Institutes of Health director Francis Collins tells “Axios on HBO” that the Trump administration deserves credit for the “breathtaking” speed of COVID vaccine development.

The big picture: The fact that it “got done in 11 months from when we first knew about this virus is at least five years faster than it’s ever been before before,” Collins said.

  • “The Operation Warp Speed, for which I give a great deal of credit to [former HHS Secretary Alex Azar], was a effort that many of us were not initially convinced was going to be necessary. And it was thought about as a Manhattan Project.”
  • “Those words were used sometimes to describe what needed to happen in order to get all parts of the government together in an unprecedented way to test up to six vaccines in rigorous trials … so that if any of those trials happen to work, you would already have doses ready to go into arms.”

The bottom line: “That effort and the recruitment of Dr. Moncef Slaoui was an incredibly important step forward that the administration deserves credit for, because that did motivate a lot of actions, a lot of coordination.”

When former President Donald Trump last year predicted a coronavirus vaccine would be ready by the end of 2020, multiple media outlets declared it a “pipe dream” and having vaccines that fast would require a “miracle.” However, both Moderna and Pfizer developed effective vaccinations that have entered tens of millions of arms.

“The fact that we, in December, had not one but two vaccines that had gone through trials … and had been judged safe and effective by a very rigorous and very public FDA process is just breathtaking,” Collins said, adding it was completed five years faster than had ever been done before.

Johns Hopkins’ Dr. Mark Makary has this to say.Makary thinks, assessing the data, that “The country is racing toward an extremely low level of infection.”  He concludes that the U.S. is nearing “herd immunity” and that “COVID will be mostly gone by April, allowing Americans to resume normal life.” 

And Mr Science Joe Biden?

Asked at a recent CNN town hall when the country might get back to normal, Biden meandered, first saying that maybe by Christmas we would see progress, but then suggesting that “a year from now, I think that there will be significantly fewer people having to be socially distanced, have to wear a mask, instead of – but we don’t know.”

Biden continued: “it is highly unlikely that by the beginning of next year, school – traditional school year in September, we are not significantly better off than we are today.”

In closing. Makary isn’t alone in reading good news in the virus statistics. Youyang Gu, a data scientist whose model has proved the most accurate forecaster of COVID deaths, predicts we will reach herd immunity (or “normality,” as his team now calls it) by June/July. Not as soon as April, but soon. 










My House My Rules. I need to go over the rules. When invites are sent to all.

My House My Rules. I need to go over the rules. When invites are sent to all. I don’t usually invite all when it’s political. But when I do, this is what I expect. Very simple rules that shouldn’t be to hard to digest.

First when it’s Koda, there are no political comments allowed. That’s a fun, musical informative channel. We’ve had very few issues there. Still some have turned that channel in as a home for white supremacists. Sick perverts, that’s for sure.

This channel and News with Analysis are political animals. Here’s where we have a few issues. If you do not wish to be invited to political articles please tell me. Now we have very few rules. No personal attacks. Example. Not Accepted. You’re a racist. Accepted. You views are racist and here’s why. Debate the article or comments made about the article. Don’t bring drama from other channels. And finally be civil.



Lexington council fires officer for sending information on cops to BLM protesters.

Is this what happens when you work with a noted hate group? Lexington council fires officer for sending information on cops to BLM protesters. What this officer did actually put the lives of his fellow officers in danger. Information about other officers working protests that could be used to “insult, intimidate and harass.”

The officer at first denied what he had done, but when confronted with proof, he admitted passing the information. Lexington police Chief Lawrence Weathers and an internal police disciplinary board had recommended Middleton’s firing over several policy violations for sharing department information and for allegedly lying about it.

He had also been demoted recently for a separate complaint related to accusations he used department resources to look up information about a woman he had once been romantically involved with.

The ACLU of Kentucky said this. “While Officer Middleton’s actions may warrant some level of disciplinary action, they also felt the punishment was harsh. Played the race card. it is particularly concerning he was more swiftly investigated and harshly punished

Lexington police Chief Lawrence Weathers who fired the officer is also black.




A tribute. The man, myth,legend. Rush has left the building.

A tribute. The man, myth,legend. Rush has left the building. I first heard Rush back in 1988. Not always a fan, but someone I always respected. Dead at the age of 70. His wife made the announcement.

“I, like you, very much wish Rush was behind this golden microphone right now welcoming you to another exceptional three hours of broadcasting,” Limbaugh’s wife, Kathryn, said on his show Wednesday. “For over 32 years, Rush has cherished you, his loyal audience, and always looked forward to every single show. It is with profound sadness I must share with you directly that our beloved Rush, my wonderful husband, passed away this morning due to complications from lung cancer.”

“As so many of you know, losing a loved one is terribly difficult. Even more so when that loved one is larger than life. Rush will forever be the greatest of all time,” she continued. “Rush was an extraordinary man. A gentle giant. Brilliant, quick-witted, genuinely kind, extremely generous, passionate, courageous, and the hardest-working person I know.”