The long-term consequences of Covid-19 vaccination are now being realised…
A year ago, doubly vaccinated Australians were 10.72x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed. Now they are 20x more likely, and the triply or more vaxxed are 35x more likely, as the latest NSW Health stats show (see below).
Meanwhile, the latest Cleveland Clinic Data and the latest US data analyzed by Josh Stirling, founder of Insurance Collaboration to Save Livess and former #1 ranked Insurance Analyst, shows a really, really disturbing trend.
The damage to health caused by each vaccine dose does not lessen over time. It continues indefinitely.
In fact, CDC All-Cause Mortality data show that each vaccine dose increased mortality by 7% in the year 2022 compared to the mortality in year 2021.
So if you have had 5 doses then you were 35% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you have had one dose then you were 7% more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021. If you are unvaxxed then you were no more likely to die in 2022 than you were in 2021.
The Cleveland Clinic Data
Here are the COVID-19 infection rates for the 1st 98 days from September 12, 2022, when the bivalent vaccine was first offered to Cleveland Clinic employees. It was not mandated. It was offered.
So on September 12, 2022, 6199 employees were unvaxxed, 2359 were single jabbed, 13804 were double jabbed, 20798 were triple jabbed and 3538 were quad jabbed or penta jabbed with the original vaccine, which was designed against the Wuhan Hu1 reference virus, which was NOT isolated from a Human but was generated on a computer.
The results of their study, shown graphically above, demonstrate that the more doses of the original vaccine you took, the more likely you were to catch covid. In other words the original Covid vaccine is not merely ineffective against Omicron. It is actually anti-effective.
It is therefore not a vaccine against the present strain of Covid. It is an antivaccine. It damages your immune system in a dose-dependent manner. The more shots you took, the more damage you will have done to your immune system.
The writer first saw this from PHE Vaccine Surveillance reports and published his findings to PHE themselves AND on my website and in The Expose, on 2021October10.
‘The Science’ has now been established by the Cleveland Clinic. Genetic vaccines damage your immune system and make you not less likely but more likely to be infected with Covid.
Not only that but they have horrendous side effects on the cardiovascular, neurological and reproductive systems as well.
They are nothing short of mandatory progressive euthanasia.
CDC All-Cause Mortality Data shows that every year, every vaccinated person becomes more and more likely to die at a rate of 7% PER JAB PER YEAR. That is a slow-acting genetic poison.
If people were recovering from the 1st jab, then it would not be having precisely the same effect as the 5th jab (namely a 7% increase in mortality). This is the long term problem. People are not recovering from the damage done by the shots in terms of excess mortality.
So taking 2021 as the base line, a 5 dosed person would be 350% more likely to die in 2031 and 700% more likely to die in 2041 and 1050% more likely to die in 2051 than an unvaxxed person. It is just like compound interest.
Using this result, we can calculate the loss in life expectancy for a 30 year old male as follows… The life expectancy of a 30 year old unvaxxed male in the UK is around 80 years. So he can expect another 50 years of life.
In statistical terms, half of his cohort are dead by 80. The life expectancy of a 30 year old quintuply vaxxed person in the UK is 56 years. Assuming UK males respond to the vaccines in the same way as US people. Alternatively quintuply vaxxed US 30 year old males have likewise lost 24 years of life expectancy.
UK life expectancy data is from Statista. In the table below we add the extra 7% mortality per jab per year to the 2020 UK levels shown in Column2. So in a 5 year period, the average increase in expected mortality would be –
(0% + 35%)/2 = 17.5% from one jab
(0% + 70%)/2 = 35% from two jabs
(0% + 105%)/2 = 52.5% from three jabs
(0% + 140%)/2 = 70% from four jabs
(0% + 175%)/2 = 87.5% from five jabs
Life Expectancy for unvaxxed and 1-5 dosed UK males
1 jab robs 30 year old men of 13 years 2 jabs robs 30 year old men of 18 years 3 jabs robs 30 year old men of 20 years 4 jabs robs 30 year old men of 23 years 5 jabs robs 30 year old men of 24 years
That is the price you pay for trusting the NHS, trusting the government, and trusting the BBC and the Main Stream Media.
That is what Media like the Expose have been trying to prevent.
NSW Vax status Jan 7, 2023
The population of New South Wales in Australia was 6,505,883 in 2022. The vaccination status is as follows…
There is proof of immune system destruction by vaccination-mediated spike proteins. We see the same pattern for Hospital admissions in Australia as we see for infection rates in Cleveland. The more shots you take, the weaker your immune system becomes. And that is for the target of the therapy! The above graphs do NOT address any of the side effects.
The population of NSW in Australia is 6½ million people. They are a highly vaccinated group. Looking at the Australian Government data for the last 6 weeks of 2022, we see that.
1. Those with 1 or 2 doses are 20x more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than those with no doses. 2. Those with 3 or 4 or more doses are 35x more likely to be admitted to hospital with Covid than those with no doses. 3. Being unvaxxed provides 100% protection from having to go to the ICU. Being vaxxed gives you a 6 in 100,000 chance of being hospitalized in the ICU. 4. Vaccines are unsafe and extremely ineffective. 5. COVID-19 vaccination is putting unsustainable pressure on hospitals and ICUs in NSW and by implication all over the world. 6. The NHS in the UK will be destroyed unless vaccinations are banned immediately. It may already be too late. 7. The vaccines prevent herd immunity. Herd immunity will never be reached in the vaxxed. It has already been reached in the unvaxxed 8. The continuation of the pandemic is entirely caused by the anti vaccines.
The last time I looked at the data in NSW, for the last six weeks of 2021, the double vaxxed were 2.18x more likely to catch Omicron than the unvaxxed.
Here we are today, 12 months later, in the last six weeks of 2022, and the double vaxxed are not 2.18x, but actually 20x more likely to catch the latest variant. And the triple jabbed are 35x more likely!
So there is the immune system destruction that I predicted in October 2021. There is the progressive vaccine-mediated AIDS. These are farcical Monty Python kinds of numbers. As I understand it, the Australian government is now going to stop classifying hospital data by vax status.
Talk about burying your head in the sand. In any event. It is too late. The cat is out of the bag. These figures are an accelerating immunological catastrophe.
The data we have analyzed are for the disease that the vaccines are supposed to be protecting us from (Covid-19). They do not address the plethora of cardiovascular, neurological, immunological, reproductive and systemic side effects of the genetic anti vaccinations, which cause further hospital admissions.
We have given control of our Health Services to big pharma, and they have destroyed those services. The day will come, if it has not already when 50% of the patients in our hospitals are suffering from vaccine-mediated pathology.
The question then becomes, how many others, in addition to the vaccine damaged, are suffering from Big Pharma-mediated pathologies resulting from other Big Pharma ‘medications’?
The credibility and the viability of all health care worldwide is, therefore, entirely dependent upon the immediate cessation of genetic vaccination.
President Biden was called out by the Washington Post fact-checker for several embellished stories he has told audiences over his career. (Getty Images)
Washington Post goes over some of the Joe Biden Lies. This is just a small sampling of Joe’s story telling.
The Washington Post’s chief fact-checker Glenn Kessler took exception to several stories President Biden has repeatedly told about his life to connect with audiences in a piece Thursday.
Kessler went through several recurring anecdotes that Biden has shared with crowds over the years and detailed how many of them were embellished or just plain not true. He declared, “But throughout his career… Biden’s propensity to exaggerate or embellish tales about his life led to doubts about his truthfulness.”
Kessler analyzed Biden’s recent recounting of a past fire at his house almost destroying his Corvette, anecdotes about being him arrested for standing up during the civil rights era, and a story about the circumstances that led him to be accepting of same-sex relationships.
Kessler stated that each of these folksy stories from Biden are part of his “tradition of embellishing his personal tales in ways that cannot be verified or are directly refuted by contemporary accounts.”
President Biden was called out by the Washington Post fact-checker for several embellished stories he has told audiences over his career. (Getty Images)
The fact-checker began with Biden’s most recent exaggerated story. He wrote, “At least six times as president, mostly recently in comments to Hurricane Idalia victims Wednesday, Biden has exaggerated the extent of a fire that occurred at his house in 2004.”
In those retellings, Kessler noted how Biden, then a U.S. senator from Delaware, had claimed “a couple firefighters” almost died, how his 1967 Corvette was nearly destroyed, and that a “significant portion” of his house burned.
The fact-checker corrected the record, saying, “The contemporary news accounts in the Wilmington News Journal and The Associated Press are much less dramatic.”
Citing the outlets, he added, “’Biden’s house on Barley Mill Road was reported hit by lightning at 8:16 a.m., emergency officials said,’ the News Journal reported. ‘There were no injuries and firefighters kept the fire contained to one room.’
“Cranston Heights Fire Co. Chief George Lamborn told the newspaper the flames did not spread from the kitchen. ‘Luckily, we got it pretty early. The fire was under control in 20 minutes.’”
President Biden speaks after touring areas devastated by the Maui wildfires in Lahaina, Hawaii, on Aug. 21, 2023. (Evan Vucci)
Kessler then mentioned Biden’s oft-used anecdote about his conversation with an Amtrak conductor. He wrote, “At least 10 times as president, most recently during an Aug. 15 speech in Milwaukee, Biden has told a heartwarming but implausible story about an Amtrak conductor named Angelo Negri who congratulated him for traveling more on Amtrak than he had on Air Force planes as vice president.”
As Biden has told the story, Negri congratulated the then-vice president for traveling 2 million miles on Amtrak trains, almost double the amount he has traveled on Air Force One.
Kessler corrected this, saying, “But it’s not possible this conversation took place as Biden describes… Biden did not pass the 1.2 million-mile mark until 2016; Negri retired from Amtrak in 1993, 16 years before Biden became vice president. Negri died in 2014, two years before Biden claims they had this conversation.”
The fact-checker also poked holes in one of Biden’s go-to gay rights stories. Kessler stated, “Three times this year — and at least seven times since 2014 — Biden has told a version, most recently on Aug. 10, of a story about words his father supposedly spoke after a teenage Biden saw two well-dressed men in suits kiss each other in downtown Wilmington in the early 1960s.”
However, the author noted, “Biden depicts a scene that would have been unusual six decades ago. He describes this exchange with his father usually as taking place in 1961. But back then, gay men generally did not kiss in public. Many people regarded homosexuality as deviant.”
“Moreover,” Kessler added, “Biden’s story has evolved over time. In 2014, in a New York Times article on his evolution on same-sex marriage, he was the father in the story, speaking to one of his sons.”
During an episode of her podcast this week, Megyn Kelly tore into Rachel Maddow of MSNBC and Hillary Clinton for the recent interview they did where Hillary laughed about the Trump indictments.
Kelly was especially disgusted with Maddow, who acted more like a Hillary fangirl than a journalist. The video of Kelly’s rant is going viral on Twitter. Here’s a partial transcript via Real Clear Politics:
“That was a disgusting display by both women on the set. I would vote for Ron DeSantis over Joe Biden any day of the week, I made that clear. I tell you what my bias is.
When I sat across Ron DeSantis, I pressed him on the weaknesses of his arguments, things that he said were inconsistent, positions he had that would fall apart if you really drilled down. And he stood on his own. That’s what a journalist does. That’s your obligation is as a member of the media.
You failed Rachel Maddow, you failed, I don’t care how much they give you, 30 million dollars a year, you’re not worth thirty cents. That was an embarrassment. You fell down on the job, you embarrassed yourself and network, and you ceded the entire discussion to a dishonest broker who set us down this disgusting path that we now are on.
The York fire burns in the Mojave National Preserve in California on Sunday, July 30.
Reported by CNN. (Sometimes they do good work.)
Firefighters battling a large whirl-spawning wildfire in California and southern Nevada are facing challenging conditions as the blaze spreads and threatens iconic desert Joshua trees.
The York Fire – already California’s largest fire of the year – has burned more than 82,000 acres as of Wednesday morning, fire officials said. It began Friday in the New York Mountains of California’s Mojave National Preserve and crossed state lines into Nevada on Sunday.
Crews have been battling the flames under unpredictable wind patterns and unrelenting heat, authorities said. They’ve also been trying to not disturb desert tortoises – federally listed as a threatened species – in part by trying to avoid their burrows.
The fire, among dozens burning around the country under scorching temperatures, has been fueled by extreme conditions that have made it more dangerous and difficult to control, fire officials said Monday night. The York Fire was 30% contained as of Wednesday morning.
The York Fire has burned more than 80,000 acres.
The blaze has spawned fire whirls – “a vortex of flames and smoke that forms when intense heat and turbulent winds combine, creating a spinning column of fire,” the Mojave National Preserve said Sunday. As the fire-heated air rises, cold air dashes to take its place, creating a spinning vortex rising from a fire and carrying aloft smoke, debris, and flame – also referred to as a fire tornado in some cases.
Firefighters also were seeing 20-foot flames in some areas, according to Mojave National Preserve authorities.
The fire is also threatening groves of Joshua trees – the branching, spiky plants of the Mojave Desert that can live more than 150 years.
“It will take a lifetime to get those mature Joshua trees back,” Laura Cunningham, the California director of the Western Watersheds Project, told CNN affiliate KVVU. “Some are fire resistant, and if the flames are not too hot, they will stump sprout out or reseed.”
“This is pretty devastating,” Cunningham said.
The Mojave National Preserve has been seeing an increase in fire frequency over the past decade due to a combination of wet winters and increasing levels of invasive grasses, fire officials say on Inciweb, a clearinghouse for US fire information.
“If an area with Joshua trees burns through, most will not survive and reproduction in that area is made more difficult,” the National Park Service says. “Wildfires could also result in the loss of irreplaceable resources in the park, like historic structures and cultural artifacts.”
In 2020, a 43,273-acre wildfire burned through the Joshua tree woodland of California’s Cima Dome, destroying as many as 1.3 million Joshua trees and leaving behind a plant graveyard, according to the National Park Service.
Firefighters braving intense desert heat to stop the York Fire’s spread in the Mojave National Preserve are among more than 11,000 wildland firefighters and personnel assigned across the country, the National Interagency Fire Center said Tuesday.
Fifty-six active, large fires were burning in 11 states as hot and dry conditions persist throughout the US, the center said Tuesday. More than 1.1 million acres have burned across the US in 2023 as of Tuesday, the center said.
Emerging desert tortoises pose unique challenge
Firefighters were aided by a brief but heavy downpour early Tuesday as they worked to contain the York Fire. More rain moved across the area early Wednesday and may give firefighters an additional boost.
But rain in the Mojave Desert, which is seasonal and scarce, “poses a unique challenge to firefighters,” the Mojave National Preserve said.
Desert tortoises – federally listed as a threatened species – become especially active on wet summer days, emerging from their burrows to drink rainwater.
“Fire crews carefully balance fire suppression with resource protection. They will be on the lookout for desert tortoises, making sure to avoid burrows and active individuals,” the Mojave National Preserve said.
The good news is that most desert wildlife can move to safety when fire approaches, park officials said.
“Resource staff at Mojave National Preserve anticipate that the York Fire has caused minimal damage to critical tortoise habitat and has likely affected few individuals since tortoise observations in the fire area are rare,” preserve staff said.
Music has given us many memorable voices including the number of incredibly talented women who have stepped up to the mic to bring us some remarkable songs. Their voices echo throughout arenas and our hearts, staying in our heads for hours, days, years, and sometimes even generations. Out of the thousands of female singers who have recorded songs, these are the top 40 talented women who stand out from the rest.
Doris Day
Beginning her career in 1939 as a big band singer, Doris Day found mainstream success in 1945. Her two big singles “Sentimental Journey” and “My Dreams Are Getting Better All the Time” were recorded with Les Brown & His Band of Renown, and spoke to many Americans.
Doris Day
The blonde-haired beauty then left Brown to embark on a solo career, recording more than 650 songs from 1947 to 1967. It was also during this time that Day ended up becoming one of the biggest names in film and was even a top box office earner four times.
Joan Baez
Born in 1941, Joan Chandos Baez grew up to become a singer-songwriter, musician, and activist. She was incredibly popular during the ’60s counterculture era. Although much of her music was associated with folk, it also encompassed rock, pop, country, and gospel.
Joan Baez
She also recorded the songs of many of the most popular bands of the day, and was even the first to record Bob Dylan. Internationally celebrated, Baez got her introduction into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in April 2017.
Debbie Harry
Born in Miami, Florida, Debbie Harry worked many jobs as a secretary and dancer before finding mainstream success for decades. In 1974, Harry formed the band Blondie and two years later they released their first album. Blondie released many albums throughout the decades.
Debbie Harry
Most recently, the band’s 2017 album, Pollinator, actually topped number four in the United Kingdom, showing just how big of an impact Harry and Blondie have had.
Cyndi Lauper
With a career spanning over 40 years, it’s safe to say that many have loved the music of Cyndi Lauper. Her first album, She’s So Unusual, was released in 1983 and became the first debut album by a female artist to hit the top five most popular songs on the Billboard Hot 100.
Cyndi Lauper
Two years later, Lauper got a Grammy Award for Best New Artist. Since then, not only has she won many awards but she’s also sold over 50 million records around the world.
Sarah Vaughan
Sarah Vaughan has gone by many names throughout her career including “The Divine One” and “Sassy.” She got into music from a young age due to the fact that she was raised by two parents who were both very musically inclined.
Sarah Vaughan
Her father was a guitar player while her mother preferred singing in the choir. That talent was clearly inherited by their daughter, Sarah, who went on to record over 50 albums and won four Grammy Awards. By the end of her career, she was honored with a Lifetime Achievement Award.
Sia Furler
Born in Australia, Sia Furler soon became better known as just Sia. While she’s an undoubtedly talented singer, she’s also a very gifted director, actor, and songwriter. After forming a band called Crisp with a few of her friends, Sia moved from Australia to London before heading to New York in order to try and make it on her own.
Sia Furler
She struggled for years before making it big with two major albums. She has since written many popular songs including “Titanium” for David Guetta, “Diamonds” for Rihanna, and “Wild Ones” for Flo Rida.
Norah Jones
Growing up, Norah Jones had been introduced to many different types of music, which no doubt helped to give her the unique sound that she has today. When she was a child, Jones learned to play many different types of instruments including guitar, piano, and saxophone.
Norah Jones
In 2002, the brown-eyed bombshell released her debut album, Come Away With Me, which sold over 27 million albums and even won five Grammy Awards. Still, we can’t say that we’re surprised considering that we could sit and listen to that album over and over again — it’s just that good.
Carole King
Carole King is known for many things including her incredibly powerful voice and her talent for writing songs that captivate audiences. We’re not just saying that either — of the innumerable songs that King has written, 118 of them have made it to the Billboard Hot 100.
Carole King
These songs have arguably become some of the most recognizable for many people across many generations. Her album, Tapestry, held the record for the first place on a U.S. chart, staying there for 20 years.
Sarah McLachlan
Originally from Canada, Sarah McLachlan discovered her love for music as a child and began enrolling in classes for guitar, classical piano, and singing. Her vocal range is undoubtedly one of the most impressive things about her, with an incredible ability to start at mezzo and go all the way up to soprano.
Sarah McLachlan
She also fights on behalf of other female artists, hosting the Lilith Fair music festival, which earned tens of millions of dollars all donated to women’s charities.
Gladys Knight
Even people who haven’t listened to Gladys Knight have no doubt heard of her name. She was, after all, known as the “Empress of Soul” during her time performing on stage. Her band, Gladys Knight & the Pipe, was actually started with a few close friends and family members, but ended up being responsible for many of the hits that went on to earn Grammy Awards.
Gladys Knight
She has also gone into business, opening a chain of restaurants called Gladys Knight & Ron Winans’ Chicken & Waffles.
It’s tough to say which title is the most impressive when it comes to women in music, but if Cher isn’t the clear winner, then she’s definitely in the running. Her title as the “Goddess of Pop,” is definitely earned after she made a major splash in an industry that is still considered to be very male-dominated.
Not only is she a talented singer, but her ability as an entertainer has even won her an Academy Award for Best Actress.
Patti Smith
While she might not be the biggest household name on this list, Patti Smith certainly put her stamp on the world of music, especially in the ’70s. It was during this time that she became an important figure in the New York City punk movement with her debut record Horses.
Patti Smith
Known by many as the “punk poet laureate,” Smith was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2007 and is still performing until this very day.
Chaka Khan
There is no denying that Chaka Khan is one of the most synonymous figures with disco and funk. With a career spanning five decades, Yvette Marie Stevens burst onto the scene as the lead singer of the successful funk band Rufus.
Chaka Khan
However, her solo career was just as successful, becoming the first R&B singer to have a crossover hit with a rapper, with 1984’s “I Feel for You.” Khan has had a staggering amount of critical and commercial success, selling over 70 million records globally and winning ten Grammy Awards to her name.
Dusty Springfield
One British pop star who made an easy transition to American airwaves was the one and only Dusty Springfield. A prominent figure on the blue-eyed soul scene, Springfield had hits such as “Son of Preacher Man” and “I Just Don’t Know What to Do with Myself.”
Dusty Springfield
She was also famous for performing in evening gowns and ushering in the Swinging Sixties. After battling cancer on and off for five years, Springfield passed away in 1999. Her music still lives on and has been used in films such as Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction.
Ariana Grande
Ariana Grande didn’t actually start out as a pop star. Her early years were spent on Broadway before she landed a role on the Nickelodeon show, Victorious.
Ariana Grande
After six years on Broadway, the young star decided to put out an album in 2014, which mixed the sounds of EDM and R&B. This album made her one of the most recognizable voices with songs like “Problem,” “Love Me Harder,” “Thank U, Next,” and “Bang Bang” hitting the top of the charts.
Diana Ross
Diana Ross isn’t just an amazing voice for audiences to listen to. In fact, some of the biggest names in the industry cite her as their main source of inspiration including Michael Jackson, Beyoncé, and Madonna. Ross’ first songs were released with her vocal group The Supremes and included songs like “Love Child,” “You Keep Me Hangin’ On,” “Where Did Our Love Go.”
Diana Ross
As a solo artist, many of her songs became major hits such as “Upside Down” and “I’m Coming Out.”
Gloria Estefan
Everything could have gone so terribly wrong for Gloria Estefan early on in her career. The Cuban-American singer fractured her spine after a truck collided into her tour bus in 1990. Amazingly though, Estefan returned to her tour 10 months later after a rapid recovery.
Gloria Estefan
The woman responsible for hits such as “Conga” and “Anything for You” became the first performer to have an album that was certified as Diamond in Spain with 1993’s Mi Tierra. She is believed to have sold over 120 million records worldwide.
Kelly Clarkson
Kelly Clarkson is both an incredibly successful singer and the first-ever winner of the reality competitive singing show, American Idol. Being the first winner of the show allowed her the opportunity to record her first album, which became a major success.
Kelly Clarkson
In fact, a single from that album, “A Moment Like This” even became the best selling single in the U.S. back in 2002. She didn’t stop there, though. Her two songs, “Because of You” and “Since You’ve Been Gone” have each earned her a Grammy.
Toni Braxton
While she may have been overshadowed slightly by contemporaries such as Janet Jackson and Mariah Carey, there is no denying Toni Braxton’s influence on R&B music. Famous for hits such as “Un-Break My Heart” and “You’re Makin’ Me High/Let it Flow,” Braxton has sold over 67 million records worldwide and has seven Grammy Awards to her name.
Toni Braxton
Braxton also has success on TV, having starred in reality series Braxton Family Values and also competing in the seventh season of Dancing With the Stars.
Ann Wilson
Ann Wilson — founder and lead singer of Heart — and her younger sister, Nancy, have worked together to produce 16 different albums and sell more than 35 million copies of those incredible albums.
Ann Wilson
These albums have established Wilson as an incredible rock and metal singer so much so that she was even inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In her own words, “Artists make art. Singers sing. Players play. Gypsies travel. Music lights fires everywhere. It’s like oxygen!”
Freda Payne
It’s amazing to think that Freda Payne was never signed to Motown. The talented singer is most famous for hit singles such as “Band of Gold” and “The Unhooked Generation.” It seems like singing ran in the family as Payne’s younger sister Scherrie was a member of The Supremes, along with Diana Ross.
Freda Payne
Freda Payne has also had some experience as an actress, appearing in movies such as Nutty Professor II: The Klumps and Ella: First Lady of Song. She still performs until this very day.
Kate Bush
Born Catherine Bush, Kate is a record-breaking English singer, songwriter, and performer, who in 1978, topped the UK Singles Chart with her debut self-written single at just 19 years old.
Kate Bush
With the success of her song “Wuthering Heights”, she became the first female UK artist to achieve a number one hit for her own song. Since then, Bush has had 25 Top 40 singles in the UK, including hits like “Running Up That Hill” and “Don’t Give Up”.
Bonnie Tyler
Bonnie is a Welsh singer who is renowned for her unique husky voice. She rose to fame with her initial album in 1977, which had hits on it like “Lost in France” and “More Than a Lover.”
Bonnie Tyler
Then, in 1978, her song “It’s a Heartache” made it to number three on the US Billboard Hot 100 and number four on the UK singles chart. In the 1980s, she began to produce rock hits like her mega-successful song “Total Eclipse of the Heart”.
Born Helen Folasade Abu, Sade is a British singer and actress, who is known as one of the most influential British female artists in history for her great impact on contemporary music. Sade was the lead singer in her eponymous band.
Her debut album Diamond Life, released in 1984, become one of the greatest of that era. In 1985, she was one of the singers who performed at the renowned Live Aid Charity Concert. By 2002, she won the award of the OBE, for her dedication to music.
Minnie Julia Riperton Rudolph
Minnie was an American singer-songwriter, known in the media as the “Queen of The Whistle Register” because of her five-octave coloratura soprano singing range.
Minnie Julia Riperton Rudolph
In April of 1975, Minnie released her hit song entitled “Loving You” which aided her rise to fame. The song came from her 1974 gold album, Perfect Angel. Unfortunately, she passed away at age 31.
Grace Barnett Wing
Better known as Grace Slick, Wing was a prominent singer in San Fransico’s psychedelic music scene in the mid-1960s. The now-retired singer-songwriter had a four-decade-long music career, performing with legends like Jefferson Airplane, The Great Society, and Jefferson Starship.
Grace Slick
Her songwriting skills produced some of the most well-known songs in music history, including “Somebody to Love”, “White Rabbit”, “We Built This City” and lastly, “Nothing’s Gonna Stop Us Now.” She was also known by the names of “Gracie,” and “The Chrome Nun”.
Kim Carnes
Known for her raspy vocal ability with similarities to Rod Stewart, Kim Carnes rose to fame in 1980 after being commissioned by Kenny Rogers to co-write his album, Gideon. Their duet together entitled “Don’t Fall in Love with a Dreamer” hit number four on the Billboard Hot 100 and landed the pair a Grammy nomination.
Kim Carnes
Later, Carnes released the album Mistaken Identity, which featured the major hit “Bette Davis Eyes.” The song became the US’s best-selling single that year and scored Carnes a Grammy Award for Record of the Year.
Alanis Morissette
Known as the “Queen of Alt-Rock Angst” by Rolling Stones, Alanis has sold over 75 million records globally. The Canadian-American singer-songwriter and record producer is known in the music industry for her distinct mezzo-soprano vocals.
Alanis Morissette
In 1995, she released her most notable and rock-related album entitled Jagged Little Pill, which sold over 33 million copies worldwide. The album was made into a rock musical in 2017, which scored over 15 Tony nominations, including Best Musical.
Sophie Michelle Ellis-Bextor
Sophie is an English singer-songwriter and model who rose to fame in the 1990s, as the lead singer of the Britpop and indie rock band Theaudience. After the band split up, Ellis-Bextor achieved solo success with her songs that combined mainstream pop and disco with 1980s electronic music.
Sophie Michelle Ellis-Bextor
Her debut solo album in 2001 entitled Read My Lips reached number two on the UK Albums Charts and received double-platinum status. Her second album in 2007 reached number seven in the UK.
Kylie Ann Minogue
Known to the public as just Kylie, Minogue is an Australian singer-songwriter, actress, record producer, and TV judge. She is also referred to by the European media as the “Princess of Pop” for her constant reinvention in fashion and music.
Kylie Ann Minogue
Minogue is the highest-selling female Australian artist in history, having sold more than 70 million records globally. She has also won many music awards including a Grammy, three Brit Awards, and 17 ARIA Music accolades.
Britney Spears
Spears is referred to in the US as the “Princess of Pop” due to her influential teen pop music in the late 1990s and early 2000s. The singer-songwriter and dancer had two of the best-selling albums of all time, entitled Baby One More Time (1999) and Oops!… I Did It Again (2000) which were certified diamond status and made her the best-selling teenage artist ever.
Britney Spears
Rolling Stone named her debut track the greatest single of all time in 2020 and her second album held a 15-year record for selling over one million copies within its first week.
Paula Abdul
Abdul is a renowned American singer-songwriter, dancer, choreographer, actress, and TV personality. She rose to fame after choreographing music videos for Janet Jackson during the peak of the music video industry. After signing with Virgin Records, Abdul released her debut album entitled Forever Your Girl in 1988.
Paula Julie Abdul
It went on to be one of the most successful albums of that era, selling over seven million copies in the US and breaking a record on the Billboard Hot 100 Chart, tying her with the legendary Diana Ross.
Shakira is known as the “Queen of Latin Music” for her diverse music selection. The Colombian singer-songwriter is also a renowned dancer, actress, and philanthropist. Shakira rose to fame in the English-language market with her 2001 album entitled Laundry Service, which sold over 13 million copies.
In this album were her international number-one hits, “Whenever, Wherever” and “Underneath Your Clothes,” which gave her leading status in the music industry worldwide
Fiona Apple
Fiona Apple is an eleven-time Grammy Award nominee and one-time winner. The American singer-songwriter has had four consecutive decades of music achievements with albums that have reached the top fifteen on the US charts.
Fiona Apple
Her debut album, Tidal was released in 1996 and won the Grammy Award for Best Female Vocal Rock Performance for its single “Criminal.” Her next album, When the Pawn… was also successful and even certified as platinum.
Born Florian Cloud de Bounevialle O’Malley Armstrong, Dido is an English singer who achieved global recognition in 1999 for her debut album No Angel. The album sold over 21 million copies worldwide and won several accolades such as the MTV Europe Music Award for Best New Act and two Brit Awards.
Her next album in 2003 entitled Life for Rent, propelled her fame forward with tracks like “White Flag” and the cover song “Life for Rent.” Due to the success of her first two albums, Dido made UK chart history.
Tracy Chapman
Tracy is a multi-platinum and four-time Grammy Award-winning artist. The American singer-songwriter is best known for her renowned tracks including “Fast Car,” “Give Me One Reason” and “Crossroads”.
Tracy Chapman
Her debut album entitled Tracy Chapman earned her six Grammy nominations, of which she won three, including Best Female Pop Vocal Performance for “Fast Car.” Since then, Chapman has released six more studio albums, such as her multi-platinum album New Beginning, for which she won her fourth Grammy.
Sheryl Crow
To say that Sheryl Crow has been a crossover hit over the years would be quite the understatement. Known primarily for her country music, Crow has ventured into a variety of other genres and mediums.
Sheryl Crow
Famous for songs such as “All I Wanna Do” and “If it Makes You Happy,” Crow had the honor of singing the theme song for the 1997 James Bond movie Tomorrow Never Dies. As of 2020, Crow has sold over 50 million albums globally and has a staggering nine Grammy Awards to her name.
Dionne Warwick
This might come as a surprise, but Dionne Warwick is actually one of the top 40 most successful singers of the latter half of the 20th century. With hit singles such as “Walk On By” and “I Say a Little Pray for You,” it’s not hard to see why.
Dionne Warwick
Between 1962 and 1998, 56 of Warwick’s singles made the Billboard Hot 100. Outside of music, Warwick is a successful philanthropist having been a United Nations Global Ambassador for the Food and Agriculture Organization. Warwick’s second son, Damon Elliot, is also a talented record producer.
Gwen Stefani
Many music fans will know Gwen Stefani for her role as the lead singer of ’90s rock band No Doubt. Over the years though, the talented singer has transitioned into mainstream pop and built a successful solo career. Stefani had a myriad of huge hits such as “Hollaback Girl,” which became the first US download to sell one million copies.
Gwen Stefani
Stefani is still as relevant as ever, having been a host on The Voice over the last few years, as well as having a high profile relationship with country star Blake Shelton.
Lauryn Hill
A truly versatile performer, Lauryn Hill seems to have done it all in the entertainment industry, especially in the ’90s. Having originally made a name for herself alongside Wyclef Jean and Pras in the Hip-Hop group The Fugees, Hill eventually embarked on a successful solo career.
Lauryn Hill
She received critical acclaim for her album The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill. Over the last two decades though, Hill has been out of the public eye but has been in the headlines after pleading guilty to tax evasion.
Annie Lennox
One of the quintessential figures of the synthpop scene during the ’80s, Annie Lennox is best known for being one of half of the successful band Eurythmics. She was always known for pushing the envelope, most notably for wearing orange-dyed cropped hair and a suit in the music video for “Sweet Dreams (Are Made of This).”
Annie Lennox
Lennox also had success as a solo artist and contributed songs to soundtracks of blockbuster movies such as Bram Stoker’s Dracula and The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King.
Janet Jackson
There is no denying that Janet Jackson comes from musical royalty. Despite being the younger sister of Michael Jackson and the rest of the Jackson Five, this never stopped Janet from reaching for the stars.
Janet Jackson
She burst onto the scene as both a young actress and as a recording artist, starring in TV shows such as Good Times and Diff’rent Strokes. Jackson has sold over 100 million records worldwide and has numerous hit singles such as “Rhythm Nation” and “All for You.”
Mary J. Blige
Mary J. Blige is widely regarded as one of the most respected singers of the last 30 years. She has numerous hits such as “Family Affair” and “Without You,” with the latter being named by Billboard as the most successful R&B/Hip-Hop song of all time.
Mary J. Blige
Over the years, Blige has also ventured into the world of acting, having prominent roles in films such as Mudbound, for which she was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress. She also recently starred in the Netflix series The Umbrella Academy.
Stevie Nicks
There is no denying that Stevie Nicks has had a rollercoaster ride of a career. Famous for her work as a vocalist for Fleetwood Mac, Nicks’s role in the band became more prominent as the years progressed and she is front and center of the band’s most successful singles, “Dreams.”
Stevie Nicks
Rolling Stone named Nicks as one of the 100 Greatest Songwriters of All Time. She has also had some acting credentials, having featured in shows such as Up All Night and American Horror Story.
Dolly Parton
Dolly Parton actually got her start, not as a singer, but as a songwriter for other artists. That time spent helping other artists reach success worked out for her, as she saved some of her favorite lyrics for herself and became the worldwide sensation that she is today.
Dolly Parton
Her career reached its apex during the 1970s and ’80s, and even though it reached a bit of a low point in the ’90s, it seems as though Parton is making a comeback.
Judy Garland
Even though Judy Garland was a talented singer, most people don’t remember her as such. When asked, many people would likely respond that they recognize the name from one of the biggest films in history, The Wizard of Oz.
Judy Garland
That being said, Garland was actually a very gifted singer with an incredible range. She had a very versatile approach to music, being able to easily pull off singing and performing jazz, soul, and blues. All this, we might add, she learned entirely on her own.
Shania Twain
Shania Twain isn’t just a singer — she’s also a Queen, although not the queen of any country or kingdom.
Shania Twain
According to her fans, Twain is the undisputed “Queen of Country Pop.” Her love for country runs deep, and in her own words, “Country music is still your grandpa’s music, but it’s also your daughter’s music. It’s getting bigger and better all the time, and I’m glad to be a part of it.” Since her new 2017 album, Twain has been busy touring the world.
Janis Joplin
Many consider Janis Joplin to be one of the most famous female rock stars of her era. She got her start on stage in front of live audiences, playing at numerous festivals before releasing two albums and earning her a spot at the historic Woodstock music festival.
Janis Joplin
Many have considered her to be a major inspiration. According to Stevie Nicks, “Janis put herself out there completely, and her voice was not only strong and soulful; it was painfully and beautifully real.”
Nina Simone
Nina Simone didn’t get into the music industry because she dreamed of being in the spotlight and making millions. For her, it was a necessity since her family needed the money.
Nina Simone
She began by playing piano in nightclubs before eventually getting spotted and offered a contract deal, which helped her to become a household name. During her career, she recorded over 30 studio and live albums. She had a talent for being able to “belt barroom blues, croon cabaret, and explore jazz.”
Lady Gaga
Ever wondered what Lady Gaga’s real name is? It’s Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta so, we can understand why she might have shortened it to a much more pronounceable stage name.
Lady Gaga
She has certainly made a name for herself as an incredible singer. Beyond that, though, her choice of costumes and wardrobe — as well as her alluring performances on stage — have made her a topic of many conversations. She got her start working at clubs throughout New York before taking to the world stage and becoming the icon that she is today.
Etta James
Etta James is more than just a talented musician and singer — for many, she is what incredible soul, jazz, and blues music is supposed to sound like.
Etta James
Her songs, “The Wallflower,” “Tell Mama,” “Something’s Got a Hold on Me,” “I’d Rather Go Blind,” and “At Last,” have become unforgettable hits. James is also credited for bridging the gap between R&B and rock and roll. By 1993, Etta James got her well-deserved spot in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame.
Amy Winehouse
“If you don’t throw yourself into something, you’ll never know what you could have had.” These wise words are from Amy Winehouse, one of the most prolific singers and guitarists who earned praise from figures like Bob Dylan in which he described her as, “the last real individualist around.”
Amy Winehouse
Her time on stage and with the guitar resulted in two albums from which she became the first British woman to win five Grammy Awards. Some of her most popular songs are “Stronger Than Me,” “Love is Losing Game,” “Rehab,” and “Back to Black.”
Patsy Cline
One of the biggest artists to make a very successful genre cross, Patsy Cline began as a country music star before moving on to pop where she continued to entertain millions.
Patsy Cline
Cline is still considered to be one of the most influential artists of the 20th century as many fans point to her diverse music styles and her “emotional expression and delivery of lyrics.” To this day, she has continued to be an inspiration for many artists.
Alicia Keys
Alicia Keys is considered to be the “Queen of R&B” although she didn’t begin as a pop or R&B star. In fact, Keys started out as a classically trained pianist who actually started writing her own music when she was just 12 years old.
Alicia Keys
By age 15, she’d already been signed with a major record label and produced a debut album, Songs in A Minor, which earned her 16 million copies and a Grammy Award. Can you imagine being that young and successful?
Donna Summer
Born as LaDonna Adrian Gains, Donna Summer earned major fame and recognition during the disco music era. Not one to sit back and let others outshine her, Summer was the first artist in history to have back-to-back albums reach number one on the Billboard 200 chart in the United States.
Donna Summer
Some of her biggest hits are still played at disco parties and include “Love to Love You Baby,” “I Feel Love,” and “Hot Stuff.”
Joni Mitchell
Joni Mitchell isn’t afraid of blending together different sounds, and has experimented in a range of genres including folk, jazz, pop, and rock. Her music is often described as poetic, with particular attention being paid to her ability as both a singer and a songwriter.
Joni Mitchell
Her songs reflect deep and profound emotions including love, social, and personal critiques of society. Madonna once said of her, “I would have to say of all the women I’ve heard, she had the most profound effect on me from a lyrical point of view.”
Billie Holiday
Billie Holiday got her start in music by singing in music clubs in Harlem. It was there that she was discovered by John Hammond, a record producer who helped her record her first songs.
Billie Holiday
She found immense success during the 1930s and 1940s with her song, “What a Little Moonlight Can Do,” becoming a standard in the world of jazz. She never did have any formal musical education, but more than made up for it with improvisational skill and an incredible voice.
What else can be said about Madonna? Having been the quintessential pop star of the ’80s, the singer of hits such as “Material Girl” and “Like a Virgin” has constantly reinvented herself over the years. She has incorporated a variety of sounds into her music and is just as recognized for her image as she has been for her voice.
Madonna has also had a fairly successful career in Hollywood, having starred in movies such as A League of Their Own and Evita.
Julie Andrews
Julie Andrews isn’t just a talented singer. In fact, she might be one of the most talented women in the entertainment industry. She is both a successful singer, starring on Broadway in shows like My Fair Lady and Camelot — earning the title of “Britain’s Youngest Prima Donna.”
Julie Andrews
Besides that, The Sound of Music star is an Academy Award-winning actress and a successful novelist as well. Andrews is considered to have a voice for opera, but she prefers to sing music that she describes as being more “bright and sunny.”
Tina Turner
Rising to fame as part of the band, Ike & Tina Turner Revue, Tina Turner became known by both her fans and her critics as the “Queen of Rock and Roll.” Over the course of her career, Turner won an astounding 12 Grammy Awards and a Life Achievement Award.
Tina Turner
She is known for many things such as her incredibly energetic style and powerful voice. Some of her biggest hits include “Nutbush City Limits,” “Let’s Stay Together,” “What’s Love Got to Do with It,” and “Private Dancer.”
Karen Carpenter
Karen Carpenter grew up in New Haven, Connecticut where she ended up forming the band, The Carpenters, with her brother. She has received mountains of praise for her three-octave contralto vocal range and her drumming skills, which are remembered to this day.
Karen Carpenter
Although most of her music was released as a member of the band, she did produce many solo works as well although they didn’t end up getting released until 1996. Legendary Paul McCartney even admitted that Karen had “the best female voice in the world: melodic, tuneful and distinctive.”
Christina Aguilera
Born and raised in New York, Christina Aguilera became a musical sensation during her teenage years when she released her single “Genie in a Bottle,” an international hit. Although she has made many pop albums throughout her career, she also experimented with other genres including jazz and blues.
Christina Aguilera
Aguilera has been compared to Mariah Carey and Whitney Houston but finds Etta James to be her biggest influence with Aguilera even saying that she’s her “all-time favorite singer.”
Barbra Streisand
Barbra Streisand was raised by her mother in New York who had also been a soprano singer when she was growing up. With her help, Streisand’s interest in music grew and she took the first steps into her career.
Barbra Streisand
Over the course of that career, the Funny Girl star has released 36 studio albums and has won numerous awards including 10 Grammy Awards, as well as a Lifetime Achievement Award. Even though Streisand primarily sings pop music, her powerful voice has led her to be labeled as semi-operatic.
Ella Fitzgerald
Although she doesn’t have the official or unofficial title, it’s safe to say that Ella Fitzgerald could be referred to as the “Queen of Jazz Performance.” Often collaborating with musicians like Duke Ellington and Louis Armstrong, Fitzgerald managed to stand out and earn 14 Grammy Awards for songs like “Cheek to Cheek,” “Dream a Little Dream of Me,” and “It Don’t Mean a Thing (If It Ain’t Got That Swing).”
Ella Fitzgerald
By the end of her career, Fitzgerald earned the National Medal of Arts and the Presidential Medal of Freedom.
Adele didn’t begin her career in any professional capacity. In fact, she actually got her start playing in parks throughout the city of London. Imagine looking back now and being the club owner who turned Adele away.
In 2008, she released her first studio album, 19. Three years later, her second album — 21 — was released. That album made her one of the biggest stars in music earning her incredible amounts of praise, not to mention the six Grammy Awards that came her way as well.
Also known as “Queen B,” Beyoncé has become one of the most beloved and popular R&B artists of all time. She’s so good that for years, fans would put out videos of them reacting in disbelief to friends who said that she wasn’t the best ever.
After a successful career start with Destiny’s Child, Beyonce went on to start a solo career in 2006 where she earned the most Grammy Awards in history — a remarkable 26 times.
Celine Dion
Originally from Quebec, Canada, Celine Dion went on to find worldwide success. Her start in Canada helped her immensely, with many of her albums being sung in both French and English. In 1988, Dion got her biggest boost to fame when she won the Eurovision song contest in which she represented Switzerland.
Celine Dion
Although her albums got their start in only French and English, Dion has also recorded songs in Italian, Spanish, German, Chinese, Latin, and Japanese and has been bestowed with the title, “Queen of Adult Contemporary.”
Aretha Franklin
No list of impressive female singers could ever be complete without the incomparable Aretha Franklin. Known as the “Queen of Soul,” Franklin actually got her career as a gospel singer in her church choir.
Aretha Franklin
Even though she probably never imagined becoming the musical sensation that she is today, she signed a deal with Columbia Records at age 18 and — throughout her life — has released 38 studio albums, as well as 131 singles. She became the first woman ever to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1987.
Mariah Carey
Mariah Carey is known for many things including her five Grammy Awards and over 200 million records sold. But, out of all those things, one of the most renowned aspects of her career is her incredible voice — which is able to hit an incredible range of five octaves.
Mariah Carey
That unique ability has helped to propel her to incredible heights, with many considering her to be one of the original pioneers of contemporary pop and an inspiration to generations of singers.
Whitney Houston
Not only does Whitney Houston have an incredible voice but she also has the nickname of “The Voice.” Is there really much more we can add to that? To say that Whitney Houston is an award-winning artist is like saying the ocean is vast — both are true but neither capture the true scale of either thing.
Whitney Houston
Whitney Houston is actually in the Guinness World Record as the most awarded female artists of all time, with a total of 415 throughout her career.
We are now being told that producing food is bad for the planet. To “save” the planet, globalists insist, farms must be shut down across the globe.
A family with starving children, Wikimedia Commons.
Under the guise of reducing “methane emissions,” thirteen nations have signed a pledge to engineer global famine by gutting agricultural production and shutting down farms. Announced earlier this year by the Global Methane Hub — a cabal of crisis engineers who exploit public panic to destroy the world food supply — those thirteen nations are:
Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Chile, Czech Republic, Ecuador, Germany, Panama, Peru, Spain, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, and Uruguay.
Imagine no meat production from Australia, Brazil and the USA. This is the goal of the globalists. And they admit it’s all part of the climate fraud which has been thoroughly exposed as a quack science hoax, by the way. As Luis Planas, Spain’s Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food says, “I am glad to see the shared commitment by the international community to mitigate methane emissions from agriculture as a means to achieve the goals we signed for in the Paris Agreement on climate.”
“Food systems are responsible for 60% of methane emissions,” warns Marcelo Mena, CEO of the Global Methane Hub. She is saying that farming is destroying the planet. Hence, their demand to shut down farms. Without farms, you have no food. And without food, you get exactly what Kamala Harris called for over the weekend: “Reduced population.”
The depopulation agenda is no longer even a secret. They are bragging about it.
And here’s their logic: FOOD = GLOBAL WARMING. So they are attacking food and shutting it down.
Starving child in Africa.
Cows and chickens to be replaced by crickets and insect larvae
Enjoy the crunchy fake meat patties and Cricket McNuggets. Soon, you’ll be eating bugs because meat will be wildly unaffordable due to the governments shutting down farms and ranches. As journalist Leo Hohmann explains:
We can presume from this language that among the practices being considered are replacing a major portion of the beef and dairy cattle, pork and chicken stocks that populations rely on for protein with insect larvae, meal worms, crickets, etc. The U.N., World Economic Forum and other NGOs have been promoting meatless diets and the consumption of insect protein for years, and billionaires have invested in massive insect factories being built in the state of Illinois, in Canada and in the Netherlands, where meal worms, crickets and other bugs will be processed as additives to be inserted into the food supply, often without clear labels that will inform people of exactly what they are eating.
Hohmann also refers to the Deagel forecast which projects an almost 70 percent reduction of the U.S. population by 2025, saying:
There is no more efficient way to depopulate than through war, famine and plagues. Isn’t it interesting that all three of these time-tested methods of murder are in play right now?
In a related story, Michael Snyder from The Economic Collapse Blog writes:
Global food supplies just keep getting even tighter, and global hunger has risen to extremely alarming levels… According to the United Nations, nearly 30 percent of the global population does not have constant access to food right now, and there are approximately 900 million people that are facing “severe food insecurity”…
Chinese children starving.
Gee, add to that the next global PLANdemic, and you can see (if you take off your leftist blinders) where this is headed. And the BIDEN REGIME is particpating in it!–TPR
Why are white progressives so afraid of merit? You would have thought that after they lost the Civil War, white progressives would have accepted their black brothers and sisters as equals.
But after 150 plus years the progressives still are acting as if blacks are their personal property. At least with this weeks Supreme Court ruling, it will be much harder for schools to pack their enrollment with students that are at the eight grade level in many basic subjects.
Organizations such as the Moms for Liberty seek to push back against critical race theory in schools. (Reuters)
Why do groups like Moms for Liberty scare White Progressives, certain Blacks, and the LGBTQ crowd? It’s really very simple. Moms for Liberty feel that they do not need co-parents. Schools should teach the children how to Read, Write, and Arithmetic.
White Progressives have no issues with teachers going off curriculum and injecting their social views. That’s not what a well rounded education is about.
Some Black parents and Black hate groups are more about students learning about racism, and government programs than learning how to do it for themselves.
The LGBTQ crowd cares about what boys can be girls and girls can be boys. Big topic is about boys using girls bathrooms.
But we are always told the police only stop people of color. Pa. State Police data shows no racial profiling in recent study of traffic stops. The 160-page report conducted by the National Policing Institute showed 78.5% of people stopped were white, 14.4% were Black and 8.2% were Hispanic.
You’ve heard the stories. White progressives and black race baiters are always telling us how the police just troll out there looking for people of color. Well this report just released yesterday tells a different story. Of the more than 440,000 drivers stopped by Pennsylvania State Police in 2022, a new report shows that nearly four out of five were white and 40 percent were pulled over for speeding. State officials said there were no signs of racial profiling in any of the data collected.