Biden Pandemic Links from other news sources.

Not a fact check, but a lie check.

Views: 21

Everyone has been doing a fact check on Biden’s comments Tuesday. I think that being Joe was telling one lie after another it should be called a lie check. So here goes.

Biden said, “In the ten years the ban was law, mass shootings went down. After we let it expire, in a Republican administration, mass shootings tripled.”

The new mass-shooting database shows that there were 31 mass shootings in the decade before the 1994 law, 31 in the 10 years the law was in force (Sept. 13, 1994 to Sept. 12, 2004) and 47 in the 10 years after it expired. As noted, some of that increase stems from population growth. Doesn’t look like it tripled to me.

President Joe Biden claimed during Tuesday’s State of the Union that the Democrats’ Inflation Reduction Act put a monthly cap 0f $35 on insulin costs for Medicare enrollees.

VERDICT: Misleading. But former President Donald Trump’s administration actually struck a deal with insulin manufacturers and healthcare providers to drastically reduce the cost of insulin for American seniors who relied on Medicare during his presidency — and before Biden took office. The deal Trump’s administration made limited the co-pay for a month’s supply of the drug to $35, as Breitbart News reported at the time.

In the last two years, my administration has cut the deficit by more than $1.7 trillion – the largest deficit reduction in American history.

Dan White, senior director of economic research at Moody’s Analytics – an economics firm whose assessments Biden has repeatedly cited during his presidency – told CNN’s Matt Egan in October: “On net, the policies of the administration have increased the deficit, not reduced it.” The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, an advocacy group, wrote in September that Biden’s actions will add more than $4.8 trillion to deficits from 2021 through 2031, or $2.5 trillion if you don’t count the American Rescue Plan pandemic relief bill of 2021.

Nearly 25% of the entire national debt, a debt that took 200 years to accumulate, was added by just one administration alone – the last one.

It’s important to note, though, that some of the increase in the debt during the Trump era was because of the trillions in emergency Covid-19 pandemic relief spending that passed with bipartisan support. The national debt spiked in the first half of 2020 after increasing gradually during Trump’s first three years in office, and because of spending required by safety-net programs that were created by previous presidents. A significant amount of spending under any president is the result of decisions made by their predecessors.

Here at home, gas prices are down $1.50 since their peak.

As of the day of the State of the Union, the national average for a gallon of regular gas was $3.457, per data from the American Automobile Association. That was indeed down more than $1.50 from a record high of $5.016 in mid-June. But it was still up from a national average of $2.393 on Biden’s Inauguration Day in January 2021.

Biden claimed 12 million new jobs. Department of Labor statistics says 2.5 million. All the other jobs were layoffs that returned. Under Trump during the pandemic his last five months, 10 million workers returned. No one claimed those were new jobs. Another way to look at it.

Under Trump 22 million lost Jobs. Joe Biden claims he created 12 million jobs. So can you say 10 million jobs gone for good under Biden?



Back Door Power Grab Links from other news sources.

Biden says he will veto any cuts to Medicare, but yet he’s trying to cut Medicare Advantage.

Views: 21

Biden says he will veto any cuts to Medicare, but yet he’s trying to cut Medicare Advantage. You may have heard him Tuesday night carrying on like a crazy person hollering and screaming about Republicans cutting Medicare and Social Security.

Well now we know who’s proposing the draconian cuts and trying to gut Medicare Advantage. Joe Biden. His boy Obama tried that and even the majority of Democrats had to remind him of his place.

Now the Biden  Administration and Democrats Want to Cut Overwhelmingly Popular Medicare Advantage Program. A new report on Medicare shows that enrollment in the popular Medicare Advantage (MA) program has grown across the board, showing that more seniors are choosing privately-run, innovative options every year.

A group of progressive House lawmakers wrote to CMMI calling for it to get rid of the model for similar reasons.

Progressive lawmakers have also floated potential cuts to MA to help pay for expanded Medicare benefits such as dental or vision benefits as part of the Build Back Better Act, which has stalled in Congress due to objections from key centrist Sen. Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia.

The Biden Administration itself is proposing major cuts to the Medicare Advantage program. It runs into the billions.

CMS’ final rate announcement will be released by April 4.


Links from other news sources. The Courts

Newly Republican State Supreme Court To Rehear Voter ID, Redistricting Cases – Could Result In 4 New GOP Congressmen Next Election.

Views: 16

Newly Republican State Supreme Court To Rehear Voter ID, Redistricting Cases – Could Result In 4 New GOP Congressmen Next Election.

In the Congress elected in 2020, there were 5 Democrats and 8 Republicans elected from North Carolina.

In the Congress elected in 2022, there were 7 Democrats and 7 Republicans elected from North Carolina (North Carolina gained a seat after 2020 census). The change could allow for 4 more GOP congressmen.







Links from other news sources.

Thanks Joe Biden, three oil companies made over 125 Billion last year. And it wasn’t from increased production.

Views: 6

Thanks Joe Biden, three oil companies made over 125 Billion last year. And it wasn’t from increased production. Yes the profits were flowing. But why? All agree that production was down. Oh the administration was telling us that permits weren’t being used and new permits were issued.

What wasn’t told was that permits were delayed for years before approval is given. Plus new permits were issued but drilling could not begin till objections were resolved with environmental groups.

So the EPA and the federal agencies involved OK the permits but the environmental groups can add additional years on the final approval. So naturally the oil companies costs go up and the middle man passes those on to the independents and they pass it on to the service stations. Who naturally pass the increases on.

Thanks Joe.


Back Door Power Grab Links from other news sources.

Just when you thought it was safe to have a gas stove. Department of Energy now wants to regulate gas stoves.

Views: 93

Just when you thought it was safe to have a gas stove. Department of Energy now wants to regulate gas stoves. First a few weeks back, a board member at the US Consumer Product Safety Commission said aloud what the extremists want to do. Go all electric.

Now the Department of Energy  is proposing limits on energy consumption for gas stoves. This from Jill Notini, a vice president with the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers

“This approach by DOE could effectively ban gas appliances,” said Jill Notini, a vice president with the Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers. “We are concerned this approach could eliminate fully featured gas products.” The trade group said 95% of the market for gas products would likely not meet the new proposed rules.

Bloomberg reported:

Gas stoves are coming under fresh scrutiny as a second federal agency has now stepped into the political firestorm with a proposal for new regulations for the appliances.


The Energy Department proposal, published Wednesday, sets first-of-their-kind limits on energy consumption for the stoves, drawing fear from the industry that the regulation could effectively end the use of some products from the market. The proposal also sets energy usage standards for electric cook tops and new standards for both gas and electric ovens.


The move comes just weeks after an official with the US Consumer Product Safety Commission floated the idea of a ban, igniting criticism from the gas industry and from lawmakers ranging from House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers to Senator Joe Manchin. Within days, the head of the commission clarified that the agency had no plans for a ban, and the White House issued a statement that said the president didn’t support banning the cooking products either.


The Energy Department’s proposal would reduce energy usage by about 30% relative to the least-efficient products on the market today, according to the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy, an environmental group. The proposed standards are based on improved cooking efficiency through the use of design options, such as an optimized burner and improved grates, and some products are already on the market that meet the requirements, the group said.




COVID Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

We were warned this was coming. Video of Pfizer Employee Explaining COVID Vaccine Research Debunked. Yeah right.

Views: 14

This was how Pfizer decided to combat this. If the person on the video wasn’t a employee, why hasn’t Pfizer said so? And if he never was, will Pfizer sue him? If this turns out that this was a set up, I’ll print a retraction.

Project Veritas, a conservative activist group known for spreading misinformation, recently published a concealed-camera videoopens in a new tab or window allegedly showing a Pfizer employee describing the company’s COVID-19 vaccine research efforts.

As described by Project Veritas, the video features “Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development – Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning,” sharing details about Pfizer’s plans for conducting gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 research.

In the heavily edited clip, the so-called employee can be heard telling the Project Veritas reporter out of the camera frame “don’t tell anyone this, by the way” before outlining seemingly theoretical conversations being had at Pfizer.

A photo of the Pfizer World Headquarters in New York City.

Project Veritas, a conservative activist group known for spreading misinformation, recently published a concealed-camera videoopens in a new tab or window allegedly showing a Pfizer employee describing the company’s COVID-19 vaccine research efforts.

As described by Project Veritas, the video features “Jordon Trishton Walker, Pfizer Director of Research and Development – Strategic Operations and mRNA Scientific Planning,” sharing details about Pfizer’s plans for conducting gain-of-function SARS-CoV-2 research.

In the heavily edited clip, the so-called employee can be heard telling the Project Veritas reporter out of the camera frame “don’t tell anyone this, by the way” before outlining seemingly theoretical conversations being had at Pfizer.


“You know how the virus keeps mutating?” Walker asks in the video. “Well one of the things we’re exploring is, like, why don’t we just mutate it ourselves so … we could create preemptively developed new vaccines, right?”

It is currently unclear if the man in the video is actually an employee of Pfizer, and if that is his real name.

Pfizer released a statementopens in a new tab or window on Friday summarily debunking the claims made in the video, noting that the company “has not conducted gain of function or directed evolution research” related to its “ongoing development of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine.”

The company further explained that it has “conducted research where the original SARS-CoV-2 virus has been used to express the spike protein from new variants of concern,” after these new variants have been properly identified by public health authorities, and is used to “rapidly assess the ability of an existing vaccine to induce antibodies that neutralize a newly identified variant of concern.”

Pfizer noted that this research is made public when it is published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal and is used “as one of the steps to determine whether a vaccine update is required.”

In an interview with MedPage Today, Paul Offit, MD, of Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a member of FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee, explained the primary concerns with gain-of-function research and why Pfizer’s research efforts are not attempting to produce these kinds of results.

“Usually, when people talk about gaining function, they’re talking about making it so that the virus is either more deadly or more easily transmitted or that it now can jump species,” Offit said.

He noted that this kind of research is tightly regulatedopens in a new tab or window in the U.S., and that regulations against gain-of-function research were the result of one well-documented studyopens in a new tab or window that was conducted several years ago at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. In the study, researchers were working with a strain of avian influenza that only reproduced in birds, which was intentionally modified to be reproducible in mammals, specifically in ferrets.

Offit emphasized that unlike the ferret study, Pfizer has been working with an mRNA platform that is coded for coronavirus spike proteins, not a whole virus. Furthermore, Pfizer is only working on one of four possible spike proteins on this particular virus, he added, noting that even if the company was working with all four proteins, it would still not be enough to accomplish gain-of-function results.

“You have a whole virus, which is then modified to become either more contagious or more deadly, but you have to start with a whole virus,” he said.

“If there was some evil hand back there that was trying to make the virus more immune-evasive or more contagious, that would be considered gain-of-function research, but it’s not happening,” he added. “The evil hand is mother nature.”

Overall, the work that has gone into developing a vaccine for COVID has been “remarkably effective,” he said. The reality was that researchers were able to sequence SARS-CoV-2 in a matter of months, conduct two large clinical trials using a technology that had never been used to make a vaccine, and achieved an effectiveness against severe disease that was much greater than expected.

The statement below is very scary.

“This is the best medical achievement in my lifetime,” he said. “And my lifetime includes the development of the polio vaccine.”






Corruption Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Kash Patel: ‘Government Gangsters’ Trying to ‘Cover Up’ Biden Classified Document Scandal

Views: 15

Former White House national security official Kash Patel spoke with Breitbart News about how “government gangsters” at the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) are “scrambling” to “cover up” President Joe Biden’s classified document scandal and the deep state’s targeting of former President Donald Trump.


Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle noted that former President Donald Trump, former Vice President Mike Pence, and President Joe Biden are all in controversy stemming from classified documents and asked Patel to break down the differences in each case.

The key difference is that in Trump’s case, he had the presidential authority to declassify the documents that were marked classified and found at Mar-a-Lago, Patel explained.

“When it comes to classified documents, there’s one person on planet Earth that is a universal arbiter of classification. That means they can declassify and classify at will, that is a sitting president of the United States. That is it,” Patel said. “Nobody else can do that, unless that power is delegated to them through the Office of Director of National Intelligence, and through the chain of command, from the White House. A vice president cannot do it.”

Patel accused Biden’s DOJ of creating a “two-tier system of justice” to try and “cover up” Biden’s classified document case, despite the raid on Trump’s Mar-a-Lago estate. Patel urged House Republicans to subpoena documents from the FBI’s investigation into Biden’s classified documents “to show the world how bad and rotten the DOJ is.”

“And what we now know that this, they say the Biden investigation began in November, because a librarian said that the documents were overdue. I don’t believe that for one second,” Patel said. “This investigation began from Hunter Biden’s laptop, because they found classified information that he was using to shill and hawk documents to the Ukraine so he can get paid. That’s where it came. And that’s where the house must get the documents from the FBI to show the world how bad and rotten the DOJ is.”

Boyle noted that the $83,000 monthly payments Hunter Biden received for his business dealings with Ukrainian-based Burisma were so the company could get “an inside track to whatever’s going on in the White House.”

Patel pointed out that former President Barack Obama has been silent amid Biden’s classified documents scandal and agreed with Boyle’s suggestion that Obama be brought into the House committees to testify under oath.

Patel said:

But whether or not Barack Obama declassified certain documents, he certainly didn’t declassify documents that were classified when Joe Biden was Senator. Now we know that. Joe Biden has documents dating back 20 years. So Barack Obama had nothing to do with though, so even if you declassified some of this stuff Joe Biden took, and you’re right, his deafening silence is noteworthy here, he could have just come out and said, nothing to see here. I declassified those for Joe, he told me about them. And, you know, no big deal.

Patel also criticized the media for referring to “sets” of documents found in Biden’s possession because “one set could be 1000 pages.”

“In my career. I’ve never or rarely have I ever seen one set equal one page. And they’re doing this on purpose,” Patel said. “Of course at Mar-a-Lago, they strewn all the paperwork on a floor and say, ‘look at all of this stuff.’ With Biden, it’s like, ‘oh, he only had six sets here, and four sets there and 12 sets there,’”

“So this information that’s been classified has been in the wild in unsecure facilities for multiple decades, being touched and handled by people who don’t have the appropriate security clearance to do it, namely Hunter Biden, who has used it to gain inappropriately and unlawfully contracts and advisory work from foreign governments. that in and of itself, is there another violation of the federal statute,” Patel continued.

Boyle pointed out that Biden has a plethora of documents at the University of Delaware waiting to be released from his time in the Senate.

Patel, a former prosecutor, said he would have started looking for more classified documents at Biden’s center at the University of Delaware.

“But Matt, you and I know we don’t live in a in a uniform system of justice anymore. This is not the United States of America from 10 years ago. It’s not even the USA from seven years ago,” Patel said. “This government, under government gangsters like Merrick Garland and Chris Wray, have determined that anything that benefits Joe Biden and hurts Donald Trump is going to dictate how they operate the law to the facts at hand. And that is a total destruction of justice.”

Patel urged House Republicans to subpoena documents from “every single location Hunter and Joe ever resided in, ever uses an office space ever had an association with or ever had an employment agreement with.”

Patel explained that “Joe Biden is not our target,” instead, “our target is the administrative deep state that’s being run by these government gangsters.”

Patel continued:

And we need to educate everyone that this total bastardization of due process by using the Biden classified documents scandal criminal enterprise to show them that even though Merrick Garland goes to the podium every week and says we are prosecuting without fear or favor, he is prosecuted because he is in fear and needs to curry favor with the deep state so that he can maintain his job and look good in the media.

Boyle then asked Patel to give advice to House Republicans as they proceed with their investigations into Biden.

Patel encouraged House Republicans to “follow the money.”

He said:

These people need to do what we did during the Russia gate, which is follow the money. Money never lies. Subpoena the money, subpoena every bank that the Biden’s had anything to do with in relation to the Ukraine, China, and other pay-for-play schemes. And why do I say that? Because the banking information relates right back to the documentation, which is the scene of a crime here, the Ukraine document that Hunter Biden produced from classified information is point in case, you know, exhibit number one, to land a seven-figure contract in the Ukraine. That is hard evidence that shows you and the American public, what their actual intentions were with classified information, it was to take it to steal it and to peddle it for personal financial gain.

He also cautioned against launching too many investigations. Instead, Patel suggested they conduct “like two or three investigations,” with the FBI and DOJ being the focus of one investigation and “maybe the border and maybe Fauci.”

“If we can do those three things Well, then we will provide the American public with documentation to show the corruption of the government gangsters that are operating these agencies and departments,” Patel added.

Jordan Dixon-Hamilton is a reporter for Breitbart News.


Links from other news sources. Reprints from others.

Just putting this out there. Professor: COVID pandemic, inflation make minority parents ‘devolve’ to poor behavior

Views: 18

‘Historically marginalized communities like Philadelphia experience even higher levels of trauma’A professor at Thomas Jefferson University said incidences of Philadelphia parents and other adults coming to schools to settle their kids’ arguments and threaten teachers is due in part to the effects of the COVID pandemic, inflation and gun violence.Psychologist Kirby Wycoff (pictured) told The Philadelphia Inquirer that “historically marginalized communities like Philadelphia experience even higher levels of trauma than other communities,” and as such “may devolve to behavior that’s not helpful.”

“These families are stressed out, overwhelmed, and not sure how to get their needs met,” Wycoff said. “It’s not OK, but I can understand where it’s coming from.”

Over the last two years, the 217 schools in the city district have seen a concerning number of threats and incidents involving adults. In the first half of this school year there have been “five assaults on employees by parents and 35 threats by parents to employees.” At this same time last year there were two and 41, respectively.

Jerry Jordan, president of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers, related how he recently approved the transfer of a teacher who had been assaulted by a student and, soon thereafter, members of the student’s family.

“Adults just marched right into the school, ignored the rules of checking into the office, walked right into the classroom, and attacked the teacher [physically],” Jordan told the Inquirer.

MORE: Philly teachers fed up with knuckleheaded discipline policies

Former Principal Robin Cooper said school district officials share the blame: “Why would I act appropriately if there’s nothing in it for me, if I know I can come up and act a fool and my kid still gets to terrorize a school? Our schools are not bad if the supports are there to hold people accountable for behavior.”

Cooper’s comments reflect the situation in many American schools: a paucity of teachers.

Despite media accounts about things like poor salaries, constant student misbehavior and lack of administrative support rank consistently highest among educator (and potential educator) concerns.

Wycoff’s solutions — more school “resources” and “promoting trauma-informed practices across systems” — sound a lot like methods in line with “restorative justice.”

According to her faculty page, Wycoff is co-author of articles such as “Motherhood Among Young Black Women: Wisdom and Survival amidst Trauma, Racism, and Structural Oppression,” “‘I ain’t ready: It’s time to get ready:’ Exploring Dichotomous Feelings about Motherhood among Young Women of Color,” and “Applying a MTSS Framework to Address Racism and Promote Mental Health for Racially and Ethnically Minoritized Youth.”

MORE: Philly schools launch ‘comprehensive initiative’ to end racism


Crime Daily Hits. Links from other news sources. Uncategorized

California Progressives rejoice. Rest of the population mourns. Their gun control laws only allowed one mass shooting this week.

Views: 16

California Progressives rejoice. Rest of the population mourns. Their gun control laws only allowed one mass shooting this week. Yes my friends it looks as if gun control is finally working in California. Only one mass shooting this past week.

A mass shooting took place Thursday in the wealthy Beverly Crest neighborhood of Los Angeles, killing three and wounding four people according to police. The shooting took place at a short term rental on the 2700 block of Ellison Dr. No suspect or motive has been identified as of yet but the public is not believed to be in danger. It has not been determined whether a party was taking place.

It’s working so well that California lawmakers are calling for even tougher laws. Oh they work so well. Don’t you think?



Links from other news sources. Reprints from others. Uncategorized

Putting this out there.Croatian President Calls Germany’s ‘We Are at War With Russia’ Comment Madness

Views: 17

Croatian President Calls Germany’s ‘We Are at War With Russia’ Comment Madness. Croatian President Zoran Milanovic responded to the German foreign minister saying “we are fighting a war against Russia” by calling the remark “madness” and wishing Germany better luck than with the last war they had with Russia 70 years ago.

Milanovic was responding to the bizarre and inflammatory statement made by German Foreign Minister Annalena Baerbock during the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe on Tuesday.

Croatian President Zoran Milanovic responded to the German foreign minister saying “we are fighting a war against Russia” by calling the remark “madness” and wishing Germany better luck than with the last war they had with Russia 70 years ago.

“Do you want us to enter the war?” asked Milanovic during a visit to the port city of Split, adding that Croatia “should in no way help” Ukraine militarily.

The Croatian president expressed his amazement that such aggressive rhetoric was being spouted by a representative of the usually pacifist German Greens.

“If we are at war with Russia, then let’s see what we need to do. But we won’t ask Germany for its opinion,” Milanovic asserted. “Let them figure out who is the actual chancellor over there. I’ve been in politics for a long time, and our country has been through a lot, but I’ve never seen this kind of madness before.”

Milanovic condemned NATO powers for flooding the region with tanks and other weaponry in order to prolong the war.

“Those tanks may burn, or they may reach Crimea, but Croatia will have nothing to do with it,” he insisted.

As we previously highlighted, US weapons sales to other countries rose from $103.4 billion in 2021 to $153.7 billion in 2022, with Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman and Raytheon all making a killing out of the Ukraine conflict.

In a related development, the French Foreign Ministry claimed that the US, Germany and other countries sending battle tanks to Ukraine did not mean that NATO was at war with Russia.

“We are not at war with Russia and none of our partners are,” ministry spokeswoman Anne-Claire Legendre said.


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