Uncategorized Opinion Politics

Let’s just send the weapons we had in Afghanistan to the Ukraine. Oh wait we can’t. The Taliban has them.

Views: 75

If only we had removed all the weapons, aircraft, armour, etc. from Afghanistan, Ukraine would have a much better fighting chance. But Joe decided that the Taliban  was unbeatable, so he sounded the retreat. Let’s hope he doesn’t do the same in the Ukraine.

What say you?


Corruption COVID Politics

DHS: Agency Created after 9/11 to Protect Transport Investigates 3,800 “Non-Masked Passengers”

Views: 23

Mask up or else!

The Homeland Security agency created after the 2001 terrorist attacks to protect the nation’s transportation system has been quite busy investigating and fining travelers who do not wear masks to supposedly slow the spread of COVID-19. Since February 2021 when the face mask security directive was implemented to March 2022, the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has investigated more than 3,800 cases involving “non-masked passengers,” according to a federal audit. The agency charged with preventing another 9/11 issued more than 2,700 warning notices and over 900 civil penalties against passengers who violated the mask mandate, the probe found. The average fine was $699.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO), the investigative arm of Congress, conducted the audit and issued a report this week with the findings. Because the TSA is responsible for securing the nation’s transportation sector, it issues security directives if threat information, events, or significant vulnerabilities indicate that additional security measures are needed. In this case, surface transportation operators within the U.S. were ordered to implement face mask requirements for passengers and employees because the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) determined that multi-person transportation modes potentially increase the risk of spreading COVID-19 because travelers are in close proximity to others in enclosed spaces where physical distancing is not possible.

It appears that the TSA, not exactly known for its competence, was more efficient than ever in cracking down on mask violators. Congressional investigators found that the agency issued the COVID-19 directives in less than a week and “expedited coordination with external stakeholders—other federal agencies and industry—to develop and issue these directives, due to the urgent nature of the COVID-19 pandemic.” Not everyone was happy. “While selected external stakeholders raised several issues with the security directives, they stated that TSA’s expedited coordination was generally effective,” the GAO writes. Some may wonder if health-related issues fall under the security threats that Congress created the TSA to deal with. Not really, but the TSA claims that the introduction or spread of a communicable disease through the transportation sector is a threat that allows it to exercise its authority as needed, including the authority to issue security directives.

Coinciding with the report highlighting the TSA’s mask policing duties, new research conducted by a European consulting and health group shows travel restrictions failed to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Even when travel restrictions are implemented immediately after the discovery of a new variant, it only delays infection peaks by a maximum of four days, researchers found. By the time restrictions are issued, the new variant has likely been circulating in communities worldwide, according to the study. “Air travel restrictions do not affect the size of the peak,” researchers write, adding that “introducing air passenger testing does not affect the height of the peak of cases, relative to not having any restrictions in place. This holds even when travel volumes are high.” The study has led the International Air Transport Association (IATA) and Airports Council International Europe to call for an end to all COVID restrictions, including mask mandates.

The TSA’s “security directive” for mask use on public transportation and transportation hubs has been extended through April 18. The agency will continue to crack down on violators, issuing warning notices and civil penalty fines against passengers. First-time offenders typically get warning notices and “repeat offenders” get slapped with civil penalties of up to $1,500. Because so many passengers refused to comply with the face mask requirement, last fall the TSA expanded the list of aggravating factors that qualify a violator for a monetary civil penalty to include instances of defiant behavior while refusing to wear a face mask and repeated removal or improper use of a face mask after being instructed to wear one. The agency also increased the penalties, with first-time offenders receiving $500 to $1,000 fines and repeat offenders fines of up to $3,000. The overwhelming majority of mask incidents investigated occurred onboard aircrafts.

As the TSA does an impeccable job chasing non-masked passengers, its lapses in more serious areas come to mind. They include missing guns and bombs during covert exercises known as “red team tests,” TSA agents literally sleeping on the job and STEALING FROM PASSENGERS, the failure to properly screen luggage and a number of other violations that have risked national security. Records obtained by Judicial Watch a few years ago show hundreds of badges that allow agents to access secure areas of airports went missing along with uniforms and other devices used to control entry. Last year a federal audit disclosed that nearly 2 million workers with unescorted access to security restricted areas at airports throughout the U.S. could pose an “insider threat” as the TSA studies how to curb the risk. The agency is supposed to submit a plan to Congress examining the cost and feasibility of enhanced worker screening measures at American airports.



Economy Opinion Politics

Democrats show their support for Mother Russia. Vote down bill that promotes American Energy.

Views: 9

The Republicans introduced the “American Independence from Russian Energy Act” . Very simple. Buy and explore American energy sources and ban the Russian and their allies energy sources.

All Republicans except for Matt Gaetz. voted for the bill. Gaetz felt the bill would open up drilling along the Florida coast. Republicans on the floor voiced near-unanimous support for the measure, with Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) describing U.S. reliance on Russian oil and petroleum products as “unconscionable.”

The Democrats were only interested in green energy. The vote was 221-202. This was on February 28th. 

The Republicans tried again on March 17th. Again the Democrats showed their support for Mother Russia.



Politics Reprints from others.

Australia to boost military forces by 30% amidst increasing threats.

Views: 32

Whole article can be found here.

Now we know that there are loons on the left who look to Socialist China as our friends, and ignore the fact that they’re Russia’s number one ally. But Australia is acting now.

The Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison announced on Thursday that Australia is likely to boost its military force by 30% till 2040, stating this to be the biggest military build-up in the past 40 years since the Vietnam War.

The Australian government proposed to add approximately 80,000 uniformed personnel to its military force, considering the increase in risk posed by China and Russia. The estimated cost of the entire military build-up strategy is AU$38 billion or US$27 billion.

Morrison also added that some of the newly recruited troops would support a future nuclear-power submarine fleet as committed by Australia as a part of the new Australia-United Kingdom- US defence alliance (AUKUS).




Politics Corruption

At Least 12 Missiles Hit Iraq’s Erbil Near US Consulate: Reports — But nobody was hurt.

Views: 25

View on June 15, 2014 in Irbil, Iraq.

By Mimi Nguyen Ly for Epoch Times March 12, 2022 Updated: March 13, 2022

At least 12 missiles landed on targets in northern Iraq, hitting an area near a U.S. Consulate in the city of Erbil in the early hours of Sunday, the state news agency quoted the Directorate General of Counter Terrorism in Kurdistan as saying.

“Several missiles fell on the city of Erbil,” said governor Omid Khoshnaw, the Iraqi News Agency (INA) also reported. Erbil is the capital city of the autonomous Kurdistan region of Iraq.

“No victims or casualties after Erbil blasts,” Saman Barzanji, health minister in Iraq’s Kurdistan Province, was cited as saying.

A spokesman for the Kurdish regional government said there were no casualties. A U.S. State Department spokesperson called it an “outrageous attack” but said no Americans were hurt and there was no damage to U.S. government facilities in Erbil.

No flight interruptions have been reported at Erbil airport.

Footage posted on social media shows multiple explosions. The Epoch Times cannot independently verify the footage.

Sky News Arabia earlier reported that five long-range ballistic missiles targeted the site of a U.S. Consulate currently under construction there. It later reported that “12 ballistic missiles” were launched “from outside Iraq,” citing a statement from the counter-terrorism forces in the Kurdistan region of Iraq.

According to the outlet, one of the missiles fell on the headquarters of the Kurdish satellite channel K24, which is affiliated with the President of the Kurdistan Regional Government of Iraq , Masrour Barzani. The building is near the U.S. Consulate in Erbil.

There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the latest attack.

“Seeing reports of Iran-backed attacks on the U.S. consulate in Iraq,” Rep. Lisa McClain (R-Mich.) said on Twitter. “This aggression shows we should absolutely end all Iran Nuclear Deal negotiations now. We must also never buy Iranian oil.”

In the past, U.S. forces stationed at Erbil’s international airport complex have come under fire from rocket and drone attacks that U.S. officials blame on Iran-aligned militia groups. There have been no such attacks for several months.

The last time ballistic missiles were directed at U.S. forces was in January 2020 in retaliation for the killing of Qassem Soleimani, the head of the Iranian Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps’s Quds Force (IRGC-QF), at Baghdad airport earlier that same month. There were no deaths, however, many U.S. service members suffered head injuries from the strike.

Fars News Agency, which is managed by the IRGC of Iran’s Islamist regime, appeared to link the missile attack to the killing of Soleimani.

“Missiles hit the ‘Israeli-American’ bases at 01:20 local time; ‘that’s not a coincidence’. IRGC-QF chief Soleimani was killed in #Iraq on 7Jan20—01:20 Iraq time. #Iran,” Fars News wrote in a Twitter post, per a translation via journalist Khosro Kalbasi.

Jason Brodsky, policy director at United Against Nuclear Iran, wrote on Twitter: “The Soleimani factor in the #Erbil attack tonight is important. Soleimani’s birthday was on March 11, pro-IRGC media are boasting the attack tonight occured at same time of his death at 1:20 AM, the revenge attack on 01/08/20 also occured at 1:20 AM.

“And there are reports the Fateh-110s were used tonight, which also made a cameo appearance in the Soleimani revenge attack on U.S. forces in #Iraq on 01/08/2020. Would note #Iran has also launched Fateh-110s before on #Iraq, e.g. in September 2018 on KDPI HQ in Koya.”

An Israeli air strike in Syria killed two IRGC members on March 7, Iranian state media reported earlier. The IRGC vowed to retaliate, it said.

Melanie Sun and Reuters contributed to this report.

This sounds suspicious, if only because NONE of the missiles hurt anyone:

“No victims or casualties after Erbil blasts,” Saman Barzanji, health minister in Iraq’s Kurdistan Province, was cited as saying.

Hmm. The comments on the original article consider it to be the work of third parties, possibly to create more ME tension, and/or another ME war. Certainly a possible explanation, given certain other factors we’ve seen before this.


Elections Opinion Politics

He’ll need more than this. Beto O’Rourke comes out against critical race theory in schools

Views: 12

So one of the left wing loons is against CRT being taught in schools. What a better question is this. Do you subscribe to CRT? Texas gubernatorial candidate Beto O’Rourke became one of the first Democratic Party leaders to explicitly come out against critical race theory (CRT) in schools.

A member of the audience asked if O’Rourke supported CRT in schools, to which the gubernatorial candidate said, “No, I don’t think [CRT] should be taught in our schools.”

Beto says this now, but the fact is that he’s in denial about CRT being taught in the schools. The left has a habit of saying one thing to get elected, but does something different when elected.



Back Door Power Grab Crime Elections Politics

Dr. Shiva Discusses His History and Analysis Identifying 200,000 Ballots in Maricopa County, Arizona with Signature Issues

Views: 33


Dr. Shiva joined The Joe Hoft Show at Real Talk 93.3 on Tuesday to discuss his recent findings from his analysis of ballots from the 2020 Election in Maricopa County, Arizona.  Over 200,000 ballots had signatures that should have been reviewed or ‘cured’ but were not. 

Dr. Shiva Ayyaduriai is one of the brightest guys in America.  His resume reads as follows:

Dr. V.A. Shiva Ayyadurai, the inventor of email and polymath, holds four degrees from MIT, is a world-renowned systems scientist, inventor and entrepreneur. He is a Fulbright Scholar, Lemelson-MIT Awards Finalist, India’s First Outstanding Scientist and Technologist of Indian Origin, Westinghouse Science Talent Honors Award recipient, and a nominee for the U.S. National Medal of Technology and Innovation.

In late February, Dr. Shiva Ayyaduriai released the results of his study of the ballots counted in the 2020 Election in Maricopa County, Arizona.  His results were shocking. He identified that Maricopa County likely had more than 200,000 ballots with signature issues that needed to be ‘cured’ but only 25,000 ‘cured’ ballots were reported in the 2020 Election results.

On Monday night Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai provided findings from the Election Systems Integrity Institute’s updated audit of signatures on 1,911,918 early voting mail ballots in Maricopa County’s 2020 General Election.

The key points from this study were as follows:

• At minimum, 215,856 early voting mail ballots (EVBs) should have been cured in Maricopa versus the ~25,000 cured by the County in the 2020 General Election.

• This updated Extended Study (“the Study”) along with the Pilot Study are the first to calculate signature mismatch rates of EVBs for Experts – Forensic Document Examiners (FDEs), Trained Novices (non-FDEs), and in a Two-Step Review process using non-FDEs and FDEs.

• One constraint of this Study is not having access to the signature files from the County.

• Given the nearly 10x difference in EVBs to be cured between this Study and the County’s actually number cured, if the County were to provide their signature files, an update to this Study can be performed.

• Maricopa County Election Dept. states it has a “rigorous signature verification process.”

• Of the 1,911,918 EVB signatures verified, the County reported only 25,000 were flagged as signature mismatches requiring review – “curing;” and after curing, the County concluded only 587 of the 25,000 (2.3%) to be “Bad Signatures.”

• This Extended Study confirms the findings of the earlier Pilot Study and concludes that the process used for signature verification in Maricopa is a flawed signature verification process.

Dr. Shiva discussed these results and his history leading up to this point on The Joe Hoft Show on Tuesday.  Here are some notes from that discussion:

  • As a 14-year-old kid, Dr. Shiva created the first email system.
  • In 2017 Dr. Shiva went against Elizabeth Warren under the campaign: “Only the real Indian can beat the fake Indian.”
  • Dr. Shiva got involved in the Arizona audit at the end of it.  He was contracted to audit the ballot images but unfortunately was provided corrupted ballot images by Cyber Ninjas.  He didn’t finally receive the uncorrupted ballot images until December.
  • The Arizona Senate then contracted him to analyze the ballot envelopes and he identified various issues.
  • He then looked at signatures but the county didn’t provide signatures on file so a group of individuals assisted in obtaining signatures elsewhere.  This is how they determined over 200,000 ballots should have been ‘cured’ but were not.
  • The next step would be to obtain signatures from the county to do a more thorough review if they will provide.
  •  The county actually stated that they cured “up to 25,000” ballots but don’t provide the exact number.
  • Legislation should be put in place to identify what is an actual vote which currently isn’t in place.
  • The audit did not include a signature verification review.

See original here, including video.


COVID Drugs Politics

Official New Zealand Ministry of Health Data shows the Fully Vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS)

Views: 76

The New Zealand Ministry of Health are presenting Covid-19 data in a way that misleadingly suggests the Covid-19 injections are extremely effective, and they are deceivingly doing their upmost to ensure you cannot prove otherwise.

But as is always the case here at The Expose, where there is a will, there is a way, and we have managed to uncover the true nature of the current Covid-19 situation in New Zealand according to the Ministry of Health’s buried statistics, and the data strongly suggests the fully vaccinated are developing Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS).

The New Zealand Ministry of Health (NZ MoH) have been publishing a daily ‘Covid-19: Case Demographics‘ report since August 2021, and in it they confirm the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status. However, the NZ MoH do not provide an archive of the data. Therefore, once a new update comes out it’s impossible to find what the data was showing the day before, a week before, or even two months before.

But just like Public Health Scotland originally did before we exposed them, and just like the Government of Canada are doing now, the New Zealand Ministry of Health only provide a cumulative total from the 16th August 21.

Which is both irritating, and extremely misleading when you consider New Zealand is currently experiencing it’s largest wave of Covid-19 to date by a country mile.

But that isn’t the only deception. On the 16th August 2021, the date the New Zealand Ministry of Health have chosen to provide a cumulative total from, just 18.4% of the population of New Zealand were considered fully vaccinated.

It isn’t until around early December that vaccination begins to slow and approximately 75% of the population of New Zealand are considered fully vaccinated. Therefore, it would be very helpful to know the Covid-19 situation by vaccination status after this date, but for some strange reason the New Zealand Ministry of Health do not want you to know that.

However, thanks to the gift of the ‘Way Back Machine‘, and the irritating discovery that the New Zealand Ministry of Health recently changed the URL of their ‘Covid-19: Case Demographics‘ report, we have been able to find most of the previous reports, and have then been able to view the true picture of the Covid-19 pandemic in New Zealand by vaccination status, and unfortunately it strongly suggests the fully vaccinated are developing AIDS.

The following table is taken from the ‘Covid-19: Case Demographics‘ report published 25th Feb 2022, and it shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in New Zealand between 16th Aug 21 and 24th Feb 22.

The following table is taken from the ‘Covid-19: Case Demographics‘ report published 12th Feb 2022, and it shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in New Zealand between 16th Aug 21 and 11th Feb 22.

The following table is taken from the ‘Covid-19: Case Demographics‘ report published 6th Jan 2022, and it shows the number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status in New Zealand between 16th Aug 21 and 5th Jan 22.

Now all we have to do is perform simple subtraction to determine the true number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status between 6th Jan and 11th Feb 22, and between 12th Feb and 24th Feb 22. But for the purpose of our analysis we’re only going to concentrate on the fully vaccinated population (2 doses), the unvaccinated population (over 12) and the partially vaccinated population.

The following chart shows the true number of Covid-19 cases by vaccination status between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, and between 12th Feb and 24th Feb.

As you can see in both periods the fully vaccinated population have accounted for the majority of Covid-19 cases, but the difference in the number of cases by vaccination status between 12th Feb and 24th Feb is shocking.

Many people might say “this to be expected when the majority of people are fully vaccinated, but vaccination reduces the chances of being infected with Covid-19”.

It’s all fine and dandy to say that, but can they prove it?

Well the best way to prove it is by looking at the number of cases per 100,000 individuals by vaccination status. But again, the New Zealand Ministry of Health doesn’t want you to know that, so we’ll just have to calculate them ourselves.

The total population size of New Zealand is 5.084 million.

And according to the 2013 census, the number of people in New Zealand under the age of 12 is approximately 578,802.

Therefore, because we’re disregarding the under 12’s due to them being ineligible for vaccination, we’re left with a population size of approximately 4,505,198.

But because Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has done such a good job at forcing people to take an experimental injection via Draconian vaccination mandates in New Zealand, there isn’t actually that many people who are unvaccinated, approximately 50,000 or so.

Therefore, for our analysis we are going to group the unvaccinated with the partly vaccinated population and compare them against the double vaccinated population.

So for the total population size by vaccination status between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, we’re going to go in the middle of the park and use the numbers published on 24th Jan 22.

Whilst for the total population size by vaccination status between 12th Feb and 24th Feb, we’re going to go in the middle of the park and use the numbers published on 18th Feb 22.

After some very boring maths we’re left with the following for the 24th Jan –

  • Not Vaccinated (over 12) + Partly Vaccinated population size = 591,390
  • Fully Vaccinated population size (two dose only) = 2,821,393

And the following for the 18th Feb –

  • Not Vaccinated (over 12) + Partly Vaccinated population size = 552,916
  • Fully Vaccinated population size (two dose only) = 1,798,419

Now to work out the Covid-19 case rate per 100,000 by vaccination status all we have to do is divide each population size by 100k, and then divide the number of cases by the answer to that previous equation.

The following chart shows the Covid-19 case rate per 100k population by vaccination status between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, and between 12th Feb and 24th Feb 22 –

These case-rates certainly pour water on the bonfire of anyone who says “vaccination reduces the chances of being infected with Covid-19”, don’t they?

Now that we know the Covid-19 case-rates by vaccination status we’re able to use Pfizer’s vaccine effectiveness formula to work out the real-world vaccine effectiveness.

Unvaccinated case rate – Vaccinated case rate / Unvaccinated case rate = Vaccine Effectiveness

The following chart shows the real-world two-dose Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, and between 12th Feb and 24th Feb 22 –

Between 6th Jan and 11th Feb the real-world Covid-19 vaccine effectiveness proved to be minus-94.4%, but by the 24th Feb, the real-world vaccine effectiveness fell to minus-281.35%. This means the fully vaccinated are 3.8 times more likely to be infected with Covid-19 than the unvaccinated/one dose vaccinated population. This is what double vaccination has done to the people of New Zealand.

But vaccine effectiveness isn’t really a measure of a vaccine, it is a measure of a vaccine recipients immune system performance compared to the immune system performance of an unvaccinated person.

The Covid-19 vaccine is supposed to train your immune system to recognise the spike protein of the original strain of the Covid-19 virus. It does this by instructing your cells to produce the spike protein, then your immune system produces antibodies and remembers to use them later if you encounter the spike part of the Covid-19 virus again.

But the vaccine doesn’t hang around after it’s done the initial training, it leaves your immune system to take care of the rest. So when the authorities state that the effectiveness of the vaccines weaken over time, what they really mean is that the performance of your immune system weakens over time.

Therefore, in regards to the Covid-19 injections –

  • A vaccine effectiveness of +50% would mean that the fully vaccinated are 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated. In other words the fully vaccinated have an immune system that is 50% better at tackling Covid-19.
  • A vaccine effectiveness of 0% would mean that the fully vaccinated are no more protected against Covid-19 than the unvaccinated, meaning the vaccines are ineffective. In other words the fully vaccinated have an immune system that is equal to that of the unvaccinated at tackling Covid-19.
  • But a vaccine effectiveness of -50% would mean that the unvaccinated were 50% more protected against Covid-19 than the fully vaccinated. In other words the immune system performance of the vaccinated is 50% worse than the natural immune system performance of the unvaccinated. Therefore, the Covid-19 vaccines have damaged the immune system.

The problem we’re seeing here is that the immune system isn’t returning to its original and natural state. If it was then the outcomes of infection with Covid-19 would be similar to the outcomes among the not-vaccinated/one dose vaccinated population.

Instead, it continues to decline at a rate that means the not-vaccinated population have a better performing immune system, so this means the Covid-19 injections are decimating the immune systems of the fully vaccinated.

But to work out immune system performance we have to alter the calculation used to work out vaccine effectiveness slightly and divide our answer by either the largest of the vaccinated or unvaccinated case rate.

Unvaccinated case rate – Vaccinated case rate / largest of the unvaccinated / vaccinated case rate = Immune System Performance

The following chart shows the real-world immune system performance of the fully vaccinated population in New Zealand between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, and between 12th Feb and 24th Feb 22 compared to the immune system performance of the unvaccinated population –

Between 6th Jan and 11th Feb, the immune system performance of the fully vaccinated equated to -49%, meaning they were down to the last 51% of their immune system. But fast forward to 24th Feb, and we find that the immune system performance of the fully vaccinated in New Zealand has fallen to -74%, meaning the fully vaccinated populations immune systems have degraded by a further 25% in just 13 days, and they are now down to the last 26% of their immune system.

If the fully vaccinated population continues to degrade at the same rate, then they could have developed full blow AIDS by the middle of March 2022.

AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is the name used to describe a number of potentially life-threatening infections and illnesses that happen when your immune system has been severely damaged.

People with acquired immune deficiency syndrome are at an increased risk for developing certain cancers and for infections that usually occur only in individuals with a weak immune system.

Unfortunately, the New Zealand Ministry of Health data shows that the fully vaccinated population are now just weeks away from developing Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome, (AIDS) or a novel condition with similar attributes that can only be described as Covid-19 Vaccine Induced Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (VAIDS), and the repurcussions of this are already being seen in the official Covid-19 hospitalisation statistics for New Zealand –

Editors Note: The Exposé is a UK based website, which is being censored by Google, Facebook. and Twitter. PayPal has de-platformed them as well.

“We’re not funded by the Government
to publish lies and propaganda on their
behalf like the mainstream media.”


Corruption Politics

To Russia, with Love: House Democrats Block Bill to Approve Keystone XL Pipeline, Promote ‘American Energy Independence From Russia’

Views: 40

By Nathan Worcester for EPOCH TIMES   March 2, 2022

Legislation promoting U.S. energy independence from Russia has been blocked by House Democrats.

House Republicans introduced the “American Independence from Russian Energy Act” on Feb. 28, a measure meant to authorize the Keystone XL pipeline, boost domestic oil and gas production, and prevent President Joe Biden’s executive branch agencies from halting energy leasing on federal land and water, among other provisions. Yet on March 1, the legislation was shot down in a 221–202 vote, almost entirely along partisan lines.

“Getting our pipelines expanded is huge,” Rep. Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.), ranking member of the House Natural Resources Committee and a co-sponsor of the measure, told The Epoch Times. “We’re having to import Russian energy to the New England states because we don’t have pipelines that can carry Pennsylvania natural gas up there.”

U.S. crude oil imports from Russia more than doubled in 2021, rising to an average of 209,000 barrels per day from a daily average of roughly 76,000 per day barrels in 2020, according to data from the Energy Information Administration (EIA).

Raúl Grijalva (D-Ariz.), chair of the House Natural Resources Committee, didn’t respond to a request for comment by press time on his choice to vote down the legislation.

Republicans on the floor voiced near-unanimous support for the measure, with Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) describing U.S. reliance on Russian oil and petroleum products as “unconscionable.”

By contrast, Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.) said Republicans “talk about energy independence, yet … are the ones who have consistently voted against and opposed green and renewable energy here at home, which is the fastest way to achieve real energy independence.”

The 220 Democrats who voted the legislation down were joined by Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.), who said the measure could open up the northwest Florida coast to drilling, potentially impeding military testing and related missions that take place east of the Military Mission Line.

Westerman told The Epoch Times that Gaetz’s objection was a “totally illegitimate concern.”

“I don’t know where he got the misinformation, but it talks about the Western Gulf [of Mexico],” he said. “It is not going to allow drilling around Florida.”

A spokesperson for Gaetz explained the congressman’s concerns to The Epoch Times.

Although the bill doesn’t specifically authorize drilling near Gaetz’s district, it keeps the president and his cabinet from freezing the new drilling lease sales on federal land or water. Any withdrawal of those federal holdings from drilling would have to be authorized by Congress.

The spokesperson said this language could be used to undermine a September 2020 memorandum from then-President Donald Trump extending the drilling moratorium off Florida’s northwest coast until 2032.

“The Congressionally approved moratorium is set to expire in June of 2022,” the spokesperson said, referring to the original Gulf of Mexico Energy Security Act that made the area off-limits for drilling.

“It would be foolish to respond to Russia’s aggression by rendering America less capable to defeat Russia or anyone else,” the spokesperson said. “Protecting the Gulf Test Range is in America’s best interest.”

The spokesperson told The Epoch Times that Gaetz is on record as favoring more U.S. energy production to undercut Russia, drawing attention to a passage in Gaetz’s 2020 book, “Firebrand”:

“Asia’s largest consumer of energy, China, is right next to Asia’s largest producer, Russia. They are building bridges to one another that could well imperil the free world.

“We can beat Russia and other fossil fuel foes just by keeping the price of oil perpetually low.”

Westerman, who said he supports an “all of the above” energy strategy that includes oil, gas, nuclear, solar, and wind, pointed out that greenhouse gas emissions fell during the Trump administration.

“I don’t think Putin gives a rip about environmental goals, or anybody’s economy other than his own,” he said.

The legislation instructs the secretary of the interior to immediately restart the oil and gas lease sales required by the Mineral Leasing Act, which Biden first froze through Executive Order 14008 in January 2021.

In addition, it specifically instructs the secretary to hold at least four oil and gas lease sales in Wyoming, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Montana, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Nevada, and “any other state in which there is land available for oil and natural gas leasing under the [Mineral Leasing] Act.”

The Epoch Times has reached out to three key bureaus and agencies of the Interior Department involved in mining and drilling authorization—the Bureau of Land Management, the Ocean Energy Management Bureau, and the Office of Surface Reclamation and Enforcement—but didn’t receive a response by press time.

“Democrats blocking the Act yesterday from even being considered demonstrates how unserious they are about truly addressing the crisis in Ukraine,” Kathleen Sgamma, president of the Western Energy Alliance, a nonprofit energy industry association, told The Epoch Times in an email.

“We have the energy resources to starve Putin of revenue and lower prices for Americans if the president would just take action within his power now. For example, the government is holding up hundreds of federal permits in the Permian Basin, America’s most prolific oil region. Most are ready to go but are being held up for more climate change analysis.”

Representatives for the U.S. branch of Fridays for Future, the international climate movement started by Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, didn’t respond to a request for comment on the legislation by press time.


Uncategorized Biden Pandemic COVID Opinion Politics

Sen. Marshall Resolution to Block Vaccine Mandate Passes.

Views: 3

Reprint from McClatchy DC.



Kansas Sen. Roger Marshall’s resolution blocking a Biden administration order requiring healthcare workers to get vaccinated against COVID-19 passed the U.S. Senate on Wednesday after Democrats didn’t have enough senators present to vote it down. Called a “resolution of disapproval,” the legislation would block a rule implemented by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services that requires every employee, volunteer and contractor working at a healthcare facility that accepts Medicaid and Medicare to get the COVID-19 vaccine unless they have a medical or religious exemption.

“The Biden Administration’s mandate is about fulfilling their desire to control every aspect of our lives, and it’s a slap in the face to the hard-working men and women who never took a day off in the front-line fight of the COVID-19 battle,” Marshall said in a speech on the Senate floor, a stethoscope wrapped around his neck.

Vote was 49-44. This now goes to the House.


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