
Why didn’t I think of this? Trump can get Paris Accord scrapped for good.

Why didn’t I think of this? Trump can get Paris accord scrapped for good. Yes my friends we can finally bury this puppy for good. Fake News will never know what hit them. We have this from The Competitive Enterprise Institute.

“We are encouraging him to review the agreement and recognize that it is in fact a treaty and transmit it before January 20 to the Senate for its advice,” Myron Ebell, Center for Energy and Environment director at the Competitive Enterprise Institute, said on a conference call on Thursday. “If that happens, the treaty will be in limbo until such time as the Senate decides to vote on it.”

See it works like this. The Senate would need a two-thirds majority to ratify the treaty, something that is unlikely due to the makeup of Congress’ upper chamber. Republicans currently hold a 50-48 edge over Democrats with two runoffs in Georgia set for Jan. 5.

So in plain English, Biden doesn’t get two thirds and we don’t get the Paris attack on our Economy and we still have clean air.


Biden finally admits to one of his lies. President Trump did deliver on a Trump vaccine before the end of the year.

Biden finally admits to one of his lies. President Trump did deliver on a Trump vaccine before the end of the year. After the thousands of lies, Joe Biden did admit that President Trump and President Trump alone was responsible for getting the Trump vacccine out before the end of the year.

Remember when Joe said he and the fauch would get the vaccine out in the spring or summer? And of course the MSM and Progressives said no to the vaccine and it’s not safe if it has Trumps seal of approval. I guess they were dead wrong.