
Now they’re hating on 911. American flags must come down.

Now they’re hating on 911. American flags must come down.

Since the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, American flag displays have adorned New Jersey highway overpasses as a spontaneous outpouring of patriotism and support.

Some were hung and forgotten, others were meticulously maintained much like the display of American and military flags on poles at the New Jersey Turnpike Authority overpass south of exit 11 in Woodbridge. But now, the New Jersey Turnpike Authority wants the flags gone. We have this from the Turnpike Commission.

“While we appreciate the desire of some New Jersey residents to express their patriotism in these turbulent times by displaying flags on Turnpike and Parkway overpasses, Authority regulations do not allow it, and for good reason,” said Tom Feeney, a Turnpike Authority spokesman. “The NJTA cannot adequately monitor flags mounted by private citizens to make sure they are safely and securely hung, properly displayed, and respectfully maintained.”

Two Central Jersey lawmakers said they plan to change that statute to keep the unofficial flags flying. Senator Declan O’Scanlon and Assemblywoman Serena DiMaso, both R-Monmouth, plan to introduce a bill to exempt display of American flags from the statute and asked Gov. Phil Murphy to intervene.

How many years not have those flags been flying? Now it’s an issue?




So how’s your Labor Day looking?

So how’s your Labor Day looking? Sure it’s an American Holiday, but all can join in the celebration. Tell us your plans if any. Tell us if you have no plans. Post any song, poem, or what ever flips you’re BIC.

Today I’m working on that deck/porch. But later it’s Hotdog time. I have them once a month because of the heart issues. And remember

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